Disclaimer: This is a side-story to "Naruto The Next Chaos", first written by the late SoulSonicResonance25 and is now being re-written by his younger brother KingSora3. Also, I do not own the Naruto or Sonic the Hedgehog franchises. This fanfiction is made for non-profit entertainment purposes under the Fair Use Act.

Land of Angels Side-Story: Team 14

By AlxkendBlader

(Author's Note: This introductory section is in the POV of the main character.)

Introduction: Enter James Rosen

What up, dude? The name's James, James Rosen. I'm in my early teenage years, and I happen to be a ninja. Yeah, you read right, a ninja. To be precise, I'm a genin serving someplace you just might not believe; Tenshi no Kuni, meaning "Land of Angels". If you happen to be from the other Elemental Nations, then you'd be shocked because where I live is a floating freaking continent. I'm also a graduate from my local ninja academy* in Mobotropolis, and I think it's one of the coolest places, like ever! They actually train and teach you to be a ninja (if you're willing, that is). Not only that, but they gave us these lectures to make us understand how dangerous an occupation a ninja can be if you're not careful, especially if you're a lower-ranked ninja. It's meant so that we won't act like idiots on any mission.

The reason why I wanted to be a ninja in the first place; Because of His Royal Awesomeness (as I'd like to call him), King Naruto Mizukami, who is the ruler of Land of Angels. I hear the dude's got godlike power and stuff. Plus, he's the guy who invented Warp Rings and Extreme Gears and stuff. How'd he come to be this way, you ask? Well, alright; it's gonna be a long one, but I promise you it's a great story, seriously!

It all started before the continent was split into three separate islands the first time. There was this really nice Chao, and he apparently stumbled onto this shrine. But, it's what was there that's the ticket; seven mystical gemstones, the Chaos Emeralds, controlled by this larger one, the Master Emerald. That little Chao came up to the Master Emerald, and its power mutated him into a water monster of godlike power. With that, he guarded the emeralds and protected his peeps while keeping the waters around the shrine nice and clean. Then, one day, some bastards (pardon my language) showed up and tried to take the emeralds, and that mutated Chao's kin got attacked in the process. Boy was he pissed off (again, pardon my language and further swearing afterwards), and he absorbed the negative energy of the emeralds and turned into a ginormous beast. He went on a way nasty rampage, during which, the continent got split into Angel Island, West Side Island, and South Island. After all that's done, the mutated Chao, who became known as Chaos, became super-remorseful at what he'd done and exiled himself from Angel Island, so that he could find someone with a pure heart to inherit his powers and make sure that history doesn't repeat itself.

Now, for King Naruto's side of the story; He is the first-born son of Minato "The Yellow Flash" Namikaze, the Forth Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village (or Konoha), and his wife, Kushina "The Red Death" Uzumaki. His younger sisters, Naruko and Natsumi, each had a half of the Nine-Tailed Fox (one of the infamous Tailed Beasts) sealed inside of them. However, Naruto was neglected by his parents for their sisters, who got spoiled rotten to the core! They kept turning Naruto away for ninja training, and that, combined with the spoiling, encouraged those two bitches to treat him like shit. Those two sisters pulled all sorts of crazy stunts and pranks around the village and always pinned the blame on their bro. When he and his siblings turned eight years old, that was when the shit hit the fan; Minato and Kushina disowned Naruto and made his bratty little sisters the clan heiresses. He has really had it with them from there, so he ran away from home and took some of his dad's jutsu scrolls with him.

That, my friends, was when he met Chaos, who figured that Naruto had the purest heart he could find. Right there and then, Chaos gave Naruto his powers, and his legend was born.

Now, three years later, and at the time, me and my family were living in the Hill Top Zone on West Side Island. That is, when that asshole, Dr. Robotnik, showed up to take over and turn everyone into robots against their will. However, King Naruto and his adoptive younger brother, Ethan Termcrest, showed up and saved our skins while keeping the Chaos Emeralds out of Ro-butt-nik's hands. Naruto then merged West Side Island with the rest of the continent, and gave everyone an announcement of what had happened.

So, with the merging of Angel Island, South Island, and West Side Island, Land of Angels was born! A lot of things happened because of it; We got our own ninja programs, and Extreme Gear riding is the hottest sport around, and other awesome things. Right after Mobotropolis was built by King Naruto himself using Shadow Clones, a lot of people moved in, especially my family. It's also where the center of Naruto's rule, Castle Mizukami, stands. Mobotropolis also has a ninja academy, which I attended and graduated from.

Now, it's been two years since we moved to Mobotropolis. Not only that, but the infamous Black Arms invasion had occurred, during my graduation year at that! Thankfully, the King and his friends put a stop to those ugly alien assholes and their leader, Black Doom, whom I heard was pure evil that it made His Royal Awesomeness want to puke. Heck, I'd puke, too, if I ever felt the aura of someone just as nasty as Black Doom!

As of the current, I'm on Team 14 with two of my best buds, Dave Bromley and Irving Satomi. Our assigned jonin instructor is Erryn-Zo, who is from the Knuckles Tribe, and he's an awesome dude at that. It's also been said that Erryn-sensei was one of the very first people that King Naruto trained in the ninja arts and was given the rank of jonin. When we were assigned under Erryn-sensei's tutelage, he gave us a little teamwork test. All jonin instructors in Land of Angels are required to give their assigned genin a teamwork test when they first graduate. It took some doing, but we managed to pass Erryn-sensei's test.

Fast-forwarding the present time, along with a third-person POV change...

Chapter 1: Panic at the Extreme Gear Games!

James Rosen is a young man of 13 years. He is 5"4, has a fair skin tone with brownish-black hair and pale green eyes. On his head is the forehead protector for Land of Angels, depicting seven small emeralds in a circle surrounding a larger one, representative of the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald. He is also wearing a sleeveless red shirt with a pair of denim jeans and sandals, in addition to a digital wristwatch on his wrist. However, during missions, he wears a standard-issue LoA ninja uniform. On his hips he wears utility pouches for containing basic equipment and scrolls.

As of current, he is on a mission with his team; A C-ranked security job at the Mobotropolis Extreme Gear Stadium, where his older brother Cameron (Cam for short) is competing at the Mobotropolis Extreme Gear Games. The 'Games is also a seeding event into the TnKEGA* Extreme Gear National Championships. By far, nothing had gone horribly wrong, but it would only be a matter of time before something did.

As James kept an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, one of his teammates, an ash gray-haired lad named Dave Bromley, asks him via walkie-talkie, "See anything yet, dude?"

He replied back, "Nah, nothing unusual, but we'd best be on our guard. You never know if something might go to Hell in an instant, and my older bro getting hurt badly in the crossfire," as he then continued to keep an eye on the competition.

So far, he didn't spot any sports betting among spectators (a serious no-no at TnKEGA-sanctioned events), illegal mods or other forms of cheating, anything of the sort. However, it is at the awards ceremony for the competition, that three black helicopters began to approach the venue, prompting James to announce on all channels of his team's walkie-talkies, "Guys, there are unknown helicopters approaching the stadium!"

"Acknowledged, James," he hears the voice of his assigned sensei, Erryn-Zo of the Knuckles Tribe, reply, "Stay on your guard. You never know what might happen. Keep a kunai or shuriken at the ready, but only use jutsu if necessary."

"Copy that, dude," Dave's also voice calls out, "We got your back. If these guys are hostile, there's gonna be some good old fashioned butt-kicking thrown in!"

"Irving here," stated the calm voice of Irving Satomi, a dirty blonde haired lad with a cool and collected personality, "I can see the helicopters, as well. Let's not do anything rash until these unknowns declare their intentions here. Watch closely, but be wary."

It is then that the helicopters stopped above the center of the stadium as they hovered. It is that the side-doors on two of them opened, revealing door gunners with .50 caliber heavy machine guns, as the third, a transport, lands on the ground. Coming out of the transport helicopter's rear hatch are a number of men in blackish body armor and combat helmets, armed with assault rifles.


James widened his eyes as he then noticed the terrorists sticking up the people at the winner's circle, his brother among them, as he then witnessed what appears to be the leader take one of the mics into his hand.

He speaks into it with a menacing tone, "People of Land of Angels, we are all holding you hostage in this stadium! What are our demands, you may ask? Simple; We want your king to hand us the Master Emerald, or else we kill you all! You might ask on what we intend to do with the Master Emerald. Well, here is our answer; It's none of your business! Oh, and don't anybody try to play hero, or we kill everyone!"

James quietly whispers into his walkie-talkie, "Sensei, when do we strike?"

Erryn-Zo replied, "Not yet, James. Not with those door gunners poised to shoot anything and everything. I'm sure that something will give so that we could intervene. For the moment, maintain your position, over. I'll also call for back-up."

The young genin nodded, before replying, "Roger that, James out," as he continued to observe the intense situation at hand. A few minutes later, the helicopters with the door gunners suddenly exploded into smithereens, killing the air crew inside both vehicles (especially the door gunners), as a squad of Chaos ANBU* then appeared and started attacking the terrorists that were sticking up the hostages at the winner's circle.

James and the other members of Team 14 took the opportunity and got out onto the stadium, as they then escorted the prisoners to safety. As they were escorting the rescued, James asked his brother, "They didn't hurt you too badly, did they?"

Cam, who resembles a teenaged version of James, replied, "Relax, little bro. All they did is poke us with their assault rifles and made us keep our hands behind our heads. Thanks for the save, man!"

The younger Rosen sibling smiled and nodded, before hearing a war cry and footsteps drawing close and fast. James turned around quickly to see a terrorist charging at him with a knife, as he then threw some senbon at the rapscallion, disabling him. The terrorist is then thrown out through the stadium's exit doors, and furthering his bad day, are a pair of Chaos ANBU waiting for him...

Meanwhile, back in the stadium, the surviving terrorists, along with their leader, were arrested by the Chaos ANBU and are taken away to be interrogated. Their transport helicopter was also destroyed in the fracas. The awards ceremony resumed without any further interruptions.

Later, after the 'Games, Team 14 completed their security job and earned their pay. James returned home from the mission to his house in the residential neighborhood of Emerald Woods*, ready to enjoy some peace and quiet as he played on his Sega Electronic Comics* touch pad toy. Of course, he had a bit of a talk concerning the mission at the Extreme Gear Games at dinner, as the parents mentioned that they had seen a news report of the incident on TV earlier. He was expecting to be given a tongue-lashing for nearly getting himself killed when the terrorists showed up, instead they were proud of how their son handled the situation.

Chapter 1 End

Info Time!

*Mobotropolis Ninja Academy - One of multiple ninja academies that were set up throughout Land of Angels, with an emphasis on high learning and training standards. The instructors, like with the other academies, are hand-picked by King Naruto, based on how well they can teach and treat their charges during lessons. It also has a very well-equipped rec room for those who are on break, as well as a recess area outside the building for younger students. On the walls of the hallways are motivational posters, as well as posters that make humorous jabs at Konoha's ninja academy for its lowered standards (due to the Civilian Council's meddling in shinobi affairs).

*TnKEGA - Tenshi no Kuni Extreme Gear Association. Formed in response to the surging popularity of Extreme Gears throughout Land of Angels, it is a sanctioning body that holds many competitions, from races to freestyle contests. However, the biggest competition held by the TnKEGA is the Extreme Gear National Championships, where the best of the best gather to prove themselves worthy of being #1. They have a zero tolerance policy against any form of cheating, especially sabotage or even bribery. Plus, sports betting is also prohibited at official TnKEGA-hosted events.

*Chaos ANBU - The elite of Land of Angels' ninjas, hand-picked by King Naruto Mizukami himself for their skills. Like with Konoha ANBU, Chaos ANBU work in teams, each lead by a squad captain. While they have standard ANBU wear, their masks is what makes them stand out. Chaos ANBU masks have no animal motif, and with intimidating eyeholes like the narrowed eyes of a predatory animal ready to strike. Squad captains wear masks that have the forehead protector symbol emblazoned upon them. It is said that the Chaos ANBU squads take their mission more seriously and are quite professional.

*Sega Electronic Comics - (PLEASE NOTE: It is a product by Sega Toys that was never released in real life beyond prototype stage.) The Electronic Comics is an interactive touch pad system with an array of pressure-sensitive sensors, on which special, tailor-made comic books would be placed, and the user could place his/her fingertip on one of 200 touch points per page to direct the story. As the user reads through the comic book, he/she can fight off villains, enter secret codes, and make decisions, all by pressing a touch point on an active page. Each comic book also comes with a cartridge, which contains the data needed to play that comic on the system.

*Emerald Woods - A residential neighborhood in the same area of the continent as Mobotropolis. It is where James Rosen, a genin of Team 14, lived since his family moved into Mobotropolis. It is considered a very nice place to live, and is always secure at night, due to ninjas who are assigned in a neighborhood watch program.

That's all for Info Time, see you in the next chapter!

I liked "Naruto the Next Chaos" so much, that I wanted to do my own side-story to it, which is why I made this. Oh, and I apologize for how short Chapter 1 is, because I wasn't sure on what to make it about. Constructive criticism is appreciated!

EDIT: I just realized that I spelled James' name in one of the last sentences as "Jason"! My mistake!