
I am a Rich.

Unlike Mako and Bolin, some people did indeed live a much better life. One of riches and luxury. But, even these riches weren't always enough to fill up the hearts of the lost. One young heiress had everything any girl could ever want, but her heart yearned for more. However, while she was intelligent in her own right, even the smartest and kindest of people still have a lot to learn.


"I grew up in a pretty loving home. Even though my dad was a rich industrialist, he was always so kind and jolly throughout my entire life. He and my mom were always so close. They were more than husband and wife, they were best friends Ever since I was little I wanted a romance like theirs one day."

"Sadly, my life wasn't all rainbows and sunshine. My mom was killed during a break in. One of the triad's firebenders took her life. I didn't see the whole thing since my dad told me to hide away in my room. The moment I heard my mother screaming I ran out. All I remember was seeing her lifeless body laying on the ground. The moment my dad saw me he wrapped me in his arms, shielding me from the sight but it was too late. We cried for months, just trying to let it all out. It was hard for me without my mom, but my dad did everything in his power to make me happy again. Eventually, in time, I didn't feel hurt anymore."

"My dad wasn't always the insane revenge seeking maniac he was latter on. He was once my hero. He pretty much filled up the void left by my mother. Even though I still miss her, my dad was always there for you. You can only imagine how hard it was for me to leave him after realizing what he had become."


Although a wealthy businessman, Hiroshi Sato made sure his daughter always had everything she needed. Living a life of luxury, Asami and her father had a close relationship with each other after the untimely death of her mother, as he was now all she had left. Due to this, she was able to get a lot past her father.


"My dad was a role model for me growing up. He even enrolled me in self defense classes so I would always be sure to protect myself. Whenever he wasn't working, we would play pai-sho or talk about his newest models. He was so excited when I displayed an interest in engineering. He always made sure I had everything I ever wanted or needed, but really all I wanted was for his companionship. I guess that's what I always longed for, even when my mom was still alive. I wanted companionship and my dad really filled that void. But, I still wanted more. I wanted more friends and possibly a boyfriend. I met a lot of wonderful people during all of the fancy dinner parties and stuff, but I never met anybody with who I clicked with. They were either too stuck up or too boring. I didn't care about money, I only wanted someone to like me for me. Normally, that wouldn't be a bad thing, but in my case I had to first realize what a real relationship was all about before I could properly have one. And I mean both in the romance and friendship departments. I'm not really the spoiled bratty kind of rich girl, but in some way…I was kind of spoiled, I just didn't know it."

"For so long, a lot of things in my life came pretty effortlessly to me and it wasn't just because of money. I was well aware that money couldn't buy happiness, after all it was never the big gifts that made my relationship with my dad great, he didn't even get me anything too big, at best a simple bracelet or jewelry or even a stuffed animal. Again, I longed to have that friendship other people had, I thought I could have one, only I didn't know the first thing about friendships. I always thought they would come as easily as me and my dad's relationship did. As I look back on my life now, I realize while I was physically growing up, in my mind I was still living a fantasy. And, at one way or another, I had to wake up."


Asami continued longing for that ideal relationship and circle of friends she had always wanted. And, for a moment, she believed she had found it when she accidentally crashed into a certain handsome young firebender.


"When I first met Mako I couldn't contain the butterflies I had in my stomach. I was so nervous, embarrassed and flustered all at once. I had only ever read about romance in books but this moment was like a scene straight out of a romance novel. Boy meets girl in the most unexpected manner, boy and girl disagree a bit before getting acquainted and sparks fly." *chuckle* "I know, right? There I was, standing in front of the captain of my favorite pro-bending team and I just upright and asked him out on a date. I don't know what came over me, I was just so excited I jumped at the chance. I might not have looked it much on the outside but, I have a naturally good ability of sustaining my emotions out in the open. But don't let that fool you, I'm way more emotional than I look. While Korra expresses her emotions on the outside, mine are more on the inside which kind of made it harder for me when I started developing feelings for Bolin, but I'll get to that in a minute." *wink*

"So yeah, my time with Mako was fun. He was really charming, collected and cute. In short, I thought he was my ideal guy. He was also kind of a dork, but not as much as when he was with Korra. It's funny, with her he was more…outgoing but with me he was more relaxed and almost composed. Not in the stoic way, more in the comfortable way. Korra challenged him while I was, well easier to handle. I know it sounds strange for me to say, but it's the truth. Of course, I was completely oblivious. Yeah, I used to be more naive back then, ask anybody. The only way I found out about Korra and Mako liking each other was when somebody-Ikki-blabbed to me about it. Then again, I was also pretty oblivious to my dad's secret as well. Thinking back, I should have known something was up. The late night works, the increasing business meetings early in the morning, I always thought he was just working on a new line of satomobiles and trying to get ahead of the competition. He's always been someone who thinks ahead. But, I just shrugged it off since I was confident my father would never do anything to hurt me."

"I was devastated when I discovered the truth."

"I felt like I was talking to a complete stranger. I didn't even recognize him. That was the first time my perfect world just came crumbling down around me. Everything I ever knew about my father was a lie. I didn't want to believe it, I refused to believe it, but there was no hiding the reality. It tore me in half to have to electrocute him like that. Believe it or not, for a moment I even considered joining him not because I believed in Amon's cause, but because I didn't want to abandon my father. The only family I had left. Then, I looked at the others; Mako, Korra, Tenzin, Lin and even the ponies and Spike. I saw the terror and fear in their eyes. I knew, in my heart, I didn't want to be a part of that. My conscious was stronger than my guilt, so I made the toughest choice I ever had to make. I betrayed my father and in the process, I lost avery big piece of my life."


After Asami left her father, the heartbroken heiress moved into Air Temple island with her boyfriend and new companions. For the first time, she felt as if she could finally have the companionships she had always longed for and hoped they would fill up this new void in her heart.


"I was still devastated about my father, but I still had Mako. I guy I really cared about, and a whole new group of friends! Naturally, I was excited, especially at having my group of female friends. Even if six of them had four legs and tails. I always did meet a lot of nice girls my own age but they were never any fun. I looked up to Korra, to me she was like a superstar, and Bolin. Well, he was really special. Even though I kept reminding myself that Mako was my boyfriend at the time, Bolin just had this way of making me laugh. He was so easygoing and comfortable around me. He never had to try too hard and he liked making me laugh. At first, I saw him as a little brother…but, that didn't last long."

"My friends were amazing. For the first time, I felt like I had finally found that companionship I was looking for. So, even during the whole equalist father betrayal stuff, I found some happiness. I trusted my friends could help me get through this, especially Mako who, at the time, I looked to like an emotional crunch. So long as he was around I knew I'd be fine. It took me a while to realize that my father's betrayal was more painful than I wanted to admit. For so long, I put on a strong face because I wanted to be as strong as the others. I didn't want to stray from the right path like my father did. But, even though I was fighting the right fight, I still had a lot to learn."

"Especially when it comes to relationships."


Upon discovering the truth about Mako and Korra's relationship, Asami became envious and even bitter. She had already felt the stung of betrayal before, she didn't want to feel it again. However, the sting of loosing her boyfriend to another girl was not nearly as painful as the sting of loosing her father to revenge.


"I never hatted Korra. Jealous of, yeah, but I never hatted her. She offered me a home when I didn't want to go back to my old one. She was kind and generous towards me, and she even kept Rainbow Dash from bitting me. She was a good friend, even willing to put aside her own desires to help me. How can I hate anybody for that? And Mako, I couldn't hate Mako either. Sure, I was angry but I couldn't hate him. I wish he had been more honest with me from the start but, if I were in the same position I probably would have hesitated to tell the person I was dating that I was falling for somebody else too. If I'm being completely honest here, I don't think I was ever really in love with Mako, I just thought I was. I guess I was more in love with the concept of "falling in love" more than anything else. I never told anyone this until latter on in my life, and every time I look back. I do love Mako, but I realize if he was going to choose anybody to be with forever, then I'm glad he choose Korra. I've learned that the best relationships, romantic or otherwise, are the ones that help challenge you and bring out the best in you. I always used to think relationships were as easy as they looked, but they're not. I guess my father's relationship with me was easy because he hid away all of those dark emotions for so long that they eventually just erupted like a volcano. For so long, I really was living a fantasy and I had a pretty rude awakening. But, just because I was awake, it didn't mean I was willing to accept it."

"The moment I saw my father trying to…well, end me I knew there was no more going back. The man I love for so long, and still loved even long after his betrayal…was gone. A part of my heart still loved him, but I also knew he wouldn't come back to the way he was so quickly. My life had forever changed. My father was gone, my love life was basically over at the time, and now the entire family business rested on my shoulders. I still had my friends to help me and while I was happy I wasn't alone, I don't think I appreciated them as much as I should have.


For the next six months, after Amon was defeated, Asami struggled to keep her family business up float, but it was not easy. Financially, or emotionally. Her life had turned upside down and while she was moving on, a piece of her longed for the past.


"I missed my dad. The way he used to be. I missed being happy. I had friends, sure and they were great, but I still felt unhappy even when they were around. I tried to be strong and even tried fooling myself to think I was moving on…but I wasn't. I became jealous of Mako and Korra's relationship. I was hesitant to hang out with them, I spent most of my days working, and in the days where I could hang out with them I still felt a bit bitter. I couldn't understand why, we were all friends and they all cared about me but I was experiencing all these new changes and even new emotions I didn't entirely understand. I felt terrible I couldn't be as happy as they were, and everywhere I looked I kept on feeling this sting of jealousy when I saw Korra and Mako together."

"At first I thought it was that I still had feelings for Mako, but until the Civil War stuff started happening and I broke ties with my friends in order to focus on my company I realized it wasn't because of any lingering feelings. The moment I realized how alone I was in my office, and looking at the picture of me and my new friends I realized I was still hung up on what I had lost. Waking up was scary for me, and a part of me wanted my old life back so I could feel comfortable again. I wanted to feel safe and comfortable again, like I used to. But, I couldn't go back, nor should I have. That's another reason why Mako and I wouldn't work as a couple. We both wanted comfort in life that we didn't really need. I needed to wake up and let go of my past, that included my father's lies. I had everything I could ever want right in front of me and I almost lost it because I kept looking back. Well, I decided no more. I stopped looking backwards and fully started moving forwards. For the first time in so long, I felt like I was where I truly belonged. The void in my heart was finally filled and I was ready to face my new life with my new family."

"Ever since, I started to open up to the group more. Korra and I became practically sisters. I always looked up to her and the ponies. They were a wonderful example of friendship and sacrifice. Thanks to them, I realized that friendships aren't always easy, but what would be the point if you're only fateful when it's easy, right? Even my relationship with Mako improved. I was actually happier having him as a brother than a boyfriend. It was like I was meeting him all over again for the very first time. And then…there's Bolin." *blush*

"Remember when I said I needed a lot to learn about love? Well, I didn't fully understand what real romantic love was until I choose him. During the time where I was still hung up on the past, Bolin was always there. He was my first real best friend before I even knew it. He was loyal, loving and supportive but also challenged me. He was way more outgoing and expressible than I was, and he was more in tune with his emotions. Unlike me, he was more open to change. He went with the flow with a big happy smile on his face. But he was more than just a comedy guy. He was brave, honest, sweet and loyal. I felt more like myself with him than I ever did with anybody else. If anything, he was one of the first to help me step out of my shell. He was always there for me, and before long I realized something. I liked him. I really, really liked him, but it wasn't like with Mako. I'd say with Mako it was more of an infatuation, but with Bolin it felt…real."

"But, of course, I still didn't fully know what love was and I didn't want to make the same mistake twice. I've come to leaner that over time. But, I couldn't shake away these thoughts and feelings I was experiencing. It was as if a part of me wanted to be with him. A part of me choose him but I still wasn't sure. It wasn't until I saw him with Opal that I realized there was definitely something between us, but I didn't know if he felt it too. I really didn't want to repeat the past. I had already moved on, I didn't want the same to happen again."

"After some advice from Korra and Mako I realized I did have a choice. I could have chosen to be with Bolin or not. But that was just it…I wanted to be with him. I wanted to have a relationship with him. I wanted us to be together not because I felt it was necessary, but because…I simply wanted to. If I were to choose any man to love, I would choose Bolin. I'd rather have my best friend by my side than some strapping dream boy. So, yeah. I made my choice, and so did my heart. Sadly, it came too late. He was with Opal and, well I was devastated. But, I swore not to let that ruin our friendship. Thankfully, it didn't. Besides, so long as Bolin was happy, I'm happy. When you love someone, you have to think of them before yourself. I learned that much from Korra and Mako."


With Bolin now dating Opal, Asami struggled to keep her feelings from getting out in the open. She didn't try anything to affect his happiness, but even when she wasn't trying Bolin still came by to visit her and, unbeknownst to herself, Bolin was having the same thought as she was. He too loved her, but was also struggling with how he was feeling. Eventually, Asami's patience payed off and Opal eventually realized Bolin and Asami were meant for one another. She kindly stepped aside and allowed the two to have their happiness. However, darkness had other plans for the happy couple


"I was shocked to find out that Opal was willing to break up with Bolin so we could be together. I was at a loss for words, and she took it way better than I ever did. I guess it's a no brainer to say we became pretty good friends after that, and he did find love in her own time too, so everybody was happy. I had never felt happier when Bolin and I were dancing together during the Crystal Winter Celebration. It felt like a fairytale…until Ginger came over and ruined everything. I wasn't sure what came over me, but when I saw them kiss I felt like my world was crumbling down again. It was my father's betrayal all over again. No matter what, I just couldn't seem to escape. What's worse, is that I was already chosen beforehand by NightMara, the dark windigo who turned Luna into NightMare Moon. My mind went foggy and my heart was clouded by darkness. I felt nothing but pain and sorrow, hate and anger. My past came back to haunt me, after I had done everything I could to move past it. I still feel terrible over what I did. I barely even remember all the horrible things I said or did. It was like a terrible dream I couldn't wake up from. What's worse, is that in all that anger…I almost lost my friends. My family. My loved ones. I turned them all to stone. Bolin, the boy I ever truly loved and Korra, the sister who risked her life to save mine even in my darkest hour. I didn't deserve them. Any of them. I didn't know how it happened, but I suddenly felt dominance over NightMara. I managed to yank her right out of me and my friends returned to normal and Bolin and I…well, you know what happened next."

"Ever since then, I was happy. Bolin and I were together, but we never stopped being friends. Once again, I could put the past behind me. It's funny how life works. Sometimes, your past comes back in hopes of reeling you back in, but the experiences you learned are what keep you from slipping back."

"I went on so many adventures, I even got the chance to help with a friendship problem in Manehattan. It was incredible! But then, came another hard part in my life. When Bolin would leave to work for Kuvira. As you would guess, I was torn. Obviously I didn't want him to leave, but on the other hand Bolin had finally found his calling. I couldn't stand in the way of that. I loved him far too much to stop him. After giving it some thought, and a crazy time travel loop-long story-Bolin and I decided it would be good for him to go. We promised to stay in touch and we did. For a long time, Bolin was doing a marvelous job helping Kuvira and the Earth Queen. But, when she came into retirement and Kuvira had more control, well…things took a turn for the worst."


Asami and Bolin's love was indeed true, but sadly even the purest of love can become tainted by pride and fear. Especially by an outside force. But, through it all, their love would eventually find a way to triumph.


"Once Kuvira began turning the Earth Kingdom into her Earth Empire, things just turned upside down. Bolin didn't answer my letters anymore, he wouldn't even return any of my calls and it really wasn't like him. I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt and I was so excited to hear he was coming back. But, when I tried telling him about Kuvira he…he pushed me away. I didn't want to believe Bolin had changed but he really did. It was like my father all over again. I shared my heart with this man for so long and now he was stomping all over it. I knew Bolin inside and out, and this was not him. The words he said, the look in his eyes, it really was just like with my father. I was scared. I was scared of loosing him. I don't know if it was my anger or the siren's influence, but I just snapped. I snapped and said things I wish I could take back. It tore my heart to end our relationship, but at that moment my heart was reliving way too much pain for me to handle at that moment."

"After that, I couldn't stop thinking about our fight. I was so angry with myself for saying those things, but I was also confused as to why he would say them. This was before I knew anything about the sirens spell. That event triggered memories of my father and how hurt I felt when eh turned on me. When he shifted from the man I admired into a unrecognizable monster. How many times was I supposed to relive my past? Now that I'm older, I can see it had some benefits. It was a challenge for me, even if I didn't know it at the time. Sometimes, life gives you unexpected tests and you can't always see the reason. But maybe not knowing all the details is all part of getting through it."

"I found the letters my father had wrote to me. Once, a few months after I became NightMara, I tried to give my father a second chance. I mean, if Korra and the POnies could forgive folks like P'Li or Discord, why couldn't I forgive my father? Or at least try to. Princess Cadance once mentioned he still had some love left in him, but I never gave it a second thought until now. So, I amped up the courage to go see him and…he didn't change. If anything, he seemed even angrier than before, even disowning me as his daughter. I snapped at him and angrily told him I found happiness without him. It was the first time I ever yelled at him. After I stormed out, I guess my words eventually sunk in because about a couple years latter, I started receiving letters from him for months. Of course, I was tempted to read them but another part of me, no doubt my pride, prevented me. Besides, I already had my hands full with Korra and Mako's upcoming wedding at the time. But, after the incident with Bolin, something just compelled me to go and see what this was all about. It's funny, Bolin had ignored my latest letters not too long before my father begins sending his? Either it was fate or not, I went to see him."

"I didn't snap like before. If anything, I was more relaxed, but I made certain he got my message; That I wanted nothing to do with him. It's funny, I've seen forgiveness be done before, even to the folks I never knew anybody could forgive. However, just because you offer forgiveness doesn't mean everybody will take it. Ghazan, Ming-Hua, Amon and Unalaq all had a chance to redeem themselves, but they blew it, just like my dad did. He wasn't brave enough like Discord, Varrick, P'Li or Starlight Glimmer. I wasn't expecting much."

"But, the moment he spoke to me, I could have sworn I saw a glimpse of my old father again. It was as if all of my childhood memories came flooding back. I tried so hard to fight the tears, but I couldn't. I got up and left, not even looking at him in the eyes. I wanted to believe he was changed, but then I remembered Bolin. All of a sudden, I was just too scared to trust again. My boyfriend turned into an arrogant blow hard hill my father had become merely a shadow of his former self. I was so torn. Should I forgive him and risk getting hurt again, or go on life not speaking to him again? After all the adventures I've been in and all of the lessons I had learned, I couldn't understand why this was so hard for me. Thanks to Sunset Shimmer, I realized I was still holding onto the past again. Funny, I learned to move on from my fantasy world once before, now…now I had to move on from the nightmare."

"So, I gave my dad a chance. I still kept my guard up, but I was willing to tear down my walls a bit just to see for myself. After what happened with Bolin, it felt nice to at least get one load of my heart. I never realized how much I missed my father until we played Pai Sho again. I was starting to believe he really had changed. It was amazing. But, even though I was giving my dad a chance, there was still Bolin."

"You'd think that after giving my father a second chance I would give Bolin one, right? Well, in a way I did. I allowed him to explain himself and once me mentioned the spell, for a moment I felt relieved. Maybe it was just like me with NightMara and he had no real control. Sadly, that wasn't entirely the case. The spell didn't have full control over him but it did influence his thoughts and actions. Believe me, I wanted to be with him again. I wanted us to go back to the way we were, but I couldn't forget those eyes and that voice. They were so unrecognizable and yet sounded so much like the man I loved. I did give him a chance, but I told him we couldn't be together for the moment. I wanted to believe the Bolin I knew was still there, but he clearly said the spell only half controlled him and other things he said came from himself. I was just so confused, or maybe I was still hurt from the breakup or maybe it was the years of experience with betrayal talking but I was just so hesitant at first. I didn't want to get hurt over loosing him again. If we were going toe together again, I first had to know for sure if the Bolin I knew and love was still there."

"It really was just my heartbreak and fear talking after all, because I soon realized my Bolin didn't leave. He was just lost for a while. When I looked into his eyes and he spoke to me with complete honesty, with no pretenses whatsoever, I didn't need anymore proof. I had to stop being scared of betrayal and trust again. I wasn't going to let the nightmares of my past dictate my future just as I relinquished my fantasy by letting go of my old plentiful life. This was a pretty big test for me and Bolin. I wanted to trust him, but my fear and pain got a hold of me. Once I realized who foolish I was, it was he who gave me a second chance too. Bolin wasn't gone, he was still there. I was so happy, there was no doubt I wanted us to stay together forever. And that's when he proposed. I couldn't say 'yes' fast enough! I couldn't believe my luck! My father was changing for the better, my boyfriends proposed to me, it was everything I ever wanted."

"My father even got to prove his bravery and courage by helping us to fight against Kuvira. It felt wonderful to work with him again. I knew I never stopped loving him, I just had to let go of our past. It's funny, I was willing to forgive so many others but not my dad. Guess even the kindest of people can learn a new lesson every now and again."


Asami and Hiroshi's relationship was growing strong once again. The past was the past and the future appeared bright for them all. Sadly, Hiroshi would not be a part of that future. The man did the ultimate sacrifice and gave his own life for his daughter and her friends. Once again, Asami would have to face another difficult challenge."


"I lost my father once to revenge. I lost my boyfriend to my best friend. My entire life completely shifted in the blink of an eye and I struggled with letting go of it. Guess that's one thing my father had in common. After loosing all the wonderful treasures I had gained after the fall, I came to let my past go and move forward. I became a creature of darkness and nearly destroyed everything, only to discover my strength and break free of her hold. I found my family, I found love, I found my strength. I learned to forgive, to stand on my own and to face adversity in the face. And now, I had to face the death of my father."

"Strangely enough, this time, as painful as it was…I didn't loose myself again. I was devastated to have my father gone, but I finally forgave him and his sacrifice wasn't in vein. He saved me. He saved all of us. If there was any way for him to go out, I'd rather he go out a hero than a traitor. It wouldn't be easy but, I was already used to it."

"You might think "Wow, this girl's been through so much trouble, why can't she ever get a break?" Well, don't be so sure. I may have had to say goodbye to my old life, but I gained a better one instead. I may had been betrayed by my father, but I gained a new family as well. I may had broken up with my first boyfriend, but it only prepared me for my future relationship with the man of my dreams. My father might have perished, but at least I got to spend time with him, forgive him and know he did it all for love. I'd rather have a few short moments with my father than have a million years without any."


A young heiress with a beautiful life had transformed into a strong-willed woman. A woman who faced many personal tribulations, but came back smarter and stronger than before.


"Life is full of challenges. Nothing ever comes easy, especially not relationships. Me, along with so many of my friends, we all had to give up something in order to become the people we are now. Mako gave up his original dreams of living it big, Korra let go of her Avatar tittle, Bolin learned to grow up, and me…I learned to let go of the past, both fantasy and nightmare, in order to discover my true dream life. Want to know what all of my friends and experiences have in common? They challenged me. Each event was a test, and while I may have looked strong on the outside, I was just as scared and unsure as anybody on the inside. I may still be the rich industrialist business woman, but I can't say I'm the same dreamy eyed rich girl who hit her future brother-in-law with her moped. I know life isn't always a fantasy, but when you face reality, you just might discover just who strong you really are. Besides, even reality can be like a fantasy sometimes. Only a million times better. I'm living my fantasy right now. My new reality."

"That's my story. My real story."


But, this also begs the question. At the end of the day; Who are you?


"I am Asami Sato. I might be rich in wealth, but I am even Richer in spirit."


Matthew 6:19-21~

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and trust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
