Welcome, everyone, to the fourth installment of the Tinystar's Beginning series! Honestly didn't think I'd make it this far. By now, you all know the drill - but for those that don't: This is part of an AU series, exploring what might happen when certain characters are switched around. For instance, this story stars Tinyclaw instead of Firestar - in the original series, Tinyclaw was Scourge. There are other switches and changes from the canon, too, and there will be more!

Before this begins, I'd like to make a small announcement for Blood of the Tiger fans - unfortunately, due to some fuck-up on my part that I can't seem to explain, the file for BoT's story has been deleted. I've tried everything under the sun to get it back, but it's just gone to the ether, apparently. There was nothing on there but the next chapter and ALL my notes for up until the end of Storm Front. It's not a totally bad situation, but it will take some time to redo all of that stuff so please, bear with me. I'm going to be redoing my outline for the story before I start writing it again, which means there will be some delay for the next update. I'll try not to make it too long.

In the meantime, enjoy!



Leader: Tigerstar – big dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws

Deputy: Tinyclaw – very small black tom with one white paw (Cloudpaw)

Medicine Cats:

Yellowfang – old dark gray she-cat with a broad, flattened face; formerly of ShadowClan

Brackenfur – golden brown tabby tom with an injured leg


Whitestorm – big white tom (Swiftpaw)

Oakheart – a reddish brown tom (father of Mosskit, Mistykit, and Stonekit) (Fernpaw)

Brindleface – pretty tabby (mother of Ashpaw and Fernpaw)

Longtail – pale tabby tom with dark stripes (Brightpaw)

Runningwind – swift tabby tom

Mousefur – small dusky brown she-cat (Thornpaw)

Dustpelt – dark brown tabby tom (Ashpaw)

Sandstorm – pale ginger she-cat with green eyes

Cinderpelt – fluffy gray she-cat


Brightpaw – white-and-ginger she-cat

Cloudpaw – long-furred ginger-and-white she-cat

Swiftpaw – black-and-white tom

Thornpaw – golden-brown tabby tom

Ashpaw – gray tom with darker flecks

Fernpaw – pale gray she-cat with darker flecks


Frostfur – white-pelted she-cat with beautiful blue eyes (mother of Cinderpaw, Brackenpaw, Thornpaw, and Swiftpaw; caring for Mosskit, Stonekit, and Mistykit)

Speckletail – pale tabby, eldest queen (mother of Brightpaw and Snowkit; caring for Mosskit, Stonekit, and Mistykit)

Willowpelt – very pale gray she-cat with unusual blue eyes (expecting Whitestorm's kits)


Snowkit – deaf white tom with blue eyes

Halftail – big dark brown tabby tom with part of his tail missing

Smallear – gray tom with small ears, eldest ThunderClan tom

Patchpelt – small black-and-white tom

One-eye – pale gray she-cat, eldest cat in ThunderClan; virtually blind and deaf

Dappletail – once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with a lovely dappled coat


Leader: Nightpelt – black tom

Deputy: Cinderfur – thin gray tom

Medicine Cat: Runningnose – small gray-and-white tom


Stumpytail – brown tabby tom (Brownpaw)

Wetfoot – gray tabby tom (Oakpaw)

Littlecloud - small tabby tom

Whitethroat – black-and-white tom


Brownpaw – mottled brown-and-ginger tabby tom

Oakpaw – small, dark brown tom


Darkflower – black she-cat

Tallpoppy – long-legged light brown tabby she-cat


Brightflower – black-and-white she-cat

Dawncloud- small tabby


Leader: Tallstar – black and white tom with a very long tail

Deputy: Deadfoot – solid black tom with a twisted paw

Medicine Cat: Barkface – a short-tailed brown tom


Mudclaw – mottled dark brown tom (Webpaw)

Tornear – tabby tom (Tawnypaw)

Onewhisker – young, lithe brown tabby tom (Whitepaw)

Runningbrook – light gray-and-brown tabby she-cat


Webpaw – dark gray tabby tom

Whitepaw – small white she-cat

Tawnypaw – golden brown she-cat


Ashfoot – a gray queen

Morningflower – tortoiseshell queen


Leader: Crookedstar – huge light brown tabby with a twisted jaw

Deputy: Leopardfur – unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat

Medicine Cat: Mudfur – long-haired light brown tom


Blackclaw – smoky black tom (Heavypaw)

Brambleclaw – big dark brown tabby tom (Shadepaw)

Loudbelly – a dark brown tom

Graystripe – long-haired gray tom with a dark stripe along his spine; formerly of ThunderClan (Silverstream's mate)


Heavypaw – stocky, thickset tabby tom

Shadepaw – very dark gray she-cat


Tawnypelt – tortoiseshell she-cat

Silverstream – pretty slender silver tabby she-cat (mother of Featherkit and Stormkit)


Graypool – a thin, very dark gray she-cat with a scarred pelt

Goldenflower – pale ginger tabby she-cat (mother of Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt)


Rusty – handsome ginger tom with green eyes, kittypet (Fiona's mate)

Fiona – lovely long-haired white she-cat with pretty blue eyes, kittypet (mother of Cloudpaw)

Smudge – plump black-and-white kittypet

Barley – black-and-white loner, lives on the farm close to the forest

Ravenpaw – skinny black tom with a white chest and tail-tip; formerly of ThunderClan

Blackfoot – large white tom with huge black paws; formerly of ShadowClan

Russetfur – dark ginger she-cat; formerly of ShadowClan

Boulder – silver tabby tom; formerly of ShadowClan

Darkstripe – sleek black-and-gray tabby tom; formerly of ThunderClan

Bluefur – blue-gray she-cat with a silver muzzle; formerly of ThunderClan