Leap Day 2: Sports on the Moon

Part 1

"This is the last question of the night, Ferb." Fifteen-year old Phineas told his stepbrother. "Then it's bedtime. We have school tomorrow."

"Agreed." Ferb agreed, sitting on his bed, petting Perry in his lap. Phineas held up the driver's test pamphlet. Phineas couldn't believe his stepbrother was going to drive before him. He also couldn't believe that he was going to graduate at sixteen. He was fifteen, but he'll be sixteen in May. Well, he did skip the sixth grade so there's that.

"When the stoplight flashes yellow, what should you do?"

"Easy!" Ferb said. "Proceed with caution." Phineas smiled.

"You'll do great on the written test next week." He put the pamphlet on the nightstand. "Okay; let's go to bed." Perry leapt to the floor as Ferb tucked himself in. Phineas went to shut off the lightswitch, and then went to his bed.

"Morning, family!" Phineas greeted his family in the kithan the next morning. He petted his pet's head as he went to the table. "Morning, Perry!" Perry chatted after swallowing a tuna. The teenaged boy sat in his chair. He sniffed the smell of his blueberry pancakes.

"MMM, blueberry pancakes; yum!" He said. He poured maple syrup over them, and began to eat.

"There's no school today." Ferb announced.

"What?" Phineas asked. "No school?" He looked at his mom. "Is this true?" His mom nodded.

"While you were getting ready, we got a call from the school." Linda explained. "Today is a snow day. We also got a call from Candace. She's off from collage as well. February 29th, what a day to be off."

"February 29th?" Phineas wanted to know. "That's today?" He looked at the calendar on the wall. Indeed, it was February 29th, Leap Day. "I nearly forgot!" Phineas knew about it, but with finals and Ferb's driving test this week, the thought escaped his mind. Linda then thought of something.

"Hey," She remembered. "Wasn't last February 29th a snow day too?"

"You may be right, Mom." Phineas said to her. He smiled. "No wonder why this date is so special."

"Yes, yes, it is."

"Your poor mother and I unfortunately have to go to work." Lawrence said, He sighed. "I guess it's too good to be true. We should have it off because of the day being so special, but we don't. Do you want me to take the day off, and you go to work for me instead." Phineas laughed.

"No; you better not skip work, Dad." Lawrence pretended to be disappointed.

"Darn it all! Okay, if you say so, son."

"So, are you boys going to go back to bed?" Linda wanted to know. Phineas shrugged.

"Don't know, Mom." He admitted. "Maybe. It depends on how I feel after breakfast."

"Okay." She looked at Ferb. "Are you, Ferb?" Ferb shrugged.

"He probably wants to study for his driver's test again." Phineas spoke up.

"That boy sure is determined to pass." Lawence put in.

"Well, he's yours." Linda said.

"Quite right."

"Ferb is like Baljeet when it comes to tests." Phineas added. "He studies way in advance!" Phineas was right; Ferb had only started studying for this test the first day of the new year. The phone then rang. Linda answered it.

"Phineas," His mom said to him, offering him the phone. "Isabella's on the line."

"At a quarter to seven in the morning?" Phineas questioned. He stood up, and went over to the phone.

"Hello." Phineas said.

"Phineas!" Isabella said. "Guess what?"

"We don't have school today?" Phineas guessed. "I know. I've heard."

"So, what are you going to do all day?"

"To tell you the truth, I have no idea."

"Okay; well, I just called just in case you and your stepbrother were waiting for the bus that's not going to come."

"Okay, thanks; bye."

"Bye, have a good snow day and happy leap day."

"Yeah; happy leap day." He hung up. A second later, the phone rang again.


"Hello, Phineas!" It was Irving.

"I know, it's a snow day and also a leap day."

"Right; so, do you have any stuff planned?"

"Nope!" He was about to say goodbye, when Irving spoke again.

"I remember when we were kids on the last leap day, you said perhaps people will play sports like basketball on the moon, and build the first ever school on it." Phineas was confused.

"I did?"


"Holy cow, that was four years ago. How do you remember that?"

"I wrote it down."

"Wrote it down?"


"Boy; you sure admired Ferb and I back then. That's creepy!"

"Yep! So, are we all going to make that into a reality? You know, invite people to play sports and build a school?"

"Gee, I don't know Irving. I was only eleven back then."

"So? You have to try to pursue your dreams Phineas, no matter how bizarre they may be."

"Okay, Irving. I'll call all of our friends. I'll call you back." Irving pumped his fist on the other line at his house. Phineas hung up.

"What was that about, dear?" Linda wanted to know. Phineas looked at Linda.

"That was Irving." He replied. "Mom, can our friends come over?" Linda nodded.

"Sure; whatever you want." Phineas then looked at his stepbrother.

"Ferb, I know what to do today."

Perry's watch beeped. The platypus looked at it, and turned it on.

"Agent P," Monogram said into the watch. "it's Leap Day, so before you come to HQ, can you find your sombrero that we gave you four years ago, and wear it on your mission?" Perry sighed. "It's not for me; it's for Carl." Perry rolled his eyes. Sure it is! "Thank you!" Perry turned it off, and went to find his sombrero.

It took Perry a whole hour, but when he was about to give up, he found it. He put it on his head, and went down from the attic.

When he entered the living room, he saw that Isabella had just arrived.

"Oh, hi, Perry!" She greeted. She noticed his Mexican hat.

"I like your hat." Perry went out of the doggy door backwards. Isabella was confused. "Uh, Phineas, why did your pet go out of his doggy door backwards?" Phineas shrugged.

"Beats me!" He told her. "That platypus of mine is such a mystery."

Unaware to his owners and friend, by going backwards, Perry has warped into his HQ. The platypus went to his chair, and turned on the monitor. Monogram appeared on screen.

"Hello, Agent P." He noticed his hat. "Oh good, you found the sombrero. Carl will be pleased."

When Carl saw that Perry had on the sombrero, he ran to the monitor, shoving Monogram aside. The superior fell to the floor.

"Agent P; you're wearing your sombrero!" Carl cried. "Cool; hey, I don't think you wore it since last leap day." Well, I did wear it for that Cinco de Mayo party my owner threw for his friend. Monogram got up.

"Carl!" He scolded him.

"Oops!" Carl said. "Sorry, sir." Carl turned back to the monitor. "Oh, I got to get my camera; BRB, Agent P!" He ran off.

"Carl, later!" But, Carl was already out of the room. Monogram sighed. He looked at Perry. "Sorry, Agent P; you know Carl. Goofy as always. Even four years can't change that. Now, onto your mission. Sources say that Dr. Doofenshmirtz had made a machine that turns living thing into frogs." Perry arched an eyebrow. Doofenshmirtz?

"Now, I know what you're thinking. Doofensmhirtz? But how? He turned nice since last Leap Day. I don't know why. I wanted to ask him myself, but he never came in along with the other agents on your team. It just doesn't make sense. So, I need you Agent P to…" A light green ray then came from nowhere and hit him. Perry grew wide-eyed as he saw his boss scream as he transformed. The ray stopped, and Perry gaped. Monogram was nowhere on screen.

"Agent P? Agent P?" Perry heard Monogram's voice. Carl came back and screamed. Monogram saw Carl.

"Carl, why did you scream?" Carl pointed to him.

"Y-you just talked." Carl stammered.

"Carl, what are you talking about? Of course I can talk! I've been talking since I was a baby, and before you say it; that wasn't a million years ago. I wasn't born in the stone ages you know." Carl then was confused.

"Monogram, sir?" Monogram sighed.

"Carl, I don't know what game you're playing, but stop right now."

"Y-you're a frog." Monogram arched his monobrow.

"I beg you pardon?" Carl got out a handmirrior, and showed it to his boss. "See? You're a frog." Monogram looked into the mirror, and a frog with a bushy, white mustache looked back. He hopped back in realization.

"Great googly moogly, you're right!" Carl looked at the monitor and saw an agent platypus that had no clue what was happening. "Oh, Agent P's still here, Sir."

"Help me up so I can resume briefing him."

"Yes, Sir." Carl scooped up his boss-turned frog and showed it to Perry. Perry's eyes grew wide again.

"Why am I frog, Agent P? Is this the works of that machine? Go to Doof's apartment, and find out!" Perry saluted. He was about to go off when Carl spoke up.

"Wait, Agent P. Before you go; can you pose for me?"

"Carl; he can do that later." Carl got his camera and focused on Perry.

"This'll only take a second." Monogram sighed, and looked onscreen.

"Do what he says, Agent P. Perry sighed, and posed for the camera. The camera clicked.

"I got it!" He put the camera down. "Okay, thanks Agent P." Perry turned off the monitor, and rushed off.

Carl looked at his boss.

"Does this mean I have to kiss you now?" Monogram looked at Carl, disturbed.

"What? No! Carl, that's a fairytale I read to my niece. Besides; I'm not a prince. Uck; how disgusting! Now I have to put that disturbing image you put in my head." Carl looked down, ashamed.

"Sorry, Sir."

Phineas answered the door as Baljeet, Buford, and Irving arrived.

"Alright." Buford said. "Let's get this over with."

The teens were now in the garage, gathering a basketball, soccer ball, baseball, tennis ball, volleyball, hockey puck, football, and a dodge ball.

"How many sports are we going to play on the moon?" Buford questioned. "We can't play all of them."

"You're right." Phineas agreed. "There's just too many sports in this world; we obviously can't play all of them in one day. Okay; this'll do I guess. His friends all sighed in relief. "Okay; now we just need to build a rocket."

"What?" Buford questioned. "Don't you guys have a rocket already? I remember being in space a few times with you guys as a kid."

"Yeah." Phineas answered. "But we donated them to N.A.S.A. We need a new one. And once we get to the moon; we need to build a school on it."


"Because I said maybe we'll have the world's first ever school on it."

"You said, maybe! Maybe and will be, are two different things, Dinner Bell."

"Why are you still calling him Dinner bell?" Baljeet wanted to know.

"Because I can." Buford answered. "Plus, his face still looks like a dinner bell, therefore his nickname still stays."

"Okay." Buford looked back at Phineas.

"And another thing, you were a kid when you said that. Not all childhood dreams come true, for example, I made a dream as a kid that I'll become an evil dictator of the world and a professional jewel thief. Looking back on them, I realize what a fool I was, and those will never come true, therefore they are no longer my dreams."

"You were a pretty messed up kid back then." Irving said. Buford went over to Irving and elbowed him. Irving yelped. "Said the guy who had a Phineas and Ferb shrine in his bedroom and still does to this very day." Irving nursed his injured shoulder.

"Guys!" Phineas said. "Let's get busy! The day won't last forever. I don't want another four years to go by without making this into a reality." He then smiled. "Now, come on, let's invite some people for help, and let's make my eleven year old self proud!" The teens all agreed, and they went to work.

Perry landed his hovercraft on Doofensmhirz's balcony. He undid his seatbelt, leapt out, and went into his former nemesis' apartment.

He looked all around, and saw something in the corner of the room with a tarp over it. The platypus strolled up to it, and took off the tarp, revealing a statue of a frog, or was it? The statue had a button on it.

"Don't press that, Perry the platypus!" He heard a familiar voice. He looked to see a frog hopping his way. But, this frog had a pointy nose and a brown tuft of hair on his head. Perry's eyes widened. Doofensmhirtz?

"That's right Perry the Platypus." Heinz said. "I'm a frog. Do you want to know how I became a frog?" Perry pointed to the machine.

"Right again; my Transform-into-a-Frog Inator changed me into one." Perry arched an eyebrow. Why did you turn into a frog?

"I suppose you're wondering 'Doof, why did you turn yourself into a frog? Well, it was Norm's fault!"

"And I said that I was sorry." Norm said, coming into the room. "I just set a tray of my applestudel on it. I didn't mean for it to press the button." Doof put his webbed fingers on his hips.

"Oh, and I suppose you're going to blame the tray? You put it on the machine where the button was."

"I'm not blaming it sir; I take full responsibly."

"Good, because you are responsible, and it is all your fault." Norm looked at Perry, and waved to him.

"Oh, hi, Perry the Platypus!" He pointed to the button. "If you want to remain a platypus, I suggest you don't press that." He waved a goodbye. "Well, goodbye; happy Leap Day!" The robot then left the room.

"Oh, Perry the Platypus!" Doof continued. Perry looked at him as he went to a cage with a blanket over it. "I have some friends to show you!" And with that, he took off the blanket, revealing three frogs. When the frogs saw Perry, they all hopped and croaked frantically, all wearing fedoras. Perry glared at Dr. D as he laughed manically.

"Since they're all frogs, you probably don't know who they are, do you?" It was true, Perry didn't know who these frogs were, but they knew it was his fellow agents, and that what all he needed to know.

"These frogs are on our team, Perry the Platypus; or they were on our team!" Dr. D pointed at each and every one. "Harry the Hyena, Maggie the Macaw, and Karen the Cat." Perry looked at them again. He saw the pleading looks in all of their eyes. He glared at Dr. D again. How could he betray him and his team like this?!

"Now, I know what you are thinking," He continued. "You're thinking 'how can you betray us like this?!' well, it's easy, I'm evil. Now, I know I was nice all of these years, and although it was fun, I missed being evil. So, today I'm going back to it. I can't help it; evil is fun. You good guys won't understand." He tapped on his machine. "So, in honor of Leap Day, I made this baby. The Transform-into-a-Frog Inator will turn all of Dansville's citizens into helpless frogs, and put them into cages, so I can take over the Tri-State Area!" He laughed evilly once more. Perry prepared to fight. "Oh, and I suppose you're asking 'hey Doof, where's my trap?' No I'm not. The thought never occurred to me. You're just putting words into my mouth.

"Well, never fear, I'll turn you into a frog, and then lock you in the cage with your buddies." He hopped to the machine and made it fire at Perry. The platypus started running, dodging each blast. "Stay put you; start cooperating!" But Perry kept dodging the blasts, making Doofensmhirtz irritated every time.

"Maybe use your tongue, Dr. D." Norm suggested, who came back in. His creator looked at him, confused.

"Wha…" He then realized what the robot meant. "Oh, I'm a frog. I have that power." He chased Perry, trying to get him with his sticky tongue.

"You're welcome!" Norm said as the animals ran away from each other.

It took several minutes, but Heinz finally stopped Perry in his tracks with his tongue. Perry tried to escape, but was stuck.

"I did it; I did it!" Doof cheered, his voice muffled because of his tongue. He looked at the machine. "Okay Norm, turn Perry the Platypus into a frog!" He looked at Norm when nothing happened. The robot just stayed put. "Norm; turn Perry into a frog!" Norm pointed to himself.

"Are you talking to me, Sir?" He wanted to know. "I am sorry, but I can't understand you." Doofenshmirtz sighed.

"Oh, for the love as…" His tongue, still stuck on Perry, he hopped over to the platypus, grabbed his arm, and his tongue went back into his mouth. "Turn the platypus into a frog!"

"Oh; why didn't you just say that?" Norm went to the machine. Doof had a strong grip on Perry, but the semi-aquatic mammal got free, and started running again.

But, it was too late. Norm pressed the button and fired at Perry. Perry fell to the ground. Doof laughed evilly.

"Hello, Perry the Frog!"

Perry looked at his hand and his eyes widened. It wasn't his hand; it was webbed. He looked at his feet. His feet weren't his feet ether. Doof went over to him and showed him a hand mirror.

"See? You're a frog just like me and your pals." Perry's eyes widened again as a frog stared back at him. Perry chattered nervously, but instead of a chatter, it was a nervous croak. Doof was right; he was a frog.

"I declare the first ever school on the moon," Phineas began telling his friends and a bunch of other teens. They were all on the moon, and all wearing spacesuits and helmets. Phineas had a scissors and a ribbon was in front of a building with Neil's flag in front of it. "Neil Armstrong Elementary School officially open!" He cut the ribbon, and the teens cheered. "Now, in honor of the opening, let's do what we all came up here for, and play sports!" The teens all cheered again as he and Ferb took some balls out of a sports bag.