Author's Note: Hello all! I've been wanting to get this fic up here for some time. I've seen all the many incarnations of the Space Battleship Yamato (Original anime, English Language version -aka Starblazers, the live action movie and Yamato 2199) and enjoyed them all in different ways.
This story takes place after the end of Yamato 2199. The plot bunnies would not let go of this idea, and so several years of fighting them off, and here we are! In case you haven't seen that version, I HIGHLY suggest you do so! I am going to stick with the Japanese names for this story and will tend to use last/family names with a few exceptions as they did in the anime.
So, I hope you enjoy this story. It has been in the works for at least a year and I needed to get it out!
On with the fic! But first DISCLAIMERS!
I don't own it, nor will I ever! Just a fan having fun! Also the rating is mainly PG-13, there will be some "implied" stuff and a twist for the dark for a time, but nothing that goes into the realm of meriting an M rating.
We good? Shiny!
She was alive. Kodai still couldn't believe it.
Even now, after seeing her open her eyes in the automatic navigation room and carrying her warm body to the bridge where love showered on them from the crew, he could not believe that a miracle happened to him.
She was alive. He felt a little embarrassed with needing to constantly touch her arm or remain in close proximity during the short celebration on seeing Earth on the radar, but he still feared waking up from a dream. Yuki didn't seem to mind, nor did anyone mention or even notice the contact.
When Doctor Sado gave the news of the captain's passing, the atmosphere of the crew dampened a bit. Kodai pulled Yuki tighter to him, thankful that at least she survived.
"He's the reason we succeeded." Yuki smiled trying like always to lighten the mood. "Captain Okita succeeded and the Earth will be green once again. He wouldn't want us to be sad."
"Three cheers for Captain Okita!"
"Yamato Banzai!"
The crew's cheers echoed across the ship and the mood lifted.
Kodai pulled his blonde haired angel closer to him as the doctor approached them, wiping a tear from his eye.
"It's a miracle. You were…" His look of astonishment met with a nod of complete understanding from the couple. Neither could explain what exactly happened or how it was even possible that Yuki woke up after being declared dead for nearly a full day.
"I don't know exactly how…" Yuki clung tighter to Kodai's arm as she felt her strength wean. Closing her eyes, she tried to think back on what had transpired. "I just remember a light and a voice telling me to return..." Leaning against Kodai, she felt her legs about to give out.
"Yuki?" Kodai's voice couldn't hide his worry. "Doctor, what's wrong?" He asked as he held tightly to Yuki, not allowing her to fall to the ground.
With a swift movement of his arm, the doctor ushered the two out of the bridge and away from the crowds. Knowing Yuki's lack of strength, the anxious tactical officer quickly lifted her back into his arms and followed the doctor's swift strides towards the medical bay.
"Just a few quick checks." He kept telling them as he moved to grab a few instruments; he couldn't help but smile as Kodai gently set Yuki on a bed and sat near her, holding her slender hand. His love for the girl was obvious to anyone who looked at them.
After what seemed like an eternity, the doctor stopped checking his computers and grinned at the two.
"Everything is back to normal."
"Seriously?" Kodai looked away from Yuki for the first time since they had entered the med bay. "Nothing's wrong, she'll be fine?"
Sado rubbed the renewed tears away from his eyes; he didn't know how to feel at the moment. With his dear friend's passing, finally accomplishing the seemingly impossible mission, the many others dead and now Yuki coming back from death… much like she did almost a year before the start of their voyage. It was all too much.
The doctor's desire to disclose his concerns and worries nearly spilled over, but the look of relief on Kodai's eyes kept him silent.
Nodding to the worried officer, Dr. Sado confirmed that Yuki was indeed out of danger while trying his best to alleviate worries of any abnormalities at play with the ship's affairs officer.
"Keep her off her feet for a while and I want to see her at the UNCF's main hospital the second we land," he added shutting off all the machines and giving them the all clear to leave.
Kodai took it all in as the doctor waved and left them alone in the private medical room. She was alive… she was fine. He could still have a life with meaning.
"Let's get you to bed." He smiled blushing a bit at her low cut dress and how it shifted during the doctor's tests. Making a note to talk with Nurse Makoto about what exactly she had dressed Yuki in, Kodai placed a kiss on her forehead. Instead of letting Yuki get to her feet, he effortless picked her up in his arms and turned for the door.
Yuki beamed with happiness as she snuggled into Kodai's chest, her fingers clutching to his uniform as if it was giving her strength. Shei felt safe and loved relying on her knight in a white and red space uniform to carry her back to her quarters. Normally being carried like a princess would have caused her to protest, but she could not deny the pull this man had on her. She knew a bond existed from early on in their voyage.
The pair traveled in silence through the passageways of the Yamato. No one bothered the two, instead the celebrations continued to roar throughout the ship on finally seeing Earth once more. In her mind, Yuki strained to figure out exactly what occurred prior to waking up in Kodai's arms. Her memory after the seeing Meizela about to kill herself seemed patchy. On top of feeling frustrated with her memory yet again, she struggled with keeping her eyes open.
Kodai couldn't be bothered with the rest of the crew or even the mission if he was honest with himself. The woman in his arms occupied his thoughts and hopes. With each breath she took, he felt himself relaxing and the euphoria of the reality that she wasn't about to fade away on him sunk in.
Both came out of their own thoughts as they turned a corner and found themselves in front of her door. Kodai allowed the exhausted woman in his arms to type in the door's key code. They swiftly opened with a swish, granting him access.
The warmth of the room surrounded him the instant he stepped across the threshold and entered. While it appeared pretty much the same as his bunk, it enveloped him in a softness, much like Yuki herself.
His had small personal effects such as photos displayed on his wall, but it didn't bring this level of comfort and detail. Yuki had soft looking sheets, pillows and other trinkets adorning her walls – it wasn't an overly frilly - much like he had expected a woman's room to be - but it fit her. Then again, he didn't know what to expect really, it was the first time for him to even look at her small space on the Yamato.
Setting her down on the bed, Kodai stood and instantly felt a flush of heat again on his face. They were utterly alone. Rubbing the back of his neck, he felt conflicted on whether to stay or go. She certainly needed rest, and yet he wanted to stay.
He stopped worrying about his internal struggles long enough to assist getting her under the covers. The smile she gave him made his heart flutter. Bending over, he chastely placed a soft kiss to her lips, not wanting to frighten her with their current circumstances.
"Better get some sleep." Kodai turned to look at the door, telling himself that she would be fine and wake up feeling better, he made a move to leave.
"Please…" The soft voice rang with a hauntingly fragile tone. "Stay." She asked, with a confidence that told Kodai she wanted him there.
She didn't have to ask twice.
He slowly mustered up the courage to touch the face of the golden-haired goddess lying beside him. A smile came to the lips of the man with messy chocolate brown hair and dark eyes finding this not some glorious dream. The delicious ache in his body remained like a buzz from drinking too much.
Her skin was warm and her breath came out in content puffs. He liked how it felt as it wafted across his chest, teasing his skin. She had been so cold when he held her in the automatic navigation room … she had been dead then.
And now, they were together. Alive. And they had celebrated that fact.
Underneath the covers, he enjoyed the warmth of their skin toughing, knowing that he made love to the only person left in the galaxy for him. His body reacted to the memories they just shared maybe an hour ago, ones to replace the heartache of the last several days… new memories and a chance at a new life together.
The questions that buzzed in his head disappeared as he felt the nude body next to him shift in her sleep. His hands trailed up and down her back, marveling at the softness he found beneath his hands. Stopping where he knew several laser shots hit her, he noticed nothing but lightly scarred skin. The Cosmos Reverser started the healing process as well as bringing her back to life. It was a miracle.
"I don't know how this all worked out… but I am grateful." He whispered as his lips gently brushed against hers.
Her skin tingled as his hands continued to trail along her back. Even in the light sleep that held her, she enjoyed the cocoon of his presence and the blankets all around her.
As he continued to touch her, she stirred a bit, enjoying the lingering feeling of his closeness and their new relationship. She knew they would be docking on Earth sooner rather than later, and then their lives could really begin.
Yuki's heart soared with promises of them together on an Earth so many longed to see again. In the jumble of thoughts, images of her coming home to a cozy place where he would be waiting surfaced. Others of meeting him for picnic lunches among the flowers like they had seen on Iscandar also gave her hope for the future. Maybe a wedding with the crew of the Yamato in attendance, a family of their own… in each of the visions she encountered in her mind, a happy hue radiated off their love for one another.
Another image pushed to the front of her mind, causing her to smile. Two children ran in a similar field, holding hands their long golden locks flew in the wind. Yuki smiled as she imagined what must be two daughters, the scene was peaceful, but it felt so real...not like the other images that she knew had been figments of her imagination. The giggles continued to ring in her ears, slowly increasing in volume until the intensity hurt.
The fields and sweet breeze quickly disintegrated into darkness and then explosions in the distance shook her to the core with fear. Images of schematics, data both in Earth languages and those she couldn't place flashed before her. Looking down to the blood that dripped from her hands, Yuki shook as her screams added to the chaos around her.
"Yuki?" The concern in his voice pulled her from the nightmare. Yuki's eyes locked on to the man propped up on his elbow looking down at her with frantic worry.
"It was all a dream?" She asked hoping that Kodai could reassure her they were not real.
"You're fine. I'm here." He promised, gathering her into his arms and rolling on his back. Yuki's body clung to his chest as she lay on top of him, the contact of their skin and his arms all around easing her troubles.
"I'm here my love." He continued as his hands ran up and down her back. They laid there for a time, not talking. It broke his heart every time her body shuttered until he thought she had slipped back asleep.
"You've been awake all this time?" Her quiet voice broke the silence and caused Kodai to shift so he could look at her face the best he could. At the moment, the long locks of her silken hair covered her eyes as she nuzzled into his chest.
"I wanted to be here if you needed me." Was all he could say not knowing what to do to help her. Truth be told, he had been awake for quite some time. His brain still had trouble processing the last twenty-four hours. From mourning a great loss to celebrating life with her, it was a lot to comprehend.
"What about you?" He asked a little nervous that she might have regrets. "Do you want to talk about... your dreams?"
"They were so strange..." She began as she lifted her head off his chest to look into his eyes. "At first they were wonderful. Of us on a green Earth..." A slight blush colored his cheeks as she brought her hand up to cup his cheek.
The love in her eyes cleared up any doubt in his mind about moving their relationship to the next level. Moving to kiss her hand, he smiled.
"I like this part of the dream my love."
"I was so happy too," She admitted. "And then two little girls came... I don't know who they were, but they weren't on Earth and it all felt so familiar. Like... like a memory."
Her wide blue tinted orbs searched his for understanding. Kodai watched as tears pooled and escaped her eyes.
"And then things shifted... there was darkness, explosions and then just weird images... some so very familiar... like I should know them, but I don't. Oh, what does it all mean? Why do I see these things now?" Kodai could only hold her as she sobbed into his chest. "What's wrong with me?"
Kissing her forehead, he shook his head. The cool tears dripped on his skin as he let her cry, hoping that she knew he would be with her through it all.
"Whatever it is, we'll get through it. The most important thing is that you are alive. Yuki... I love you so much." He told her with the most earnest and sincere tone he dared to use. Pulling her close, he swiftly rolled them so now she was beneath him, holding her face in his hands he kissed her chin, moving up to her ear.
"I want them out of my head." She pleaded shutting her eyes tightly while the voices, now quieter than before, continued to echo for only her to hear.
A wicked smile crossed his face; there was a way to get her mind off things. Shifting his ministrations on her skin, he captured her lips. Offering her a way to block out the haunting images, he lightly rubbed his hips against hers under the covers. She willingly accepted his diversion as her own hands ran down his chest, and lightly brushed against his manhood.
"I love you." Her breathy voice sent him over the edge.
"No more nightmares?" He whispered to her as he noticed her eyes opening after a short nap. Their thirst for exploring each others bodies had left both of them exhausted.
A genuine smile graced her lips as she shook her head in response to his question.
"Thank you."
"No need to thank me, I quite enjoyed it too," the tactical officer replied trying not to let his face redden. "I didn't hurt you did I? I mean... I've never..."
His mumbling was silenced with a kiss to his lips from the golden haired woman whose limbs were entwined with his in their warm and safe nest.
"I'm just fine. Although I am a bit sore." She admitted, an innocent blush lightly painted the pale skin of her cheeks. Kodai smiled knowing that their inexperience made it all the more special.
He couldn't help but marvel at the pull that he felt with this woman. Leaning in to capture her lips yet again, the young officer gave in to his feelings, wanting to taste her once again. Passions renewed, he didn't mind that their exhaustion and minor aches would continue, he needed to touch her, feel her, be with her. The beeping of his communicator, somewhere in the room broke the moment and interrupted the couple. It continued to make noise as the occupants of the bed looked over at the hastily discarded clothes littering her floor.
"I suppose that's the bridge's way of telling me I should get up..." He said rather reluctantly turning on his side, he felt the strong pull of hesitation with leaving the little slice of heaven in her bed.
"Do you have to go?" She asked, not wanting to be alone just yet.
"If I do, it won't be for long," He assured her sitting up in her small bunk. He found the communicator. "And I'll always come back to you."
Finding the device underneath his pants, he picked it up and pushed the activation button. "This is Kodai, come in."
"Um... sorry for the interruption, but acting Captain Sanada has requested that you, as second in command, come to the bridge. We're about to enter our solar system." Communication Officer Aihara's voice instructed.
With a sigh, Kodai acknowledged the command and set down his communicator.
"Duty calls," She said as she too sat up, pulling her sheet to her chest, trying to fight against the chill in the room with the loss of his body heat more than to cover herself.
"That it does... I don't want to leave your side."
"You're second in command now. You should be there when the Yamato finally approaches Earth. Plus you never know if we'll meet up with some Gamillan forces before we warp closer."
Kodai nodded at her logical response. She was right, as much as he would want to deny it, he was in a better position to protect her at the controls then sitting in her bed.
As he began to dress, his eyes would move back to her form leaning against the wall in her bed. The disheveled look of her hair made him want her more and more. "I have a feeling that everyone on the bridge will suspect that... um... our relationship status is of the intimate variety."
"Why would you think that?" Her tired eyes looked to him, trying to find proof of their recent activities on his body.
"Cause I can't keep this smile off my face," He responded as he leaned in for another kiss. "You're turning me into a dirty old man."
"Go." She giggled pushing him away from her teasingly.
"You're sure you'll be ok?"
"I'll be waiting right here." Her words encouraged him enough to walk to the door. Looking at her once more, she smiled to him as he let the door close behind him.
The world seemed different. Standing in the corridor of the women's barrack area, the metal walls and floor found new light to his eyes. Kodai jogged towards the bridge, not wanting the others to wait for him. He didn't know what to expect from his crew mates already on duty; he sucked in a breath and entered.
A raucous round of whoops and catcalls came from some of the younger crew members, all of the noise lead by his good friend at the helm of course.
"Way to go Susumu!"
Kodai looked at his best friend in the green and white uniform; his smile indeed confirmed their suspicions. His eyes went around the bridge finding nothing but well-wishers for him and Yuki, and need to defend her honor melted away as the positive atmosphere in the room beat out any other emotions he might have felt.
Moving towards his seat, Kodai stopped as the form of his subordinate Nanbu stepped up in front of him. The man was a year older than Kodai, but looked so young as he fiddled with his glasses – forcing a stern face instead of a crestfallen one.
"Please take good care of her," Nanbu said bowing to him. It was obvious that the man had a crush on Mori Yuki as well. The first time Kodai met Yuki, she had been with the other tactical officer. Throughout their voyage, Kodai also noticed the man before him had all but professed his affection for the yellow-suited Ship Affairs Officer… and crew dubbed Princess of the Yamato.
"You have my word," Kodai replied moving to shake the man's hand before taking his seat next to a smirking Daisuke Shima.
"Well then." Captain Sanada coughed getting attention back to the task at hand. "Shima, let's prepare for the warp into the inner solar system. I want a read out on any Gamillia activity in the area of our warp."
"Yes, sir!" The man to Kodai's side replied. The excitement in his voice and on the faces of everyone on the bridge renewed Kodai's hopes for the future. The year's long journey was finally nearing its end…
End Chapter One! I like to have updates happen weekly, but that all depends on how fast I can keep up with these plot bunnies. The story remains mostly mapped out, I don't think you will be left hanging for long.
I hope you enjoyed the story so far, please feel free to leave any comments or concerns in a review... feel free to leave randomness as well. I am easily amused!
See you space cowboy!