Yes, this is Doomed Desires, and no my account didn't get hacked. See, my profile for more details on that.
Anyway, I just wanted to re-do Starting Over Again, which I have saved on Microsoft Word on my iPad. I'm going to go through every chapter and revise, revise, revise! Eventually, that is. ^^; I still have way more chapters to get through.
So, some things will remain the same while others will change, which you'll see soon enough. Also, Flippy/Flaky is still one of my favorite heterosexual ships out there-in fact, it was the first pairing I love and still ship!
On with the story.
The sky was dyed pomegranate pink combined with the ashy black haze of smoke that drifted up from the skeletal steel frames and crumbling charcoal that had been a home not a mere hour ago, a home of peace to the fiery haired girl who had once dwelled in the interior along with her kind and caring mom and dad.
Then her life went up in flames. Literally. And now she was left with all of her possessions burnt until they were nothing but small wisps of objects she could never bring back, just like...
Her amber orbs glistened with tears that trickled down her porcelain cheeks, hands gripping at her dandruff flaked hair and dying embers reflected in her saddened gaze as she turned away and held back a sob that threatened to send her sorrow bursting from her chest.
Which it soon was released out in the open, making its presence known.. Falling to her knees on the ground, Flaky wept loudly into her hands to get out all of her pent up sadness and despair that she held inside herself from the time she'd been standing and staring at the ruined wreckage
Soft whines and labored breathing caused her body to tense and her thin shoulders to heave until she had exhausted herself enough to where her crying ceased, Flaky's eyes red and puffy as she wiped away at her tears.
Her gaze traveled upward again to take in the awful sight. Nothing had been spared, but…
There! What was that? can't be…I thought everything had burnt up.
When she had looked at the rubble and thought that's what it was, apparently she hadn't looked hard enough to see her small crimson diary that had not been tainted by the flames, and obviously survived.
A hand flew over her mouth and a hand rose to push herself up quickly to run over and carefully dust off the leather covering then clutched the book tightly to her black spaghetti strap bound bust. Her fingers danced down to smooth out her brown frilled skirt and the wind caressed through her strands of hair with the gentlest of breezes, snowy flakes being sent drifting through sky.
This is all I have left now. My only remaining memory of my family.
A pang of sadness washed over her and she willed herself not to cast another glance at what lay in her eyesight.
No more helping mom out in the garden…
No more hearing dad's voice, or laughing at his stupid jokes…
She shook her head.
There's nothing for me here now. I need to be brave…
A white sandal clad heel stepped forward.
….And carry on.
Sorry for the short first chapter. The next ones will be longer, and you'll get to see just how Flaky caused the fire MUCH later.
Please review and message me if you have any questions.