The Spiral Rebellion

—[ Rasen no Rangyaku ]—


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– This is a nonprofit literary fan-based fictional work –

[ Chapter 03 : The Spiral's Foolery ]—

Being able to live a centuries worth of existence, Naruto may have come to experience alot state of 'Being' in his prolonged life.

Being born onto this world only for his parents to vanish.

Being made as the village's living sacrifice only for him to become their source of anguish.

Being acknowledged by his best friend only for him to be betrayed and almost perish.

Being finally accepted by his own people only for their homeland to be extinguish.

Being able to partook in a war that unified every hostile factions into a single banner.

Being able to lead the village whom have initially shunned him and made it prosper.

Being able to create a family and become a father of two only for him to see them be murdered!

Being venerated as a hero and saviour only to fail his role as he haplessly watch the world crumbled...

Indeed Naruto may have come to withstand alot of state of 'Being' in his colorful life laden with obverse dualism yet through it all, there's only one thing that has remained ever so constant and singular and that is his—Will of Fire.

His patriotic love for his own motherland, Konohagakure.

In a centuries life full of joyful meetings and sad farewells, these long kindled patriotic will of his are the only thing that ever remained the same and unchanged thus Naruto never doubt even for a second that his blazing will either

be doused nor be extinguished...until now that is.

"Nothing ever remains constant in life m'child...even death itself can be inverted given the proper method. T'live is to change and to change is t'evolve...if there's one thing I've learned from observing humanity for a millennia, its that constancy begets stagnation thus preventing those whom succumb from it to reach the apex of evolution."

Idly stated by the lunar goddess as she hovers right beside him as the two of them from the skies gazed down at the bloodied aftermath of Naruto's sudden lapse of rage and madness.

The moon matriarch was quite surprised that her rather naive container had it in him to unleashed such catatonic slaughter. Perhaps their fusion hath really infused him with some of her egocentric tendencies.

Naruto only moved his iris towards her and let out an indignant scoff with a mocking façade.

"Hah, says the one who remained unchanged for more than a thousand years, aren't you being hypocritical Kōbaa-chan?"

( 古婆ちゃん : Kōbaa-chan » Ancient Granny-chan )

He dared to trade barbs with her for the very first time. His patience was already beyond the boiling point and hearing her spew some philosophical bullcrap was like rubbing salt onto fresh wound.

Kaguya grimaced at the insult veiled as an endearment but then choose to wisely concede on it instead. She could sense her container's wrath raging from within and she didn't want to become the target of such contained rage and malice. Whether she like it or not, the two of them are tied together and to dampen their relation at such an early stage would be simply unwise.

"Ah, That's your preconceived fallacy boya, for I've long reached the pinnacle of evolution."

She retorted in an impish manner to save face.


A vein in Naruto's head suddenly throb in mild annoyance.

"Oh reeally now...if 'thine highness' is really so high up in the friggin' evolutionary ladder then how come I've managed to still beat you—twicein fact! with the second time just being myself all alone and I've just used a single Jutsū'ttebayo."

"S-Such Blasphemy! T'was my mistake for never thyself could imagined an abominable Jutsū of such profanities has ever existed..." Kaguya retorted with a surprisingly flushed and embarrassed face. "In all m'years of existence, never hath' I've seen such horrid perverse desecration of the Shinju's blessings!"

"Oh come'on, stop acting like a virginal teenager Kōbaa-chan, you adore my «Dai Gyaku Harem Tensei : (Greater Reverse Harem of Heavenly Life)» Jutsū. You were so aroused after that you even moaned in pleasure and started s—"

A loud screeching feminine wail encompasses the whole area.

"—able of such things it even shocked me."


Kaguya glared daggers so much that it may even physically pierce him. Naruto knew that riling up the female ex-lunar deity was imprudent but alas, he needs some outlet of his frustrations and she brought it onto herself in his opinion.

"I so loathe ye' right now...If i only hath corporeal limbs, tis' hands would've strangle thee t'death already."

Naruto nonchalantly shrugged, seemingly unfazed with her threats.

"In any case, for ye t'have the gall to abrade me with such jest, I'm assuming thou hath' finally loosened down?"


'Was he calm?'

Naruto thought to himself.

Surprisingly, the time traveler felt like he was indeed in fact somewhat calmed down.


—No, that simple deduction is kind of wrong.

It's not quite accurate to say that he is 'calm' but rather he's being more complacent as if his mind had refused to make sense of reality and had gone into a total state of benumbed self preservation.

The notion that his beloved motherland was the culprit of the demise of the Uzumaki clan was simply just too much for him to handle that his mind had inadvertently put the unthinkable notion in the back of his mind imperiously.

Impetuosity was one of the acquired nuance he got when he landed on the position of being the Nanadaime Hokage since the job was laden with problems that needs immediate on the spot decision making.

Often times in the past, Naruto had to put his inner wrath on the back burner so that he could remain nondespotic and impartial so this subconscious self defense mechanism over time had became almost automatic whenever he encounters a jarring emotional turmoil.

—Or maybe perhaps Kayuga's simply just rubbing off on him.


Naruto cringed as the very thought gave him a slight shiver.

In any case, the impromptu banter with his newly acquired astral neighbor had somewhat helped Naruto gained back his bearings and focus more on the underlying problem which is the ongoing massacre of the Uzumaki clan.

Naruto closed his eyes to fully sense the chakra's within the whole vicinity. He found out that his long distant relatives chakras had a certain uniqueness into it which greatly distinct them from others.

As the time traveler was assessing the casualties, a sudden mind shattering pain has suddenly imploded from within him.

It totally came out of nowhere that it took him by surprise.

He felt absolutely nauseous for no apparent reason. it was like having a heart attack but on a more expanded state.

However, his body shows no wounds or any signs of damage.

It was bizarre.

It felt as if the attack is more internal—without substance.

Its as if his very own core, his soul itself are being attacked by some unknown force.

Kaguya eyed him with a discerning look before her expression tightened up as if she had found the source of his dilemma.

"Alas, so it hath finally came...boya listen, that pain thine suddenly feeling now is the backlash of your careless act of severing several fates that wasn't supposed to expire tonight. Perchance it was delayed since it took time for all the negative karma to be consolidated and be converted into a soul attack."

"W-What does that...mean?"

Naruto asked whilst being drenched in sweat.

"Do ye' think changing the past is easy and hath no repercussions? Hah! Imbecile, i would've done it as well endless times if the past can be easily mended...but alas, the Multiverse has its own method of self preservation and punishing those beings whom hath misaligned its original construct. To either cause a rift or continuum on the Multiverse's construct is to receive the Karmas of those fates you hath managed to greatly tamper with."


"...S-So, based on your reasoning, i would r-receive negative karma in the form of soul attack if i managed to kill a person that wasn't supposed to die yet...b-but what about saving the lives of those people's who are fated to die then?"

To his question laced with dread and agitation, Kaguya just cheekily shrugged off her shoulders as if its no concern of hers.

"Tis' no use, if the Multiverse deemed that a person would die at any given time then make no mistake about it, they would die no matter what since the Multiverse would use any means necessary to kill them even if ye' managed to save them a dozen of times."

Naruto was speechless, his ongoing pain momentarily gone due to his shock. If that's was really the case and he couldn't save anyone after all then what's the point of going back in time!?

He was about to lash out on her when a sudden mental information pertaining a dimensional coordinates entered his mind.

"Try t'open that pocket dimension listed on that dimensional coordinates I've sent ye."

The lunar goddess suddenly ordered him.

"What's it gonna do?"

"Just do it if ye' want to know a method to save someone with a preordained death."

Naruto tried manipulating his chakra and opening a small rift in space. He encountered a slight trouble at the start since it was his first time doing such things plus the Multiverse's backlash was still in effect but he had finally managed after a minute or so to opened up a fist sized hole on the coordinates Kaguya had told him.

"Aye, that's good. Now try feeling up something metallic like a rod from within that pocket dimension. I've only stored one item on it so it should be easy to pull out."

Naruto tried moving his arms back and forth and his fingers suddenly collided onto something cold and non organic. He then tried pulling it out after grasping it tightly and from within the pocket dimension, a golden spear of majestic brilliance was taken out.

"Whoa, what the hell is this?"

The time traveler said in marvel as he examined the spear that seemed as if its was more of a piece of art than a tool for murder. The golden spear was emitting a bright sun-like glow whilst embedded various jewels around its handle that also gave off an unnatural sheen.

He could feel untapped powers from within it but the more surprising thing is that its inherent powers seemed its not made of chakra but instead of an unknown force he is not aware of.

"That is «Ame no Nobuko : (Spear of Heaven)» or more commonly known to the higher beings as the spear of creation. Tis' the treasured heirloom of the Ōtsutsuki clan and is one of the main reason why 'those beings' from thine future had crossed various dimensions to search for it,

Sadly an irrevocable hex was placed onto it by 'them' which prevents anyone from direct Ōtsutsuki lineage from using the spears real powers. My mother hath given it onto me at her deathbed and never once have i used these spear's true potential but our clan's mythos states that these heavenly spear can sever even fate itself."

Naruto sweat dropped.

"Uh, i kinda get that this thing is one super badass spear but what's it got to do with saving people with fated deaths?"

Kaguya sighed.

"Simply put, to save someone, ye' must firstly sever their fate which connects them into Samsāra using these spear and bound it to thee instead."


The moon matriarch almost face-palmed herself.

"Ugh, younglings' these days...what do thine mentors teach thou in the academy? Anyhow, Samsāra is the indefinitely repeated cycles of birth, misery, and death caused by karma. Everyone is linked onto it and by only being cut from this karmic cycle can only a person live beyond his or her preordained death but ye' must have to bound them onto you firsthand to keep them from ceasing to exist after the separation."


"Aye, their fates would instead be bind onto yours. Think of it like your an entwined rope with each thread signifying a string of fate ye' hath managed to save."

"I would there be no backlash if i tried to save people that was supposed to die?"

"I wouldn't say that. By being bound to ye' would also mean that the one's you've saved would siphon thine own powers as a sort of sustenance that would sustain their prolonged existence.

Since they are cut from Samsāra, they hath to use your chakra as an alternative source so that their existence wouldn't collapse...To make it simple that even imbecile's like ye' would understand, you would simply become the god of those people whom ye' hath save from their fated demise."

A God.

Its only a three lettered word but it held so much impetus that Naruto couldn't even comprehend the full implication of turning into such an omnipotent being.

Can he really become one?

Will he even be able to function as one?

What will it make him if he turned into one?

The time traveler has so much questions in his mind but Kaguya just gave him a placid stare as she gently rub the top of his hair in a calming gesture that took him entirely by surprise.

"Calm thyself dear child, being a god isn't all that great contrary to what thine thinks...all ye' need to do is sustain the severed fates of those beings whom you had save, nothing more, nothing less."

The somewhat motherly behavior of the moon matriarch puzzled Naruto. He never knew that she has this kind of adoring side to her. He thought it was kind of thoughtful and it helped lessened the impact that was brought by the soul attack.

Naruto knew that he had overdid it with the abrupt slaughter and usage of his newly acquired abilities. He was now feeling nauseous as a consequence of his lapse of rage and judgment.

To do meddle and alter the original construct furthermore would be simply foolish.

He knew it very well. yet—

"A God is it? Well their already calling me Shinigami so i might as well formalize it..."

Naruto muttered with a rueful smile.


Kaguya tilted her head in wonder but then her face completely paled when he sees her container activating his Rinne Sharingan yet again and summoned a grotesque head figure that's the embodiment of the king of hell.

"Y-You foolish idiot! Haven't ye' understood anything I've said!? You're still suffering a backlash, to alter more fate—"

But she didn't got to finish what she's saying when Naruto shouted;

"Gedo — Rinne Tensei! : (Outer Path : Samsāra of Rebirth)"

Ah, it seems he truly is a fool.

The no. 1 most unpredictable reckless ninja strikes again.

A/N : I'm a firm believer of the law of casualty. For every action, the would be an equal consequences. I can't just let Naruto destroying nations and reviving masses without an equal amount of repercussion.

Also, If you stop and think about it, if the lunar goddess really has time travel capabilities, then why didn't she use it when she was about to be beaten? Why didn't she changed the past and make it to her preference?

Alot of stories does time travel scenarios and blatantly change the past thinking that it could easily be done. I personally don't think the Multiverse works simply that way (at least in regards to saving lives.)

If the Multiverse wanted you croak then you will croak, make no mistake about it.

It has its own set of defense mechanism and self preservation that will strictly abide its original construct so that it wouldn't infinitely expand. For those of you that's familiar with the anime/game 'Stein's Gate' (El psy congroo to ye' peeps!) I'm sure you would know what I'm talking about.

So yeah, I'm implementing the same concept here in my story.

The spear of heaven Kaguya is talking about here as their clan's heirloom is reference to 'Ame no Nobuko' which is the spear of Izanami-no-Mikoto.

Kishimoto based Kaguya on the mythos of Izanami, one of the principal gods (Goddess of creation and death) of Shintoism and i think its quite apt for me expound on this and include the spear on her possession.

Before i end this chapter, can you guys humor me by answering a quick survey? What time/day do you usually read fan fictions? I want to know since i want to have a fixed scheduled update since it helps me get a sense of urgency if i somehow have a definite deadline plus you guys will have a fixed day/time for an update.

Anyhow, thanks for reading.