Dick couldn't stop fidgeting in his seat. He didn't want to have to talk to any of the people around him, but he didn't like the silence either. Everyone seemed so calm and collected and it only worked to make him more nervous as his mind ran through the possibilities of what they could be doing. No one had taken the time to explain things to him, they were all either sitting perfectly still or working on something Dick didn't understand. Still, it wasn't like there were many people in the plane anyway. Ra's had disappeared somewhere else by now and outside of the two ninjas co-piloting the plane there were only four others in the passenger area.

It felt strange being in such a luxurious private plane after spending all of his time between a small room and a gym, but it only reminded him of the Manor and Bruce's own private plane. It was luxuries to the point of making him feel awkward and out of place and he couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched. In the Manor it was because of the many paintings of Bruce's ancestors that seemed to follow him around, especially at night, but now it was one of Ra's minions whose only job was to make sure he was acting in line with what Ra's wanted.

At first Dick focused on all of the reading Ra's had forced on him. To some extent they were interesting, going into detail about flora found in various regions of the world and their properties, but Dick didn't know what he was meant to remember and the things that were unnecessary. All he could do was frantically cram everything into his brain and try to keep Ra's satisfied. He wanted to keep his mind on the task in front of him, satisfying Ra's and getting back to his little brother, but he just couldn't. Every little thing around him became a distraction. The fact that the chairs were heated, how the jet black ninja outfit Ra's had him change into was actually pretty comfortable (especially how it reminded him a little of the Batman suit although he would never admit it), and how one of the other ninjas was close to him in size. The few he had actually interacted with (read: fought) were all twenty/thirty something old men, but one sitting on the other side of the plane actually looked like a teenager, not much older than Dick himself. The ninja also looked like a girl from what Dick could tell from his position.

Dick eyed her carefully, not wanting the others to know he was interested in her, and ran through possible explanations. She could simply be someone naturally smaller than the others, maybe a late bloomer, and better suited for more swift aspects of their mission. Dick thought about it, but the slight shaking in her legs didn't make it likely. Ra's would have made sure to get rid of that trait pretty soon. The possibility Dick always came back to was the idea that it was another kid like him, someone Ra's had kidnapped and wanted to enlist in his mission. Dick knew it was probable that most of the ninjas came from situations like this, having peaked Ra's attention and been stolen away from their parents, but this one didn't seem all the way gone, like she was still training and learning. Although he liked the possibility of having someone to relate to, someone he could build a friendship with that wasn't based entirely on one's naivety, Dick didn't want to think of how many other kids there could be in this position. For all he knew there were dozens, maybe hundreds.

At the very least Dick wanted to talk to her. He didn't think it would be a good idea to simply walk over and ask, they both had their handlers and he wasn't sure about all the rules he had to follow, but he was sure they might have some time to talk. Dick didn't really care if the other person wanted to and he knew this was something he wanted to see through before the end of their mission.

Dick tried to keep nonchalant for the rest of the trip. The fact that the others were packing their things away and making sure the plane was in order he didn't think they had much longer for the plane ride. Looking out the window he could see that the landscape was a starck difference from the one they had left. There was no more desert sand and harsh sun, but lush trees and some scattered mountain tops. If he had to guess they were somewhere close the equator and tropics, and he wasn't sure what he'd prefer, for the plane ride to never end or for it to end as soon as possible.

Within half an hour one of the copilots came back to whisper some information among the others. Dick watched them ignore his possible counterpart and quickly get back to their seats and return to their seats and he they would be dropping down soon. He clicked in his seat belt in tandem and held his breath as the plane began to lower with no airport in sight. He instinctively tightened his grip on the armrest and watched as the plane almost reached the canopy of the forest below them and it wasn't until he a small clearing coming up.

After the plane everything seemed to be happening mechanically. Ra's ninjas all rose from their seats and started unloading bags from the plane. Dick wasn't sure were Ra's was, he hadn't seen him since Ra's disappeared into the cockpit, but it didn't look like they'd be waiting for his instruction. Everyone was quickly moved off the plane and settled under the trees near the clearing. Dick wasn't sure what was happening, it didn't look like the other kid knew too, but he didn't want anyone to think he cared. He simply settled under the tree and enjoyed the sight around him. Even if he wasn't in a good position, he wasn't going to ignore the fact that he enjoyed the change from his room in the compound.

Most of the minions were quietly working on getting set up, the only noise came from quick exchanges in a language Dick did not understand, but he still didn't think he'd have a chance to talk with the other kid. They were both positioned under a separate trees and neither looked willing to risk the punishment that could come with disobeying implied orders.

He watched as the workers spread out and arrange their weapons in front of them before opening up a map. They discussed something amongst themselves. Every couple of minutes Dick would steal a glance to his counterpart and sometimes he'd catch her doing the same thing. At first he thought he'd send a quick smile of reassurance, something to signal that he knew that they were in the same boat, but he quickly realized he couldn't. Instead, he kept a straight face that was followed by the other kid one quickly looking away.

Not wanting to make things more awkward, Dick simply leaned back against the tree and tried to take everything in because he knew it wouldn't last for long.

The next thing he was aware of was a hand on his shoulder softly shaking him. He woke up to find the other kid he'd been thinking about only inches away from him. Dick wanted to ask a thousands of questions, he'd been thinking them over for most of the plane ride, but he couldn't bring himself to actually say anything. Instead he simply rose to his feet before and followed her raised finger to see the others waiting for them.

If he was being honest he was a little embarrassed that the others had to wait for him to arrive, but he tried not to let it show as he walked over. At the very least Ra's was here now.

"Nice of you to join us. Richard," Ra's said with a hint of annoyance.

"Not like I had much of a choice."

Ra's ignored his response and instead informed Dick, "Everyone else knows their responsibilities for the next few days. We're going to depart soon. You, Cassandra, and I are going to be together for the next couple of days."

Scowling, Dick asked, "Why do we need you as our babysitter?"

"I am the best judge of your abilities. After having put as much time into training you as we have, it's time to see if you're worth keeping around."

Dick frowned at the explanation, he didn't think he'd like what would happen if he didn't meet Ra's standards, and he decided it would be best to not respond. Instead he noted, "I still don't know what we're doing here"

Happy to have his compliance, Ra's explained, "We're here to find an associate of mine."

Dick didn't think he'd be getting anymore information and he allowed himself not to think of the implications. Ra's had said many times that he lead a group of assassins and Dick had a feeling that 'find' didn't mean find.

Turning his attention to girl who still hadn't said anything yet, Dick asked, "So you're Cassandra?"

She didn't say anything, simply staring at Ra's back as they marched into the forest. Dick contemplated if she spoke English, if she refused to speak in front of Ra's, if she could speak at all, or if she simply refused to talk to Dick. He studied her and tried to think of anything he could learn about her. He was sure if Bruce was here he'd' already know her life story, but Dick knew very little. He could tell that she was around his age, probably a little younger than him considering she was a few inches shorter than him, and had short black hair. She was nervous before, but now she looked stiff. Dick couldn't tell if this was her ready for a fight or if she was just pushing her emotions down so she didn't give anything away. The only thing Dick was sure of was that he was doing the later.

They walked in silence for hours, after a while the trio separated from the other four others but they still simply walked in silence. With nothing else to do but look around and take in his surroundings, Dick studied some of plants they were walking past. He recognized some as native to South America and kept his attention on them while making sure not to fall too far behind Ra's and Cassandra. Every now and then he identified some that were uniquely pretty and he couldn't help but reach down and pick some mementos for Tim. He didn't know how he'd explain them to his brother or if the flowers would even last until he got back to the compound, but he needed something to distract from the mission.

Dick thought about explaining what he was doing to Cassandra, she had looked back at him a few times and he took that to mean she was interested, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything now. He carefully placed the flowers in one of his empty belt pockets and returned to Cassandra's side when he was done.