AN: Something i may or may not continue with later on, who knows.


The words flashed in huge neon letter on front of Harry Potter, age 167.

"what…the hell?" he muttered to himself as the words continued to flash at him. Swiping his hand to banish the words with a wordless spell Harry was unprepared for the 2 words to be replaced with a small paragraph.


You have successfully beat A Lifetime as Harry Potter on Hard mode and have Unlocked Cheat Mode.

Cheat mode will enable the use of Special Codes to alter gameplay to the players content.

To start a game with Cheat Mode select [New Game +]

"Hang on… my life is a video game?" Harry gped as he processed the information in front of him. "That…would explain a few things…"

Had this have shown up when he was in his pre 75 years age Harry wold have totally flipped out breathing hellfire, but after he hit 75 Harry had grown far more relaxed with dealing with events that happened around him.

Going for broke Harry spoke to the whiteness around him.

"I don't really have a choice in this do I?"

Not really no, your options are to start a new game or stare into whiteness for eternity.

This is however the 1st time you have completed the game at all, every other time you died before the end and had to start from the start each time.

That being said, the Difficulty setting was not in the choice section last time you started the game, a developers bug most likely.

"Wait, a developers bug? If my life's a video game and everyone on planet is part of it, how can there be a creator if I'm the only 1 playing, who's the developer?"

If you eliminate all possible options, then the last remaiming option, regardless of its possibility, have to be the only answer available.

"….you have gotta be shitting me…your saying God created this game?"

Correct. This is a simulation game to predict the outcome of Infinity if God decided to create Infinity with magic threaded through its tapestry.

"I guess no one gets it right on the first shot, and you say I've not ever completed this game before, always dying before the end?"

Correct. Passing the game requires the player to pass away of old age. Prior to this last play though, you had yet to succeed.

"How many times have I failed?" Harry asked curoiously, if not a little worried about the answer. He was right to be little scared of the answer.

Your attempts at playing have led to 3 Decillion 2 nonillion 1 octillion 9 Septillion 8 sextillion 7 quintillion 6 Quadrillion 5 trillion 4 billion 3 million 219 hundred thousand 876 and 54 reattempts.

"Holy crap…how the hell did I continue to try?"

Every time you have died you were under the impression that this was the 1st time. Since until now you have never beat the game the default settings for the game were used as your base character, there was no way for you to have known.

Harry just shook his head at the absurdity of it all.

"Yeah, well you tell God next time not to set the default difficulty setting to Hard." Harry deadpanned.

The Developer had a response to that premade, it reads "Life isn't meant to be easy, get over it and get on with it."

Harry opened his mouth to retort before mulling over the words for a bit internally before conceding the point.

"I suppose I better get on with it then huh?" Harry mused before selecting the [New Game +] option.

Select your attributes, you have 25 atribute points to start with and gain 1 atribute point per level up. Due to this being the [New Game +] option, you have access to 10 more attribute points at start to distribute as you will. Additionally because you are here after finishing the game, if/when you choose [New Game +] you will have remembered your last playthrough, so keep that in mind

Harry looked over the listed attributes and began strategizing. Though nowhere near as strategically smart as Ron had been in his last playthrough, Harry had grown to be quite a cunning individual when it came to forethought, though this largely came about his 45th birthday onwards.

Strength aka Body, Might, Brawn, ...

A measure of how physically strong a character is. Strength often controls the maximum weight the character can carry, melee attack and/or damage, and sometimes hit points. Armor and weapons might also have a Strength requirement.

Perception aka Alertness, Awareness, Cautiousness, ...

A measure of a character's openness to their surroundings. Perception controls the chance to detect vital clues, traps, or hiding enemies, and might influence combat sequence, or the accuracy of ranged attacks. Perception-type attributes are more common in more modern games. Sometimes combined with wisdom.

Constitution aka Stamina, Endurance, Vitality, ...

A measure of how sturdy a character is. Constitution often influences hit points, resistances for special types of damage (poisons, illness, heat etc.) and fatigue.

Charisma aka Presence, Charm, Social, ...

A measure of a character's social skills, and sometimes their physical appearance. Charisma generally influences prices while trading, and NPC reactions.

Intelligence aka Intellect, Mind, Knowledge, ...

A measure of a character's problem-solving ability. Intelligence often controls a character's ability to comprehend foreign languages and their skill in magic. In some cases, intelligence controls how many skill points the character gets at "level up". In some games, it controls the rate at which experience points are earned, or the amount needed to level up. This is sometimes combined with wisdom and/or willpower.

Dexterity aka Agility, Reflexes, Quickness, ...

A measure of how agile a character is. Dexterity controls attack and movement speed and accuracy, as well as evading an opponent's attack (see Armor Class).

Wisdom aka Spirit, Wits, Psyche, Sense, ...

A measure of a character's common sense and/or spirituality. Wisdom often controls a character's ability to cast certain spells, communicate to mystical entities, or discern other characters' motives or feelings.

It took Harry almost 15 minutes of umming and erring before he decided on his stat choices.

S 1

P 4

E 9

C 7

I 7

A 3

Wis 4

Do you want to commit these attribute points? [Y/N]

Happy with his choice Harry selected Yes

Select Difficulty [Easy/Normal/Hard]

From what the voice said, he had beat Hard, so after a minute Harry decided to say screw it and selected Easy.

'Life isn't meant to be easy, but I did it on Hard so I deserve a little leeway I think.'

That was Harry's last conscious thought before his vision started to blur.

Game starting

Harry's eyes shot open with a start. His eyes darting around left, right, up and down.

'Oh wow, who'd have thought I'd have cognitive thinking as a 15 month old toddler, Petunia will absolutely freak out about this.' Harry thought as he wiggled in his wrapped blanket to free a limb before he froze as there were hallucinogenic images playing in his field of vision, similar to photo bleaching after a camera flash.

This is your H.U.D [Heads Up Display], it will show you your current mana and hitpoints, as well as your current status. Additional information will appear on your H.U.D depending on your Perception level.

'Nice tutorial.' Harry mused before he noticed a small blinking curser in the top right corner. Looking at it Harry blinked, the blinking icon enlarging into a rectangular box that took up the top half of his field of vision. In the box Harry noted the message he had just read was just above the blinker in the box.

Harry then remembered what he just went through, specifically remembering the game mode he had unlocked and chosen to play. His face spouted a maniacal grin, or as much as a 15 month old baby's face could, this was going to be FUN.

Scratch what he said earlier, this sucked!

Staring at a flashing [/] in the drop drown box in the H.U.D Harry thought it'd be as easy as inputting [Add {x}] x being whatever he wanted, but apparently there were rules to this, when he had entered [Add XP 100] the box had popped up.

[ERROR: Invalid command]

'Why isn't this working?' Harry steamed as he lay on the front step of Number 4 Privet Drive.

Then a thought came to him half an hour later of stewing in thought, it was on the side of hopefull and borderline ridiculous but hey, it was his life that was a game, there wasn't really anyone to criticize him that he really cared to listen to, he'd grown out of that a long time ago in his last game.


The dropbox filled with information

[Addexp (number)]

[Add Level]

[Giveitem (item name)]



Harry mentally grinned, now he was getting somewhere. There were other commands under those but Harry didn't quite understand what those meant and left them be for the time being. Testing it out Harry tried the top of the list.

[Addexp (500)

With a grin he entered the command.

[Error: invalid command]

Harry's ire soared.

As like last time Vernon and Petunia had chosen the stairs cupboard as his dwelling, it was more than fine by him as It took Harry days to find out how to use some of the commands and the Dursleys had barely touched him except to change the diaper he had on, then put him bak in the blankets that he was left in night ago.

'I'm going to milk this for all its worth.'

[Giveitem Bottled Milk] a toddler drink bottle filled with milk soundlessly appeared in front of him. Grasping it in his hands Harry started drinking and planning, this was not going to be last time, now that he knew the rules of the game and how to use commands. Once he finished the bottle Harry opened the command console again and discarded the bottle in the window, which vanished in a blink. Needing to know the time Harry tried another command.


[3:47 AM August 1st 1991]

'ok, so I still have time before the zoo family wake up, lets do some command testing shall we.'

{Set ….]

It took days for Harry to finally figure out some of the ways to use the [Set] commands, screw the stats he was given at the start of the game, he maxed them all to as high as he could manage. Apparently however, his infant body had restrictions on how high his base stats could reach based on its size, no amount of cheating could bypass that.

When he tried to set his [Strength] to max level he had received a message in response.

[Error: Body unable to handle attribute at this time, max [strength] set at 4/50 until level 10]

'Well shit, how about this then [Add level 10]' Harry thought with a sneer.

[Error: code not applicable in tutorial levels 1 through 10]

'Oh my god, so I can cheat, but not right now, that's just great…let me guess [Invulnerability]'

[Error: status [Invulnerability] unable to be set during tutorial levels]

'That's just great, so that cheat is pretty much unavailable till I get to Hogwarts, a useful cheat as all hell but useless till I hit level 10. Meh I should be able to get away with using the [heal] command while I'm here, as long as things work out the way they did last time'

10 years later

Living through the Tutorial years, when you knew they were tutorial years, was hell. Harry still shuddered when he remembered he would have gone through that experience over 1 decillion times and each time have forgotten it.

As like last time the owls with Harry's letter, once rejected, started coming in swarms till Vernon had lost it and crammed everyone in the car into the shack in the middle of nowhere, consequently on Harry's Eleventh birthday.

Harry was observing the time on his 3rd hand watch from the Dursley's Harry was able to smuggle access to, counting down the time till his birth time came, that was the time, Harry realized after the first 3 years of the tutorial, which his level went up.

"Four…three…two…one…bingo." Harry grinned a manic grin as a message popped up in front of him.

You have reached level 10!

You have earnt 1 Attribute point

This ends The Tutorial

AN: Maybe now this bunny will leave me alone. It's based off of the Star Wars RPG The Knights of the Old Republic, the game style, not the content or the story.

If a story like this already exists, that is NOT mmo based, PM me