Author's note: I'd like to thank each and every one of you who has stuck through what is basically a novel. I certainly appreciate the time investment on your behalf to read what I wrote. I hope you enjoyed it.

"Before we go, I have something to give you. Just a little thing to remind you of me while you're soldiering." Frank told her. "Close your eyes." He held it in his hand, hidden from Rogue. He didn't have much to offer her as a present, but thought she might appreciate the gesture.

"Really?" Rogue let her rucksack drop to the floor as she covered her eyes. He opened his hand and looked at his dog tags. Francis Castiglione, they said, along with his blood type, social security number and religious preference. He placed the chain over her head and the tags rested lightly on her chest. "Can Ah open my eyes?" She asked, and looked forward to seeing what he gave her.

"Yes." He said, amused at the anticipatory tone of her voice.

She opened her eyes and touched the metal tags resting on her. It sunk in on what he just presented to her. "Your dog tags. Ah'm surprised you had them. "Her finger ran over the battered surface, touching his name, then she tugged them underneath her shirt.

"I am too." He replied to her. For a moment, he felt discomforted, knowing he was sending her off to boot camp then fighting. He considered Maria must have experienced the same emotion. She had been eight months pregnant when he went to the Marine Boot Camp at Parris Island. That scared expression in her eyes when he visited her and informed her that he was being deployed to Vietnam, and how she held baby Lisa in her arms.

Rogue hugged him then. "Ah a little nervous, Frank. What if Ah don't do well enough for Nick? What if Ah blow my chance on doing something stupid?"

"You'll do fine. Just continue to sass Nick Fury. I know, it's counter intuitive because he's military. Most military leaders aren't similar to him. He likes people who aren't afraid of him. Remember to focus. When you're in the field, don't let people flank you." Frank said and ruffled her satiny, curly hair. He realized this echoed the present he gave to his son, the silver locket, and it made him uncomfortable. "I taught you, remember that too. I wouldn't send you out if I thought you were unready." He noted her fears seemed to revolve around letting people down rather than dying.

Lori nodded and her spirits picked up. "You're right." She spied her phone on the counter, unlocked it and snapped a picture of her kissing his cheek. She sent it to him with a quick couple of swipes on her screen, then she turned off the phone. She put it away in a drawer. "Ah can't take this where Ah'm going."

"We better leave before traffic gets worse." He waited for her at the door, let her and her rucksack through, then they left to wrestle with the heavy New York traffic, where drivers engaged in gladly insulting each other with colorful epitaphs and hand gestures.

Nick awaited their arrival at the diner. Since the first meeting with Rogue and Frank he had developed a fondness for the coffee served here. Strong, black and Nick swore would help keep a dead man on his feet. The burgers weren't bad either, he decided. He remembered that Frank loved his coffee almost bitterly robust.

The battered black van made a halt near his vehicle. He noticed, with some interest, the young woman sweetly touch her lips to those of a younger looking Frank Castle. They had a brief exchange of words, then they opened the doors and climbed out. She hoisted her rucksack and slung it over her shoulder, soon followed by Frank Castle. So he did take it. I wasn't positive if he would or not; he's predictably unpredictable. I hope the formula works for him in the long run. He also noted that Rogue seemed soft on him and the way her eyes smiled at him. Although Frank did not appear to object to her kiss, it was hard to tell if he returned her obvious affection. Only because of the previous meeting did Nick know that Frank did care about the woman. He's hiding what he feels. She must have crawled under his skin.

"Hello, Nick. Showing up for duty." She sounded cheerier than she inwardly felt. Her nerves were doing a dance on a high wire, strung tight over a crevasse as deep as the Grand Canyon. "Ready to kick ass and take names."

"The kicking of aforementioned ass will not happen anytime soon. Other than the administering of my boot to your backside if you don't perform well." He drawled. "And you're looking well, soldier. You are free to enlist if you want. We could always use another man or even an instructor." No chance Frank'd take him up on it, but it never hurt to ask, especially since of his connection with the lovely Rogue.

"I'll keep your offer in mind." Frank told him, absently. It was a good proposal, but Frank had a few other issues on his plate. He'd consider it. I'd still be fighting evil men, just on a larger scale. Worth bearing in mind. Teaching has its own appeal too. I could be saving some lives. I enjoyed teaching in the Corps. I also enjoyed teaching Rogue. But he needed to keep an eye on Fisk for the time being; he didn't trust the Kingpin about as much as he could throw him, to use the old adage. His instinct told him that Wilson Fisk would patiently wait for a spell. Wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. Red would probably need his help. Matt wouldn't WANT it, but that was beside the point. They could throw punches at each other later, if it would make Daredevil feel better.

Nick's eyebrow raised. That wasn't a no. Instead of pressing Frank, he turned his attention to Rogue, who seemed to be a little nervous. He didn't blame her. Everyone was nervous going to boot camp. Hell, he thought, I'd run her through a psych eval if she wasn't a tad anxious. "It'll be ok, kid. Camp's tough but if you can keep up with Jarhead here, you're tougher." And that was about all the reassurance that Nick was capable of.

It was all that Rogue required. "Then Ah'm good to go when you are, Nick." She smiled at Frank. She knew he wasn't one for public displays of affection. Neither was she, but she tried to decide whether or not to embrace him.

Frank took the decision from her. He whispered a few words, "Remember, be careful. Trust no one." He made it appear as if he kissed her cheek. Then he clasped her shoulder in encouragement.

"I'm a busy man and we have a flight to catch. We're going down to Parris Island for training. Most of the other recruits are Marines and the decision was made to have it there." Not Nick's personal choice, but it was serviceable.

Frank ordered his own cup of coffee from the friendly but overworked waitress. Maybe get a pastrami sandwich. He didn't want to go straight back to his lair. The day was too young. "Take care."

She stood up straight. "Ah will and you too, Frank. That's an order. Ah'll see ya in a couple of months. Let's go, Fury." Rogue gave him one last wink before she was whisked away in the expensive SUV Nick always favored. Frank thought it probably was heavily armored and stuffed full of the latest tech. It drove off and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Frank did request a hot pastrami sandwich while he sat and processed the fact she was away. She'll do fine. More than fine.

A sudden flash of movement caught his eye. Two men, both street raised, were pushing around a woman who clutched her purse. He wasn't exactly a lip reader, but he could tell that they wanted what she had. He shoved the last bite into his mouth, dropped enough money to pay for the bill then some, and pushed himself off the stool. Time to get to work, he said to himself.