"Nick Wilde! You get back here!"

"Sorry, Carrots! Ain't happening."

Nick ran as fast as he could between the rows of planted carrots. He tried his best not to spill the precious blueberries out of the little carton that he carried in his arms.

Judy Hopps had invited him to her old home in Bunnyburrow to visit her family. He'd been there for about a day and most of another. The sun was going down, and Judy had just come in with some fresh picked blueberries. She'd offered him one, but instead he slyly grabbed a whole carton of them and dashed away.

Now Judy was chasing him in the fields. He was surprised that he was faster than the quick little bunny.

"Nick! Stop! You can have the blueberries! But please stop running." She shouted as she slowed down. She stopped and put her hands on her knees and panted. "Can't breathe."

Nick slowed down to a stop and turned around. When he reached her, he patted her back.

"Our quick little Carrots is all tuckered out now isn't she? I didn't actually think I was faster than you." Nick smirked.

"Shut it, you little sneak." She said between breaths.

"Come on." Nick said, practically dragging her back to the small barn beside her house.

Near the end, he had to pick her up because she was too slow for him to handle. He balanced the blueberries and her easily. When they reached the barn, he plopped her in a pile of straw. He fell down right next her, holding the his prized treasure above him so as not to spill them. He set them aside after eating a few, and turned to look at his quirky little friend, also his partner at the ZPD.

Somehow, she could tell that he was staring at her, so she opened her eyes. Purple stared back at green.

Randomly, she started laughing. It was contagious and he began laughing with her. They held their sides and practically fell off the straw. He fell first and she followed, landing on top of him. When their laughter died down, he noticed their close proximity. He flushed, and she did as well.


"Don't be." Nick said. "I'm sorry and made you chase me like that."

"It's okay." Judy said, smiling.

Nick paused for a minute. Then smiled his toothy fox smile.

"You're just too cute when your flustered."

Judy's head snapped toward him. Her mouth hung open. Nick placed a finger underneath her chin and pushed it closed. He leaned forward and pecked her on her little nose.

Nick smiled evilly and got up, and left.

Judy's mouth hung open again.