Madara had watched as the frantic Tengu servants rushed the Inugami demon off, he looked really bad especially since everyone was covered in his blood while carrying him. The estate had been in such terror when there had been a sudden light in the main hall. There a door had formed, pooling out Kakashi, Sasuke and Itachi. Naruto and Minato had not been too far behind. but everyone was unconscious and wounded. Itachi had been the first one to actually wake up and explain the situation to Fugaku and himself. But then Naruto's father had need of Itachi so Madara couldn't get much more details out.

He decided then that It would be best to go see his other nephew, he had been most worried about him since the state Kakashi had arrived in. But when he had seen that Fugaku was making his way to his other son he thought better.

"Is everything all right?" Gaara had heard some of the commotion and wanted to know if everything was alright.

"I believe everyone has come back from their journey...:" Madara had trailed off. Gaara's hand slid up his back to rest on his shoulder in comfort. He didn't need to be told that everyone was not okay. He could tell by everyone's mannerisms. He didn't like to see Madara worry though, he wasn't good at comforting people so all he could do was put his hand on his shoulder, hoping that Madara knew that he was there for him. He got a smile in return, Madara's own hand coming up to rest atop of Gaara's. "Walk with me?" Madara asked, keeping Gaara's hand in his while he began to head towards the back gardens.

They walked together in silence, just enjoying each others company. The area had calmed considerably now that everyone was doing their duty. Everyone was back and being healed, luckily there were no casualties. That being rare since Orochimaru was notorious for killing any person that got in the way of his research. That being said he did do a number on the Inugami.

"Madara?" Gaara's voice called out to him. "I think you should go rest in your chambers..." The young Fire God commented. He had noticed how distracted and worn out Madara had gotten. After all, he hadn't responded to his light conversation he was trying to have. He held onto his hand, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. Madara couldn't help the small smile that graced his lips. The fiery red head was showing so much concern for him when he himself should have been worried. He had just been badly hurt, but here he was wanting nothing more than to spend time with him and make sure he wasn't going to break down.

"You are truly amazing...But I think that is probably for the best." He agreed with Gaara. He needed to just stop and trust in the people around him. He needed to be strong as well for Gaara's sake. He took the Fire God's hand back in his, bringing it up close to his lips. "Will you come with me?" He asked seductively, his breath ghosting over the pale hand before kissing it lightly. Gaara's cheeks warmed, he probably would never get used to how smooth the Tengu could be...But alas he needed to do something first.

"I..." He hesitated, not wanting to refuse Madara. Said Tengu noticed the hesitancy.

"You're worried about your uncle aren't you?" He knew he guessed right when he saw Gaara's shoulders droop, his eyes saddening. " It's okay if you want to see him. He is your family after all." Madara tried to comfort the fire God. There was nothing wrong with wanting to make sure your family was okay.

Gaara nodded, letting his hand drop when Madara let it go. "I'll come find when I know he's okay." He spoke quietly, not wanting the Tengu to leave. But the dark circles slowly forming under said Tengu's eyes where a reminder that he needed to go rest.

It was easy for Gaara to find the right room in the medical wing of the estate. It had less frantic Tengu and Medical Tengu. When he actually found his uncle he was happy to see that his wounds from his time with Danzo where healing. It had at least been a week since Sasori had first arrived with Naruto and the Inugami. But he himself had to heal so he couldn't see him. He had so much he wanted to say to him..and to apologize for. After waiting a moment he pushed the door all the way open, letting his presence known.

"Welcome Gaara...Please make yourself comfortable." Sasori was currently reading some scrolls that Fugaku had given him. He motioned to somewhere behind him, not taking his eyes off the parchment. Gaara hesitated slightly, but walked in a little more and stood. He wanted to thank him for saving him...But he was always told he was unwanted...A nuisance. If it weren't for him, his uncle wouldn't have even gotten hurt. It was also a possibility that his family wouldn't have been killed too.

Sasori noticed Gaara's hesitation, and when he turned around to look at him, Gaara avoided his Gaze and Shrank back slightly. "Is everything all right?" Sasori asked, more concerned about him now. After a few more silent glances, Gaara finally began to speak.

"I-" He tried. "I'm sorry Uncle..." He apologized, bowing. Sasori looked to him, confused.

"And why should you be sorry?" he asked, standing. the abrupt movement startled Gaara, making him panic slightly. He didn't want to anger him.

"You got hurt because of me!" He blurted out, hoping that he hadn't made him angry. With anger came pain...he knew that all too well. It was then that Sasori understood. With all the abuse both physically and mentally, Gaara had thought he was mad at him because he saved his life and in doing so was injured.

He cursed inwardly, damning his moron of a brother. He grabbed Gaara then, crushing him in a warm embrace. "You have no reason to be sorry Gaara...It is I who should apologize." He spoke, holding his nephew tightly. "I let my brother and his witch of a mate beat you...I should have taken you away from that place, or have done something!" he said angrily at himself. "I am the one that is sorry Gaara..." He deserved a way better life that the one he had...Sasori's usually apathetic face was furrowed with regret and anger.

Gaara hugged back, but lightly. "You're not mad that they were killed?" He asked, his eyes dimming. "I was the cause of their death...How can you stand to even look at me?" He stood, keeping his gaze to the floor.

"To hell with them!" Sasori roared, his face shown anger. "It's regrettable that your brother and sister were your parents had it coming." He took a hold of Gaara's shoulders, shaking harshly. He looked sternly at him, making sure Gaara held his gaze. Usually he would be impartial and apathetic when it came to other demons, but Gaara was a VERY Special case. This needed to be said. "You are a gift Gaara...Your mother and father couldn't see you for what you are." He began. "They began to fear you and therefore they shunned you..." He softened his gaze only slightly.

"Why did they fear me?" Gaara asked confused. How could his mother and father, the ones who gave him life, fear and loath him.

"Because Gaara, you are SO powerful. I've never felt so much power out of a Fire God, especially at the young age where I first felt it. They should have been so happy that such a power was brought into the Fire God line. But your mother fist feared you...She just didn't know the gift she had." He paused, moving around Gaara to sit down on some cushions. After a moment he motioned for Gaara to join him. "Your father soon began to fear you after he began Kankuro's training." He sighed, watching Gaara as he sat with him.

Gaara recalled the day, clearly. Kankuro had met their father near the back of the estate, tentatively listening to their fathers instructions. He was being taught how to call his own flame. Each Fire child needed to call and control their own flame, and depending on the color decided what role you had. Orange flames where the most common, then slightly more powerful demons had yellow and golden flames. Then there came green, blue and purple. But the most powerful was a deep angry and beautiful red. This specific red hue was only known to be controlled by a select few, Gaara's father being one of them.

Gaara would sneak out of the estate to watch them both, eager to see what Kankuro's flame would be. Kankuro took to his father's instructions quickly, calling his flame shortly after trying. A purple flame burst forward, delighting their father. Gaara had been amazed as well, the flames looked so beautiful and so full of life. He had stayed in the same spot, even though his brother and father had long gone. His emotions still raging. He needed to see more and needed to know more of the powers that hid behind those flames. He went to go find Tamari, knowing that she would be the next one.

She had easily called her flame as well. It being a brilliant Blue. So between his father's red, His mother's Green and his siblings Purple and Blue...He couldn't wait to find out what his flame would be. He had so many questions, like why could fire demons only summon one flame color...why couldn't they control all types of fire? Where did their power even come from?

He had decided to take it upon himself to try and call his flame. He knew that he was not of age but he figured that the practice might be good. He did so everyday trying to search within for any sign of power or anything that resembled a flame. It had been one faithful day after weeks of trying that Gaara had finally called his flame. He had risen with the sun and when he searched inside, he felt a surge of power, and when he opened his eyes there he, saw in his hand a deep red flame. It felt like a little heartbeat, the warmth comforting and so was amazing. But he wanted to have something like Kankuro's flame...So he concentrated, wanting the flame to change. He could feel the intensity of the flame and the power level. He changed one, wanting to know if that would have any effect on the flame. He raised the temperature, putting more power into the flame but didn't let it grow. This caused the flame to slowly change into a purple hue.

Gaara's eyes widened, watching the flame change to his brothers flame. He went for his mothers flame, cooling and let the flame breath more. It changed to the brilliant green that was familiar. So it was possible to change your flame. It was during a time where he was experimenting with his flames that he noticed something. Even when he wasn't using his powers he felt the energy of every flame in Fire Estate. The flames on the candles...the flames of the Oni that guarded their home. And when he wanted to see if he could command another demon's flame, he was overjoyed to see that he could, it was shocking as well. He was commanding the soul flame of another demon. Usually their flames only listened to their original source but in Gaara's case he had no issue using their flames.

He felt more alive and more connected to things than he ever thought he could. He knew he needed to show his family, he couldn't wait to hear his father's praises once he saw what he could do. So when Tamari and Kankuro where training with their father, Gaara demonstrated what he could do. It was the first time he saw the look of horror on his family's face...And it wouldn't be the last. After his demonstration, his father beat him, butcher his hair, and put power restraining cuffs on his wrists. After this he beat him again before locking him away in the mountain side of the estate...where Gaara would live out the rest of his life until Danzo came.

"I remember..." Gaara said, recalling the sad and painful memory. He laid his hands gently on his lap while he sat next to his uncle.

"Like I said, they never knew the gift that you are." Sasori stood then, looking to his nephew. "Your power will be what saves the Fire Kingdom." He extended his hand, helping Gaara to stand. Gaara smiled then, knowing that Sasori really did care for him. It was hard to see it sometimes, with his unreadable face but he could tell. It was sad that his parents were killed before he could show them what he could do for the fire estate, but then again...knowing them they probably would have never changed their view on their son. He knew that he would have to rebuild the Fire Kingdom.

"Do you think that once I get the Fire Estate back up that demons will want to follow under my rule?" He asked his Uncle, thinking of all the possible problems and outcomes that might occur.

"There will be hoards of demons just waiting to be under your protection and command...But it will take time." He said, putting a hand on Gaara's shoulder. Gaara nodded, understanding that this would indeed take time. And with that time he needed to have some questions about his powers answered...But for now he wouldn't pester his uncle further with his questions. After a moment, Sasori took his hand from Gaara's shoulder and turned back to his scrolls. Gaara was about to turn and leave when he saw the crystal amulet on his uncles desk.

"What is that?" He more asked to himself, but soon realized that he asked the question aloud. Sasori eyed what he was talking about, his eyes saddening.

"That...Is a demon sealing amulet...Danzo had tried to seal me inside it, while I was away. And before he could succeed, a human pushed me out of the way, getting sealed inside instead." Sasori paused, gently stroking the pendent. "And now I'm trying to find a way to unseal him." He spoke almost quietly. Gaara noticed the sadness and the worry his eyes carried. Whoever it was that was in there meant a lot to him.

"I hope you find a way..." He said, opening the door. He turned and bowed to his uncle once more. "I will see you soon Uncle." he left after Sasori smiled back at him, letting Gaara know that he appreciated what he had said. The weight that he felt, felt so much lighter.

"I'm sure Madara-San would like to hear the good news." Gaara said more to himself as he headed for said Tengu's room. On his way there he thought about the man in the amulet again, wondering if there was some way he could help. He'd definitely keep an eye out for a solution.

He came to the two sliding doors of Madara's room. He knocked first, not sure if it would be appropriate for him to just walk in. When he didn't get a n answer he opened the door just a crack. He saw Madara's sleeping form, un-moving. He entered, heading over to the sitting area near the other sliding doors that lead to the garden. He watched the older Tengu, a smile forming on his lips. He didn't look his age, there wasn't a flaw anywhere on him. Watching him sleep brought peace to his racing mind.

"Come to the bed." he heard Madara's voice. At first he thought he was just talking in his sleep...But when he made eye contact with Madara's beautiful red eyes he knew that the Tengu had been playing sleep. He stood, making his way to the bed.

"I didn't wake you...Did I?" Gaara asked sweetly, sitting on the side that Madara wasn't occupying.

Madara groaned, sitting up while staying under the covers. "I couldn't sleep, I was lost in my thoughts." He immediately grabbed Gaara, making the Fire God lay against his chest, sighing with contentment. "How did the talk with your uncle go?" He asked after taking a moment to inhale Gaara's sent.

"He's doing good...His wounds have healed nicely." He began, "He's currently trying to find a way to free someone from a demon sealing pendent...I believe it's someone close to him." He felt Madara tense behind him slightly.

"That is unfortunate..." he finally spoke, kissing the side of Gaara's neck. "What else did you talk about?" He kept his face close to the spot he kissed, holding Gaara more tightly.

"He wants me to rebuild the Fire Kingdom." Gaara got out when he wasn't as distracted by Madara's hot breath.

"That's wonderful! You and Sasori could get many followers with your powers and status." He moved his hands from each shoulder to Gaara's forearms, craving the heat that The young God naturally produced.

"I'll need to get stronger then...I was never aloud to use my powers let alone learn to really control them." Gaara admitted, knowing that there was a lot of work to do. "Will you let me use the training grounds here?" Gaara turned his face to look at Madara, his cheeks flushed slightly. The Tengue Lord was making it very hard to concentrate.

"Of course." Madara chuckled, low and deep from his chest. "In fact it would be my pleasure if you would let me help you train." he rested his chin on Gaara's shoulder then, sighing contently. It was amazing to Gaara that Madara could express his wanting him so openly. The Tengu wasn't shy that's for sure, But Gaara didn't mind it was one of the things he loved about him. "I would appreciate that." He blushed before resting his head atop Madara's head. It was hard for him to express his feelings to Madara, especially when he didn't really know what he was feeling. Most of these new feelings where just that, new. There was something he was certain of. He knew his feelings were a lot more than friendship.

"Tomorrow then we will begin your training."

_ Orochimaru's Estate_

It had only been a couple days since Suigetsu sent Sasuke and his party away, exhausting a great amount of his powers. But all that mattered was that they were safe. But now he was trapped with the demon he was running from all these years...Orochimaru. After the incident he was shown his room and hadn't really left the incident he was shown his room and hadn't really left the whole time. He had refused to see Orochimaru several times already. But he had guessed the snake learned he'd never want to see him, because his attempts stopped. The snake attendants had stopped coming to his room to get him. They only came now to give him food.

His favorite spot in his prison of a room was at the big window, there were cushions and a small table near it for viewing. But it wasn't all that bad..The view of the garden was nice and the fact that he could sunbathe as well was a plus. He'd often think about his decision to intervene and knew that he would never regret his decision. It was time for him to face his fate, but the loud knock to his chambers startled him from his thoughts.

"Lord Suigetsu?" The Snake attendant on the other side of the paper doors paused before continuing. "Lord Orochimaru requests your presence..." He didn't open the door, but instead stood there waiting for a response.

"All right..." Suigetsu quietly called out, standing slowly. He looked out to the flowers for one more comforting look, before making his way to the door, opening it so that he could follow the Snake to his master.

They walked along the open balcony, passing the open gardens. Suigetsu's beautiful robes dragged slightly behind him. Their bright colors and gold patterns matched well with his long white hair and lilac eyes. If anything Orochimaru did have a great tastes and knew what he would look good on him. It shimmered nicely in the setting sunset.

They arrived to the main meeting hall, the doors opened to them quickly. The snake attendant opened another side room to him, motioning him inside. Upon entering, he spotted Orochimaru immediately. He had only met with Orochimaru once since the Sasuke incident. At that time he made it very clear that he would only be his "Wife" in name. He would never love him, would never show affection or joy in his presence. This had angered Orochimaru, making him send him to his chamber, only to come out when called...Which was perfectly fine for him.

He never understood why Orochimaru wanted anything to do with him though...With that thought he started to remember how he even met the Snake God in the first place. His father had set up their meeting. It was sudden and shocking. Especially since Suigetsu knew that his father hated Orochimaru greatly. But it was easy to piece together why it was happening when he saw the gifts and the marriage robe.

With him unable to produce children, he was useless to the Dragon clan. His father, wanting to get rid of the disappointment, agreed to marry him off to whomever came first. His father even confessed that he thought it was too gracious to marry him off to the Snake. But with his experiments he might be able to fix or find use for his worthless son's body. The realization that his family hated him and wanted to be rid of him was crushing. That's why he ran away...He couldn't take the disappointment..The rejection and the cruelty. But now, instead of running...He was going to face his fate...It couldn't get any worse now could it...

While lost in these thoughts he had walked all of the way to where Orochimaru was standing waiting to be noticed and spoken to. It was also then he had realized just how many demons were in the room with them.

Everyone there was there to speak with Orochimaru. The current demon talking to him was frantically doing so, his voice was easy to hear as he talked with Orochimaru.

'what will he do?..." Suigetsu asked himself, wondering if the Snake God even bothered to help or listen to the demons under his rule. As Suigetsu got closer he could her their conversation more clearly.

"Lord, The water in the Southern part of the swamp lake is nearly all poisoned...Our prey and the nearby trading settlements are starting to suffer as well. Even the humans in the area avoid traveling this way..." The demon added in. This cause some murmuring and worried glances around Orochimaru. "I wish I could come to you with good news, but even our best poison masters can't figure out what this poison is...Every measure we take makes the poison even worse..."He continued.

Orochimaru flinched then, worry and interest clear on his face. "This poison has countermeasures?...Is there a source?" He asked. His voice was quiet and calm. He was interested and concerned, but he didn't want his followers to fear and panic further.

"No sire, none that we have been able to trace. But all the demons who have eaten the prey and those who have drank the water are very ill...Some have even perished."

"For now we must tend to the ill...I'll travel down to the Southern part of the lake myself to examine the poison." Orochimaru spoke, a little hint of the worry he was feeling seeped through a little. "We must also see to the Lake borders, no one and no prey can continue to drink the water. The poison shouldn't have traveled to the western and Northern sides of the swamp. There should be a team focused on pushing the prey to those locations." Orochimaru ordered, laying down the plan for the time being. They decided on the group that would do so and sent a letter down to the trading settlement of the plan. Once everything was decided, the demons began to clear out the room, content with knowing that Orochimaru himself was going to fix this problem...It was only when the room was empty that Orochimaru notice that Suigetsu was there.

Said demon noted that Orochimaru started to fiddle with his fingers in a nervous twitchy way. 'That's new...' He thought, not thinking he'd ever see the Snake God act in such a manner. When he finally made his way over, he had calmed a bit.

"Suigetsu..." Orochimaru greeted the fellow God, his throat felt slightly dry. 'The hell is wrong with me?!' He asked himself, mentally kicking himself. There was no reason to be nervous, he was a Snake God for God's sake. He also knew that the dragon wanted nothing to do with him. But surprisingly there was a warm light in the dragon's eyes, he'd catch a glimpse of it before it would fade when he looked away.

"You summoned me?" he got to the point, not wanting to be there for much longer. He saw a twinge of hurt cross the snake's face...But he knew that it was only a light sting to his pride.

"I wanted to know how you where fairing...and I thought it would be good for you to get out of that room.." His hands stilled, his nervousness seeming to fade. When Suigetsu didn't answer back he looked hesitantly to the snake attendant behind him.

"The water..." Suigetsu finally spoke, not wanting to torture the snake further with the awkward silence. "You will be leaving for the southern side of the swamp?" He asked, tucking his hands into the little pockets in his sleeves.

"Yes...I will be leaving here in a couple days...It seems that the poison in more than my underlings can handle." He said sighing slightly. He had wanted to do other things with his time, and some of it involved Suigetsu. But his duty to his followers and Kin was much greater. Plus It didn't look good on his reputation. If a snake God couldn't control this situation and keep his land prosperous than he wasn't much of a God.

"I heard that there have already been a couple demons that have died to this poison..." He tried to keep the conversation going, not wanting the silence to come back. "I hope it doesn't spread to even more of the swamp." Suigetsu sympathized.

"I will make sure that it doesn't..But while I am away I suppose you could be aloud to roam the estate...You might feel more comfortable with my presence being elsewhere." He more said to himself, thinking of ways and things that would make him more comfortable. "But I require you to have at least one escort with you." He said, knowing he heard his vocal-ed mental thought process.

Suigetsu smirked slightly. "I will agree to that, but you don't have to worry...I gave my word as a God that I would stay...and Stay I shall." He said looking to the ground sadly...But it was a step forward with Orochimaru allowing him to be out of his room while he was away.

"Well...I must see to the preparations of my travels...Send for me if you need something." He instructed waving his hand for the snake attendant to escort Suigetsu back. Suigetsu bowed slightly before leaving with the snake. His thoughts were consumed with what was going on in the southern swamp...He had never heard of a poison that attacked curatives and made the symptoms worse...Thinking about the poison immediately brought up the memory of Sasuke and his loved one.

'I wonder if he would allow me to send a letter to him...' Suigetsu thought, hoping that he would be permitted to write to his good friend. 'But I won't press my luck..Especially now that I am free to wonder the estate.' He thought to himself, knowing that he really shouldn't test the snake. For now he would enjoy his temporary freedom.

_Tengu Estate_

It had been before sun up when Gaara and Madara had made their way to the training grounds, wanting to get an early start to their training day.

"Now...We're going to start with the basics, I already know that you can call to all flames." Madara began his instructions. "But even you need to know where your powers truly come from." Gaara listened intently, He knew Madara had met with his father a couple times...Maybe it was then he learned about Fire Demons and their powers.

"Your flame is a part of you...Your very own energy conjures the flame and gives it a form...But the power or ability comes from the sun." He started explaining, pointing to the rising sun. Gaara looked in wonder, he had known that the flame was part of him but the sun was new information.

"The sun is the life energy to all and Fire Demons, more specifically the fire oni, have a connection to that energy. And in your case your connection is much so that you are considered a part of it. Those who have a weak connection have limited control to their flame, and they exhaust the energy within themselves and the connection faster than stronger ones." Madara explained. "There have only ever been two others in recorded Oni history that have had this level of connection. With this comes intense and beautiful power...But great responsibility. If you use too much of the Sun's power you run the risk of unrecoverable injury...resulting in your demise...Or you could lose control, unleashing the full power of the sun...Don't forget also if you don't use your powers you run the risk of losing the connection all together, never able to use your flame again." There where a lot of things that Gaara needed to learn, but if he were able to control his powers in the right manner, the Fire God could lead the Fire clan to greatness again.

"Now that you know of the brief history and the consequences, let's start with opening the connection fully, so you have no issue summoning your powers." He sat down on the stone pathway, motioning for Gaara to sit across from him.

"Meditate...And try to feel the sun as it rises..Try to breath slowly yet strongly while searching for that power." He watched as Gaara did as he was told. He breathed slowly, his eyes fluttering close in a peaceful manner.

Madara was right when he said he had a full connection to the sun. He felt every moment of it rising. The heat and the intense power were amazing. It made Gaara's body tingle with anticipation. But what was most surprising was that he could feel the life it brought...Not just that the sun itself was alive but he felt the connection to all things that relied on it.

"Now...try to manifest your own flame...Not just any color or intensity that you want...Reach deep down into your own life force and call upon that flame."

Gaara did as he was told, looking deep inside his own powers. It didn't take him long to manifest the flame in his hand. It was beautiful, all the colors of all the flames danced together, making the most beautiful flame. It looked like a phoenix feather with how the colors blended nicely. The life was clearly there in the flame, beating wild while the flame danced calmly.

"Madara-San..." Gaara whispered the Tengu's name in aw...He never knew his powers could be something so beautiful could be done by him. "Th-Thank you." There were light tears falling from his beautiful eyes. There was so much warmth in them and hope, maybe it was possible now for him to make his home great again.

"No Gaara, Thank you." Madara thanked the young Fire God. When Gaara looked to him confused, Madara shook his head, standing up. "Never mind that, now come. Now is the time to learn your defensive and offensive forms." He said extending a hand to help him up. He taught Gaara how the fire was an extension of himself. They also explored the range of how intense of a flame he could make and how long he could maintain it.

"Besides using your fire, we should also teach you how to fight with weapons. Sometimes there are going to be battles that you fight where you can't use your flame...and you need to know how to protect yourself." Madara spoke up, watching Gaara continue to hold his flame. "A weapon can help enhance yourself in battle and greatly increase your your chances to live." He continued his teachings.

Gaara had remembered that his father wielded a huge ax, and that Tamari took after their mother and wielded a giant fan. But what would he use? He couldn't see himself with a fan, or an ax. He never really experienced fighting, so he didn't know what would fit him.

"I have the perfect weapon..." Madara's face lit up as he recalled something. "Wait right here for me, Gaara. I shall return." He instructed, rushing off to a separate part of the estate. Gaara stood there, stopping his flame, a mildly shocked expression adorned his face. The way the older Tengu sometimes acted was totally unexpected. But that wasn't a bad thing.

Gaara shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind. He had trouble with being easily distracted, especially when it came to Madara. But he decided that it would be in his best interest and began training some more. He wanted to see how many flames he could control at once. He summoned his own flame ball along with one of every known oni flame out there. They danced around him lightly, similar to how he'd used his powers as a child when his parents weren't around.

When he heard Madara approaching, his anticipation grew. He wondered what kind of weapon Madara thought he would be good with. He looked a little confused when Madara returned with what looked like nothing. Madara smirked when he saw Gaara's confused expression.

"What I've picked belonged to someone I knew a long time ago. He actually had similar powers to yours, but not quite the same." Madara held out his hand, wanting Gaara to give his. When Gaara gave him his hand he watched as Madara placed what looked like to be a bracelet of large, black metallic prayer beads into his hands.

"These beads are made with a special spiritual metal. They can withstand great temperatures and pressure. They can only be controlled by demon flames...Try to command your fire around the prayer beads and see what happens." Madara motioned to the beads.

Gaara trustingly did so and focused his flames around all the beads. They sprang from another, floating in the air, moving to where Gaara was commanding them.

"Now..." Madara said, taking one of his feathers and summoned a fighting dummy. "Attack using your beads." He instructed Gaara. It was amazing to feel how light the beads where...Even when they felt pretty heavy and were metal. He was also surprised to see how easily they listened and followed his flame. They flew at the dummy, piercing right through with ease.

"Now call them back to you, but slowly let your flame die when they get close." Madara told him, watching as the beads flew to him. They stopped though, just hovering in front of Gaara. "Hold out your hand to them." He told him. When Gaara did so , the beads flew right to his wrist, like they were returning home. He could feel a slight tingling sensation and looked to see what it was. The beads made some kind of sealed mark on his skin.

"That's so they know where to return to when your flame is no longer around the beads. They will immediately look for their home." Madara pointed to the mark Gaara now had. Said demon stood looking amazed. He had never heard or seen a weapon such as this.

"Thank you..." He spoke, still marveling at the black metallic beads.

"I have one more gift for you...One that will help protect you with short range along with your beads." Madara told him, taking out something from his inner pocket of his robe. It was the handle to what would have been a beautiful sword. The handle was so beautiful, intricate designs of silver and gold. But where was the blade?

"Use your fire to create a blade." Madara instructed. He watched a brilliant orange fireblade come forth, taking the form of a longsword. Gaara smiled, clearly pleased with the weapons that he was gifted.

"Now...Place the hilt that I gave you to your palm." Madara waited for Gaara to do so. "Now try to imagine the hilt entering your hand...becoming one with your body." He instructed, laughing inwardly as he watched Gaara's reaction. Gaara calmed and did as he was told, but he jumped slightly as he felt the hilt start to ooze into his hand and disappear.

"It's part of wielding the weapon. Once you need it again, just imagine the weapon in your hand and it will answer your call."

"Thank you Madara-San.." Gaara bowed in thanks, knowing that Madara didn't have to do any of this.

"Don't mention it..I can't have you wanting to return to your homeland, wanted by the crazy demon hunter, and to do so unarmed." Madara joked with Gaara. "Now then, let's return now to the estate and eat. Then we can discuss the matters of returning to the Fire Estate." Madara suggested, turning towards the estate. He smiled slightly, once he began to walk, Gaara had walked up beside him totally at ease with the Tengue lord's presence now. This was something that He could get used too, and wouldn't want anyone else by his side other than Gaara.