Disclaimer: All rights to Star Trek and subsequent movies belong to Viacom, CBS and Paramount Pictures. I do not own the franchise or characters, only the plot line.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Kirk Prime back - Spock and he reunite

Jim, Spock and Selek were walking back to his home as they had just shared a meal with everyone at Spock's parents house. It was a clear night and the stars were shining brightly, giving them plenty of light to see by. Jim and Spock noticed that there seemed to be something strange in the air. Selek picking up on their mood asked,"Spock, Jim. What is was wrong?"

"I am unsure. There seems to be some sort of energy in the air."

"Indeed, that is unusual. We will have to keep watch."

Suddenly there was loud crack that rented the air and bright lights seem to roll across the empty desert plains of New Vulcan. A bright ribbon of light crossed the night sky.

"What the hell is that?" Jim asked.

Selek gasped, "It is the Nexus."

"What is the Nexus? I haven't heard of it."

"The Nexus is a nonlinear temporal phenomenon which can be entered via a temporal flux energy ribbon which crosses the Galaxy every 39 years. It was rumored in our world that a young Q of the Q continuum created it."

"I have not heard of the before, Selek. Have you encountered it before?"

"Yes, young Spock. We encountered it the day that I lost Jim on the Enterprise-B when we went to rescue two ships that were caught in it."

More and more Vulcans were exciting their homes, drawn to the disturbance the Nexus had created.

"We have never known it to make planet fall before."

"What is going on here?" T'Pau asked as she and the other Council members came up to them.

"The Nexus has appeared, T'Pau. Make sure no one tries to go near it. We have not known anyone caught in it to survive."

Suddenly the ribbon flared and out came a figure. It continued to walk towards the crowd. As it drew nearer, they could make out the man's features. He felt Selek tense next to him and draw in a sharp breathe. "Jim," he breathed.

T'Pau heard him and quickly understood the situation. She turned to her people, "Everyone needs to return to their homes. This is a council matter and we will take care of it." They nodded to her and returned to their residents.

When the older Kirk drew closer, his brows furrowed at the site of Jim and Spock standing next to Selek.

"Spock?" He asked.

Selek stepped forward and extended his hand in a vulcan kiss. Older Kirk smiled and held his hands out to him. "Spock," he said the man's name softly and with such love.

As soon as their fingers touched, there was another loud crack renting the air and the Nexus disappeared. Both Jim Kirk's jumped at the sound.

"T'hy'la, I thought you had died."

"No Spock, I was transported into the Nexus. I did not realize that I was not with you until I was taking a walk and suddenly I was here. How long has it been?"

"It has been many years, T'hy'la. We are no longer in our Universe."

"What happened?"

"I was chasing Nero after he stole the red matter. We ended up here in this Universe where he destroyed the Kelvin. He later destroyed Vulcan and almost destroyed Earth."

"If Vulcan is gone, where are we?"

"We are now on New Vulcan."

"We are going to have to let Starfleet know," Jim said the Kirk and Spock Primes.

"Indeed, this will be an interesting conversation. What are we to tell everyone else that does not have the proper security clearance?"

"We can tell them that this is Uncle Jim, who I am named for, just got back from a deep space mission and fell in love with Uncle Selek."

"T'hy'la, I do not believe that they will accept the explanation."

"Sammy won't, he'll know right away. I'll just have Chris and Archer beam down and we'll go over it with them. It will mean we will have to doctor some records."

"It will be an interesting conversation to witness."

"No what will be interesting is that I now have to disturb them in the middle of their nightly sessions." Jim wiggled his eyebrows to show what he was disturbing.

Selek raised a brow at that, "I take that to mean that Admiral Archer and Admiral Pike are in a relationship."

The elder Kirk nearly choked, "What?!"

"Yup, older me, those two are now hot and heavy. Be glad you weren't the one that walked in on them in bed together," he said darkly, scowling at the memory.

The elder Kirk winced, "Yeah, me too."

Jim took out his communicator and called up to Archer and Pike.

"Pike here."

"Hey, Chris. It's Jim. I am going to need you and Archer here pronto."

"What the hell did you do now kid?"

Jim looked at the communicator in a front. "I didn't do anything. The Nexus opened up here on the planet and out came Jim Kirk Prime."

There was a moment of silence on the other end. "God damn it, now there are two of you!" Archer yelled.

"Yup, the Universe just got more exciting."

"I am all aglow with excitement." Pike deadpanned. "We'll be down soon. This is going to be fun to explain to Starfleet."

"Well, we are definitely going to have to use the relative angle. He looks too much like me for coincidence."

"We'll figure it out. Pike out."

"Well, things just got more interesting."

"Indeed," Spock and Selek said together. Both Kirk's grinned.

Vulcan translation:

t'hy'la - friend-lover-lifelong companion, blood brother/sister; soulmate; soul-brother/sister

***Note*** So here is where I am leaving it. I just couldn't bear for Spock Prime to be without his Jim. Not sure if will do a third installment or leave it as is. Let me know what you think. I know I have some ideas rolling around on what can do for third book. Thanks for reading and all the great comments. Shout out to all who have been with me through Enemies at the Gates and A Bastans' Fate.