6 March 2016

Summary: Sherlock insults Molly while she's out with a man.

Prompt: Caught in the Rain (Non-Canon/Headcanon)

Rating: T, for references to sexual situations and some cursing

I own nothing. Everything belongs to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, BBC, Steven Moffat, and Mark Gatiss. If I owned Sherlock and Molly Hooper, then there would be a lot more Sherlolly in the show. All mistakes are mine. Reviews and constructive criticism are welcome.

Molly let out an incredulous gasp at Sherlock's words. She stared at her friend and was glad to see that he was as appalled as she was by their unexpected guest's behaviour.

"That's not a nice thing to say about Molly, innit? I think you should apologise, mate."

She took a deep breath when the man standing next to her said nothing. She smiled at her friend. "Thanks for defending me, Zach. But I've got to go. I'm so sorry." She stood, uncaring that the detective instinctively moved out of her way. "I'll call you, OK?" she said as she slipped into her coat.

"O-OK," he stammered as his eyes darted between her and Sherlock. "I'll be here till Wednesday, all right?"

She gave him a tight smile before striding towards the exit. She softly groaned when big fat raindrops greeted her the moment she stepped out of the coffee shop. Of course, because my day wasn't shitty enough, it had to rain when I didn't bring my umbrella, she thought to herself. Sighing, she began walking towards the bus stop.

She had not even gone a block from the coffee shop when she heard Sherlock calling her name. Rolling her eyes, she walked a little faster.

Unfortunately for her, he caught up to her within a minute. "Molly, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to––"

Her anger rising, she whirled round to face him and stopped walking, causing him to step back in fear. "Didn't mean to do what? Slut-shame me to my face in front of my friend?"

Sherlock sighed and ran his hands through his wet hair. "Y-you're right. It was wrong of me to say that. Forgive me, Molly."

"Yeah, you're wrong, all right. Especially two weeks after you practically begged me to sleep with you!"

"What?!" His eyes widened and glanced round as if these passing strangers could help him. "I was slightly inebriated!"

"So was I! Have you forgotten that you fucking kissed me first? Honestly, I can still remember the way you moaned when you asked me to sleep with you."

"To which you consented! And, according to Mrs Hudson, we both enjoyed it."

"But then you had the nerve to tell John that it didn't mean anything! How dare you?!" She cursed herself for letting her voice break. Where were those big fat raindrops when you needed them? She hoped that the abating rain could still hide the tears that were threatening to fall. "Do you have any idea how much that hurt?" Blinking back tears, she stepped up to him and looked him in the eye. "Why did you really sleep with me, Sherlock?"

He darted his eyes about, but no one was paying attention to them. He grabbed her wrist and lightly pressed a thumb against her pulse despite her attempts to release her arm from his grasp. "Do we really have to discuss this here?" he asked, lowering his voice so only she could hear him. "Can't you just come to Baker Street with me, so we can talk about this in private?"

"I don't want to go anywhere with you." She lowered her voice as well, but she kept her tone firm. "Why don't you just answer the bloody question?"

Sherlock took a deep breath. "I didn't mean for you to hear that. But I lied to John, OK? That night meant something to me. I care about you very deeply, and I've wanted to sleep with you for a while." His hands rose and cupped her face. "Molly, I slept with you because I love you."

She swallowed hard. "Oh." She narrowed her eyes at him. "S-so you were… jealous?"

"Well, yeah," he admitted, which surprised her. "We slept together, yet you're going on dates with other men? I don't understand it, Molly. But it hurt me, and I lashed out before I could stop myself."

She stared at him for a few beats. "You were so jealous that you couldn't deduce that Zach had a serious boyfriend?"

He removed his hands from her face and placed them on his hips. "Your date was gay?"

"No, he's bisexual. And it wasn't even a date! It was just a friendly coffee thing!" She giggled as realisation dawned on him. "Zach and I dated in uni, but we broke up soon after I started my clinical training. And––"

"And he's in town on business––"

"And asked me to go ring-shopping with him. He's planning to propose to his boyfriend when he gets back to Dublin."

He sighed. "There's always something," he muttered. Clearing his throat, he gazed at her and gave her a tentative smile. "Do you accept my apology, Molly?"

"Actually, yeah," she replied, grinning back at him. "And I love you too, Sherlock."

Heaving a relieved sigh, he took her hand and hailed a cab with his free arm. "We're drenched. At least my flat is closer. Would you like to take a warm bath in my tub or warm each other up in my bed?"

She pulled his head down and kissed him. "Why can't we do both?"

Sherlock deduced Zach, but he couldn't decide what Molly's ex's sexuality was. All he saw was Molly was out with a man other than Sherlock, and he saw green.

So what do you think? Hate it? Like it? Love it?