The sound of a newborn babe could be heard throughout the Northern forest temples. The Kitsune Guardians there all gathered at the head household,frantically moving about. Kushina Uzumaki had just given birth to the next head of the Kitsune clan.

Also in the western mountains a similar situation was happening in the Tengu forest. The young Lord of the Uchiha clan was also born into the world. Great things were going to be expected of these two Lords.


"Young Lord, Please! Your mother wishes to speak with you! Come down from that tree!" One of the kitsune servants pleaded with the rambunctious young lord who was currently in one of the big sacred Sakura trees.

Naruto looked down at the frantic fox and smiled his normal mischievous smile and continued to climb the tree.

"You Can't get me!" He giggled as the fox servant panicked, watching his young lord climb more into danger.

"Young Lord!" The fox yelled after him, losing sight of the blond.

Naruto climbed until he reached a branch he could sit on and peer out into the distance. He always liked high places and the warm breeze they brought. He didn't feel suffocated...and the huge weight of being an Uzumaki seemed to fly away with the wind. But as always he had to come down eventually and go back to reality.

After giving a heavy sigh he decided to stop teasing his fox servant and come down from the tree like a good boy. But before he could move he heard something in the distance, something akin to fluttering.

"What is a fox cub like you doing in a tree?" a voice sounded from above, startling Naruto to the point of him almost falling out of the tree he was in.

He looked up when he heard a giggle, what could have spoken above him? There with black wings was one of the Uchiha Tengu. Someone older than him but not by too much. He clung to the tree he was in, a scowl appeared on his young face.

"So what is a kitsune doing in a tree?" he asked again, his wings kept his beautiful form up in the sky. Naruto blushed after composing himself on a branch.

"Don't you think it's rude to try and talk to someone without even getting their name, and then scaring them so bad they could have fallen?" Naruto spat out, clearly up set that he was disturbed and frightened.

The boys grin faded with the realization that the kitsune could have really gotten hurt.

" I am sorry...I am Itachi Uchiha, I didn't mean to startle you so." He apologized, smiling kindly.

Naruto watched Itachi for a moment, and after deeming his apology sincere, he blasted him with his brightest smile.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! It must be really cool to be able to fly around." He said, eyeing Itachi's wings, wondering what it would be like to fly around and see the world.

"It is pretty great." He said smiling at the boy's honesty.

Naruto continued to stare at his wings, not realizing he was doing so. After a few moments of silence and glances the boys looked in the direction of the kitsune estate, hearing the calling of Naruto's name.

"That's my mom...I better go quick." he said climbing down the tree in a frantic state.

"Oh? What's the hurry?" Itachi observed, realizing Naruto was getting more and more frightened.

"You've never seen my mom mad...she's the devil and once she gets that way she stays that way for the longest time." Naruto shivered, thinking of the one time he made the mistake of making Kushina get that way. Realizing that he just bolted away from Itachi without saying goodbye, he called back.

"I'll see you later!" He huffed before showing up in front of his mother.

Itachi couldn't help but laugh a little as he watched the little fox child get tugged along by the ear by his angry mother. "He'll certainly be interesting." he mused.

"Itachi..." He heard his father's cold voice break through. His expression changed before looking down at his father. Fugaku had his hands neatly in his robes, he had the usual blank Uchiha look on his face.

Itachi flew down to his father, waiting for what he wanted.

"It's time to go in and speak with Lady the end of the day we will have one more person living with us." he told his son, judging by what Kushina had written him about, it was a serious matter. Itachi nodded, he didn't know who was coming to live with them from the fox clan, but he had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't for a good reason.

Inside the Kitsune shine were Lady Kushina and a few of the trusted guards and her little fox kit. Who sat in the corner, holding his ear that his mother had tugged him by with a pout.

"Fugaku-san...Thank you for coming on such short notice...I would not have contacted the Tengu clan if this wasn't something of utmost importance." Kushina spoke politely and with urgency. Something Naruto never heard his mother do. She would usually talk sweetly to him, with such a warm smile that no matter the circumstance would make Naruto feel extremely happy and safe. But to hear his mother this way, brought a cold chill of fear to him. He watched her as she interacted with the other strange demons, noticing the slight dark circles under her eyes. He knew that she was having trouble sleeping at night lately...and he was pretty sure that this meeting was because of it.

"Lady Kushina...I suspect this has something to do with your "Sight"... Fugaku spoke, eyeing the fox child but a moment.

She nodded before pointing to a secluded part of the room. She need to talk with him in private.

Naruto watched with worried, big blue eyes as his mother left with this so called Fugaku man.

Itachi noticed the little ones nerviness and walked over to him, placing a comforting hand on the little ones shoulder. He watched as he started to tremble less, and calmed down. But his beautiful blue orbs never left the door that his mother left through.

"You had another vision...Didn't you" Fugaku finally spoke, breaking the long silence in the secret room.

"...Yes...That's why I have called you here..." Her demeanor got quiet and became so saddened by what she was about to tell him.

"I have had a vision of a future event that will take place here at the Kitsune shrine..." She began, looking straight into the Tengu lords red eyes.

"By noon tomorrow a army of humans will overtake the kitsune shrine, and kill everyone inside...there will be no survivors...Including me." She finally said, watching Fugaku's cold gaze become one of frantic concern.

"Isn't there something that can be done?!" His voice rose.

She smiled sweetly, glad to know that their friendship over the years hasn't faded.

"No...Everyone's fate has been sealed in that vision...I Will die tomorrow with the kitsune shrine...But there is still hope for my son...Naruto." She looked to Fugaku, tears in her eyes, her hands trembled as she kept them gracefully on her lap.

"I implore you to take him and raise him in the protection of the Tengu mountains...Please Fugaku...He's the only piece of "Him" I have left...I couldn't bear the thought of my young son's life ending when he barely even got to live it...When I die my gift of foresight will be passed down to him, as is tradition...But please..." She begged again, tears freely falling. She got on her hands and knees and bowed low to him.

"Please watch over my son...The future of the kitsune clan..."

Fugaku sat there speechless. The Kushina he knew would never lower her head, especially to him...and to see her so broken and afraid...was more than he was willing to bare.

"Of course Kushina...It will be my honor to look after your son...I just wish there was something I could do to help you and the Kitsune clan more...But I know more than anyone else that no one can fully alter what you have seen..." He said, reaching over to her, comforting her slightly before pulling away.

"We will leave for our mountains tonight..." He finally said, getting up.

"Naruto must never know why he truly left tonight...He can't know what is about to happen here...not till he settles down in your country...please, he is still his father's son and will try to do something even though he is so young." she said smiling. She rose to face Fugaku with confidence.

He watched her, hating the feeling of being so powerless to help her. But he would respect her wishes and not interfere.

"Kushina...I promises to raise Naruto like my own son...He will not learn of what happened this night until the time is right." He swore, bowing to her in a sign of great respect. He knew of no one that could handle all the things that she'd seen and still have a happy and somewhat normal life. She was certainly one of a kind. He rose from his bow, letting Lady Kushina lead the way out of the secret room.

Naruto smiled wide as he watched his mother come out of the room, happy to see that she wasn't troubled as far as he could tell.

"Naruto...My love I need to talk to you." she called him over.

His face was full of confusion as he walked over. His mother rarely ever spoke so softly and so sweetly...It was a bit unnerving.

"Yes mama?" He asked, wondering what was going to happen.

"Lord Fugaku has kindly offered to let you stay in his mountain palace for a while to visit. How would you like to go see the Tengu mountains...I hear he even has a son your age." She said smiling at him.

"Really?! I can go!" He exclaimed almost jumping up and down with joy.

A slight shadow fell on Kushina's face for a brief moment, but dissipated when he smiled like his father at her. Her heart melted for a moment.

"We leave tonight little one, so be sure to give your mom a proper goodbye and pack up well." Fugaku spoke, his usually cold tone softened when he saw how happy Naruto was.

Itachi could tell by the tone of his father's voice that something wasn't right...Something sad was going to happen, because his father only talked like that when something tragic was about to happen. He looked at Naruto and then to Lady Kushina, only a guess to what might occur in the next 24 hours.

A huge feast was prepared as a send of gift from the kitsune clan to the Tengu clan. Everyone ate in merry company and continued to do so late into the night.

Naruto couldn't get enough of his favorite prepared Ramen and ate till he was pretty much bursting. Fugaku kept by Krishna's side, often looking sad but then composed himself when he felt someone's gaze fall to him. He would occasionally watch as his son would interact with the small fox child and laugh along with him. Which brought surprise and shock to his father. Normally Itachi stayed away from children and was more serious that he ever was. To see him like this was truly interesting.

"Itachi are you going to finish that?" Naruto asked, pointing to his half eaten Ramen bowl.

"No but if you eat this I'm sure you'll pop...Not to forget getting fat from all of the Ramen." Itachi teased.

"Hey! I love Ramen and Ramen loves me, besides I burn everything off faster than everyone else so I need a lot." Naruto tried to justify himself as he began to eat the rest of Itachi's Ramen.

"I don't doubt that."

The feast continued until Kushina looked over to Fugaku and nodded. Witch in turn he stood, making the room quiet.

"It's time for us to leave the Kitsune shrine...and you young Naruto, Itachi will be with you. It seems that you find comfort in his company...It will be a long journey so make sure to be prepared." He announced, walking to Kushina for a moment. He lightly touched her shoulder while giving her a small sad smile of regret and knowing before moving with his men to the front of the shrine.

Naruto hugged his mother tight and took in her smell. He would miss his mother terribly, but it wasn't every day that you got invited to stay with the Tengu.

"My precious Naruto...Please promise me that you will behave yourself and not cause too much trouble for the Tengu. They are not as forgiving and patient as the kitsune's in our shrine." She spoke to her son, trying desperately not to sound sad.

He looked up at her, knowing that there was sadness there but not for the reason that he suspected.

"Don't worry mommy, I'll be back before you even don't cry...and I promise to be good." He tried to comfort her. She looked at him and smiled, tears flowed down her cheeks.

"I will miss you, and I know you will be good...Be cause if you don't be good Naruto Uzumaki you won't like what you come back to!" She got angry like her usual self, making her son laugh before hugging her tightly one last time.

Naruto walked over to Itachi smiling, unaware of what was to come.

While the flying ghost carriage came to get Naruto, he watched all around him and then back at his mother. He never got tired of looking at her beautiful red hair, complimented by her red fox ears. He told her once that he wanted beautiful red hair like hers, which made her smile, but she then told him that he looked exactly like his father who was very handsome. She would tell him how heroic he could be and how she loved his golden hair, and how happy she was that Naruto had inherited that from him.

Naruto's fox ears swiveled right and left as he heard the flying carriage approaching. Since the Tengu were going to be flying the whole time, they made sure to get something for the fox, since it would be a long ways for any Tengu to carry someone.

"Hey Itachi?" Naruto called to the young Tengu, trying to not let the quiver through his voice.


"Will" He sighed, clearly not wanting to say something to him. "Will you ride in there with me?" He asked quietly, embarrassed to ask.

Itachi looked to his father, who looked down at him and nodded.

"Sure, I would gladly ride with you." He said, he knew that Naruto was a little scared.

"G-Great!" He said before nervously climbing into the Ghost carriage. Once inside, he didn't feel as scared as he thought he would be, but it was still nice to have Itachi in there with him.

Eventually Naruto fell asleep nuzzled up against Itachi, dreaming of what the grand Tengu mountain could look like. Itachi stretched his wings while making sure not to disturb the young kitsune. He smiled when he heard the young one coo in his sleep a little, nuzzling even more in his lap.

'He's nothing like my little Otōto...' he thought, brushing some of the golden locks from Naruto's face.

His hair was so soft...Probably a perk of being a fox, but it was hard for him to not touch the foxes hair, loving the way it slipped out of his fingers. It was at the boy's shoulders almost in length, and in Kitsune culture he would probably never really cut it. His fox ears would twitch when Itachi's fingers got too close, making the Teen smile in mild amusement.

"If only you could stay this innocent and unaware of all the killing around you little fox...I wish my brother would too.." He talked to himself for a moment, wishing that Naruto wouldn't suffer much in the future. But even Itachi didn't know of the events that were happening at the Kitsune shrine.

_At the Kitsune Shrine_

"Lady Kushina...The humans are approaching from the east shrine entrance...They'll be here in the next hour." One of few remaining shrine guards spoke.

Kushina watched out into the distance, a content and peaceful smile graced her lips. She knew that her son would live...and one day make peace for the demon life. And she knew that with the sacrifice that everyone was making this day, that the humans wouldn't suspect any survivors. And Naruto would stay safe till he chose his path in life...

As she heard the Humans enter the shrine, killing off whatever they could find,she thought of her young Naruto and what life could have been like if things were different...and what it would also be like if Minato hadn't died...Tears came to her eyes, her body quaked. Her power rose as she let her emotions out in a fury of Kitsune fire.

"I will die tonight...but I will not let the deaths of my friends...the death of my loved ones be in vain! Those who chose to flea will be spared...Those who stay will meet with my teeth!" She roared in a demonic voice that was heard by everyone. No more than a few seconds later a Huge red fox emerged from the middle of the Kitsune shrine. Kushina had unleashed her fox form in a rage of hurt and determination to go out with a fight.

"The Lady Finally shows her true self!" One of the Humans spoke...He had half of his face bandaged. His old aged face was twisted into an amused smirk as Kushina growled in his direction.

"My Name is Danzo..." He announced. His name was well know in the demon world as the human man that took pleasure in killing Demons and experimented on the ones that survived his mass genocide.

Kushina snarled with displeasure...Of all the humans that she had to face, she didn't want her last moments to be with him.

"You will forever be cursed Danzo...with all the blood of demons who have fallen under your will rot in HELL!" She proclaimed before leaping at the man, killing most of the weaker "Demon hunters" at the front.

She fought him off valiantly, dishing out any damage she could. But she never saw the Demon killing blade he had hidden away on his person.

He slashed her with it, the damage unrecoverable. She could feel all of her strength and power leave her as she was sliced again by the blade.

"I will take the power that you have Lady Kushina...I will see into the future, and there is nothing you can do about it." He spoke as the demon slaying sword absorbed her powers.

"You may obtain my strength and other magic...but you will not receive the gift of foresight." She rasped out, smiling one last time.

Danzo watched as the life left Lady Kushina. He ripped the sword from her flesh, eager to try out the gift of foresight. But as Kushina said he didn't receive it. What he didn't know was that the moment the fatal blow was received, her family's power was already fully awakening inside Naruto.

He stood there, waiting for the power to activate...When nothing happened he stepped on Kushina's now human hand.

"Why isn't it working?! I've cut you down with this blade...I MUST HAVE YOUR POWER!" He roared in anger, crushing Kushina's hand even further. But she didn't cry out...She didn't flinch as he repeatedly beat upon her body. When the light finally faded through her eyes, Danzo gave one final slash of the Demon killing blade, Cutting off Kushina's lifeless head.

"THERE MUST BE A WAY!" He called out to his followers, lifting Kushina's head to the crowd. They roared in triumph before gathering the few survivors or nearly dead. Danzo would torture them until one of them talked, making whoever it was tell him what transpired.

_IN side the Ghost carriage_

While Itachi was petting Naruto's hair he began to notice the change in the young kitsune. His once peaceful face began to scrunch in fear, slight tears leaked through his tightly closed eyes. He cried out in his sleep slightly.

"Naruto!" Itachi called out to him, shaking him slightly. He hated knowing that Naruto was suffering from something he himself couldn't see.

With the gentle shaking that Itachi was doing, Naruto startled awake, jumping up, breathing hard with more tears streaking his face.

"Naruto...It's okay you are still in the carriage with me...Did you have a nightmare?" He asked, saddened that Naruto was so frightened.

"It...It seemed so real..." Naruto finally sobbed out, rushing over to Itachi. He threw his arms over his neck, squeezing him tight as he cried uncontrollably.

'He must have really been frightened if he's this shaken up.' Itachi thought as he attempted to sooth Naruto.

"Can you tell me about your dream, It helps to talk about it." Itachi asked, stroking the soft, golden locks on the back of Naruto's head.

He shook his head. "I don't remember anything...I just know it was really scary..." he shook once again, trying hard to remember.

Itachi nodded in understanding. The child's mind must have made him forget in order to protect itself. He thought of the reasoning behind the nightmare.

"We're almost to the Tengu mountain Naruto...just hold out till we get there and I promise to make you something that will help you sleep." Itachi promised.

Naruto nodded and sat next to Itachi, fully awake now.

He could smell the Sakura blossoms. There must have been a whole forest of them for him to smell them from the Ghost Carriage.

He took comfort in the smell, it reminded him of home and his mother, who would always smell like them. He twitched his tail back and forth, noticing that Itachi was watching it.

"You want to touch it?" Naruto asked, startling the Uchiha.

"Do I what?" Itachi asked back, a little taken back.

"You can touch it if you want, It's not as soft as my mom's, but that's because it hurts to brush it...and I think it's a waste of time really..." Naruto said, pouting slightly at the memory of his mother forcing him down to brush his tail.

Itachi smirked, reaching for the fluffy appendage, smiling as the little fox jumped slightly at the touch.

"It is pretty soft..." He remarked, stroking it.

"I can't wait till I'm old enough to get all Nine of my tails..." Naruto said aloud, thinking of all the physical and magic training he's going to have to go through to get to that point. Not every fox can achieve such high status.

"You want Nine tails?" Itachi asked, unaware of what the young fox was really talking about.

He wasn't raised with the knowledge of other demons. The Tengu were strict when it came to learning the customs of their people first before others. And seeing as Itachi was just coming into his young teens, he was still considered to be a kid in adult Tengu's eyes.

"Yeah, my mom told me about how only really powerful Kitsune's grow up to get Nine tails. Every tail is a level of power." The young fox explained, excited to talk about it.

Itachi was happy to see that Naruto was easing up and forgetting about the terror of the nightmare he had,had.

"So what magic can you do young fox?" Itachi asked, wanting to know if the Kitsune was developing any good magic skills.

"I'm not really good with fire magic...but Transformation magic I'm really good

at!" He spoke, jumping up with excitement.

"Okay show me," He asked, looking for something for Naruto to change into.

He spotted one of the fancy embroidered pillows behind Naruto, "Turn into that." he pointed to it.

Naruto smiled, pulling out a tiny green leaf. He placed it on his forehead, immediately there was a white puff of smoke, followed by a light little thud. Itachi's eyes widened for a moment as he took in the sight of two identical embroidered pillows.

"Wow..." He spoke. Naruto transformed back, smiling as he caught the leaf that floated down near him.

"What else can you transform into?...What about people?" Itachi asked, unusually excited about this whole situation.

"Yeah, I transform into The servant Kitsune all the time!" he smiled his signature smile. He placed the same leaf on his head and the same white cloud of smoke popped out when his transformation hit. when it cleared there, kneeling. where Naruto was was Fugaku Uchiha, Naruto had decided to transform into him.

"Wow, you look exactly like him...except your glare is off." Itachi remarked, knowing that it was almost impossible to replicate that man's glare.

"Aw!" Naruto whined, transforming back to his normal form.

"I thought I had him down..." He pouted, looking over at Itachi.

"I must admit that you were very close." He remarked back, knowing that the world couldn't handle two Fugaku's. The thought in itself was a disaster.

Itachi laughed a little when he saw that Naruto was still pouting.

"Don't worry Naruto, I believe you when you say you can turn into anything." He

paused, watching Naruto's expression change. When the kit started to smile he added on, "It's quite an accomplishment...I'm not sure of any Kitsune who has mastered transformation at your age."

Naruto nodded, smiling bright at Itachi.

Suddenly the Carriage jerked slightly, making Naruto jerk forward in a rough manner. But thankfully Itachi was quick and managed to catch the young fox before he face-planted into the Tatami covered floor.

The carriage stopped shaking, and came to an eventual stop.

Itachi held onto Naruto, making sure that he was okay and stable before letting

him stand.

"T-Thank you..." Naruto said, laughing hesitantly. He scratched the back of his

golden head, unsure of what to say next.

"We've arrived." Itachi said as he stood. He gently pushed aside the bamboo screen door, letting in the cool morning air. He helped Naruto out of the Carriage, noting the Kitsune's increased level of excitement.

"Wow!" Naruto exhaled, his blue orbs going wide as he took in the huge mountain side full of Japanese styled homes and Temples. The Sakura trees that were around the homes were breathtaking. The whole experience was topped off by the Sun coming over the mountain peak, and the sound of a small child screaming.

'Wait...What?' Naruto thought, looking around in confusion.

"Naruto is something wro-?" Itachi almost got out but there was a loud thump and the sound of fluttering feathers.

"NII-San!" There was the same voice.

Itachi turned to look in the direction of his home, but got a face full of a young body. What looked like a really young Tengu, flew straight into Itachi's face, holding it tight.

He had Short, spiked black hair, complimented by a pale complexion. Naruto could instantly tell that the two were brothers, with how similar they looked...Not to mention the fact that the young Tengu was almost sobbing "Nii-san" the whole time.

"Sasuke...Would you kindly remove yourself from my face...This is not Uchiha behavior." Itachi's muffled voice could be heard from under the young Tengu.

"But Nii-Chan! I missed you...There isn't anyone I can hang out with when you're gone..." His so called little brother whined, holding on to his brother's

head for a little moment then letting go, dropping down to the dirt road.

That's when he caught sight of Naruto. His face started to turn red.

"Nii-chan...Who's this?!" He asked his older brother, his normal almost blank face returning. But no one could mistake his embarrassment for anything else.

"This Ototo, Is Naruto Uzumaki form the Kitsune Shrine. He will be staying with

us for a while, so make sure he feels welcome." Itachi said to his little brother, with a little bit of a stern voice at the last part.

He knew that Sasuke didn't take well to strangers, especially ones that were his age. He tried asking Sasuke why that was...But every time he would answer the same way. That they were inferior to him and that he didn't like to hang out with anyone but Itachi.

Sasuke looked to Naruto again, taking in the foxes wide smile, and his sunshine

hair. A small smile appeared on his small lips.

"So you are going to be staying with us?" He asked, folding his scrawny arms.

Naruto's smile widened as he nodded his head vigorously.

"I've never seen such a great mountain! You Tengu take very good care of it!" Naruto exclaimed, motioning to the mountain.

Sasuke and Itachi smiled at the comment. Tengu took great pride in their abilities to take care of purifying the mountain and making sure that life prospered on it. Naruto was off to a good start of making a great first impression.

"Let's go you two, we need to get to the main estate before dad freaks out." Itachi said, noting that almost all the adult Tengu have started moving to the main estate.

_ Tengu Estate_

"Itachi...Sasuke, I'm sure that you two have an explanation for being late." Their father asked, giving his traditional scowl.

Itachi knelt in the main hall with Sasuke and Naruto next to him. He remained calm but Sasuke trembled a little at the sound of his father's voice.

"It's not their fault!" Naruto exclaimed, pouting a little while he played with

the front of his robe. His tail twitching angrily in a cute fashion. Fugaku almost lost his composure at the cute sight.

"Naruto...Would you care to explain?" Fugaku asked, hiding his smile.

Sasuke was shocked that the little kitsune was standing up to his father. Not many could accomplish such a feat. But there the little guy was, explaining how Itachi and Him were telling him about their home, and how things ran. He wanted

to make sure that Fugaku understood that he was the reason for their tardiness.

Fugaku nodded in understanding and motioned for Naruto to stop his explanation,witch he did immediately. He didn't show it, but Fugaku really was intimidating to him.

"Itachi, I want you to make sure that Naruto is safe while he is staying here. And Sasuke...Please make sure that you behave with Naruto." He gave his sons a stern understanding look, making sure that they understood before dismissing them.

"Come Naruto, I know that you are tired." Itachi said, motioning for the young fox to follow him.

He tagged along with him, tiredly wiping at his eyes. In his sleepy stage he grabbed Sasuke's hand, walking with him to his sleeping chambers. Sasuke didn't mind all that much. He in turn held on to Naruto's hand, leading him.

_During the Night_

Naruto couldn't stay awake when he finally collapsed down on the futon that was set out for him. Knowing that the fox child was sound asleep, the Uchiha brothers themselves settled down for the night. Their future together was going to be interesting indeed.

Not far into sleep, Naruto started to toss and turn, moaning slightly in his sleep.

He could see a figure approaching him through his dreams, interrupting him in a strange fashion. He knew he was dreaming, but he put himself on guard just in case. You never knew if your dreams turned out to be the work of a Dream eater or an illusion.

But once the figure came into view his guard instantly went down and a peaceful, happy smile adorned his face.

"MOM!" He exclaimed, running to her and embracing her.

She smiled and welcomed him with open arms. Her arms wrapped around him in a tight hug, squeezing him almost painfully.

"Is that really you mom?" he asked, looking into her eyes. Sure enough he saw the familiar eyes that he had grown up with. She taught him that in dreams if you looked at a person's eyes you would be able to tell if it was real or not.

"Yes my dear...I am here, but I don't have much time my dear one...I must explain something of great importance to you." she turned serious, bending down to one knee so that she was to eye level with her son.

"...Mom you're scaring me, what's going on?" Naruto asked, sensing his mothers urgency and fear.

"Naruto...You have inherited my sight to see future events." She started to explain.

"They mostly come in dreams, but Some are powerful enough to happen when you are conscious, those my dear are ones are of the utmost importance and you need to pay attention to every detail that you see." She hurried along. She paused a moment to stroke Naruto's face in a loving manner.

"You need to grow up strong and develop your skills. Please stay it for mama won't you?" she asked, tears coming to her eyes. She began to fade in and out of Naruto's dream, her body and face looking more and more fatigued. What life she had left was disappearing from her at an alarming rate.

"I don't like this mama, Why are you crying!...Why do you sound like I'll never see you again!" Naruto cried out, tears pouring down his face. His fox ears plastered against his head in sorrow, along with his tail between his legs.

"I Don't want this stupid power! It's going to take you away isn't it!" Naruto yelled out in rage and hurt. His little hands grasped at his mother's kimono desperately, shaking slightly as his tears fell.

"Naruto...Please, I know that this isn't fair, and I wish that it didn't have to happen this way..But Being able to see the future will be tough on you...You will want to change some of the things that you see, but you can't will all of them...Fate must happen to all of us, and my time has come." She explained to her young son.

"In time you will come to understand...But for now, live long and be good for the Tengu...They will look out for you." She said, hugging him, one last time.

"NO mama! I don't like this! Don't leave me!" he wailed as his mother's body began to fade from his dreams.

"DON'T GO!" He yelled, clinging to her.

"It's alright Naruto...I will always be watching over you...You just keep being yourself and promise me that you will never stop smiling, even when times are rough...Don't stop smiling for mama." She begged her son as she completely faded from his dream.

Naruto knelt there, speechless for a moment, all color drained from his face and the light didn't shine in his eyes. He opened his mouth for one last heart wrenching scream before he was shaken roughly awake.

"Naruto!" Itachi shook him, jolting him from his screaming.

It took Naruto a few moments before he realized where he was, once he saw Itachi he burst out into sobs, clinging to the confused and concerned Tengu.

"Shhh, It's all right Naruto...It was just a dream..." Itachi petted Naruto's hair. He occasionally rubbed his fox ears in a comforting way, calming the boy down enough for him to think.

"N-No...It wasn't a dream..." Naruto seethed out, his anger spiking dangerously.

He bolted up, running out of Itachi and Sasuke's room.

"Naruto!" Itachi called after him, knowing something was seriously wrong with the boy for him to have so much anger all of a sudden. He needed to find him quickly, then he'd ask his father for answers...There was something bigger going on here.

Naruto ran through the main Tengu Estate, searching for one specific Tengu...Fugaku.

He sniffed the air, tracking his scent to the main hall. He ran there as fast as he could, disregarding the calls out to him from the other Tengu. He pushed past people, even knocking a few down until he finally reached the main hall. He burst the doors open, drawing everyone's attention to him . Their expressions showed that they were shocked and a little annoyed with the little fox for just barging in. But Fugaku knew that something was wrong.

"Naruto..." He said the boys name.

Naruto's anger spiked even further, his once sky blue eyes started to bleed into a hateful and angry shade of red.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MOTHER!" He roared in anger, startling some of the Tengu inside.

Itachi caught up with Naruto in time to hear his roar of rage, his question confusing him slightly.

"What do you mean?" Fugaku asked back, unsure of just what Naruto was aware of.

"She came to me in my dream!" He cried out, The pain and fear in his voice almost cut like a knife.

"SHE'S DEAD!" Naruto finally sobbed out in a scream, collapsing down in the middle of the floor. His little body shook while he cried.

Fugaku understood now, his eyebrows furrowed in sorrow. He hated knowing that Kushina was now dead, but what hurt him more was seeing her son in such a pitiful state of despair and loneliness.

"Naruto you must underst-"

"WHY IS SHE DEAD!?" He roared out, his ruby eyes so full of rage. "Why didn't you help her?! You could have save her!?" He yelled, charging at Fugaku. Itachi sprang into action, pinning the poor little Kitsune down to the floor.

Naruto struggled, putting up a good fight, but not good enough. Itachi kept him pinned there as he continued to cry and seethe with anger and hate.

"She asked me to save you..And I have...She knew that with her gift of sight that she couldn't change her fate, but she could save you. She did what she did to protect you and the future of the Kitsune clan. She is a brave woman and will forever have my respect. I will grant her last wish and make sure that you live a long life and grow to be strong, so that you can retake the kitsune shrine and bring peace to the demon world." Fugaku spoke, trying to calm Naruto down and try to make sure that he didn't lose his control on his emotions.

"Kushina...Your mom would never have for given me if I went back for her, and she still would have stayed there at the shrine." He said after a little while.

Naruto's rage started to subside a little as he listened to what Fugaku had to say. He knew as well that this was how it was meant to be...and If anyone tried to stop his mother, then she still would have found a way. But that didn't take away the pain that he felt. There was a hole in him now and he didn't know how to fill it.

"Let go of your anger, Naruto...It isn't wise to hold onto such feelings...It will destroy you in the end...For now honor your mother's wishes and Live your life in peace." He spoke, pleading with Naruto through eye contact.

Naruto gave one last little sob, before passing out underneath Itachi, completely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

"Father...Is It true?...Is Lady Kushina really dead?" Itachi asked, picking up the passed out Naruto, a look of concern and pity graced his face.

His father sighed, placing his head into his hands.

"Yes my son...Lady Kushina has passed on with the rest of the Kitsune clan...Only Naruto remains. He is our top priority now and we must protect him at all cost...That is why Itachi, that from now on you will be Naruto's personal guard...Do you understand my son?" Fugaku said, raising his head to look at his son.

Itachi locked gazes with his father.

"I will protect him with my life, father."