Chapter 12

Raiden was the same age as Ciel, Harry, Lizzy, and Jessi; his looks were really nothing to scoff at considering his looks go by his last name of Ice. Ice blonde hair with bangs kept out of his eyes with a pair of black hairpins shaped into a Roman numeral 'X'. Fair skin with light blue eyes boarding on silver with thin lips, a sharp nose, and a smooth jawline.

His clothes were fashionable with a silver shirt under a black vest and a dark navy boarding on black slacks with polished dress shoes.

Raiden's smug butler wasn't any better with his brown hair that looked like it was painfully pulled and gelled back behind his ears to where it looked like it was stitched in. He wore a simple butler's outfit and stood behind Raiden at all times.

He wasn't bad-looking per say with his dark brown eyes, smooth jawline and bow-shaped mouth, but he was very smug in his abilities as a renowned butler, which was simply not true.

If I had to describe his level as a butler, then think of it as the time when Grell was masquerading as the butler to Madam Red adding on to his smugness and no suicidal tendencies.

Overall, the duo irritated four very powerful, young people.

"Oh, Earl Potter, it is so great to meet you," Raiden said, his smile not reaching his blue eyes.

"As it is to you, Mr. Ice. Would you please take your seat at my table?" Harry said, as Ice bowed in respect and did just that, right in front of Harry's sight as Ciel was seated at Harry's left and Jessica was seated at Harry's right.

'This is going to be a fun game...' Harry inwardly smirked

Ciel's navy blue eye lit up with mirth, knowing that technique, it was an old technique used on suspecting enemies who graced his own mansion. Always keep them right in front of your sights, keep your main ally on your left and keep your love on the right.

Jessi and Lizzy were both on the same wavelength as they stared Raiden down. The silence was deafening until the butlers brought the food and everyone ate until they were finished the meal and the dessert before everyone moved to the office.

Raiden stated, "My apologies if I am overstepping a line, but I am morbidly curious as to how you came back? I mean, your prolonged absence really caused a stir."

"That it has and my apologies if my return has caused some mishaps to appear in your plan, but again the rumor that you are trying to take my place is so disgusting that I have to make it known. Tell me, don't you think the person who the rumor is based on is such a pathetic creature, don't you think? Trying to court my wife-to-be, pestering her as if they could widdle down her staunch refusal like that of a child begging their parent for a toy they cannot have."

Raiden's lips thinned as he clutched the napkin he had in his hand as he listened to Harry who grinned, "Is there something you would like to confess? You're pale."

He hummed, "Despite the rather crude way you put it, I have to admit that I have been attempting to court your wife-to-be."

"And your reason for doing so? I have to give you credit for actually being honest and admitting it, but did you think that my disappearance would be permanent and you allowed yourself to decide to take her for yourself and without going through the proper channels?"

Raiden couldn't answer, making Harry coldly huff before he turned to Jessica and said, "When was the first time he attempted to take your hand from mine?"

"A month after your disappearance," She quipped

"Tch, even more pathetic. I'd have more respect for you if you waited at least 8 months to a year. But a month? Shame..."

"No lady should be left in mourning and I took it upon myself to comfort her."

"And considering that you still aren't in a relationship with her and considering that she had been refusing you constantly, you have been nothing but a pest. And you should already know what pests deserve right?"

Raiden growled, "Is that a threat?"

Harry shook his head, "No, my dear Raiden, that's a promise for the hopefully near future. Now please leave my manor."

'...Or stay and be buried among my maid's flower beds.'

Raiden left with a barely acceptable goodbye as his butler bowed before leaving in tow with his master.

"Miserable little shit," Harry grinned before he laughed alongside Ciel as the pair chatted as the girls conversed with each other throughout the night.

[Bones Mansion]

Sirius and Amelia were sleeping in the same bed, the silver-eyed Black woke up first and smirked at the sleeping form of Amelia snoozing away. He pulled her close to him and kissed her cheek making her groan as she opened one eye.

"Bad dog. Don't wake your master. I was having a good dream."

"It must have a damn good one if you were smiling like that, was about me?"

"Hm~, I was subduing a rather interesting criminal who needed to be taught a lesson."

"Oh, so the kinky auror interrogates the naughty criminal, shall I get the collar?"

"You really have no limits, do you?"

"When it comes to you, no and I'm making up for lost time, you'll know how restless I can be when I'm cleared of my false charges, you won't be able to sit right for a week, that I promise."

She snorted, "Get out of bed you prat. The newspaper should be coming soon and I need to go to work and you need to eat."

As she bent down to pick up a robe, he said, "But I have a perfect peach right in front of me..."

"Behave yourself, you horny mutt or I may remove your treats until your trial."

"Of course," He sighed, before managing to pinch her butt, making her squeak as he disappeared downstairs.

"Hmph..." She huffed as she made her way downstairs and enjoyed breakfast with him before the owl came in and Amelia smiled at the newspaper, before handing it to the newspaper to Sirius who grinned.

Fudge's Fuck Up! Sirius Black Refused Trial! Is He Innocent or Guilty?

The entire newspaper was literally putting Fudge and Crouch who sentenced Sirius to Azkaban with no trial and basically summed up if something could happen to an esteemed house, it could happen to the rest of them.

Sirius smiled, "They're good."

"Wait for it..."

A pompous owl flew in and she plucked the letter from its' talons as she read Fudge's letter who begged her to do something and she rolled her eyes.

"I need to go, Sirius. Be safe."

"Of course, Amelia. I'm going to write Harry our letter."

She smiled as she made to get dressed, "Got it."

[With Amelia]

She made her way into the ministry and entered Fudge's office, noting that the man was nearly scalping himself as he screamed, "What are we going to do?"

"What do you mean 'we' Fudge? Afterall, you are the minister."

"Arrest the author of this newspaper for slander."

"Cornelius, if you do that, then you will tell the public you are guilty."

"Then what you expect me to do, dammit!" He snapped, before cowering when he saw Amelia glaring at him.

"I'm sorry. It's been a very stressful morning."

*Twack!* An owl hit the window pane, making Fudge wince

"Has that been happening?"

"Ever since I walked in."

"I see. Anyways, give him a trial, if he is guilty, then he is if he's not then you can right a past wrong and-"

"And make the public love me again! Of course! Why didn't I think of that?"

'Because you are a money-grubbing flobber worm, that's why?'

"I'll present him at trial. When will it be held?"

"In three days. Please keep there."

"Yes, thank you, Amelia."

She nodded before making her way back to her office, ignoring Umbridge who was trying to dignify herself by pretending not to be listening in.

[With Sirius]

He was eating a plate of bacon as he took a quill and some parchment as he wrote,

Hey pup,

It's been a while, but I have been doing a lot better, Amelia is taking great care of me, to be blunt, I really can't wait to see you. The papers that I managed to find all say you look like James with Lily's eyes, but I am pretty sure there a lot more too it than that. Amelia and the goblins really came through for me and I am sure to get my trial any day now. I hope you are okay where you are, and what's this I heard about you getting into a fight with Voldemort in the middle of the dining hall and Albus being a part of it? Did he support you or was he trying to attack you? Also, a note have you heard of a man named Remus Lupin? If you haven't, please let me know.

~Sirius Black

He folded the letter, before calling an owl to send it to Harry and hoped he got it soon.

"Now, how am I going to spend my day without Amelia?"

[The Burrow]

Ginny woke up from her deep sleep with a yawn as she stretched out her limbs. She slowly climbed out of her bed and took a seat in front of her mirror and undid the bandages tightly wrapped around her fingers and palms.

She opened her drawer and took out a tub of burning cream and bandages for her after she took a bath and she slowly removed her old bandages with a bit of pain, her fingers still slightly trembling from the light magic before it finally stilled.

As her mind began to wonder, a series of taps rang out, bringing her attention towards the window and saw an owl with a letter attached to its' leg which she took and found that it was from Harry.

When she read it, a smile fell on her face as she whispered, "Of course, I'll be your little sister. You treated me more as a sister than Ron ever did. I hope he and Molly get what's coming to them."

She made her way to the bathroom and after taking a bath, she walked back to her bedroom where she re-bandaged her hands and made to write a letter back to Harry telling her that she would be happy to be his little sister and how she was making good progress on her treatment and couldn't thank him enough for helping her.

[Prewett Family Home]

Ronald and Molly are now living at Molly's mother's house who is shown to more overbearing than Molly if that was even remotely possible and Ron couldn't stand it. Molly had to leave the house and to go find a job.

Ron, on the other hand, was forced to do something his mother hadn't bother to do since he was the baby boy of the family. teach him manners and respect and he hated it and swore to get Harry back for everything he's been through.

Ending it! Really sorry, for the long wait, and thank God for that. Anyways, the next chapter as lovely as it will be will be out, laters!

Thank you to all who reviewed!

god of all - Thank you, I'm really sorry for the long wait.

Guest#1 - Thanks!

Kagalei - Maybe~, mostly leaning towards yes

geetac - Thanks

Daozang - I'd feel the same when I run out of lemon squares

ej-83 - Thank you, I am sorry for the long wait.

Alex2909 - Thanks

DarkLord0012 - Thanks

Guest#2 - Thanks, I'm really sorry for the long wait

random-mickey - Thanks!

JDS62 - And yeah, it was in the first episode, which was my favorite episode.

EllaJuroku - Sorry for the long wait

Elfin69 - I hope you like this chapter

SeleneAlice - Thank you, sorry for the long wait.

(guest) TweakyGhostLover - Sorry for the really long wait

ToddGilliss - Sorry for the long wait

januaresterj - Thanks and sorry for the wait.

~Kourtney Uzu Yato