Turn Of The Cards
Axis Powers Hetalia
Rating: T? For now. May bump up.
Warnings: Violence, excessive swearing, AU's galore, Card-Lore, Parallel worlds, Gakuen and Magical. Uhhh... Probably more stuff but idek.
Pairings: There's going to be a fuckton of ships going in every direction. I can't even begin to list half of them. Just bear with me on this okay?
Notes: So this fic is a GakuenxCardverse Crossover AU idea. It's going to be weird. And I'm going to do my best to explain it as I go along. This is actually kind of a writing experiment for me, so I would really love you guy's feedback if you're willing. I'm going to be heavily making references to Playing Card Lore and other crud. I'm also taking an assload of creative license with some of the Cardverse stuff simply because Cardverse only lists the Kings through Jacks and some Aces so the rest will be switched up to suit my needs and some characters roles for Cardverse may be changed, okay? I'll let you know. Other than that, I suppose we'll see where this takes us, yes? You may read on. -hearts-

Prologue: Change In Luck.

Lovino Vargas didn't believe much in fate, or even luck. Because if luck existed, then he only had bad luck. And Fate? Tch. Even worse. All the things he'd supposedly been fated to be or do? Ruined and overshadowed by his younger brother, Feliciano.

So the day he had unsuspectingly spotted something sticking slightly out from under his locker and bent down and plucked it out, his fate and luck would forever be changed.

"The hell is this...?" He asked to himself as he picked up the object. Studying it, it was a card. Like a playing card. But its texture wasn't like a normal card. They felt plastic-y and cardboard-like. This didn't. But he couldn't explain how it felt. Rubbing his thumb along the shiny back of the card, eyes tracing the pattern printed on the back, he felt a strange shiver run through his body almost like it emanated from the card itself.

"The fuck...?" He questioned again, almost calling bullshit on the sudden superstitious feeling going through him. He didn't believe in all that kind of occult crap unlike his brother. Yes, he was Italian, but he wasn't one of those stupid, spooked-over-old-wives-tales ones.

He flipped over the card, struck by an idle urge to see just what the face of the card was. With his luck, aka non existent, it was probably going to be some low, shit-faced card like a 2 of Hearts or some symbolic shit like that.

What greeted his vision, however, was definitely not a low suited card at all.

The Italian's dual-coloured heterochromatic eyes widened as they settled on the shining, blue-eyed, blond haired figure that radiated an aura of sheer majesty and power, despite being naught but mere artwork embossed onto the card. Settled atop their head, a simple, albeit refined crown and in their hand, a sword, and the other, a chrysanthemum.

The corners of the card held the letter K and underneath it, a black arrow-shaped mark.

"The King of Spades?" Lovino murmured to himself.

Hell, even when he played cards normally with people he never had much luck in getting the high cards. What's more, the fucking King of Spades? The literal Death King, who ruled with utmost black and white justice, only to fall prey into hands of the Queen of Hearts, seduced by their charm and compassion, and brought ruin to their Kingdom?

Yeah, call Lovino odd, but he knew a lot of the bullshit lore and myths that surrounded the cards and what history came up with for the reasons behind all the Card drawings and conceptions. He had a strange knack for remembering such things, even if he didn't believe them. At least it kept his bored mind entertained.

He snorted. This irony was suddenly becoming all too real. Tearing his eyes away from the image, feeling a little strange because the image on the card looked almost realistic, the figure resembled someone. Although at this moment, he could not put his finger on who or where he'd saw this person. Looking around, to see if there were any other cards scattered around, because why would there be just this card? Had someone dropped it? One of the After School Clubs, maybe?

Sighing heavily, he glanced down at the card and frowned. Well, no point worrying about it for now, he was going to be late to his next class if he didn't get his ass in gear. He'd deal with this later.

Opening his locker, he switched out his books, before slipping the card into the pages of his book before slamming the locker shut, swirling the dial on his lock, before hurrying away down the hall to get to his next class.

The card wedged between the pages of the book glowed faintly, as a resonating energy washed throughout the school, overlooked and unfelt by most except for the most sensitive of souls inhabiting it.

'Soon... I will not fail you this time, My Queen. I will rise and we'll take our place above the rest.'

End Prologue.