Disclaimer: Tra la la… don't own Companions, don't own Valdemar, don't own most stuff. ^^ Domo arigatou to Mercedes Lackey for gifting us with her wonderful world. ^^ If you want to borrow any of my original characters (Sera, Lani, Meriol, Celeste, Denny, etc.) I'd be more than happy to let you, but please ask first, ne? ^_~

Notes: Okay, the first chapter is up (by popular demand) but I can guarantee when the next one will make it out. I'm in the middle of exam time at school right now, and haven't been feeling the greatest lately so all my writing has been put on the back burner to simmer for the time being. *bows* Gomen ne.

Thanks muchly to everyone who reviewed Angel Wings, and especially to everyone who emailed me to send comments and/or ask about the continuation! And to everyone who gave me their opinion in the POV debate! *glomps* And now, the second half of Seraphim's story~!

Devil, Mine

Chapter One: Back To The Sun


A word I'd never really contemplated before, but one that's meaning was suddenly dawning on me; I realized, as I again raced down the cobblestone streets of Karse, that I had never truly been whole until that moment. It was a strange feeling, like finding something you didn't even know had been missing.

It felt so right…

I could barely keep my heart from soaring. Which, in my particular case, meant that I really was having trouble keeping my hooves on the ground. Though, to be truthful, I wasn't sure I could even lift myself on my never-used wings, never mind with Celeste on my back.

Which might not have been a problem for much longer, I realized, as the child was having trouble keeping balanced as I roared toward the border. I ignored the pain that stabbed through my shoulders when she suddenly slipped, then clutched at the closest thing to keep from crashing to the ground – this happened to be a combination of the lower part of my mane and the feathers of my upper wings.


Celeste jumped at my exclamation, and I could Feel her begin to panic. There was no time for that. Reacting without thinking, I grasped her mind and poured all the confidence I could from myself to her. Hopefully, that would do it. Her hands relaxed minutely, relieving some of the pull on my mane and wings, though it certainly wasn't gone.


Meriol was still beside me, of course. I'd almost forgotten about him. :What, Meriol?!:

:Those Priests…!:

What? The Priests?

:What about them?:

:They're BEHIND us, Sera!:

Behind…? I cocked my right ear back, listening… sure enough, beyond my hoofbeats and those of Meriol were the sounds of at least two horses, possibly three. Huh. I hadn't thought that the Priests would follow us. It just hadn't seemed a likely situation, given how terrified they had been when I had – ahem -- invited myself into the Temple.

It wasn't enough that they'd been bricking an innocent (and there was no question in my mind this was exactly what Celeste was) girl into a wall, but they had to chase after us now? What could she had possibly done to warrant such behavior? Why was it so important that they follow through with what they'd started?

I fought the rage that threatened to bubble to the surface as my mind worked through those questions.

If I let my temper get the better of me, there might be problems. Not that there weren't already.

Shouts caught my attention, and I focused my eyes on the road ahead, flicking my ears back to the front. We were close to the border once more. How we had managed to get there so quickly… we were running for our lives… for Celeste's life, I suppose… faster than we would have normally… near the line between our country and Karse were the same people who had stopped us before. Bram and Hanner, along with their Chosen and the Guards were watching, seeming horrified, as we flew toward them, hooves flashing.

But there was…

:Watch your feet!: Meriol told me, his Mindvoice gasping, :they've strung a rope!:

I snorted angrily, and lowered my head, preparing to jump. I wasn't going to let some stupid rope keep me from Valdemar and safety. Did they think we were stupid? Well, they were about to get a hell of a surprise if they did…

:Hang on Celeste!:

The girl whimpered, ducking her head down, and I tensed my muscles, then sprung forward into a leap – against my will, my wings spread as I did. I probably looked amazing, if I do say so myself. Unfortunately, the damned things did more harm than good; instead of actually taking me into the air (which, I admit, would have been somewhat frightening for Celeste and I) they simply opened, which added a wonderfully harsh wind resistance to my normally streamlined body.

:Damn it!:

Still, I would have been fine—

--if it wasn't for the rope that was still dangling, unchecked, from around my neck because of my last passing through the border. As I jumped past the Karsites, a too-fast hand darted out, snatching the rope-end from midair.

Now, a human being is no match for the strength of a horse, never mind a Companion, not to mention one that's moving at the speed I was. There was no way he could hold me, in fact, the man's arm was surely wrenched from it's socket, and I allowed myself a quick thought of 'serves him right', but the jerk on my neck did enough damage as it was.

I uttered a shriek as my head snapped to the side, throwing my balance to the winds. My body jerked to the side after my momentum, my front legs flailed wildly, trying to find purchase where there was none, and my wings flared out. On my back, Celeste screamed, her voice high and piercing, and tangled her fingers in my mane and wings once more; I could feel feathers and hair tear from my skin under her frantic grip. I winced, knowing that blood would soon be dripping across my skin, as I struggled to regain my balance.

:Sera!: Meriol's frantic Shout barely made it into my thoughts…

Chest heaving, my hooves scrabbled on the cobblestone, and I managed to get my feet under myself once more. Celeste was hanging halfhazardly on my back, having tipped to the side when the rope around my neck had been snagged. I worried that she might fall, and mentally gripped her hands, securing them in the silver-and-red hair of my now-bleeding neck.

My heart was pounding in my ears, but I didn't give myself time to calm it – I stood for a split second, panting, before leaping into movement again. But as I stood, my eyes landed on our pursuers, who were (contrary to what both Meriol and I had believed) not the Priests, but members of the Karsite Guard. I momentarily wondered why they would have bothered to call the Guard to bring back a single prisoner… but I would have to learn Celeste's crime later.

:Almost there, Chosen, just a little farther--:

Though free from the grasp of the idiotic man who had attempted to stop me via the rope, I soon found that they weren't willing to give up so easily. Another man – surely it was someone different – chose to risk both life and limb, and ducked in close to grab the end of the rope again. Snorting in shock (how could these people possibly be so stupid--?!), I side stepped, then took three half-running steps and pressed my nose up against his, practically pushing him backward. Growling (a surprising noise to hear from a horse-like creature, no doubt, but one I somehow managed), I blew an angry breath of air across his face.

There was a moment of silence, broken only by the hoofbeats of the Guard, who were catching up me to quickly.

Finally; :I would remove my hand from that rope, were I you--:

I had broken the Silence yet again… and I was sure I would hear about it later. For now…

:--or would you rather I removed it for you?:

The man's eyes widened at the threat behind my words, and his trembling hand immediately released the rope.

Snorting in his face once more, I reared back, tossing my head. This had the effect of throwing the rope over my shoulder and practically into Celeste's hands. She numbly grasped it, propelled by my mental directing, and I backed away from the man, noting the fear still etched across his features, before turning and jumping—

I soared across the border, making those who were waiting with baited breath – Meriol, Heralds and Guard alike – scramble to get out of my way, for fear of being trampled, and landing with a sharp clatter.

:Sera, are you alright?:

I ignored Meriol's worried question and whirled to face the border. As I had passed, Bram's Chosen had quickly shouted orders, and the Guard had taken up positions, blocking anyone from following me. The people who had given me trouble both on entry and exit of Karse had given way to the Karsite Guard, who perched on their horses, were glaring toward Meriol, Celeste and I with barely-contained fury.

Let them glare.

Silently, I hoped that I hadn't just caused an incident… relations between Karse and Valdemar had been going along well, and all I needed was to start a war. Though concerned, I honestly didn't think there would be a huge problem… Selenay would speak with Solaris, and all would go back to normal… Solaris was an intelligent and understanding ruler… I hoped…

:Young One,: Hanner's Voice boomed, making me turn sky blue eyes toward him, :there had better be a good explanation for this.:

:There is.: I assured him immediately, :just let me think of what it is, and I'll let you know. Come on, Meriol, we need to get back to Haven.:

:Wait, you--:

Hanner broke off, sighing, when he realized I wasn't listening to him anymore.

And I was happy, mentally consoling Celeste, calming her, and folding my wings back up to my sides, as Meriol and I broke into a canter on our way back home. But… there was something… a feeling… creeping up the back of my neck…

"What is it?" Celeste asked timidly, catching the strange feeling from me.

I considered, Sending my Mind out for a moment, then shrugged, a ripple of my shining hide.

:Nothing, Sister. Nothing…:

But I wasn't exactly sure...