Author's Note: Here's part 2 of the Triceratons Attack ficlet! With Donnie and Chey still stewing over their argument, our heroes finally get the origin story of Andromeda, aka Andesine Honeycutt. Her connection to the Triceratons is explained and a plan of action is formed to stop both her and the Triceratons. Will they succeed, and can Donnie and Chey put their fighting aside to play their parts? Well, just read and find out!

Ficlet 26: Triceratons Attack, Part 2 (aka Andesine)

April forcefully opened the lab doors and found Donatello sitting at his desk, clearly sulking and stewing. From her spot at the door, she could see several microscope slides on the floor and crumpled up papers. Then she looked at what had to be the source of Donnie's frustration: the frozen form of that Timothy boy. It could've been a number of things that finally made Donnie snap if not this. Whatever the case, she wasn't going to stand quietly and let him ruin his relationship with Cheyloe.

"What was that all about, Donnie?" April asked, visibly irked by what transpired. "You two were totally out-of-line with each other!"

The genius turtle immediately spun around in his chair and faced April. "I was out-of-line? April, did you hear what she was about to say to me!?"

"She stopped herself, didn't she? Besides, you weren't much better!" The redhead paused and rubbed at her aching forehead, feeling the anger of Donnie hitting her in the face like air from a hot oven. "Look, I'm not defending her; Raph's taking care of her right now. But the both of you having a bad day shouldn't come to this!"

"So you're saying I should just let her bash my so-called pet projects?" His hand wildly gestured over to Timothy's frozen container and he asked, "Is THIS a pet project!? She thinks trying to give Timothy his humanity back is a 'pet project'!?"

April shot back, "Well, did you even tell her?"

Donnie immediately went silent, telling April all she needed to know on that matter. She could see deep in his eyes behind the anger that he wasn't thinking clearly and that he knew it. However, an angry Donatello refused to be wrong about anything. As long as his anger remained, he would insist he was right and that Chey needed to apologize. Knowing what Raph went through right now, Chey had the same attitude. As much as Donnie and Chey loved each other, they were both equally-stubborn.

"Cheyloe didn't mean what she said, and you didn't, either." April stated, her tone going more into pleading territory.

Donnie wanted to argue back. He wanted to point out the times she and Raph got into squabbles. But they never said anything to each other that cut deep. He knew he was wrong and needed to clear his head, but the stubbornness and pride won out. "Just leave me alone, April…"

April readied herself to protest further, to tell Donnie to get his butt out of the lab and go make up with his girlfriend. But when she opened her mouth, Mikey suddenly burst into the lab with a panicked look on his face.

"Guys! Fugi-Dude is on the holo-thing, and…" The turtle in orange took a deep breath into his lungs and panted, "T-The Triceratons are comin' back!"

Donnie's anger momentarily disappeared as he shot up from his chair, sharing April's look of horror. "What!?"

"And Andie's gone! She started muttering stuff about the Triceratons, and Fugitoid said Andie's not her name, and her mom was killed by the Triceratons, and-" He finally let out an exasperated sigh and exclaimed, "Just let him tell you himself!"

Donnie and April followed Mikey out of the lab and stopped when they saw a disgruntled Cheyloe following Leo. A heated glare was exchanged between the brunette and the genius turtle before breaking eye contact. Hobbling behind was Raph, who furiously smacked the smoking ends of his mask tails. April thought she heard shouts coming from the red-masked turtle, but never expected that Chey would set his mask on fire. One look from him told her he got the same results she did.

"She refused to buckle, huh?" April asked with fake surprise.

"From your tone, th' same thing happened with Donnie, right?" Raph questioned.

Sighing in defeat, they followed the others into the kitchen and found Fugitoid still on the holo-projector. They also realized it was true that Andie was absent. Raph glanced over and found a worrisome expression on Leo's face that resonated with the worry Fugitoid expressed. In order to find Andie and stop the Triceratons, they'd need a little history lesson.

"So what's your real history with the Triceratons?" Leo asked sternly. "Why did Andie run off at the mention of them?"

Fugitoid sighed and shook his metallic head. His fiber-optic eyes flashed as he readied himself to explain. "Our planet, D'Hoonib, has always been under the control of the Triceraton Empire. I was often acquisitioned by them to create technology as a means for interstellar travel. It was around the time I worked on plans for a teleporter when I met a fellow researcher named Cordelia." If he could, he would've smiled at the mention of the woman's name, and he continued, "We hit it off…and soon, Andesine was born."

Fugitoid brought up an image that resembled a family photo, showing his old self, the woman who had to be Cordelia, and a girl looking suspiciously like Andromeda. "Andesine was a child prodigy, so much so that she became head of biochemical research at the age of fourteen! She didn't have many friends, so she was very attached to us…which made what happened that day much more painful."

Splinter narrowed his eyes and decided to speak, "…What happened, Professor Honeycutt?"

"You see…the Triceratons coveted my research on interstellar travel and black holes, but they also desired my wife's research…into the very soul itself. She believed that a soul and mind could be converted into data and create living machines should one's organic body die…essentially granting immortality. Zanramon himself demanded she hand over her findings, but she refused…and paid the price."

All of them, even Donnie and Chey, cast their eyes down in somber realization. Because Andie's mother stood up to the Triceratons, she died for it. Fugitoid's eyes dimmed and he carried on, "Andesine was hit the worst…but she didn't grieve. Instead, because of what Zanramon did, she decided that all the Triceratons had to die. With her knowledge of biochemistry…she engineered a deadly virus with intention to wipe out the Triceraton population. She achieved this by brutally torturing multiple Triceraton soldiers and experimenting on them. Unfortunately…"

Leo swallowed and cut in, "…She died, too, didn't she?"

"She became the victim of her own creation. I couldn't lose her like I lost Cordelia, so I applied her research and used Andesine as the first test subject. I essentially placed her very mind and soul into a robotic body. It was a success, though she ended up suffering from memory loss. I hoped she would forever forget what she did, but…"

"So there is a desire for revenge on both sides." Splinter concluded. "The Triceratons wish for revenge on behalf of this Mozar, but Andromeda wants to continue her revenge against the Triceratons on behalf of her mother. Neither outcome will bring satisfaction in the end."

That was a lesson Splinter tried his best to bestow on his sons from infancy. Only now did he realize he should've given that lesson to Andromeda, but the look on her face told him only something drastic would dissuade her. However, stopping Andromeda would come second to stopping the Triceratons. If they were hellbent on revenge, they wouldn't hesitate to harm innocent people to get what they wanted. They would target the city again and hope to draw their commander's killer out.

"How long until they touch down?" Donnie asked in a growling voice.

"They're about to hit Earth's atmosphere. If my suspicions are correct, the emperor of the Triceratons himself will be present as well. I've already sent word to Bishop and the Earth Protection Force."

Suddenly, Chey marched out of the kitchen and headed right for the turnstiles. Mikey dashed in her direction and called out, "Chey, where're you goin'?"

The brunette turned to face him with a steely expression and answered, "To get my ammo, what else? They're after me, so I'll deal with them…on my own."

Donnie's eyes widened in shock. Because his anger over earlier hadn't cooled, instead of telling her to stop, he gritted out, "This isn't the time for you to play a hero wannabe. You broke your leg after your last stunt."

Chey narrowed her eyes and spat, "I don't need your input right now! I've done just fine by myself!"

In pure frustration, the turtle in purple shouted, "Fine, but don't come crying to me when you get yourself killed!"

Once the brunette got close to the turnstiles, Raph and April wasted no time in contacting Casey and Miwa and Shinigami. While Leo went to contact the Mutanimals, Splinter was the one to approach this second-youngest son and lecture, "Donatello, whatever problem is between you and Cheyloe, I suggest you put it aside in favor of stopping this second invasion. You are too angry and cannot think clearly."

Donnie immediately narrowed his eyes and threw his hands in the air, arguing, "Sensei, if you knew what she said to me-"

"In the heat of anger. I know you have said things in anger as well, so you are not exempt from this," Splinter easily countered, "Put stopping this invasion first, then I suggest the two of you refresh your communication skills."

"Uh, guys?"

All eyes suddenly went to the TV screen showing a live newscast. Mikey had the remote in hand and gulped the moment the reptilian face cut through the breaking story. It definitely wasn't Mozar, but this one looked meaner. They all stood frozen as the imposing Triceraton glared at the camera and addressed all who listened.

"This is Zanramon…leader of the Triceraton Empire. Many months ago, we came to your planet in hopes of cleansing the threat imposed by the Kraang. However, your planet has proved too hostile even without them. You showed your gratitude when one of you primates executed my faithful subject: Commander Mozar. This has crushed our empire in spirits, but the spirit of vengeance is stronger than loss. We are here again, and you will surrender both the murderer and the Fugitoid, Professor Zayton Honeycutt. Failure to do so will result in the extinction of your species. We are here now…do choose wisely."

The video ended, and the others could only imagine what went on above. Everyone present looked horrified; even Cheyloe returned and cringed from the broadcast. The question now was what they could do. Surrendering Fugitoid and Chey was out of the question, but how would they stop the Triceratons AND chase after Andie?

"Okay," Leo began with a sigh, "Donnie, go meet up with Casey and Miwa and keep Chey out of the Triceratons' sights. Then find a way to take down their mothership." Despite Donnie and Chey exchanging a glare, the turtle in blue turned to Raph and April and commanded, "Raph, April, you guys meet with the Mutanimals and see if you can find a way to repel the ground forces. We need Fugitoid to stay with Bishop unless needed. Mikey, you're with me."

When everyone began to disperse, Mikey went to Leo's side and asked, "What're we gonna do, Leo?"

Leo cast his eyes down. "…We're gonna stop Andromeda."

Triceraton jets covered the sky like birds and sent people screaming and trying to hide. Some already landed on the ground and troops attempted to interrogate the people for Mozar's killer. One of the witnesses was Casey Jones himself, standing agape at the giant lizards marching through the streets. Did this have to do with Fugitoid again? All he wanted to do was go get his bike fixed, and now he had a Triceraton pointing a rifle at his head and commanding him to surrender.

Silly dinosaurs…Casey Jones didn't surrender.

Casey acted fast and slammed a leftover photon puck into the soldier's face. The Triceraton cried in shock and held his scorched face, just in time for the vigilante to push a damaged telephone pole onto his head with a thunk. There was a grin of victory on Casey's face, but he soon realized the commotion attracted the soldier's friends. Against one, he could manage, but two pointing their guns at him was more than he could chew. Casey readied his hockey stick regardless until sprays of yellow acid hit the Triceratons in their faces.

A mutant white serpent screeched and hit the two stunned Triceratons with her tail, knocking them backwards. Once again, Miwa came to his rescue. She halted in front of Casey and shapeshifted back into her human form, asking, "Jones, what's going on here!? Why are the Triceratons back!?"

"How should I know? They're just here!" Casey exclaimed.

"We should get to the lair and warn everyone!"

Before Miwa could take a step towards a manhole cover, she saw the Party Wagon rushing down the street and coming to a screeching halt. The Patrol Buggy followed seconds later with April at the wheel and Raph the co-pilot. The other turtles and Cheyloe hopped out of the vehicle and found Casey and Miwa to be unharmed. The group stopped short of greeting when they saw more Triceraton jets touching down, something Leo paid close attention to.

"What's going on, Leo?" Miwa asked.

"The Triceratons want Fugitoid again AND they want revenge over Mozar," Leo explained hurriedly, "Not to mention Andie's about to go and kill all of them. I'm taking Mikey with me and getting on that ship before she ends up destroyed."

Miwa frowned and recalled Leo's history of reckless decisions, only this one was over another girl. "I'm going, too. Somebody's got to help Mikey keep you from dying."

Leo found himself letting out a chuckle, but his serious demeanor quickly claimed control again. He immediately turned to Casey and stated, "Stay with Donnie and Chey and figure out how to take out the mothership; meet up with us once she's safe. Raph and April are meeting with the Mutanimals to stop the ground forces until the EPF gets here."

Casey turned to Donnie and Chey and could feel the anger come off them like toxic radiation. The glares exchanged between them told him plenty that something went down, but he wouldn't pry as to what that was. Instead, he opted to nod in agreement and escort the two towards the back alley. As long as they stayed out of the open long enough, they would have time to figure out attacking the mothership. That or Bishop would use something to blow them all to kingdom come.

Once they were out of sight, the Patrol Buggy pulled up next to Leo with Raph addressing, "I'm not gonna be much use out here, but I'll do my best. What're you gonna do if you can't stop Andie?"

The turtle in blue looked down. He asked himself the same question: what if he couldn't stop her and she turned on them? Even after what Fugitoid said she did, she still had to have some good in her behind the anger. He didn't want to resort to destroying her. "…I'll just pray it doesn't come to that."

Before Raph could ask further, April already pressed on the gas and shot forward, leaving Leo still looking at the ground. He stayed that way until Mikey shook his shoulder and exclaimed, "Leo, look! Let's use that to get on board!"

Leo looked up and saw a transport ship. The back hatch was opened and a Triceraton soldier pushed a group of terrified people into it. With a nod of agreement from Mikey, the two turtles charged and immediately disarmed and overwhelmed the soldier with their speed and stealth. They gave a nod to the terrified captives and watched as they fled to find their loved ones in the chaos. While they didn't know how to pilot Triceraton technology, this thing had to have an autopilot to take them to the mothership. Leo and Mikey immediately hopped in and prayed the button they pressed was the right one…

Andie…please listen when we get there.

"-we can crash at my place! They'll never look there!"

Casey went on and on about a possible temporary hiding place and ignored the growing tension between Donnie and Cheyloe. Daggers of fire and ice flew when their eyes locked, both from stubborn pride and poor communication. Casey's voice drowned out in their silence and they momentarily forgot the invasion. In any case, once it was over, they could start one of two things: working things out, or not even bothering. Right now, just hide and then take down a mothership.

A noise in the distance drew the brunette's attention; the faint sounds of shouting and thuds. Donnie and Casey didn't seem to hear it, however. Good…with the both of them distracted by getting to the Jones residence, Chey snuck away from them and ran to the source of the commotion. She hid behind an overturned car and looked to see what went on.

Said commotion was two Triceraton soldiers threatening an old man and presumably his grandchildren. They were shouting at them to give them the 'murderer', pointing their rifles at the terrified humans. Chey felt anger rise that they would threaten people because of her. She wasn't going to let innocent people pay for her deeds. As the soldiers fired up their weapons, she swiftly pulled out her recently-fetched gun and fired into the soldiers' sides, causing them to fall.

The old man and children saw the aliens on the ground, prompting them to run for shelter. Chey breathed a sigh of relief and readied herself to go and rescue other people. However, a sudden touch on her shoulder prompted a scream and her gun raised…only to lower it when she saw the familiar face.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Donnie hissed.

A frown found itself back on the brunette's lips and she replied, "I'm not going to sit back and let people get hurt! Just leave me alone and let me do this!"

The turtle in purple huffed and threw his hands in the air, shouting, "Oh, that's just like you! Doing everything you can to get yourself killed!"

"Why don't you just do me a favor and go take care of that mothership problem? You're good at corrupting everything!"

"Just like how you're good at getting people involved in your messes!?"

Donnie and Chey didn't bother lowering their voices anymore. The more they argued, the louder it got and left them easy targets. The noises drew the attention of two more Triceraton soldiers who noticed their fallen comrades. Then their attention went to the car and the voices behind it.

"Well, it's not my fault that you can't handle criticism! If you know what's good for you, you'll get out of my way and stop treating me like glass!" Chey erupted.

Donnie's eyes widened and he finally snapped, shouting, "Well if THIS is how it's going to be, maybe we should just-"

He couldn't finish his sentence when the car lifted behind them to reveal a Triceraton soldier. Anger forgotten, Donnie and Chey let out a scream before both soldiers hit them in the heads with the butts of their rifles, sending them into darkness.

"W-Whoa, hey, you're-"

The Triceraton guard soon found himself being blasted into the wall of the mothership corridor by an unseen force. The blast was enough to send him to an early grave, but the attacker didn't care. She saw it as putting him out of his misery for having such a terrible leader.

Andromeda-Andesine-slowly made her way down one of the many corridors that comprised the Triceraton mothership. Getting here wasn't too hard. As soon as they started to invade, it was easy to find an abandoned jet and pilot it here. Taking her father's ship or one of the Kraang ships in EPF custody would draw too much suspicion. However, she knew the others…Leo…they were on their way to either help her or stop her. If they didn't suffer from Donatello and Cheyloe's trivial argument, that is. Their anger paled in comparison to hers.

With a stone-cold expression on her face, Andie grabbed a Triceraton war axe from the now-open storage vault and continued her way down the corridor.

This was the day Zanramon would finally die for killing her mother.

So we have Donnie and Chey implied to be captured by the Triceratons, and Andie is already making her way to Zanramon. Once again, I hope I'm not making Donnie and Chey out-of-character, but I know from experience that anger and letting a fight get the better of you makes you do dumb things, like letting arguing get you discovered. Next up with be the third installment (and possibly last) of Triceratons Attack. Will things be resolved with our couple? Will Raph and April find a way to defeat the ground forces despite Raph's lingering injuries? Will Leo and Mikey be able to talk Andie down? Just stay tuned and find out!