Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or RWBY. The M Rating is because of future lemons and foul language.

Good to see a lot of people enjoyed the first chapter. This story actually came to me as an idea while I was listening to Red Like Roses Part 2, and I was flabbergasted and confused as to why NOBODY had done something like this before. Harem will only be adding three more girls. The three girls that get the most votes in the poll will be added to the harem, AND THAT WILL BE THE LIMIT!

Also, since it won't really be explained in the chapter, Naruto healed her with the Yang power from the six paths. However, he hasn't used it in so long that he couldn't stop it quick enough, and ended up de-ageing her.

Now then, let's begin!

Chapter 1: Explanations and Beacon

"I expected you to be mad about a lot of things," Naruto admitted to the now de-aged Summer Rose. After Summer's exclamation about 'being a midget' Naruto had burst out laughing. Shortly afterwards however, Naruto had set to work. He created a deceased and wounded body of Summer's proper age, and left it in the wasteland. Summer protested to this, but a single look from the blonde had silenced her. He'd then picked her up and teleported back to his Ramen stand, which is where they were now, eating Ramen together. "I didn't expect the first thing to come out of your mouth would be anger at being short."

Summer glared at him. "Well excuse me Mr 'I can change my age'!" She snapped at him. It appeared returning to being six had returned her personality to when she was six, however her memories were retained, which intrigued Naruto, and made a mental note of it. Naruto had created a copy of her outfit when she was a grown-up but shrunken down to fit her. "I was always picked on for being abnormally short! So sue me!"

The blonde shrugged. Honestly he couldn't blame her. He had acted exactly the same when Summer called him little one about an hour before. And when he himself with a six year old...how long ago was that? "Cool it, or you won't get any ramen."

That made Summer shut up immediately. What? She might have been pissed at him, but his ramen was heavenly. If he didn't make that ramen for her, she would destroy his stand, and then she'd never get the ramen. So she reluctantly kept quiet.

"That's better," Naruto smirked as he started to make Ramen up for the two of them. Honestly though, he couldn't even blame Summer for acting the way she was. In the span of just one hour since meeting him, she had nearly died, been brought back, been returned to six, and had her death faked.

Honestly, Naruto was surprised she didn't try and hit him like Sakura. On the bright side, Naruto had managed to grab her weapon and left some scraps of metal from his own weapons to make it seem as if her weapon had been broken in the fight.

A few minutes later, and Naruto and Summer were side by side, eating ramen. Summer slurped it up greedily, and Naruto did the same. "So," Summer spoke, trying to break the ice. She had calmed a bit so her mind was less of a mess now. "Care to tell me how exactly you got to me so fast?"

He hummed, as he debated on whether or not to tell her. Shrugging, he soon made his choice. "I don't exactly use aura like you other humans do," he told her. "I use an ancient power long forgotten by humanity known as chakra. It is the life energy that flows through us, similar to aura, but stronger and more powerful. Unlike when you run out of aura, chakra can kill you if you are too low on it. I DO have aura, but I had chakra long before I had aura, so chakra is my go to power, aura is just a back-up in case I run low on chakra...which never happens. The technique I used to teleport to you was my father's technique called the 'Hiraishin No Jutsu' or Flying Thunder God Technique in your tongue."

Summer looked at him in surprise. "I've never even heard of this 'chakra' before, and I study a LOT of history. How is it YOU know and have the power to use chakra, while other humans do not? Explain yourself."

Naruto chuckled. "I'll explain, calm down 'shorty'," he mocked, making her fume in anger though she stayed quiet. "Perhaps I should better introduce myself. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I am Remnant's resident immortal who has saved the world enough times that it may as well be my full-time occupation."

That made the huntress look at him doubtfully. Oh honestly, she shouldn't have expected a serious answer. "Yeah, right, and I'm the tooth fairy," she mumbled sarcastically. "There is no way you are immortal. That's impossible."

The blonde just smirked before he pulled out a knife and, right before her eyes stabbed himself through the side of the head. Summer's eyes widened in absolute horror, but the blonde still just sat there, eating his ramen without a care in the world. He pulled the knife out of his head and Summer saw VERY real blood on it, which he flicked off, to just outside his stand. "Believe me now 'Tooth Fairy'?"

The huntress turned child grumbled incoherently before looking at him. "Did you really have to stab yourself in the head to prove a point?"

He shrugged. "A stab wound to the head will kill any living human, no matter how strong your aura regeneration is. It is a rule of life, and it is one that you can't change. Some people are able to survive stab wounds to the heart, at least during my time. But a wound to your skull guaranteed your death."

Summer looked at him. "But to teleport to me, wouldn't you need to know where I was?"

"I did," Naruto told her. "When we shook hands, I placed a seal on you." Summer' eyes widened. She quickly removed her glove and, sure enough, a seal looking very similar to that on the hilt of Naruto's three pronged kunai was there. "That seal acts like an anchor, which then allows me to travel to the marker instantaneously. Well...not instantaneous..."

"What do you mean?" Summer asked, her curiosity peaked. Child or not, she loved information. Her husband (or was it former now that she would be legally deceased?) had always been one for fights rather than studying. So hearing about these 'seals' interested her heavily.

"It does make me travel very fast. At about a one-millionth of a second. But that is not instantaneous. This seal, for a very brief moment, turns back time as I teleport, removing that one-millionth of a second, and turning near-instantaneous teleportation to instantaneous," he explained with a shrug. He honestly hadn't understood all the mechanics behind the technique until he was 75. His father was a true genius of sealing, and Naruto was proud he was able to understand and learn his father's technique.

She stared at him in shock. "It turns back time?!" Even if it was only for a one-millionth of a second, the fact that the technique itself turned back time was incredible! She suddenly began to look at Naruto with pleading eyes, wanting to learn about seals.

"You can't," he spoke to her as he ate some more of his ramen, not even looking at her. "You do not have the chakra necessary for seals, and after watching how humans have ruined this world, I am not likely to teach ANYBODY how to use chakra."

"Aww..." Summer pouted. "But why not?"

Naruto shrugged. "Maybe one day, if I deem you worthy enough, I might gift you with the ability to use chakra. But don't hold your breath, gaki."


"It means brat."

Summer huffed. "I'll have you know I'm 28 years old!"

"And I'm well over a few billion," Naruto countered, making Summer shut her mouth. He finished off his ramen and glanced at her. "And right now your six. Now, any other questions?"

She tilted her head in thought. "Just one I guess..."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, waiting.

"Can you make some more ramen?"

(11 years later...)

Ozpin sighed from in his office at Beacon at the dead of night, looking through the bane of all that held a place of a within a place of authority. Yes, Ozpin spoke of something so evil that it would make Grimm themselves tremble in fear. Hell, it would make Salem tremble in fear, and she feared basically nothing!

Ozpin of course spoke of...paperwork. The hell of paperwork was something even the council hated. Honestly, who's idea had it been to create paperwork?! It just made everything more annoying, and too much of it would make a grown man whimper.

Granted, this paperwork wasn't as bad as other paperwork. He was looking through some last minute enrolment forms for Beacon. He had to check in case any of them were fabricated, or if he believed they didn't have the skills to make it into Beacon. Normally he would have Glynda do it, but right now she was busy with other matters, so he had to do it himself.

"Let's see..." he hummed as he grabbed one. "Jaune Arc..." he read over it. "Attended Signal Academy...well I know this is fabricated already. Jeremiah has been adamant on not allowing Jaune to be a huntsman. However...he could have potential...I shall allow him in, and judge later." He approved it before moving onto the next one.

"Blake Belladonna..." he murmured as he looked over it, before his eyes fell to the bow on her picture. "Faunus...outside training, shadows as her semblance, and adapt with stealth...outside training means she was most likely a White Fang member, and she is either infiltrating the school or has betrayed them...I shall allow it, but keep a close eye for the first few months..." he decided, approving it with his stamp, and then moving on.

"Naruto Uzumaki..." he tasted the words on his tongue at the unique name. His eyes fell on the picture. "Human, and it says he has outside training. His semblance allows him to float, however he has other skills. He is adapt with any weapon he is given, but heavily prefers the use of small knives..." he hummed in thought, before looking at his whisker marks. "Birth marks probably...we'll see how he does at initiation..." he approved it and moved on, and he nearly dropped the paper in shock.

"Summer Uzumaki..." he whispered, his eyes focused on the picture on what looked just like Summer Rose when she was first at Beacon. A distant relative perhaps? He took a breath and began to read through her information. "Human, seventeen, outside training...uses a pair of rotating circular saws attached to chains..." now Ozpin was getting suspicious. Looking exactly like her was one thing, but using her weapons? That was a definite call for suspicion. "Everything clears out...it isn't fake..." with a sigh, Ozpin approved it and stood. He walked to his window and stared at the shattered moon. "Summer Rose...if you are Summer Uzumaki, why do you look so young? And why have you hidden yourself?"

Ozpin didn't realize he'd get his answer sooner than he thought.

"NO!" Summer Rose yelled stubbornly as she was dragged by her cloak and onto a Dust Plane by her 'cousin', Naruto. She had managed to gain back all of her skills since being reduced to six, and had even improved on them. She wore the same outfit as before, just fit to size for her. People stared at her and Naruto as he dragged her onto the Dust Plane. "I DON'T WANNA GO TO BEACON!"

Naruto's eye twitched in annoyance. "Summer, don't try and fight it," he warned her. Honestly, she made it sound like he was eager to head back to school! This would be the fiftieth time he'd had to go to a school! He wouldn't have even signed them up if his gut wasn't telling him that he needed to go here for some reason. Summer was still struggling, and Naruto sighed in annoyance. "Keep fighting, and no ramen."

Summer instantly froze. In the 11 years she had spent with Naruto, she'd gone from a ramen lover to a ramen addict to a ramen praiser. She and Naruto ate it every single day for every meal, and any snacks they had between were cooked vegetables to keep their diet decently balanced. Though Naruto didn't need the vegetables, he just ate them since Summer found it unfair and her whining pissed him off. "Yes sir..." she whimpered out as she stood, reluctantly standing up properly.

"That's what I thought," he smirked at her, his smirk growing wider at her loathing look.

"All of my hate..." she growled out at him before leaning against the side of the Dust Plane. Naruto just laughed at her anger, stretching and causing his bones to pop. His attire had hardly changed. The only thing different thing was his jacket was now now grey with an orange interior.

"Oh suck it up," Naruto told her without any remorse or mercy in his voice, instead sounding quite jolly. "Think of it this way. You can ace every single class."

Summer looked at him hollowly. "That is my ONLY saving grace, knowing I never have to study again and can focus more time on training." That was something Summer absolutely loathed the blond for. He had decided that, while she was strong, she needed to be stronger. He trained her into the ground...literally. Whenever she got worn out, he just restored her energy and had her keep training. And sometimes he threw her into the middle of a large amount of grimm, and had her fight them off. She called him crazy, but he just said in a singsong voice he'd revive her before she died.

Naruto Uzumaki as a god damn sadist, and training only got worse when she remembered when he began to train alongside her. They spent 12 hours everyday practising in team attacks that Naruto came up with, an almost all of them worked. And since he had such a high success rate, she couldn't even chew him out for stupid ideas! CURSE HIM!

Slowly, the plane took off, heading towards Beacon. Summer sighed. "It's been 22 years since I was last on this plane...if I were at my proper age I'd be 40 by now..."

"Most women your age would kill to look as young AND be as young as you are," Naruto told her, with a deadpan.

"Funny thing, I'm not most women," she told him sourly. Naruto had to nod in agreement to that. Sighing, she began to look around the plane, before she froze, her eyes wide and she almost seemed unable to move.

"Summer?" Naruto raised an eyebrow before waving a hand in front of her eyes. "Earth to Summer?"

Summer didn't seem to see his hand, her eyes fixed on something. "Yang...Ruby..." she whispered, almost inaudibly, but Naruto's keen ears heard. Following her gaze, he saw why she was so paralyzed. Standing there was what could have been a mirror image of Summer. She was slightly shorter and had shorter her, but if the two wore the same clothes you'd think they were sisters. With her was a blonde girl, hugging her with a huge smile on her face.

"Those are you daughters?" Naruto whispered to her. She could only nod. "I see..." Naruto grinned as he grabbed her and began to drag her over to them.

"Huh?" she snapped out of it. "He- Naru- What are you doing?! Let me go Naruto!" she complained, but Naruto just kept grinning as he dragged her over to them, and they began to attract looks again. "Naruto I'm serious, let me go right now or I-"

"Hello~" Naruto said in a sing song voice as he finally stopped looking, attracting the gazes of both Ruby and Yang. "Nice to meet you both! My name is Naruto Uzumaki!" he pulled Summer forwards and made the her face them. "And this is my cousin, Summer Uzumaki! Say hello!"

Summer glared at him. "All of my hate," she told him before looking at Ruby and Yang and shifting nervously. It was so hard to not just fling her arms around both of them and cry, telling them how sorry she was and about how happy she was to see them...when she last saw them, she could lift them both up with ease, now she doubted she could lift either of them...well maybe Ruby. "Um...hello...n-nice to meet you two..."

Yang tilted her head, before glancing at Ruby before she spoke. "Well nice to meet you two as well!" she told them with a grin. "I'm Yang Xiao Long!" she then pointed at Ruby. "And this is my sister! Ruby!"

Ruby also looked a little nervous, but she summoned her courage. "Hi."

Naruto gave them both a smile before glancing at Summer quickly. "Couldn't help hearing you two over talk about Ruby here being accepted into Beacon early. That's rather impressive. You must be...15, correct?"

The red head blushed before nodding. "Y-yeah...it wasn't much though, all I did was kinda fail at stopping a crime..."

"That's still rather impressive," Naruto encouraged. "Not many others would display bravery in the face of danger. You should be proud."

Ruby looked down. "Ah, thanks..."

"Sorry about her," Yang apologized. "She's feeling a little shy right now, new place and all..." her eyes focused on Summer. "You know, you look at lot like my step-mom did at 17...almost identical, weird huh? You even have the same name as her."

She gulped and nodded. "A-ah, yes. Perhaps she and I are related in some way?" she suggested as a possibility. "My family tree is rather obscure so it IS quite a possibility, isn't it?"

Yang looked at her before grinning. "Then that means we're like cousins!"

Summer nodded, though partially in relief. "Y-yeah! Like cousins!"

"You have the same last name right?" Ruby asked, getting a nod from Naruto. "Then that means we're cousins too!" Ruby smiled, but Naruto shook his head.

"Ah see, Summer is an orphan, but she was adopted by my mom's sister," Naruto lied. "So in a way we are kind of cousins, but we also aren't. See?"

The younger red head nodded. "But your still part of the family!"

Naruto smiled a little at that. He hadn't really been called family in a long time. Not since he'd had a child about 200 years ago. What was the woman's name again? Oh yes, Alexandria Arc. A beautiful woman, so kind, so gentle. She reminded him of Hinata. He left his sword with her, hoping one day one of his descendants would use it.

Regardless, Ruby reminded him of her. He ruffled her hair affectionately. "Yeah, I guess I am," he told her with a small smile. The small girl smiled widely, and Naruto's grew a bit wider in turn. He then looked to the monitor speaking about the White Fang's attack, and he sighed. Honestly, Naruto had supported the White Fang at first. Why wouldn't he? They were discriminated against and treated poorly for something they couldn't control, just like him.

Stretching, Naruto turned. "Hey, I'm gonna do some stuff, I'll see you all later," he began to walk away. "Have fun Summer~"

"Wha-" Summer's eyes widened as she watched his retreating form. "NARUTO! YOU ARE SUCH A-"

"Love you too cuz!" he called back, hiding the shit eating grin on his face as he walked away. After walking for a little while, he stopped and leaned against one of the large windows on the Dust Plane, staring at Vale. "How much longer must this world be corrupt...?" Naruto mumbled softly. "It's been millions upon millions of years...and yet things are still the same...hatred, war, fighting, temporary peace...how much longer until the cycle of hatred is shattered."

'I suppose we'll find out once we see it, Naruto,' a voice rumbled within his mind, and he smirked slightly.

"Tch..." he looked back as Roman Torchwick was mentioned with a smirk as he remembered the man's face, and the face of the amber eyed woman that had been with him. "I think the world could use a hand one more time. What do ya say Kurama? Up for saving the world again?"

Kurama laughed. 'Always Naruto!'

The blonde smirked as he looked out the window. "Look out world...a maelstrom is coming..."

"BLERG!" Naruto heard and looked to see another blonde kid throwing up, and he sweat drop.

"Ew, Yang, it's on your shoes!" Ruby screamed out.

"Gross, gross, gross!" Yang chanted as she tried to get Ruby to scrape it off.

She ran. "Get away from me, get away from me!" she told her sister.

Summer sighed from where she stood. "I blame Naruto for this..."

The immortal laughed. "With all of them here, Beacon won't be dull for a second!"