Herrow! My name is shiawase shika! This is my FIRST fanfic! Yay! So I bet all I write about on my account is Miraculous Ladybug fanfics. I can't live without my awful sense of humor so probably all my fanfics are going to be funny. Well it depends on what you think is "funny". So, without further adieu, let's get started!

Summary: When Chloé figures out Marinette's secret identity the two get closer together as friends.

Chapter One:

Why Chloé?

Marinette didn't expect it, Chloé didn't expect it, Alya didn't expect it, Adrien didn't expect it, Sabrina didn't expect it, Sabine didn't expect it, Tom didn't expect it, hell, neither did the rest of Marinette's class expect it. You wanna know why it happened? When it happened? How did it happen in the first place? Well I'mma go on and tell you. If you're so curious...

It was a Monday, or should I say, Mourn-day, it was rainy and it seemed no one was in the mood of learning. A normal, typical, Monday. Right?


Well there was an akuma attack that day and Ladybug blew her shit that day as well. A man, named Maxday hated Monday and he wanted to eliminate it from the calandar. Luckily, Ladybug clensed the akuma (If you didn't know, akuma means devil in Japanese) and all was well. Right?


Haha. Nope.

Chloé you stalker. Too much of a Ladybug fan, are you? As Ladybug was finished and started leaving, dumb little Chloé followed. Like a cat and mouse game. Wait who would be the cat then? Who would be the mouse? Whatever. Ladybug caught a glimpse of her and sighed very hard. "God Chloé you are not seriously following me right now." She muttered under her breath. It was pouring chat noirs and dogs (Okay I'll stop with the puns) and Chloé still was following her. She had to run a bit faster so she wouldn't cat-ch up (Okay this time I mean it. I will stop.) she wouldn't want Chloé to know her secret identity. She was the last person who she wanted to know. As she ran faster, Chloé did too. Does she seriously want to know her secret identity? She was her "number one fan" okay maybe her #2 fan because Alya was definitely the first. Ladybug started to run faster than Sonic-fast. You know if I could add music to this scene, the Sonic X theme song would definitely be on right now.

How, just how, was Chloé able to run that fast? Ah, the world may never know.

Just as Ladybug's transformation wore off, she was on her balcony. "MARINETTE?! THIS BITCH IS HER?!" Marinette knew that Chloé was literally exploding, but not in a good way. Poor, poor, Marinette. She knew Chloé was bursting through the bakery's doors and headed straight for Marinette. She didn't even look. She could just tell. Chloé was probably go all super-saiyan mode and kamehameha all up in Marinette's ass. She knew she would.

Chloé tore through Marinette's bedroom door and started, crying? Chloé fell to her knees and, no I'm not kidding with you, started crying. Well, this is uh, er- suprising. In this situation, what would you do? It seems so wierd and akward. God Marinette you really get in lots of sticky situations.

How was that? Was it good? Write a review down below! Criticism is allowed since this is my first fanfic after all. So everyone I'mma go, and type up the next chapter! Bai! :3