A Star Trek Fiction

"Captain Kirk, he's as human as the rest of us, he just receives more crap and punishment then the majority of us. He's daring and defiant but his true loyalty and all of his motives lie in his ship, the USS Enterprise."


Chapter 28: 'Happy Xmas (War Is Over)' John Lennon

Author's Note: This is the first chapter that comes from Bones' perspective on things, and it starts back at the day when him and Jim were trapped in the cell so yall will find out just what exactly has been happening.

I'm gonna be honest with yall, I'm not sure if you read the "Author's Note", because I'll admit it, sometimes I don't either, but I wanted to just tell yall, that when writing this chapter, I really struggled on gathering and wrapping up the story. I actually finished the whole chapter with a few days to spare originally, but I ended rewriting the whole middle section of this chapter, in hopes of making it fulfilling and worthwhile because I know yall deserve the best. So, after all these months, all the days spent writing, late nights of editing, and all the times I chose this over homework, this one is for you guys. Merry Christmas.

If Leonard McCoy would've known it'd take eight months to get Jim Kirk back, back into his life, he would've done everything differently. But of course that's not how it turned out. This is how it happened, this is his story…

Loud noises protrude from outside the metal door, sending echoes into the cramped cell, and stirring the Starfleet officers within. Leonard shifts the dead weight in his arms and moans, feeling Jim shiver and whimper in his sleep. The drug flowing through his best friend's veins has induced many of the same symptoms that he originally had when Leonard first found him. That night spent in the tree, with Jim vomiting all over himself and the Doctor included. Yup, that god awful day.

Leonard sinks down.

Jim was right, one does get used to the blood. Though that doesn't mean he enjoys it. Leonard glances down, staring at Jim thoughtfully. Not too long ago Jim was crying for him, kicking and grabbing madly as if in hopes of getting his attention. It didn't work. Leonard had decided on simply watching him wither in pain, rather than trying to help.

It all just seems so hopeless.

Has he lost the will to live? No, that sounds too corny. Perhaps he just kind of lost the will to live? Or maybe just doesn't care much anymore? Probably a little apathetic. Yeah, that sounds right, apathetic. Apathetic towards Jim, towards this mission, towards this life? Who knows, he's just damn apathetic right now and he has learned to be okay with it. Doesn't mean it'll stay that way.

The door swings open, reminding him that he had heard noises not too long ago.

"Identify yourself!" Orders a man, wearing bright red, carrying a flashlight and phaser. Took Starfleet long enough to get their lazy asses over here.

"I'm Doctor McCoy and I have Captain Kirk with me!" Leonard replies, trying to rouse Jim from his slumber, but the kid is a rock in his arms.

The man nods and comes closer, three other men following close behind while two others guard the doorway, "Sir, I'm Lieutenant Hendorff and we're here to rescue you." Hendorff announces.

McCoy huffs, "Now that sounds corny." He murmurs to himself and accepts the help from the other redshirts.

Two different ensigns pick up Kirk and the Lieutenant leads them out the door. Leonard walks with them, gazing at Jim's limp form. The damn kid's gonna need a hell lot of medical attention when they get back home.

Hendorff stops abruptly, signaling for everyone to halt, "What's going on?" Leonard whispers over, but he gets hushed by a nearby redshirt.

Hendorff pulls out his communicator, "First Officer Spock, is the exit clear?"

There's static before finally Spock's voice breaks in, "Yes, we are holding the natives off, but they will break through are defenses in approximately five-point-thirty-two minutes. Have you successfully located the Captain and Doctor McCoy?"

"Yes, we're coming to you, Hendorff out." The Lieutenant flips his communicator shut and pockets it before signaling his men to move forward.

"Lieutenant Hendorff, what exactly is going on here? What natives?" McCoy questions as the start to move once more, "Turns out there's some vicious natives living here, fairly primitive, but they got quantity over quality on us and we have strict orders not to kill so all phasers are set to stun."

"What about the Prime Directive?" Leonard exclaims, not that he ever actually agreed with the Prime Directive, it all just seems so out of whack, Starfleet firing upon natives? People on earth are going to be rioting against the Federation for years once they get word of this.

Hendorff turns to the Doctor, "Doctor McCoy, this is a black op mission. Starfleet couldn't give a shit whether we killed a native or not, it's just about getting their favorite blond boy out alive."

McCoy falls silent and doesn't ask any more questions as he's led out of the building, Jim not even stirring from all the movement. Throughout the time though, neither Kodos nor General Toq is spotted, as if they've just vanished.

Soon they're outside and all thoughts disappear once he sees Spock. Usually he does a good job at hiding his joy whenever he sees the damn vulcan, but after all of this, seeing Spock alive and well makes a smile spring up on his face. Now this is a time for Jim to be making a comment about how Leonard has secretly been in love with Spock this whole time and he would smack the incredulous blond on the back of the head and tell him to shut up. But Jim's dead appearance says otherwise.

"Lieutenant Hendorff, this way. We've managed to clear a pathway for our escape." Spock calls them over, "And where are we going exactly?" McCoy grumbles, arms crossing and acting as if the phaser fire going over his own damn head doesn't exist, all he cares about is getting Jim off of this damn planet.

"Doctor McCoy, it is most reassuring that you are still alive. Your medical skills are still very much needed aboard the Enterprise to maintain the same efficiency as before." Spock says instead of actually answering the question, Leonard almost blushes, "If that's your way of saying 'I'm glad you're still alive' than you need to work on your enthusiasm."

"Doctor, I see no point in discussing that matter right now, currently we are on a battlefield with the Captain wounded and in need of urgent medical attention." Spock informs him, eyebrow raised.

"Hey look, you guys are all cute and all, but I have a Captain to save and if we stay here any longer he's gonna be a dead Captain by the looks of it." Hendorff snaps, interrupting their playful banter.

"Kill joy." Leonard mutters under his breath and turns back to Spock, "Okay, so I'll say this again, where are we going?"

"Doc, we got two shuttles, one of them is the shuttle your Captain used to get here. The one I brought has a medical team on standby, waiting for me to bring the Captain in. So First Officer Spock here is going to take you and Ensign Cook and Smith to the other shuttle while I take the rest of my men to mine." Hendorff explains quickly, firing off a few shots to help hold off the natives, which seem to resemble much of a monkey of some sort.

"Oh hell no! I'm staying with the Captain!" Leonard protests, glaring Hendorff down, "Look, there's no time for argument." Hendorff snaps and gestures for his men to round up.

"Doctor, Lieutenant Hendorff is correct. Besides, the Lieutenant's medical team is more than capable of caring for the Captain, as of you, you are of no physical or mental condition to give the care that the Captain needs right now." Spock intervenes, and places a hand on his chest when Hendorff begins to leave with the unconscious Jim Kirk.

"C'mon Spock, not you too." McCoy mutters, staring longingly after the blond.

Spock follows his gaze, "Don't worry Doctor; he will be well cared for. Now please, we must go this way."

Leonard frowns, "But that's the opposite way that they're going."

"But this is where the Captain landed his shuttle. Ensign Cook and Smith take lead, Doctor McCoy and I will watch behind. Be alert, there are still many natives out here." Spock orders and the two ensigns nod their heads and take point as instructed.

Leonard huffs and gets up, letting Spock cover him with several fires from his phaser, "If we planned on walking, than the natives sure as hell didn't get the same memo." The Doctor mumbles, grabbing Spock by the bicep and dragging him along for the long haul.

"Doctor, I believe these natives don't have the capabilities of creating an artificial intelligence let alone a complex program that can receive messages such as memos." Spock points out, taking a quick glance over at Cook and Smith making sure they are going in the right direction.

The brunette rolls his eyes, "Ever heard of a singing telegram?"

"Yes, I have. They started around late nineteenth century in your earth's history." Spock replies nonchalantly while also discharging his weapon at the proceeding natives who have decided to start throwing rocks at them.

"Why do you never realize I'm being sarcastic? Damn hobgoblin." McCoy grunts, jumping over a fallen tree with Spock following in suit.

"Mister Cook! Mister Smith! You better get your asses moving a bit faster unless you want to become someone else's dinner!" Leonard hollers up at them as he feels a few rocks nick his legs.

"Doctor, I do pick up on your sarcasm, I just chose to ignore it because it will only follow to more sarcasm and insult to my kind." Spock defends himself, against both McCoy and the tailing natives.

"Do you guys ever shut up?" Ensign Cook shouts over his shoulder before tripping over a rock, sending him faceplanting into the ground.

Quickly Leonard scoops him up and brings him back to his feet, "C'mon kid, keep going." He encourages and Cook nods his thanks and picks the pace back up.

"I see it! There's the shuttle!" Smith calls from several yards ahead.

Leonard's eyes widen. The ship looks like it's been under some heavy weather for only being here for a couple of days. Then again this planet doesn't have the nicest weather in the galaxy, "Is that thing gonna even start?" McCoy exclaims, following Smith to shuttle while Spock and Cook hold off the natives.

"I guess we'll find out." Smith replies and opens the back hatch, ushering everyone inside, "Hurry, c'mon guys!" Smith yells at them.

Leonard is the first one inside, second is Cook, closely followed by Spock and Smith before they shut the door right in the natives' faces. They only take a brief moment to breathe before they're jumping into chairs and strapping down, Spock and Leonard taking the front seats while Cook and Smith take the back.

"Alright, she better fly." The Doctor grumbles and Spock looks at him, "Doctor, the possibility of this shuttlecraft successfully taking off and making it through this planet's atmosphere is-" Spock starts but gets cut off by Leonard, "Damn it Spock, I don't need statistics, I just want you to get us off this damn planet!"

"Very well Doctor." Spock responds calmly and activates the shuttle.

There's a few moments of just the natives pounding on the sides of the craft, but then the engine purrs into life and they begin to hover off of the ground. Everyone in the shuttle smiles with relief, besides Spock who just raises an eyebrow at their joy.

"Takes us home Mister Spock." Leonard sighs, patting the vulcan on the shoulder.

Spock just nods and pulls away from the ground, taking them back up. At that moment, McCoy finds a new peace within himself. Home. That sounds nice. It's been long overdue. Once they're back on the Enterprise, he's ordering an immediate shore leave. Then he and Jim can go back to Georgia, spend some time with his mother just like they did after Khan finally got locked away and Jim woke up from his coma.

It's been a hard couple of years for all of them. Damn it all.

"How far out are we?" Leonard asks, eyes already drooping in sleep.

"Don't worry Doctor McCoy, we will be home soon. I suggest you take the time to rest." Spock informs him rather gently, "Already planning on it." Leonard mumbles and it only takes a minute before he's out like a light.

If McCoy had known he'd sleep for the next eight hours, he would've never even dared to close his eyes. But since he had, he missed them all boarding the Enterprise and thank goodness he didn't wake up when Spock carried him bridal style to Sickbay after the halls had been cleared appropriately, technically, this is a black op mission, there for the crew aren't allowed to know what exactly is happening.

But when his brown eyes do, open, welcoming the sight of the ceiling of Sickbay, he's a twinge confused. His mind is fogged and his memory is a bit hazy. After several moments of pure blinking, he realizes that the damn pointy eared bastard has been staring down at him this whole time, something of a mixture of amusement foreshadowed by sorrow, twinkling in those soulless eyes.

"Doctor McCoy." Spock greets him when Leonard finally acknowledges his presence.

Leonard groans as he sits upright, "How long have I been out? Feels like weeks considering how damn stiff my neck is."

"Eight point zero two hours Doctor. And in regards to your neck, maybe the pillow was of some offense?" Spock replies with hint of mirth in his expression as Leonard sits upright.

The Doctor just grumbles, "I didn't wake up for just to hear you offend me." He then sighs, stifling a yawn as he does so, "How's Jim doin? Damn kid probably already escaped without me babysitting his ass."

Spock noticeably cringes and remains silent, contemplating his next words.

"Spock, what's wrong with Jim?" Leonard instantly picks up the vulcan's sudden change in mood, "Doctor, I didn't want to inform you so soon." The Science Officer begins rather slowly, "What Spock? Just spit it out for god's sake man!"

"Leonard, Jim's missing."

"Wait-what?" McCoy splutters, disbelief written clearly across his brow, "How? Hendorff said he'd take care of him! Where is the bastard now, let me speak to him."

"Leonard," Spock uses his first name again, sending red flags up in his mind, just like Jim had done once before after his interview with Officer Huss, "Lieutenant Hendorff and his team never made it back to their shuttle and all search parties have come up negative on locating the Captain."

The brunette stiffens, his gut twisting in excruciating pain from the sudden anguish growing in his stomach, "No, it can't be Spock. No damn it I saw him, he was fine, they were going to make it." The Doctor argues, shaking his head, but even his mind he knows that he's just going through denial.

"While though the odds are against it, there may be a slight chance that Jim maybe still alive. But with his current condition when last seen, it is unlikely he is still alive." Spock informs him, almost shying away from the Doctor's desperate gaze.

Leonard shakes his head again, "No, he's not gone Spock, he can't be…" God his voice is so close to cracking he has to stop himself before he loses it in front of Spock.

"Doctor, I suggest you get some rest, I will continue to coordinate search teams and I will inform you of their findings once you have slept properly." Spock declares, rising from his seat and casually slipping his hands behind his back.

McCoy nods, "Just bring him home okay? That's why I am here, to take care of him Spock, if he isn't here…well, I'm not here either really."

Spock nods solemnly to Leonard before dismissing himself from the room, leaving with long and graceful strides. The Doctor sighs and lies back down, letting his eyelids flutter shut. Even with the fear of not finding Jim lingering within his mind, sleep overtakes him and drags him down, burying him underneath heavy unconsciousness where he only finds a dreamless sleep.

The brunette doesn't wake up until several hours later, with a growling stomach and glassy eyes. He blinks, clearing his blurry vision and stretching his limbs slightly, but he groans as his muscles protest the movement.

Nurse Chapel enters the room, her smile strained on her lips as she approaches him, "Hello Doctor," Christine begins, trying to make her smile more cheerful, but it wavers on her face.

"I'm off duty, it's just Leonard." McCoy corrects, watching her awkward movements around the bed and occasionally glancing up at the bio-readings to keep notes, "There's nothing wrong with me," Leonard huffs, looking over at the paled nurse, "Better safe than sorry Leonard." She replies nicely, patting him on the shoulder and turning to leave.

"Wait, Nurse Chapel?"

The blond faces him, taking a couple steps forward, "Yes?" Christine prompts, arms crossing, and Leonard's pretty sure she got that from him.

"Can you send Spock down here?" He asks, meeting her intense gaze.

Chapel chuckles lightly, "Leonard, it's in the middle of Gamma shift, I believe First Officer Spock is meditating."

"Oh, I've been out for awhile then…any sign of Jim?"

The Nurse shakes her head sorrowfully, "No signs of any of them. It's as if they just disappeared."

McCoy sighs hoarsely, "How long until Starfleet tells us to quit?"

"Just go to sleep Leonard, surely by Alpha shift we'll find him." Christine insists, grinning kindly at him.

He nods, letting his body sink back down. The last thing he sees is Christine sadly shaking her head and walking away, leaving him to be consumed by the power of exhaustion. When he comes around once more, the vulcan is hovering over him, the stress and frustration furrowed on his brow so obviously but only if one has been his friend for many years.

"Spock," He greets lousily, sitting upright and feeling the blood rush to his head, making him blink a few times to gain his vision. When he moves, he feels the tug of an IV, hooked into his forearm.

Leonard groans.

"Beta shift starts in twelve point three minutes Doctor." Spock tells him, rising from the chair he has been sitting in and places his hands behind his back, staring considerately down at the brunette.

But Leonard doesn't care, he only has one thing on mind and Spock knows it. The damn vulcan is just avoiding it.

"Where's Jim, Spock?" He demands once more, his gaze fixating onto Spock's black eyes, searching for an answer within those emotionless eyes. But it's like trying to find a needle within a haystack.

Spock thoughtfully repositions his stance before replying, "Doctor McCoy, James T. Kirk and the rest of the rescue team has been declared MIA as of o'six hundred hours this morning. Starfleet is sending another team over, but we've been ordered to leave once they arrive in approximately three days."

Leonard shakes his head in denial, "No, we can't leave. Where would we go? The Enterprise needs her Captain Spock!"

"Doctor, the Enterprise has been told to return to earth, and as of her Captain, I have formally been put in charge until we find the Captain."

McCoy sighs, resting back down within the bed. It was going to be a long three days, one of which he'll never forget. The first day is unsuccessful, but at the very least he's discharged from sickbay and ordered a clean bill of health. He's only scolded once by Nurse Chapel to start eating more. Then, after a sleepless night, day two rolls around. Leonard even manages to get on the team for the search party. They come up with nothing, not even a sign that Jim Kirk had been on the damn planet in the first place. When they come back, McCoy doesn't bother talking to Spock, or even eating, he goes straight to bed, forcing some sleep into his body.

The third day is the worst.

It starts with Leonard throwing himself out of bed, seeing that he only has twenty minutes until the very last search party goes down before the Enterprise leaves for earth.

"Shit." He grumbles, rustling through his clothes until he finds the correct shirt and pants. He puts it on quickly and replicates a quick cup of coffee while he ties on his boots. Leonard doesn't even stop to check his hair in mirror as he snatches his hot drink and medkit and rushes to the Transporter Room.

A sick feeling begins to fester in his gut. This is their last chance at finding Jim, until they have to leave and if Jim does get found, he won't be able to see him in weeks.

Just the thought sends shivers through his spine.

When he reaches the room, Spock and Uhura are already in full gear; Scotty is at the console and two redshirts are at standby, ready to beam down.

"Aww, there you are laddie, we weren't certain if you were gonna show." Scotty comments as he brushes past and takes a sip of his drink, "I slept in." Leonard merely states, finding little need of conversation, he's already tired as it is.

"Have all your things Doctor?" Spock asks, craning his neck over at the grumbling brunette, only to catch glimpse of what he can only guess is a snort, "Let's get this over with." Leonard mutters, still drinking his coffee when Scotty says, "Beaming now."

The weather is the first thing to hit him, the bitter chill of the planet, shaking him down to his core. If Jim's still alive, there's no way he could survive in this. It's hell frozen over. Spock to his left summons them over wordlessly, more than likely the memories are coming back to the vulcan as well. All the pain and suffering that took place. All of Jim's cries and tears that he could not fix. Everything.

The small party continues a bit further in silence, letting their surroundings consume them and their mute plea to find their beloved Captain. Oh how they long to see those bright blue eyes, tussles of golden hair, and the smile pulling on his lips. Just the way he laughs can light up the whole Bridge. His voice is soothing and he commands with the wave of his hand. The way he walks is confident and trusting, maybe even a little cocky. And then the twinkle in his eyes he gets when he stares at his crew, Leonard just knows that deep down, there's a broken soul that longs to love but has forgotten how.

"Doctor, I believe we should split up." Spock announces, pausing and waiting for everyone to catch up to him at the front, "This will be the location of our rendezvous if anything happens."

"Lieutenant Uhura and Doctor McCoy, take the west side while the Ensigns shall come with me." The vulcan declares and signals them off.

McCoy just hummpfs and follows the Communications Officer deeper into the forest blindly, still drinking his cup of coffee, that despite the cold, is quite hot.

"Are you going to be alright Leonard?" Nyota questions rather quietly, he almost didn't pick it up through his minds rambling thoughts, "I got coffee." He replies simply, taking another sip, careful not to burn his tongue.

Nyota shakes her head, ponytail swishing gently in the breeze, "Not the coffee Leonard. I'm talking about Jim."

Leonard noticeably bristles, "I know what you were talking about. I just didn't wanna answer it."

"How come?"

"Because we're not going to find him." McCoy points out bluntly, boots crunching on the leaves, "I can feel it in my bones." He continues with a dry strained laugh.

Uhura shakes her head again, "It's Kirk, he'll find a way."

"Oh I'm sure he'll find a way, he's James Tiberius Kirk, it's just not gonna be a way that I like." McCoy snaps, then sighs, letting his shoulder sag before running a hand over his face, "The damn kid causes me so much worry."

She pauses, placing a hand on the Doctor's shoulder, "We'll find him Leonard, you'll see."

"I can only hope."

Their silence only lasts a little longer before an odd familiarity rings out in overpowering laughter, causing both Nyota and Leonard to jump and point their phasers at the source. Only the poor Doctor ends up dropping his cup of coffee in his haste. He'll never admit it, but his heart almost literally jumped out of his chest.

"Toq?" Leonard says, not with disdain or frightfulness, but utter disappointment as he holsters his weapon, "McCoy, what are you doing?" Uhura hisses at him when the Doctor approaches the sitting klingon.

"What's wrong with you?" Leonard demands, pulling out his tricorder.

Toq grins and offers a sigh, "Your people shot me."

"Doesn't surprise me much." McCoy grumbles, getting the phaser burns reading on his tricorder. Nothing vital has been hit, but definitely major if it doesn't get treated, Toq's lucky, could've been worse.

"The Captain was with them." Toq continues and immediately both Nyota and Leonard say, "What?" in complete unison, making the klingon General chuckle.

"When?" Leonard inquires, peeling away the klingon's hands to cover up the wound, "About two days ago."

"That's no use, we already know that. The team never made it off of the planet." Nyota growls in frustration, but Toq's face screws over in confusion, "Your Captain made it off of the planet. But considering the fact that I've seen several Federation officers searching for him, it appears that you do not have him."

"Obviously." Leonard sighs, finishing up the bandage before promptly cleaning his hands off with a rag, "What happened to the shuttle they left in?"

"Your Captain didn't leave in a shuttle." Toq graciously enlightens them, with a hint of a snicker in his voice.

"What do you mean? Didn't the Captain's team evacuate to their shuttle?" Uhura hits them with more questions; Leonard merely waves her off with a hand to silence her, "Toq, are you saying that the Captain was taken by someone else?"

"Doctor, I'm telling you that whoever took the Captain, didn't use a shuttle, they beamed him up."

Leonard shakes his head, "Impossible, the only ship capable of doing so would've been the Enterprise, nobody else was in orbit."

"I'm telling you Doctor, it looks like your Captain was kidnapped by that Hendorff guy." Toq insists with a careless shrug, "Wait, Hendorff did it?" Uhura gasps with surprise, "Well, he is the one who shot me and then proceeded to call for the beam up." Toq grumbles, eyes narrowing as he recalls the moment.

"Wait, lemme get this right. Lieutenant Hendorff purposefully took Jim, than called for the beam himself instead of taking the shuttle? It doesn't make any sense. He was supposed to meet up with us at the Enterprise." The Doctor exclaims, putting away his medical supplies slowly as he speaks.

"Leonard, what if Hendorff helped kidnap the Captain?" Nyota suggests.

The brunette sighs again, "With Jim's luck, anything's possible."

"C'mon, we gotta meet up with Spock." Leonard urges and starts to walk off, "Leonard, are you forgetting someone?" Nyota hints, gesturing over at the klingon.

"Well of course Dumbo is coming with us!" He replies carelessly and signals for them to follow as he pulls up his comm, "Spock, you're gonna wanna hear this." Leonard says with grin, taking a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure the two are trudging along.

"Doctor, I believe last time you said that you made a very offensive vulcan joke, that of which I remind you, I did not appreciate." Spock responds sternly through the comm with only a bit of static and maybe a bit of provocation as well.

Leonard mentally face-palms, "No-no-no-no, it's not about that-and for the millionth time I said sorry!-anyhow this is about Jim!"

"What information have you acquired Doctor?"

"Just meet us back at the rendezvous, its big Spock."

Leonard can almost hear the vulcan sigh, "Very well Doctor, and I as well have something to share."

"Alright, meet you at the rendezvous. McCoy out."

Their trek back is a swift one and filled with silence. General Toq might just hold the key to finding Jim. How ironically sadistic this all is, if Toq had died at any given point of time, none of this shit would be happening. If Jim had killed him while he was aboard the Enterprise, all of this, the 'chase Kodos' wouldn't be happening. Then that means no goddamn planet, no torture, no rescue, no black op mission, and no missing Jim. Things would be how they're supposed to be, with him and Spock at Jim's shoulder, facing the black.

"Doctor McCoy-"

"Yeah Spock, its General Toq. Now hurry up, we gotta get back to the Enterprise." Leonard cuts in before Spock can formulate a sentence.

"Doctor, we found the shuttle Hendorff's team was supposed to leave in." Spock informs him and Leonard pauses briefly, "I think I know why. I'll explain once we get back."

The vulcan purely nods his head and summons the search party to gather and without further delay, orders the beam up back to the ship. Scotty obliges and gets them all aboard in one piece, though Leonard still likes to differ. He can literally feel his insides shift as his molecules are assembled back together into a whole piece.

"Is that the General?" Scotty scoffs in surprise as he sees who exactly steps off the platform.

Leonard nods and guides the klingon away with the rest of the party trailing behind him, "Doctor, what exactly do you think we can accomplish with the General?" Spock inquires, hands placing behind his back.

Toq just grins, he likes being the center of attention, whether he likes to admit it or not.

"He's gonna help us find Jim." McCoy declares sternly and takes a quick glance around at the people following him, "You guys can't come, I just need Spock. This is some…well it's uhh…" He trails off, finding the words as Nyota glares straight through his soul, though he's pretty sure there's not much left.

"The information about to be disclosed is classified and when it is possible or necessary, either the Doctor or myself will inform the Bridge crew. Otherwise, until further notice, you are dismissed." Spock explains for him, the two ensigns take the orders and leave but Uhura stands before them infuriated.

"You can't do this to me. Not after all of this. I've been kept in the dark this whole time. It isn't fair." She fumes, arms crossing over her chest in anger.

Leonard sighs and lets Spock handle it.

"Lieutenant Uhura, as much as I wish to inform you, I cannot. You are not the only one that wishes to know this information, Lieutenant Sulu and Chekov are just as ambitious as you, but yet they have restrained themselves from compromising what is happening here." Spock argues, not backing down.

The Communications Officer scowls, but says no more as she turns away, ponytail swishing as she stalks away. The Doctor whistles, "Well you've just managed to piss off the only person that you wouldn't want to piss off in this metal tin can." He comments as Spock simply starts walking once more.

Leonard huffs and grasps Toq's arm and begins to lead him away to the closest prison cell. Both the Doctor and acting Captain know that at any point General Toq can just break away, maybe even kill one of them, but they seem to know him so well. General Toq is complex, his mind runs at almost the same speed as Jim's when it comes to planning and calculating risks and outcomes. But his goal is so simple; it went from earning the Du'Ralle, to just trying to get home. Toq can't get home without Jim Kirk, the one person that he had come to get and had dragged him into this mess. Ironic once more.

Spock gets them into the cell, ordering two guards to stand guard outside the door as they seat themselves at the table, though Leonard finds himself pacing the floor as General Toq starts spilling the beans and the 'interrogation' begins.

"So you wish to know what has become of your Captain?" Toq almost chuckles, receiving a glare from the pacing Doctor and a soulless gaze from the vulcan in front of him.

"Indeed." Spock confirms, hands resting neatly folded on the table.

The klingon sighs, "Very well, how far back do you wish me to take you?"

"Just tell Spock what you told me."

Toq nods slowly, taking a few breaths to recollect the memories, sifting through the information stored within his mind, "A few days ago, around two or so, I saw Hendorff's team taking Kirk away. They managed to get away from the natives; I believe most of them followed your group. I came closer to the group but one of them saw me and before I could do anything Hendorff shot me and he called for a beam up and they all disappeared with your Captain."

"Hendorff asked for the beam up." Leonard mutters, stopping in mid stride to scratch at the growing hairs on his chin, "Yes, he spoke a code or password of some sort before they beamed away." Toq verifies while Spock remains silent, taking in the knowledge.

"Well, anything else? Do you know where they went? Who they were talking to? Do you know anything?" McCoy snaps and goes back to treading a pathway within the width of the room.

The klingon snarls, "No, I don't know. Maybe you should've kept better track of your beloved Captain!"

"I did! Goddamn it, I did! I've been taking care of him the moment he stepped into my goddamn life so don't you dare accuse me of not caring! You bastard klingon, maybe if you had some dignity you would've stayed on your side of space and not ended up here with the rest of us idiots!" Leonard yells, pointing an condemning finger at Toq, but instead of the klingon shriveling away in fear of his unraveling rage, the General laughs heartily and shakes his head at the Doctor.

It takes a moment for things to cool down, Spock still sitting quietly, "Doctor, scream all you want but that isn't going to get you your Captain back."

"Then, General, what will?" Spock inserts himself, leaning forward slightly to further engage himself into the conversation.

Toq's yellow eyes narrow down at him, "Go talk to Admiral Ward, go see how he's doing."

Spock's head tilts in confusion, "Now why would I do that General?"

The klingon smiles, making Leonard's stomach churn, "Because Mister Spock, both he and Admiral Marcus work for the same organization, but since Marcus is dead, that only leaves Ward."

"Section 31." Leonard breathes, leaning against the table and gripping the edges until his knuckles turn white with pressure, "Damn it." He hisses and takes a few steps away, shaking his head in frustration as he does so.

Will it ever be simple when it comes to Jim?

"What would Section 31 want with the Captain?" Spock asks, taking a swift glance between the klingon and the human.

"Why should I know?" Toq huffs incredulously and leans back in his chair, stretching his arms, "Revenge. Maybe they're still a bit sore from what happened with Khan." Leonard suggests, flailing his arms around in expression.

"I still fail to see how kidnapping the Captain will achieve any sort of justification of the events that had transpired that day." Spock informs them slowly.

"Spock, we're human, we do stupid things. And I get you, they at least have to have some sort of legitimate reason for taking him, or the Federation would be all over their asses and they would be exposed."

"Perhaps the reason why Admiral Ward ended up in jail?" Spock says an eyebrow raising, "Or maybe they're mad because he went against authorization down onto the planet in the first place." Toq butts in, "Maybe they're still pissed about him wrecking the Enterprise again on Superstes." Leonard says to no one in particular.

"I believe, that Jim Kirk has been taken for all those reasons and many more. Overall, a dazzling reputation he may have, but there are many gray areas on his resume that aren't even given to the Federation." Spock tells them, rising from his seat.

"Like what?" Leonard asks, assuming that Tarsus IV isn't what the vulcan is talking about.

Spock looks his way, "Jim Kirk is many things, and unfortunately 'liar' is one of those things."

"What do you mean Spock?"

"I mean, Doctor, that the Captain hadn't told the complete story back on earth, nor has he ever given the Federation the complete truth when it comes to many of his reports. He is not only wanted by Section 31 because he has put them to shame, caught Admiral Ward and discovered Admiral Marcus, he's wanted because he has a habit of telling half-truths, and I believe that is what they are after."

"They've gone a bit extreme just to get the truth." Leonard growls, crossing his arms.

The vulcan's eyebrow goes up, "As you said Doctor, they're human and humans do stupid things."

"Okay, don't push it Spock. Let's just say they have a grudge against Jim and they are willing to use any leverage possible to justify their actions." McCoy replies with a sigh and follows Spock to the door.

"Where are you going?" Toq calls from behind causing both Leonard and Spock to turn and look at him, "To get our Captain back." Leonard announces triumphantly and strolls out with Spock tailing him.

The guard then shuts door, sealing the General away.

Leonard takes determined strides forward, Spock matching his pace, "How long until we reach earth?"

That week feels like the longest week of McCoy's life. Returning to his regular duties to attend the needs of Sickbay isn't the same without Jim snooping around the corner, his grin lighting up the room. It's oddly quiet and the feeling settles heavily within the Doctor's stomach, so much so he finds it hard to even eat. Spock calls it depression, but he just says its 'Jim-withdrawals'.

Not many accidents happen on the way home, just more and more people asking for anti-depressant pills and requesting psychological therapy, some are signed up without consent and just get a notification that it has been required that they attend one.

Personally, Leonard can never imagine going to one, but he has heard great things. Better than those damn pills.

McCoy's making his way to his quarters, after a long boring Gamma Shift that only had one restless Engineer request for a sleeping pill, when he hears the announcement that they will be landing in two hours. Great, they'll be back on earth, then he and Spock can finally set up that damn meeting with Admiral Ward. Just the thought makes his stomach tighten in knots.

He sighs, entering his code quickly and shutting the door behind himself. He lets the aroma of unwashed clothes and empty beer bottles calm his nerves. It reminds him of Jim. Leonard can't say that's a good thing, but it's not necessarily a bad one.

The Doctor strips himself of his clothes and changes into a new pair of briefs, not bothering with a shower since he'll be out of here in less than three hours, considering they're landing in two, it'll take him at least an hour to pack. He dives into his bed, welcoming the softness beneath his weary body. Tugging on the blankets, he manages to get comfortable, yet his mind doesn't seem to want to shut down.

All he can think about is Jim's pitiful cries for help. Maybe if he had just stayed with Jim, none of this would be happening. He could've saved Jim.

The blond's room stays empty. Spock, as acting Captain does get the rights to the quarters, but the sentimental vulcan hasn't even dared to touch the entry code, nor has any of the crew. They have that much respect at least.

McCoy snorts and rolls over, eyes fluttering shut as gradually his mind eases, the pain washing away in the depths of his imagination. Sleep overcomes his strong torrents of emotions and he succumbs to the bliss blackness that consumes him.

He awakes to the announcements of the 'off-loading'. Odd, considering that everyone was very attached to the Enterprise, now they were being ordered to pack up and leave. Of course hopefully this shore leave will only last a week or so, but without Jim Kirk on board, god only knows. The Federation will want to appoint a new Captain. Unless he has something to do about it.

Leonard drags himself from the comfort of his bed and throws on some clothes, quickly shoving things into bag before promptly slinging it over his shoulder in a satisfied grunt. Packing his ass, he handled that issue.

Packing was never his forte.

He scurries out of the room and to the Transporter Room, lugging all of his things on his back as he does so. By now, most of the medical and engineering staff has unloaded, giving Leonard a tingly feeling of kenopsia as he roams the empty halls.

When he enters the room, Scotty greets him with a weary grin, which reminds him, most of Jim's Bridge crew hasn't slept much since his disappearance, much less talked about it. Then he has to wonder, should he tell them what happened? Perhaps Uhura has already spread the word, though it is unlikely, she keeps her mouth shut when she's supposed to.

"Doctor," The Scotsman says dryly, watching as Leonard steps onto the platform with a long sigh, whistling through the still air, "She's awfully quiet." He murmurs, Scotty barely able to pick up his reply.

"Aye, she is laddie. She's a wee bit empty without her golden boy." Scotty tells him, glancing mournfully at the graying walls of the Enterprise.

Leonard can almost hear Jim's voice, ringing through the corridors, only to find it's the whirring of the transport beam, taking him away and planting him firmly on the surface of the earth. He's welcomed by Sulu and Chekov, who've been impatiently sitting upon the Federation bench. Chekov's red hair flames within the fluorescent lighting up above, with Sulu trying to summon up a smile as the Doctor approaches them with more than likely a scowl masked over his face.

"McCoy," Sulu says, getting to his feet hastily while prodding a dozing Russian awake, "Huh?" Pavel jerks alive, blinking rapidly to clear his blurred vision.

He gazes up, meeting Leonard's intense eyes, "Oh, Doctor." Chekov is the only one able to manage a genuine smile, despite the heavy bags underneath his usually exuberant eyes.

"Why are you guys waiting for me?" Leonard asks, adjusting the bag on his shoulder, "We got assigned the same room, so we decided to wait." Chekov explains and Sulu begins to steer them away.

"Yeah, we're staying in a hotel across the street." Hikaru informs them, brushing by a few passing Enterprise engineers before making it to the automatic doors of the Federation building.

"And where exactly are we?" McCoy says, letting the sudden bright light blind him briefly before he blinks several times to allow his eyes to cope.

"San Francisco, California." Chekov chirps excitedly, taking in the wonders of the city lights and buzzing roads.

"Great." Leonard mutters and follows them along to the road's edge to the pedestrian crossing.

Sulu nearly presses the damn crossing button a hundred times over before the walking signal lights up and they walk across, hurrying into a light jog when several shuttles stop to let them pass. Their trip is a quick one; Sulu checks them into the hotel and they ascend to the appropriate floor, level four, making it to their room with the use of the elevator.

Jim would never have used a goddamn elevator. Damn kid is paranoid.

Chekov is the last one into the room, his excitement gleaming through his tired eyes. Leonard almost growls aloud. How can the damn boy be so happy? Jim's gone, and here he is acting like a fat kid in a candy shop. Unbelievable.

"Fancy hotel room." The Doctor notes dryly, heaving his luggage to one side of the room.

Their room is pure white, making contrast with the vibrant blues of the bed sheets. A couch, two beds, a TV, one bathroom, and quite large window, allowing all sorts of streaming lights to flood into their claustrophobic space.

"It'll do for now." Sulu replies with a heavy sigh, claiming a bed for himself, leaving McCoy and Pavel to fight for the last bed.

"I'll sleep on the couch." Chekov announces and goes to place his belongings beside the cushiony leather couch, but Leonard stops him, "It's fine Chekov, you can have the bed. I'm probably going to be in and out of this place a lot."

Hikaru just nods in understanding, staying on earth with Leonard McCoy is never a picnic.

"Why?" Pavel wonders, jumping aimlessly onto the bed to welcome the soft sheets against his weary body.

Damn, they were all exhausted.

Leonard rubs his face, "It's complicated. I gotta talk to some people. It has somethin' to do with Jim."

Sulu tunes in at the mention of their beloved Captain. The Enterprise had been abnormally still without their boisterous Captain nagging at them all and lighting up their days with his smiles and witty remarks. Though they complain quite often of his snarky attitude and cocky bravado, they all love him, dearly so.

The senior Bridge crew isn't the same without Jim, nor will it ever be until they get him back, which is what McCoy plans to do.

"How?" Hikaru implores, freezing halfway through unpacking his bag.

"Like I said, it's complicated. I'll explain later once I get some more details." McCoy answers in his harsh southern drawl, making both Chekov and Sulu take a mental step back.

Whatever the southern Doctor has planned, it's not going to be good.

Leonard deposits his belongings onto the couch and double checks if he has his phaser, "Going somewhere?" Hikaru questions as he sees McCoy make for the door.

"Complicated!" He shouts and heads through, retreating from the hotel and beneath the musky skies of San Francisco.

He needs to find Spock. The damn hobgoblin better help him. First Spock, than Admiral Ward, though he'll probably have to go through Archer, since Admiral Pike died during the Khan Incident. He swears he can still see the glint of sadness in Jim's eyes whenever the man is mentioned, despite the blond's constant reassurances.

Using the crosswalk, he enters the Federation building, passing some chuckling medical officers who only give him a curt nod in greetings. He only grunts in response.

Leonard pulls out his communicator; because there's no way in hell he'll be able to find Spock in the mess of desk workers, business employers, and Enterprise crewmen, "McCoy to Spock." He says, waiting for the reply, which comes immediately, "Spock here, go ahead Doctor."

"We needa talk Spock." Doctor McCoy informs him rather bluntly, "Are we not talking now Doctor?"

"Damn it Spock, just meet me at the HQ."

"Very well Doctor, I'd suggest you turn around then." Spock tells him calmly, "What are you talking about?" Leonard asks, yet he turns around nonetheless, only to meet face-to-face with the vulcan himself.

Leonard jumps, "Oh god Spock, don't do that!" He hisses, putting away his communicator.

"My apologies Doctor, I did not mean to startle you."

McCoy sighs raggedly, "Of course you didn't."

"I assume your reasoning pertains to the Captain?" Spock concludes, hands folding behind his back. Leonard nods, "Yeah, we need to talk to Admiral Archer. Any chance he's somewhere around here?"

"High possibility, since the Admiral did oversee the transportation of the Enterprise crew." Spock replies, beginning to lead McCoy away and deeper into the white halls of the building.

Their mini trip doesn't take too long, well, until the receptionist tells them they have to wait until the Admiral gets out of his meeting. With sigh, Leonard sits down, Spock joining right beside him. Usually some sarcastic banter would arouse from the two, but without Jim, they both feel empty inside, though neither one will admit it.

The Doctor glances at the time, they've been waiting for an hour now, the poor receptionist keeps giving them quick glances, wondering how long they're willing to wait. But thankfully, it's only a few minutes longer until the door slides open and several officers pour out, wishing their goodbyes to the Admiral.

Immediately Spock and McCoy rise to their feet and to the door, not giving the receptionist an opportunity to stop them.

"Admiral, sir." McCoy greets right away, Spock remaining rather quiet from behind him.

"Oh I'm sorry sir-" The receptionist begins, but Archer raises a hand to silence her, "It's alright, they're some friends of mine."

She nods quickly and exits, closing the door behind herself, leaving the two men and a vulcan to discuss discretely.

Leonard takes a breath, realizing Spock isn't going to explain it and the Admiral is still waiting for an explanation, "Admiral, it's about Jim."

Archer's eyes widen as he sits back down, leaning back in his leather chair, light flooding in from behind, bringing some attention to all the knickknacks along his desk front.

"Alright, what do you got Doctor McCoy?" Archer huffs, hands kneading at the armrests while one foot taps impatiently against the floor, which only serves to agitate Leonard slightly.

The Doctor dares a look over to Spock, seeing the vulcan nod, telling him to proceed, but the glint of his eyes informs him to tread lightly. "Captain Kirk was taken by Section 31, sir," McCoy explains, arms crossing.

Admiral Archer glares at him, "No, we sent our best out there to get him. They all passed our screens. There's no way."

"Sorry sir, but it appears to be so."

"Alright, and how did you find this information?" Archer leans forward, resting his arms on top of the black surface of his table.

Leonard swallows, "General Toq."

"Oh you got to be kidding me! That lousy bastard?" He exclaims, hands throwing up in the air before settling back down when Spock steps up to speak his mind, "May I remind you Admiral, that General Toq in all of his accounts, has always told the truth in all interviews and investigations conducted. The reason why, is quite unknown to me, but I suspect it has something to do with honor."

Archer sighs, debating the words carefully, "Okay, alright. Let's say, he is telling the truth, and Captain Kirk did get taken by Section 31. What do you want me to do about it?"

"Take us to Admiral Ward." McCoy declares, making the Admiral shake his head, "You're planning on jumping head first aren't you?"

"Admiral, there is no time to test the waters when we have a Captain to save." Spock points out sternly, and Archer accepts it with a nod, "Okay, I can get you that. How about tomorrow? Admiral Ward is locked up in DC."

The pair nod, "That will be most sufficient." Spock replies respectively.

"I'll contact you in morning." Archer informs them, "Oh, and one more thing Doctor."

"Yes sir?" McCoy asks and watches as Archer pulls out a hoodie, "When you get him back, make sure you give him this."

"May I ask how you acquired this?" Spock says, head tilted in interest.

Leonard recognizes it as the sweatshirt Jim had given to Toq all those months ago, when they believed that Enterprise was going to be taken away from them.

"General Toq had it on him when he got arrested; I guess Kirk forgot to get it back."

The Doctor then takes it from the Admiral with an appreciative nod, "Now, I'll see both of you in the morning." Archer declares and then signals them out of his office.

Spock and Leonard say their goodbyes and make their way out, heading back for the entrance of the building. By now, the sky has darkened and the lights of the city illuminate their path forward into darkness.

Leonard holds onto the sweatshirt dearly and lets Spock take lead across the street, they part ways once the Doctor gets to his own floor, Spock's being just the next one up. He heads inside after swiping his card quickly and shutting the door.

Sulu's head pops up from the bed where he was supposedly sleeping, while Chekov remains still, dead as a rock in his own bed, "I was wondering when you'd come back."

The brunette nods his head slowly, dumping Jim's old academy hoodie on the floor and grabbing some clothes to change into out of his bag. There's not much to say to the Pilot, just a simple grunt before entering the bathroom. He changes rather hurriedly, finding no need or the motivation to take a shower despite the fact has hasn't taken one since god knows when.

When he comes out, Sulu has gone back to sleep, slumbering with soft snores emitting from his mouth. Leonard rolls his eyes and crawls onto the couch, falling asleep without even a blanket to cover himself with.

Leonard awakes to the sound of obnoxious ringing, causing all three people in the room to sit up and groan their complaints.

"What is that noise?" Pavel whines, collapsing back into bed after several rings, "It's my communicator damn it." McCoy growls and digs through his pants from yesterday to pull it out and flip it open, "McCoy."

"Doctor McCoy, Spock here, I am awaiting your arrival outside."

Leonard sighs and gets up, stretching his limbs, "Okay, give me five minutes."

Hurriedly he closes it and gets dressed, not minding the quickly obscured gazes from his comrades. He doesn't care anymore, he's gonna go get Jim damn it.

With everything on, he leaves the room, causing both Sulu and Chekov to go speechless and share a concerned look between them. Leonard doesn't spare anytime to say hello as he brushes passed a confused Uhura and an alcohol reeking Scotty at the stairs.

He sees Spock and all he offers is a nod to continue forward. Without Jim, it's like he's lost his tongue. Though that doesn't actually surprise him much. Jim has always brought out the best in him. He's not even sure if that thought was sarcastic or not.

Spock leads him forward, crossing the street hastily and making a quick entrance into the building. McCoy barely looks up from his feet as he trails behind the vulcan. Back in the day, he would never have showed such trust in his vulcan partner, but this isn't back in the day, this is now. Jim's life depends on him. He's gonna take all the help he can get, even if that means Spock guiding him through the thick mass of people crowded in the building during this god forsaken hour.

It doesn't take long for them to reach Archer's office, the receptionist just giving them the go ahead with a simple nod.

It seems nobody is in a talkative mood.

"Mister Spock, Doctor McCoy." Admiral Archer greets them as he rises from his chair, snatching up a jacket.

"Admiral." They both reply in unison.

Archer smiles, "Well gentlemen, I got us a ride to DC. Hopefully neither of you mind riding a shuttle for the next couple of hours."

McCoy's face falls into a frown. He hates flying.

The weary Doctor did not only just crash into a sour mood, but he throws up twice. Both times he barely manages to get it into the bag the flight attendant had handed him. Spock makes no comment, instead he starts light conversation with Admiral Archer, who tries to engage Leonard, but after several failed attempts he stops trying.

McCoy's rather grateful when Archer and Spock discuss the correlation between politics and the outward mood of the public opinion, for it allows him to become quiet and think about just what he's about to do.

He feels like he's about to open Pandora's box when he walks off of that shuttle with Spock and Archer right ahead of him. The voices go over his head as he sulks within his depressing silence. Leonard can't imagine a lifetime of this would be like. This is what it'd be like if he had never have met Jim that day.

His heart twists into a knot.

Leonard has to get the kid back. He can't live like this, trudging alone in his sorrows with alcohol to keep him company. No that can't happen, because Jim's supposed to be right beside him when he does it. He and Jim are supposed to get wasted, drink all of Scotty's scotch and steal some vodka from Chekov's locker. When the blond gets hurt, Leonard's there to pick him up, dust him off, and throw him back out there into the black.

It's just what they do.

"Doctor McCoy, are you alright?" Spock's voice shatters his thoughts and his head snaps up from the floor to meet the vulcan's emotionless gaze, "Yes, I'm fine. Are we here?"

"Almost Doctor." Spock confirms as Archer leads them through several security checks followed by a short walk through dark sketchy hallways until two guards signal them over.

Archer greets the guards and they're led further into the creepy passageways until they come to a stop right outside one of the cells. The first guard swipes his card and the door pops open, revealing the shady room before him.

Archer enters first and allows Spock and McCoy to take the chairs at the table and seated before them is the man that tried to kill their best friend.

"Admiral Ward." Spock titles him, sitting down neatly, hands folded.

Leonard characteristically huffs and collapses into the not so comfortable chair, staring intently into the man's face, searching for any signs of regrets. There's none.

"First Officer Spock, Doctor McCoy," Ward grins, his tone surprised by their presence, "What brings you guys here?"

The Doctor gestures at Spock to answer, "Unfortunately Captain Kirk was taken."

"Ahh, that is quite unfortunate. He was such a ray of sunshine." The Admiral sneers, the chains locking his hands together jingling slightly as he shifts in his chair.

Spock waits patiently for Ward to stop grumbling before continuing, "We have evidence to believe that Captain Kirk was kidnapped by Section 31."

Ward immediately stiffens at the mention of the organization and he shakes his head, "If you're planning on getting involved with them, just forget about it. Kirk's long gone by now."

"How can we reach them?" Spock inquires calmly.

He snorts, "Who knows? The last person to know would be Admiral Marcus, but it looks like poster boy killed him."

"How about Carol Marcus?" Leonard says suddenly, causing all eyes to fall upon him, "That might actually work, as long as you can find her." Archer tells them, arms crossing as he stands from behind.

"What would Section 31 want with Captain Kirk?" Spock asks, directing his focus back onto Ward, who is unphased by all the attention, "I don't know."

"Then start knowing pal." The Doctor growls, hands nervously wringing the hem of his shirt into a knot. "Well, there could be multiple reasons. One of which they're probably a little pissed at him. Kirk did manage to take me out and kill Admiral Marcus, along with putting Khan away."

Leonard nods knowingly, "Where would they take him?"

"That, I don't know. Section 31 is quite paranoid. After the Khan thing they probably switched things up, different location, new security, everything if they wanted to stay alive." Ward explains casually, sitting back within his chair.

"So our only way to find them is Carol Marcus?" McCoy hummpfs, rubbing his eyes wearily with a sigh, "It appears so Doctor." Spock agrees, rising from his chair.

"What makes you think Marcus will know where they are?" The Doctor asks as he gets up as well, giving a glance to Archer, "Well Doctor, Carol Marcus was quite close to her father, she might have over heard some plans possibly." The Admiral replies, gesturing them all to leave the room.

Spock makes a quick thank you before leaving the room and letting Archer take them away from the place, "So we came here for nothing? The damn bastard didn't know anything."

"Not entirely Doctor. Admiral Ward may know nothing useful in finding Section 31's current location, but now we do know someone who might." Spock informs him, hands clasped behind his back.

"First Officer Spock's right, at least we have a new lead."

Leonard sighs, itching at his beard, "How do we find her?"

"It'll be difficult. Carol Marcus dropped off the grid several months ago. But not too long before that she was getting into some deep research." Archer tells them, leading them outside the building and back through the security exams.

"What type of research do you refer to Admiral?" Spock alleges, head cocked to the side in curiosity, "I don't know. I called her during Jim's recovery after the Warp Core. She told me she was too busy doing research to come visit."

"Sounds to me she was trying to put Section 31 away." He mutters, entering their shuttle once more.

"That's what it seems like. But we can't be sure until we find her." Archer responds, buckling himself into the chair followed by McCoy and Spock.

"Then that brings us back to the question, how do we find her?"

"I believe gentlemen, I may have a way." Spock states firmly and McCoy rolls his eyes, "Am I gonna like it?"

"That depends Doctor; do you have an irrational fear of cameras?"

And boy does he have one. Spock's idea takes them to the White House, with Archer setting up a press meeting right outside the steps of the Capital. They're hoping to draw Carol Marcus out with this interview. Though in the pit of McCoy's stomach, he can feel it twisting, this isn't going to end pretty whatever they're about to dive head first into.

Spock stands stoically beside him, watching as Admiral Archer takes the podium, giving the mics a quick tap to test them. Instantly news reporters start shouting questions left and right, desperate for their question to get answered. Archer just raises a hand to silence the crowd.

Leonard can't help but smirk as all the people fall silent and wait for Archer to signal someone out to speak first.

"You there, in the red." Archer points out, "Admiral, is it true the Captain Kirk has been taken?"

"Yes, yes it's true."


"Yes?" Archer gestures for the woman to speak, "Rumors have broken out that the klingons have kidnapped Captain Kirk, is it true?"

The Admiral shakes his head, "We have no reason-or evidence to believe that Captain Kirk was taken by klingons."

"Then who has taken the Captain?" Someone cries out and more voices of accord rise up amongst them, "We're not entirely sure yet, but we believe it has something to do with Admiral Marcus' death."

Bingo, Admiral Marcus. Hopefully that'll draw out Carol, but they can't be sure. Leonard just gives Spock a look and returns his gaze back to Archer who's already answering the next question.

"I myself and the Federation make no comment on the matter."

"Excuse me, sir!"

Archer tries his best not to sigh, "Yes?"

"Doctor McCoy, when's the last time you saw Captain Kirk?"

Leonard immediately stiffens, "Doctor McCoy won't be answering any questions today." Archer interjects sternly, leaving no room for argument.

"Is it true that Captain Kirk had gone AWOL before his kidnapping?"

"Captain Kirk was acting on Federation orders."

"What does this have to do with Admiral Marcus?" A man shouts from the crowd, "Captain Kirk made a few enemies in the Federation and we have reason to believe that some of Admiral Marcus' partners may have something to do with his disappearance."

More shouts and questions rise up, but Admiral Archer shakes his head, "There will be no more questions, thank you."

Archer then walks over and guides Spock and McCoy away, along with the security team tailing them all the way to the shuttle. Once inside they all settle down, getting buckled, but Leonard can still hear the question ringing in his ears.

Had he really left Jim to cry that night? The last time he saw him was when Hendorff's team dragged his limp form away. He can still remember the golden hairs somehow still glistening within the rays of sunshine. Was that really the last time he saw him? Unconscious, broken, and dying? Some friend he's been.

"Doctor, are you alright?" Spock prods gently, "Yes, fine Spock." Leonard nearly growls back.

"Admiral, Captain Kirk was not acting on Federation orders." Spock says, with a hint of a question in his tone, clearly baffled by the incredulous statement.

"I said what I needed to. The media are like sharks, they'll tear you apart if you give them a chance. I don't want that happening to Kirk, he's a good kid." Archer sighs heavily, adjusting himself in his seat as the shuttle starts up and begins its long trip back to California.

"How long do you think it'll take to get a hold of Carol?" Leonard implores, daring a glance over at the vulcan.

"That Doctor, I do not know."

"Hopefully though that interview did the trick." Archer comments from his side of the shuttle. McCoy blows a whistle, "That was just about the shortest interview I've ever seen."

Archer smiles at him, "I like to keep things short and sweet, plus I couldn't give much more without exposing them."

Leonard just nods, the craft falling silent.

Their trip back is a blur; Leonard falls asleep halfway through, welcoming the darkness that fogs over his mind. It's better than the alternative. When he awakes, it's to Spock softly shaking his shoulder, stirring him from his dreams.

"We're here Doctor." Spock states simply, helping him to his feet.

"Thank you Admiral Archer, we will inform you of any news." The vulcan continues, "And I to you as well." Archer replies and they part ways.

McCoy and Spock then make their way off of the shuttle, stepping onto the HQ's 'parking lot'. They walk onto the sidewalk and head to the front of the building and back to the hotel, for the night sky has climbed up and the city lights now illuminate their path.

"Do not worry Doctor, we will find him." Spock comforts him suddenly, causing the Doctor to pause in mid stride, staring skeptically at the vulcan in the middle of the crosswalk, "How can you say that Spock? Where's the damn logic behind it?" Leonard accuses him harshly, but he barely manages to keep his voice from cracking from all the built up stress and desperation.

Spock gestures for him to continue walking but McCoy holds his ground, blocking the absent traffic, thank god for that. "Doctor, not all things have to be backed by logic."

Leonard's face contorts sharply into a pained expression, "Yes they do Spock. That's how it works! You of all people should know that!" He snaps, surprising himself at how angry he sounds.

The vulcan remains silent for a heartbeat, gaze darting away until settling back into the warmth of Leonard's eyes, seeing the heavy bags beneath them, "Leonard, when it comes to Jim, all logic melts away. It's as if the laws of this universe do not apply to him." Spock nearly whispers into the night air, San Francisco lights twinkling above.

"Spock, that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard you say." Leonard half laughs half sobs out, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes, only serving to leave streaks of wetness on his cheeks.

"Doctor, I believe it is time for you to rest." Spock almost smiles as he walks back to stand beside Leonard, placing a hand on the small of his back and carefully guiding him inside.

"Do you wish to spend the night in my room perhaps?" Spock offers kindly, but Leonard shakes his head, "No, I'll be fine Spock…sorry about that, I…" He sniffles, wiping away the tears fiercely with a sleeve, "Do not apologize Doctor, it is understandable in these circumstances. I myself if I were not half vulcan would have been emotionally compromised as well."

Leonard nods and they part ways. He appreciates the tranquility that reigns over him as he enters his room. Too exhausted to change, the Doctor crashes into the couch cushions and succumbs to sleep shortly after.

But his night is short-lived, plagued with nightmares, causing him to toss and turn. The next morning, filled with hope, he's disappointed when at the end of the day, there's no news of Carol Marcus. The damn girl better say something soon, Jim's life depends on it.

Now starting their fourth morning, the Bridge crew meets up at the hotel bar in the downstairs basement. By the time Leonard gets up and goes down, the crew is already there, chatting away incessantly. They wish him good morning sweetly, but he only grunts back as he orders his first drink.

Once the bartender hands it to him, he plops down beside Scotty, "Ahh, hey there laddie, how are ya holding up?" Montgomery asks, patting him on the shoulder.

McCoy sighs and blinks several times after a good sip, "I'm still alive." He replies with a not so humorous chuckle, "Aye, I know. It's tough not having the kid around." The Scotsman says, looking off distantly before returning the Doctor's gaze, "Though, I'm certain we'll get him back. We always do."

The brunette nods slowly, staring over at Uhura who's talking away with Spock, glint of tears in her eyes. But Spock graces her cheek with a soft hand and murmurs something to her gently and she smiles and pecks a kiss on his cheekbone.

Beside the two, Chekov's already finished his second round of vodka and is trying to get his third, but Sulu has him by the belt of his pants and is steadily dragging him away from the bar. Leonard can't help but snicker at the pair and Scotty joins in on his quiet laugh.

"He's always taking care of us isn't he?" Scotty articulates before taking another gulp of his drink, "That he is." Leonard confirms, not even bothering on asking on who Scotty's referring to.

It's obviously the Captain.

"How much longer do you think?"

Leonard shifts his gaze from the wailing Russian to the Scottish man beside him, "We're waiting on Carol Marcus."

"What does she have to do with this?" Scotty exclaims, "Jim's life depends on her."

Montgomery hums in thought, "Is that what the interview was about two days ago? I saw it on TV and all over the news."

McCoy nods, "Admiral Archer was trying to draw her out, guess she dropped off the grid not too long ago. Going after Section 31 or something."

"Are they the bastards that took the Captain?" Scotty growls.

"I'm afraid so Scotty."

"Do they know?"

Leonard's gaze goes back out to follow the Scotsman's to Sulu and Chekov. Sulu has managed to get the young navigator into a chair and is now trying to cheer him up with a game of 'how many butterballs can you eat?' While Uhura and Spock have disappeared altogether.

"Not yet. But they will, soon."

Now it's Scotty's turn to nod, eyes drifting towards the drink firmly clasped in the Doctor's trembling grasp, "We're goin get him." Scotty reassures, "Will it be soon enough?" Leonard whispers, turning his gaze onto the Scotsman's eyes, searching for an answer.

Scotty's lips part to reply, but Uhura bursts into the room, "Len! I think we got something."

"What is it?" McCoy asks as he hops to his feet along with Scotty.

"It's Marcus; she's talking with Spock right now." Nyota informs them all cheerfully, but Sulu and Chekov glance about, clearly confused, "What's going on?" The Pilot implores and Chekov murmurs his agreement on the matter.

"We don't have time. Uhura, where's Spock?"

"They're upstairs." She tells them all, "What do you mean 'they'?" McCoy exclaims, brows furrowing together, "Carol came in person."

"Aye, this must be serious then." Scotty chirps and they all nod in accord.

"Please, can someone tell us what's going on?" Chekov complains and Uhura, Scotty, and McCoy all exchange a look, "Don't worry, I'll tell em now. You laddies go ahead." The Scotsman signals them away.

"Thanks Scotty." Uhura and McCoy say in unison and dash off, leaving Montgomery to explain things to Sulu and Chekov.

They make it up the stairs swiftly and barge into Spock's room without hesitation. There before them is Carol Marcus and Spock. Carol's hair has grown quite long, only a few inches shorter than Uhura's and her stature has become thicker. She's stronger now.

"Uhura, McCoy." Carol greets with a friendly smile.

"Cut to the chase. Where's Jim?" Leonard urges, stepping forward to bring the focus onto him, the blond nearly stutters, "It's not that simple Doctor."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because Doctor, I am very close to shutting down Section 31 altogether…but I need your help." Carol admits, searching pleadingly into his eyes, "Doctor, Miss Marcus is correct. And if we are capable of stopping them, we could theoretically get the Captain back." Spock adjourns, taking a step forward to obstruct the intensity between Marcus and McCoy.

"And how are we supposed to stop them Spock?" McCoy snaps, crossing his arms.

Uhura rolls her eyes, "Len, I think you need to calm down. Let Marcus explain herself."

The Doctor just growls, "Fine."

Carol sighs and all eyes draw to her, waiting for her side of the story, "After my father died, I vowed to stop Section 31, they were the ones behind Khan and before that they helped Admiral Ward and General Toq. My father headed most of its ambitions, that's why they're so against Captain Kirk. They may be a black operation, but they do leave a trail, that's why I went off grid several months ago. I was sanctioned by one of the Admirals."

"To what trail do you refer to?" Spock inquires quizzically, "Lieutenant Hendorff." Carol replies.

"He's the bastard that took Jim!" McCoy interrupts and Carol just nods solemnly, "I've been tracking him for some time."

Spock adjusts his hands behind his back, "How does Lieutenant Hendorff lead us to Section 31?"

Carol glances over at him, "Hendorff works within Federation ranks, he has way of communicating with Section 31."

"How?" Uhura breaks in, her own curiosity peaking in her voice.

"He calls someone-I don't know who but I have the number." Carol justifies herself. McCoy just nods slowly, "Okay, we have a connection, but how exactly are we supposed to stop them?"

"I have some recorded messages between Hendorff and his employer. We also have Admiral Ward for a resource; he'll probably be able to recognize the voice on the other end of the line." Carol cuts in, taking a glance over at the vulcan.

"Why don't you play it now, perhaps we'll be able to recognize it." Spock suggests and they all nod, now looking over to Carol. "Alright, here let me pull it up." She mutters and digs out the files on her PADD, "Here, do you recognize this?" Carol asks as she hits the play button:

"Well done Lieutenant Hendorff, be prepared at o'six hundred hours to receive your new orders."

"Wait, I know that voice…play it again." McCoy demands, shuffling closer to Carol to hear it better as she replays it, staring at the Doctor's face as the owner of the voice dawns on him, "That's Officer Huss!"

"I concur Doctor; I as well believe it to be him."

"What does this mean for us? We know Section 31 exists and that Huss and Hendorff work with them, but what does that mean for Jim, how do we get him back?" Uhura asks, swiftly wiping some tears that were threatening to spill. "If there's one thing Section 31 can't afford, it's being discovered." Carol declares.

McCoy just nods, "They've been trying to cover up their tracks. We all know how quickly they disowned Admiral Ward and Marcus when they got discovered."

"Do you think that's why they took the Captain? A loose end that needs tying possibly?" Nyota proposes.

"I believe that to be true Uhura." Spock replies and shifts his attention to McCoy, "Doctor, if we proceed in the way we're heading, this could end disastrous and not just for us."

"I know Spock, that's why we gotta keep this under wraps. None of this information leaves this room. We gotta take this to the court." Leonard states boldly and everyone agrees with a nod.

"So an unofficial meeting with a Federation a judge and jury? Joy." Carol mutters with the roll of her eyes, though she's glad that she's helping the Enterprise crew.

"Alright, let's get started then." McCoy announces, a devilish smirk creeping up on his lips. Then within that moment, Scotty, Sulu, and Chekov march into the room, "What'd we miss?"

April 25th was the day Jim was kidnapped. Taken away from his ship, his crew, his friends. Taken away from Leonard. April 25th, little did Leonard know it'd take him eight months to get Jim back.

The first month is spent getting the session started, and by the looks of it, it's already turning ugly. It takes three weeks just to get everyone in the same room and ready for the hearings, though convincing them to sanction mission to get Jim Kirk back is an entirely different thing. The first day begins with Leonard McCoy explaining the importance of them meeting that day and also why word of that meeting can't get out. The second day, Spock comes out, bringing in General Toq, who has been in the Enterprise's custody, and Admiral Archer delivers Admiral Ward to their doorstep.

Each testimony impacts the court council. Admiral Ward tells them of his dealings with Section 31 and how they gave him the plans to set up Jim Kirk's destruction by using General Toq. He also enlightens them of his orders to have Kirk assassinated. Afterwards, they bring up General Toq, who in turn, explains his point of view on the Toq Incident, describing his experience in dealing with the black operation. Carol Marcus also comes and plays the tapes she had gotten, ultimately proving the existence of Section 31. Some of those recordings were conversations discussing plots to trap Jim, though they were all indirect, but it was obvious who they were referring to.

Without further questions, the council sends them away so they can discuss privately, leaving McCoy to pace back and forth outside of their room.

"Doctor, pacing will not make them come to a conclusion faster." Spock tells him curtly from where he sits upon the couch.

McCoy doesn't even spare him a sliver of a glance, "But it does help me think."

"Doctor, you've been incessantly pacing for the past hour, and you still have not come up with anything. So I find your argument illogical."

"Mister Spock, Doctor McCoy." Admiral Archer addresses them appropriately as he steps from the darkened room and into the waiting section.

McCoy stops pacing and Spock gathers to his feet.

"I got some good news and some bad news…good news; the council agrees that action needs to be taken to get Captain Kirk back. Bad news, they want to make a deal with Section 31 instead of barging in guns blazing."

Leonard rolls his eyes mockingly, "Section 31 will never agree to that!"

"Section 31 doesn't even acknowledge their own existence; they ignore all attempts of reaching out to them." The Admiral sighs, rubbing a hand over his face, "Though what was the tape Carol Marcus played?"

"It was a conversation that transpired between Officer Huss and Lieutenant Hendorff." Spock responds.

"If you can get to Lieutenant Hendorff, you could possibly find Section 31's base. From there the council will be able to help out."

McCoy ponders Archer's statement, but he then slowly shakes his head, "If we go out and find Hendorff, we need the Federation to turn a blind eye. If the Federation gets involved they could make it messier than it already is, and also it'll spook any of 31's members that are in Starfleet ranks. We can't have that."

"You're right. Though, it'll be hard to find Hendorff, technically, he's supposed to be dead. I'll get the council together and I'll see if we got anything on him. But from now on, you guys are on your own." Archer informs them.

Spock dips his head respectively, "Thank you Admiral, your help is much appreciated."

"Anything for Jim."

Admiral Archer then vanishes back inside the room, door sliding shut behind him. Thus leaving the vulcan and human to dare a glance at each other. "Any ideas where Hendorff might be?" Leonard sighs as they begin to leave the room, "None in the slightest Doctor."

Two months pass until the group, including Spock, McCoy, Marcus, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov and Uhura manage to track down Hendorff using his communicator ID to find an exact location. Though, the drunken, depressed, desperate and overly emotional man, Leonard McCoy, is the first one to arrive at the scene.

He's at the outer edge of New York City. The bustling has died down and the sky is black with night. McCoy wears his civilian clothes tightly over his body, though by now it's mid July, his body shivers. He's certain he's been drunk for the past week, causing him to pick up a slight fever, which now makes him feel cold, twenty-four seven.

It's great.

Leonard managed to get ahead of everyone else in the race to find Hendorff, meeting Admiral Archer alone instead of getting Spock to receive the new information. So, in return, here he is, strolling down the alleyway to Hendorff's apartment, a phaser tight in hand.

Even though he plans on taking Hendorff in, he's not quite sure if he wants the man alive. He did in fact take away Jim, and there's no way in hell Hendorff's will actually be willing to aid them in finding Section 31. There's no way, at least in Leonard's drunken mind that is.

When he makes it into the apartment, he scales the stairs, checking his PADD to make sure he's about to head into the right room before breaking down the door. He doesn't even bother being quiet as he barges in, phaser raised.

Leonard drops the PADD and closes the door, keeping the lights off as he approaches the bedroom, though Hendorff has different plans. Immediately the Lieutenant had gotten out of bed and snatched his phaser. Though Leonard, instead of actually going inside, awaits patiently around the corner for Hendorff to peak his head out, and when he does he sends the handle of the gun to the back of the Lieutenant's head.

Hendorff drops the phaser and goes down with a cry, blood spilling from his new head injury.

"Get up!" Leonard growls, kicking the phaser underneath a table, making sure it's out of reach.

The man before him groans but does as he's told, gathering to his feet, hands raised in defeat. McCoy nods approvingly, "Good, now sit down bitch." He growls, sliding a chair out from the table.

Hendorff glares at him briefly, but by the way the phaser aims directly at his head makes him sit down without further hesitation.

"Doctor McCoy, is that you?" Hendorff exclaims as his eyes narrow up at him, "How did you find me?"

"That doesn't matter!" Leonard yells, landing a blow on Hendorff's face, causing the man's nose to crack and bleed out through his nostrils.

A shaky breath escapes him as he stares at Hendorff. Isn't he a Doctor? Isn't he supposed to do no harm? Yet here he is. Leonard shakes his head as the argument arises inside his own mind. Hendorff deserves to die. He took away Jim.

Arms quivering, Leonard sets the phaser to kill and points it at Hendorff, staring unblinking into the man's eyes.

"Woah-woah Doc, slow down there!" Hendorff nearly shrieks as he hears the familiar hum of the phaser set to kill. "Why did you do it?" McCoy asks, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Hendorff shakes his head, "I-I don't know what you're talking about…"

Leonard lunges forward, snatching the man's brown hair, pushing the barrel of the gun into the side of his head with uncontrollable rage, "Why'd you take Jim!" He shouts into Hendorff's ear, "Okay! Okay, just please, let go of me."

The drunken Doctor only hesitates momentarily before releasing a hiss and letting go, taking a couple steps away, but keeping his phaser trained on Hendorff.

"It was orders okay. I got the orders from my commanding officer…"

Leonard rolls his eyes, "Explain in detail what happened or I start breaking things-and I'm not talking about the apartment."

Hendorff nods anxiously and Leonard lowers the gun, "The man I work for, somehow he knew about Kirk's need for an evac off of the planet. He sent me orders to get on the op team. He told me to get Kirk in my possession and he'll have a ship ready to beam us off the planet once ready."

"How did he know?" McCoy demands. "I don't know, I just got the orders, nothing more."

The Doctors sighs, quite agitated, "What's your employers name?" But Hendorff shakes his head, "I can't tell you, they'll have me killed."

Leonard nods knowingly, doesn't matter much since he already knows its Huss, "I understand-I understand. Nobody wants to die…but answer me this, why do you need Jim?" He growls, kicking the chair out from underneath Hendorff and landing a kick into the man's side.

"I don't know okay! I don't!" Hendorff cries out, keeping his hands up, showing his surrender.

"Then you're useless to me!"

Leonard repositions the gun at Hendorff's head and prepares to shoot when several people burst through the door, "Leonard don't shoot!" Uhura yells at him, instantly pointing her own phaser at the Doctor, with Sulu and Chekov standing behind her, both clearly stunned.

"He killed Jim!" Leonard argues, not breaking his gaze on Hendorff.

"Jim's alive Doctor McCoy! He's alive, and that man can help us save him!" Chekov points out, following Nyota as she takes a daring step towards the drunken Doctor.

"He might as well be dead! We're never going to find him…" Leonard's voice cracks, revealing the vulnerable broken side of him, though his phaser stays trained on Hendorff who takes nervous side glances over at Uhura.

"Leonard, please. Put the phaser down, let's talk about this." Uhura begs, still coming closer, "Stay where you are Nyota!" McCoy roars and all three of them freeze, "Leonard, be sensible. We need Hendorff alive so we can get Jim back." Sulu pleads.

"Do you think he's still alive?" Leonard whispers, finally gazing over at his companions, his friends, "We really do." Pavel replies gently.

"I'm sorry guys…" Leonard begins to sob, dropping the gun and crumbling to the ground.

Nyota is the first one to embrace him, while Sulu and Chekov keep their attention pinned on Hendorff. "It's alright Leonard, we'll find him. I promise."

It takes a few moments for Leonard to gain his bearings and stop sniffling, "How'd you find me?" He asks as he finally gathers to his feet. Nyota bends over and scoops up his PADD, "Admiral Archer told us. We were going to use the PADD, but Jim likes to kill the tracker in these."

He nods slowly, "Now what?" Leonard says, casting a glance over at Hendorff as he's secured by Chekov and Sulu. "Now, we find Section 31." Uhura replies rather confidently.

With new strength and determination, the gang heads into August with high hopes of getting their Captain back. Though, they run into some slight complications. Hendorff wants a deal of his own. Currently he's being held on the Enterprise, along with General Toq. Though, before he reveals the location of Section 31, Hendorff has requested full immunity, but that's not theirs to give.

Spock, Uhura, and Scotty have gone down to San Francisco to get things sorted out, while Chekov, Carol, Sulu and McCoy await for the others' return, There's not much to do aboard an empty Enterprise, besides pace back and forth on the Bridge.

Carol has fallen asleep at Spock's station, Sulu is mindlessly scrolling through navigations reports off of Chekov's station, while the little Russian himself stands by himself staring at the viewing screen, and McCoy continues his pacing. Oh how much McCoy would just rather ring Hendorff's neck and force the information out of him. It'd be so much easier, instead of waiting for the Federation council to actually make a decision. Apparently granting immunity to someone is a big deal. Apparently.

"How much longer?" Chekov whines as he turns his gaze back to his companions, though he only earns harsh glares from both Sulu and McCoy. "Spock, Scotty and Uhura are just now bringing up the idea of immunity. It can takes weeks for the council to process the decision." Sulu explains, not glancing up from the screen before him.

"So damn slow." Leonard grumbles, finally halting his irritating pacing to slump into the captain's chair.

Sulu and Chekov exchange a surprised look, usually McCoy would never dare touching Jim's beloved chair, but then again the Doctor also would never have threatened to murder a man in cold blood. A lot of things have changed and not always for the better.

Leonard hums a sigh as he strokes the armrests before promptly rising from the chair, slightly disgusted at himself for even sitting on it. Its Jim's chair, he should never have sat in it. He should at least have that much respect for the man.

The Doctor turns his gaze out to the stars. Exactly how long is this going to take?

It takes five weeks for the council to process the information. Most of the argument comes between two Admirals, one of which wants to grant immunity and the other believing strongly the man should be trialed for treason. Though after those long weeks of debates, immunity comes out on top, by now the Enterprise crew has done nothing through September, but the early days of October look promising enough.

With Admiral Archer providing them with a shuttle, and boy do they have to hand it to the guy without him they'd be lost, the Enterprise crew, with one Carol Marcus and one Lieutenant Hendorff, fly their way across America.

Spock and Hendorff are at the front, Hendorff giving directions. Sulu and Chekov have slumped over in exhaustion, Chekov fighting to stay awake while Sulu has already given in, his head resting against the Russian's shoulder as he snores away. Carol has been scrolling through the news on her PADD for the past hour and Uhura has been making subtle comments on the matters beside her. Scotty remains uncharacteristically silent as he pops back a bottle of scotch slowly in the corner of the shuttlecraft. McCoy himself can't look much better, staring off into the floor, completely dead inside as he zones out.

Its hours later, the trip taking up the whole day, before they get off the shuttle, welcoming the fresh air of New Jersey. And why New Jersey, Leonard will never know. Hendorff leads them away, walking down the familiar streets.

"So how are we supposed to find Section 31?" Chekov inquires, stretching a slight yawn as he does so, Hendorff frowns, "We don't find them, they find us."

"Is that supposed to scare us?" McCoy grumbles, arms crossed over his chest as he walks after them. "No," Hendorff replies gruffly, "Lieutenant, do you know the exact location of the facility?" Spock asks and everybody stops walking, turning their gazes towards Hendorff.

The man sighs underneath the pressure, "Not exactly."

Whines and complaints rise from the others, but it's McCoy's angry tone of voice that silences them, "Then what the hell are we doing here? You said you could take us to them!"

"I can-and I will! It just takes time. I know it's here, it's underground though." Hendorff explains hurriedly, taking a step back away from the Doctor, whose hands have curled into tight fists. Spock intervenes, "Doctor, violence is not necessary."

Leonard glares at Spock then back to Hendorff before sighing, letting his tense muscles relax. Hendorff nods, "Section 31 requires that its officers report in once a month. I missed the deadline since I was in your custody. So when I reach out to them, it'll take some time. They'll probably be spooked when they find out that I brought you guys with me."

"How are we going to contact them?" Sulu says.

Lieutenant Hendorff huffs, "There's an encrypted phone in the safe house, from there I'll be able to communicate with them. Explain the situation and set up a meeting."

"That'll be most sufficient." Spock replies with the dip of his head and waves Hendorff on to guide them there.

The Lieutenant just nods his head and they all follow, but not blindly. McCoy and Sulu especially, keep their hand over their phaser, prepared for anything that Hendorff might throw at them. But nothing happens. It only takes ten minutes to get to the safe house and Hendorff simply punches in his code to gain excess. Once inside, they all get settled, who knew this is the place they're going to be staying for the next couple of weeks?

It starts with Hendorff's failed attempts of trying to get a hold of them. As much as McCoy wants to blame it on the man, he really can't. It's not Hendorff's fault that his employers are ignoring him, more than likely because they're with him.

When the fifth day of no luck rolls around, McCoy has grown restless. He and Scotty the night before had gotten some drinks, so currently he's nursing a mighty headache as he sits up on the couch. Beside him is Spock meditating and on the couch across is Uhura, sprawled out in slumber. Quiet hushed giggles come from the kitchen, who houses Sulu, Chekov, and Hendorff, with Scotty passed out on the table. Carol Marcus sits in one of the chairs beside the table, quietly scrolling through her PADD like she had done on the shuttle ride here.

"Any news?" Leonard grounds out as he stands and instantly the laughter dies down, "No, not yet." Hendorff informs him, casting his gaze to the floor.

The Doctor just grunts in response and makes his way next to Carol. The blond woman only offers a small smile as he sits down with a huff, smelling heavily of liquor from the night before.

"We can't wait here forever." Carol points out, turning off her PADD to look at him instead, with dark searching eyes. McCoy shifts in his chair, "I know, but we can't get anywhere until Section 31 reveals itself."

"But we can threaten them." Carol replies.

Leonard sighs, scratching at his now full grown beard, "You know very well that all threats will be just bluffs. The Federation would never expose them; it'll be the end of them both."

"Yes, but we're not the Federation and we have General Toq who'd gladly take an interview on live television."

He hums, thinking about it, "The Federation would never allow it."

"Who says we have to tell them?" Carol insists, gazing up into his brown eyes.

"Doctor, Marcus is correct. The only way to draw them out is threatening them," Spock agrees as he gets up, hands sliding behind his back.

"Okay, we give them a deadline, two days." McCoy suggests, but Hendorff shakes his head, "They'll need more time than that. My employer has higher ups himself that he reports to; it'll take at least four days for them to come to a conclusion."

"Then I guess they're just gonna have to double time it."

Even with the short deadline, setbacks occur even after Section 31 agrees to send Officer Huss as its representative. The two groups disagree on every location possible, consuming about a week's worth of time until they come to consensus. They decide to meet on Saturday, in a public restaurant, but they can only send one person over, or the deal is off.

Of course McCoy argues the whole time about him being the one to go, but ultimately the task falls onto Spock. So now the grumpy Doctor waits for Spock to return, while everyone else takes a snooze or eats some lunch.

When Spock does come back, it's five hours later.

"Spock there you are, we were beginning to worry!" Uhura exclaims and gives him a hug, which he returns rather robotically.

"How'd it go?" Carol asks anxiously and everyone nods, they want to know.

Spock glances at all of them briefly, "Officer Huss and I were able to come to an agreement. Jim Kirk will be returned and all plans meaning to bring harm to the Captain will be discontinued if and only if, Lieutenant Hendorff is allowed to return to duty, Admiral Ward is released into their custody and the world continues to know not of Section 31's existence."

"Unbelievable." Leonard growls, plopping down onto the couch beside Scotty.

"Those are the terms Doctor." Spock states plainly before continuing, "I shall meet with him once more in two weeks to review the official document and sign it."

"Two weeks?" Chekov gasps, shaking his head miserably, he just wants it to be over with, they all do.

"I must contact Admiral Archer to see if these demands can be met." Spock excuses himself, leaving them all to wonder; just how long will it take?

The next two weeks seem to last two decades as they sit around and wait. Luckily approval from the Federation Council is rather quick, but Section 31 on the other hand takes their sweet time. This thus leaves a restless Enterprise Crew.

Sulu and Chekov get a video game station and find some of the ancient games. Scotty and Leonard make a vow to stop drinking, they both struggle but they pull through. Carol and Uhura supply all the food, most of the time going shopping by dragging Spock with them, who declares shopping 'illogical'. Hendorff on the other hand, mopes around, not allowed to leave the safe house and at least one person has to watch him, just in case he tries to escape despite all his protests.

When Spock actually goes to sign the document, November rolls around, bringing the cold with it, though after it's signing, Section 31 declares it needs at least a month for the information to be processed and accepted by 31's council. The vulcan had agreed reluctantly, but as long as they get Jim he's fine with it.

The gang is then sent back to San Francisco, where they settle for the next month and a half. Though, the crew busies themselves quite well, and when the time comes for them too actually go get Jim, they're all busy, but one southern Doctor.

It's nearly eight months later since April 25th, the day Jim was kidnapped. On December 23rd Leonard prepares to leave to New Jersey. Admiral Archer has already gotten him a hotel to stay in and a shuttle to ride across the states. Damn, did it really have to be all the way in New Jersey?

But so it begins.

This is his story. This is how it starts, with him walking out into the morning air of December 23rd, two days before Christmas. The morning air is crisp, but is refreshing to his lungs as he breathes it in. He's strolling out of his hotel room in San Francisco and heading into the shuttle Archer has provided him with.

Leonard's got everything he can think of. All his luggage, including his PADD and Jim's old academy hoodie. The flight is long, consuming his whole day, despite the fact he left early in the morning he arrives at night. When he reaches New Jersey, his shuttle drops him off at his next hotel. The Doctor simply says his thanks and departs into the night air of the city.

He sighs before entering his hotel room, welcoming the warmth of the building as he steps inside.

"Hello, sir. How may I help you tonight?" A hotel employee greets him kindly from behind the desk. McCoy walks over slowly, keeping his things close, "Uhh, Leonard McCoy, I believe I have a room checked out."

The man scrolls through some information and takes a quick glance at McCoy to confirm the ID on his screen, "Alright, room two thirty-four, that'll be upstairs and on the right hand side." The gentleman informs him as he hands over the keys.

"Thank you." Leonard smiles and walks away, keys jingling within his grasp.

He makes it into his room quickly, dumping his belongings on the floor beside the bed. Leonard kicks off his boots and jacket and crawls into bed, desperately trying to find the much needed sleep, but it doesn't come. He hasn't been able to sleep for the past week; apparently the excitement of getting Jim has gotten to him.

Instead of sleeping, the Doctor huffs and gets a razor and shaving cream. He spends his night shaving his face clean of his beard. Leonard even grabs a pair of scissors and trims his hair while he's at it. If he's supposed to be picking up Jim in twenty hours, he's gonna look good while doing it.

By the time he's cleaned the floor, taken a shower and has dressed appropriately, he finds the sun rising above the buildings.

Leonard enjoys his small breakfast of coffee and biscuits, all alone in his room. Unfortunately he'll be the only going to get Jim.

Sulu and Chekov are somewhere along the Mississippi River, god only knows where, on their way to help Leonard, though they're taking the scenic route over that's for sure. Spock is somewhere caught in San Francisco, answering all the goddamn press questions, desperately trying to cover their asses along with the help of Admiral Archer, Carol and Uhura. While Scotty is somewhere on the Enterprise, working on getting her landed in southern California. This only leaves Leonard to pick up Jim.

He sighs, pushing away his food and drink, finding the coffee distasteful on his tongue and the food only serving to upset his stomach. Leonard passes the time with reading, swiping through news reports on his PADD while he waits for the clock to strike ten pm. He even rereads the whole document, claiming his rights to Jim Kirk. It's as if he owns Jim now, as if he's the kid's 'legal guardian'. Though considering Jim's past, it wouldn't be a bad idea. Leonard's already listed as the kid's emergency contact rather than his own mother, Winona Kirk.

When the clock strikes ten, he grabs Jim's academy hoodie and his PADD. He locks up his hotel room and makes his way outside where a shuttle awaits his arrival. Officer Huss steps out once he's a couple feet away from the door handle.

"Mister McCoy." Huss greets, reaching out to shake his hand. McCoy takes it with disdain, "Please, just Doctor. Mister makes me sound old."

Officer Huss nods knowingly and leads him away into the jet black shuttle with tinted windows. Not suspicious at all. McCoy gets seated and buckles himself in, followed by Officer Huss. Why Huss works with Section 31 Leonard will never know. There are many things that go unanswered within these eight months, for comprehensions beyond the Doctor himself. It takes time, but the reason why the Federation is so adamant about helping them uproot Section 31 is for one reason, National Security. Section 31 in all its corruptness, does do Starfleet some good. Though at times they do get out of hand, such as whenever they've tried to kill Jim. But other than that, there's really no reason to get rid of them. Though Leonard begs to differ.

Section 31 also is very difficult to work with. Supposedly a secret, the black operation likes to remain in the shadows and not reveal themselves. But now with Admiral Ward and General Toq, they can be easily exposed if needed. Then again, the world is not ready for that information; they don't need to know that dark side of the Federation, not yet. Leonard just thinks it's funny that a simple threat has gotten Section 31 to reveal itself to them, but it would've been easier if the damn operation would've just came to them though.

When Spock had asked why Section 31 wouldn't respond and only did something when threatened, during their meeting to get the document signed, Officer Huss had replied with a laugh, "Because it was fun watching you". So Huss had been planning on giving the Captain back, well, he planned on doing so the moment he realized the crew was out to get him. Luckily for the Enterprise crew they had two valuable weapons, General Toq and Admiral Ward. Though they were small pawns on a giant chess board, their testimonies, exposing a vulnerable Section 31 would tear the organization apart. All their dirty secrets would leak out to the public and the world would know the truth behind Starfleet's poster boy, they'd know the truth behind Admiral Marcus, and would learn of General Toq's very existence.

Which draws Leonard to a conclusion, just why? Was Section 31 filled with so much hate and resentment that they had to get even with Jim? Was there a bigger scheme to all of this? Are they just a pawn on the playing field or was this it? Was Kodos part of this or was that General Toq's own doing? Did Section 31 just seize the opportunity and kidnap Jim or was it planned?

These questions go unanswered as they settle with McCoy's mind and he has to just accept the fact that some things don't get resolved.

He shifts in his seat, daring a glance over at Officer Huss who has been staring at him intently, "What?" Leonard drawls out heavily, finding slight discomfort underneath the man's penetrating gaze. Who knew Jim's interrogator would be the same man to help run the place.

"You seem troubled." Huss comments, blinking blankly several times.

Leonard hums, "Maybe because you have had my friend locked up in your basement for the past eight months."

Huss' eyes narrow quizzically at him, "I've taken good care of him." Leonard snorts dramatically, "Why do you even have him in the first place? I thought you were going to kill him."

The officer chuckles lightly, "Why would I kill him Doctor McCoy?" Leonard's hands tighten into fists, "I don't know, I'm not the sadistic bastard that kidnapped someone's best friend, so you tell me."

"Doctor, I would not kill Jim Kirk. I simply, used him."

The Doctor takes a calming breath, "For what?" Huss adjusts himself slowly, "Oh, just getting information, that's all."


Officer Huss huffs and rubs his temple soothingly, "You ask a lot of questions don't you?"

"Why?" McCoy reiterates and Huss gives in, "Doctor McCoy, Section 31 holds its secrecy in high regards. Jim Kirk's discovery of the Toq Incident exposed us; we had to make sure nothing leaked. So, to make sure I sent my men, they swooped up and picked him up off of that godforsaken planet and I questioned him myself."

"You did all of this just to make sure nothing got out?" Leonard cries out in disbelief, but Huss shakes his head, "Not entirely, I guess we do have a bit of a vendetta against the Captain, he did manage to shutdown two of our Admirals and lock up both Khan and Toq. Plus, your blonde is notorious for lying. So I went truth-searching."

"Good god man, you guys are really messed up." Leonard says breathlessly, putting his face into his hands to rub the exhaustion from his face.

"Perhaps, but we've done many good things, many of which you'll never know of." Huss retaliates; taking a glance through the tinted window to determine how much longer it'll be until their arrival.

"Is that supposed to comfort me?"

Officer Huss draws a breath, glaring back over at the Doctor, waiting for the worn man to meet his gaze, "Doctor McCoy, just be thankful that you get Jim Kirk back. In the original plan, Kirk wasn't going to see sunlight for the rest of his life."

McCoy swallows, "Originally, how did you think you were going to keep him from me?" Huss keeps the intense gaze, not missing a beat, "General Toq wasn't supposed to be there."

Leonard's heart twists. It's true, without General Toq, they would never have guessed Section 31 would be behind their Captain's disappearance. Jim would've been declared dead, MIA.

"If it weren't for him Doctor, you wouldn't be getting your poster boy back." Huss continues, breaking off the staring contest, settling for something just outside the darkened windows. "Toq has helped us in more ways than just one." McCoy mutters, truly beginning to think about it.

Huss just nods, "If he didn't have that honor code, which I find unusual for his kind, Jim Kirk probably would be either demoted or kicked out of Starfleet altogether."

Leonard hums in thought, letting the silence consume them for the rest of the ride there. When the vehicle stops, he grabs his PADD and the sweatshirt, stepping out of the shuttle first, followed closely by Officer Huss who immediately begins to lead the way through, taking him through a quick security scan before entering the poorly lit facility. Though as they go deeper into the tunnels, the walls begin to shift into a blinding white color.

Huss uses his badge to get through the medical doors, which Leonard finds the place to look more like an asylum than a medical wing. He's pretty sure he saw a bloodstain or two.

"Doctor McCoy, this is Agent Hallock, he'll show you the rest of the way." Huss introduces the man with the wave of his arm.

Leonard looks over at the man, only to see a figure wearing an all black suit, his face obscured in the visor, "Nice suit." He comments dryly.

"It's to conceal their identities. It's for their own safety Doctor." Officer Huss swiftly defends, "Go ahead agent, take him to Jim Kirk's cell, he's taking Kirk with him."

"Yes sir." Hallock replies and guides McCoy away, through the maze of hall ways, all with the same bright white walls, which are becoming unbearable the more he stares at it. "This way sir," The agent snatches his arm and steers him the other way, but McCoy shrugs him off, "Don't touch me." Leonard grumbles and tries to gain his bearings but the closer to Jim he gets the more agitated he becomes.

"So, you're here for Jim Kirk?" The man inquires, stopping at another door and entering a code into a nearby panel to open it. "Yes, he's coming with me."

Hallock stares at him skeptically, "Here, do you want to see the proof?" McCoy snaps, pulling up the signed document on his PADD.

"No sir, it's okay." Hallock sighs and places a hand on the Doctor's arm to steer him into the last turn, but the Doctor reacts poorly, "I can walk myself, thank you very much!" Leonard growls, brushing away the man's hand once more.

"I'm sorry sir." Agent Hallock replies and walks up to the door, but he pauses before opening it, only infuriating Doctor McCoy further, "Now please sir, he's not stable, let me go in with you."

Leonard's face turns red with rage, "Oh screw off. It's your fault he's like this in the first place. You damn sadistic bastards. Here, do I have to show you this again?" He sneers, once more flashing his PADD in Hallock's face, "Because I'm taking him home. He's coming with me! Did you get that through you're thick skull?"

Agent Hallock groans inwardly, "Yes sir, I did, now please step back so I may open the door."

McCoy does as he's told and takes a step back to watch the door swing open, "Thank you," He grumbles sarcastically and steps inside, searching for his friend, but there's a slight panic in chest.

Heart pounding, he almost misses those precious baby blue eyes gazing up at him.

Leonard turns all the way around to face his best friend and the smile that springs onto Jim's face is enough to send him to tears. There's a half snort-ish sob that escapes Leonard's mouth as he takes a step forward, seeing the slight hesitation on Jim's face. Until finally the blond pulls it together and whispers the name Leonard's been longing to hear every since that night in the cell.


Jim's voice cracks halfway through, sounding dry and unused.

Leonard nods fiercely, tears running tracks down his cheeks. He blinks trying to clear his vision, but it's futile, the tears of pain, happiness, and guilt are flooding out, "Yes, Jim. It's me. It's Bones."

Within that moment Jim lurches forward from his position in the corner of the room, fully embracing Bones into a hug. Bones instantly starts sobbing into his shoulder, holding onto him so dearly that new life surges into Jim's soul, giving him a sense of purpose. The first time in eight months.

"Jim I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Bones rambles, stroking Jim's freshly cut hair back. The blond simply squeezes him back in reassurance.

Then silence falls over them, Bones not willing to let go, until finally Jim peels apart, eyes brimming with unshed tears, "Bones, what day is it?" He asks weakly, his throat as rough as sandpaper.

Bones splutters, "Wha-what?"

"What day is it?" Jim repeats, gripping Bones' shirt tightly in his hands, searching into his eyes deeply as if the question is all that matters now. "It's uhh…" Bones trails off as he looks down at the dropped PADD on the floor, lying on top of the hoodie. Bones had left December 24th, it's currently December 25th, 12:01 am. "Jim, its Christmas. Today is Christmas." Bones tells him gently.

Jim smiles and nods, satisfied with the answer.

"Damn kid." Bones murmurs, grabbing the discarded hoodie and yanking it over Jim's head, helping him get his arms in the sleeves. Though the hoodie is far too big for him now, not only because of the dramatic weight loss, but because General Toq had stretched it out when he had worn it.

Jim grins and lets Bones help him to his feet. Together the two walk side by side, Agent Hallock leading them out of the medical wing until Officer Huss meets them once more and shows them the way out.

"Goodbye Captain. Doctor McCoy." Huss says and gestures towards the shuttle that has pulled up to take them away.

The Doctor simply grunts and guides Jim inside. They sit down and the door slides shut. The blond jumps when they start moving and presses himself into Bones, finding comfort in his friend. Bones looks down at him. Jim's small, very small. Bags have formed underneath those bright blue eyes and there's various bruises littering his body, displaying his mistreatment.

What exactly has Jim been through? All the psychological issues he's going to have. It's not fair. Why Jim? Because the universe said so. Bones can't help but wonder, will Jim make it? Will the blond do the impossible and pull through? Or will he fall through the cracks and slip from Bones' arms? Will Jim leave the lost and become found? Only if Bones knew the answers.

He sighs, wrapping his arm around Jim and shuts his eyes, until the shuttle comes to a stop and the security men order them out. The Doctor grumbles his complaints as he steps out with his Captain at his side.

Jim watches the black shuttle zip away, until Bones softly pulls on him to walk away. Snagged from his mind, the blond snatches Bones' shirt and squishes himself into the Doctor's side, flinching at every moving object and flickering shadow.

Bones' heart breaks. What have they done to Jim?

"Shh, Jim it's alright." Bones comforts, slinging an arm around Jim's shoulders in hopes of easing the tension.

Jim gazes into his eyes, "I thought I was never going to see you again."

Bones lets out a small gasp, "Jim, I'd never leave you behind. How could you think that?" The blond's eyes fall downcast, "I was there for so long Bones…and so alone." Jim's voice trembles and the emotions surge up and he struggles to keep them at bay.

The Doctor pauses, grasping Jim by the shoulders, searching the blond's eyes, seeing all the terrors behind them, the built up pain, the loneliness, the hurt, all of it, "Jim, you don't have to be strong anymore. It's okay to cry. I'm here…I'm holding onto you kid. I gotch'you."

Jim's face becomes a showcase of rampant emotions, scurrying through the blond's mind. Bones sucks in a breath and slides a hand behind Jim's head, feeling the soft golden hairs beneath his fingertips, and draws the blond closer until he can press a gentle kiss onto his forehead. Its then, through Bones' display of brotherly affection, Jim breaks, letting the pathetic sobs surge through his beyond depleted body.

"That's it kid, let it all out." Bones whispers, wrapping his arms around Jim and pushing the blond's head down onto his shoulder.

The blond clutches onto him tightly, his whole frame shuddering with each sharp intake of breath. Though the moment is intimate, Bones can only find peace within it. Then miraculously, glittery fluffs of snow litter down, landing into Jim's golden hair.

"Shh, it's alright. Everything's going to be alright kid." Bones soothes, stroking the blond hairs back, but Jim's sobs only hit him harder as the weight of the world crashes down at his feet.

"Merry Christmas Jim, Merry Christmas." Bones cries with a hint of laughter thrown into the mix and Jim begins to laugh as well, "Merry Christmas Bones." If Bones had to decide on the best Christmas gift, this one is by far the best.

"There you go kid." Bones says quietly, humming tenderly into Jim's ear. The blond releases a few shaky gasps as he tries to control his breathing through the cries.

"Bones, I was so scared." Jim admits, lips quivering, either from the cold or the catastrophic trepidation raging through his frail body, or both. "It's okay, I'm here now." Bones reassures, breathing in Jim's scent.

"C'mon, let's sit down." The Doctor offers and they both plop down onto the side of the road, snow slowly falling from the sky, bringing the winter wonderland to their feet.

Jim's gaze fixates onto the road, hands nervously ringing themselves as he slightly rocks himself. Bones slings an arm around his shoulders and brings him closer until Jim's body is pressed up against his and he can feel each breath the blond sucks in.

The tension in Jim's back slowly melts away once the Doctor's expert hand finds its way into his hair, gently toiling it until his eyelids are drooping. But Jim fights the exhaustion that is now trying to overcome him.

"Don't fight it kid." Bones murmurs into his ear, planting another kiss, only this time it's in the blond's soft hair.

Bones isn't quite sure why the kissing is coming about, but he assumes it's just all the excitement of getting Jim back in his life. The kind kisses explain things that Bones simply cannot put into words.

As Jim falls asleep up against Bones' side, a hover car pulls up onto the edge of the road, window rolling down to reveal Sulu and Chekov, "Need a ride?" Sulu calls out, revving the engine.

Bones shakes his head incredulously, "Unbelievable. Thought you guys drowned in the Mississippi."

"We did too." Sulu replies with a chuckle.

The Doctor then proceeds to scoop the blond up into his arms and smoothly places him inside the vehicle. But as Bones gets inside, Jim's bright blue eyes peel open and he smiles at his friends. "Captain! I'm glad to see you!" Chekov squeals excitedly, but seeing the look Bones gives him, warns him not to take it too far.

Jim is far from stable.

"You too Pavel." Jim replies and stretches a yawn; he's physically and mentally worn.

Out of instinct, Jim curls up into a ball in the middle of the seat, but Bones shakes his head disapprovingly and brings him back up. "Here, do you guys have a blanket?" Bones asks as he buckles Jim into the seat, which clearly sends panic into the tired blond, "It's alright Jim, it's just a seat buckle."

But Jim shakes his head and fights it. "Okay, okay. Fine you win." Bones gives in and sighs hoarsely.

"Here's the blanket." Chekov says and hands it over with a toss.

Bones catches it with a nod of gratitude and lays it over Jim as the blond snuggles back down, his head resting on the Doctor's leg.

"Ready to go back there?" Sulu questions, taking a quick glance over his shoulder to see an already sleeping Captain, head resting in the baffled Doctor's lap.

The Doctor just nods, running a hand over his face, "Apparently so."

"Alright, let's go home." Sulu starts the hover car back up and he makes a U-turn.

"Though, we do need to stop by my hotel room. I got a bunch of crap back there."

Sulu grins, "Of course Doctor."

Bones glances down at the head full of hair, going back to tossing the golden hairs back and forth. How he wishes to promise Jim that he'll never lose him again. But they both know that's not true. Their job description wouldn't allow such a promise. It'll be made only to be broken.

Their trip home doesn't take them too long. They drive all the way back to Mississippi, of course after they had stopped at Bones' room to get his things, to return the rented car and they call Scotty to beam them up, which he does with great pleasure. Bones now finds himself with an armful of Captain, with Sulu and Chekov materializing right beside him. Uhura, Spock, Keenser, Nurse Chapel and Scotty are there to greet them when they step off.

The smiles that light up onto their faces cause tears to prickle in Bones' eyes, though he'll never admit it. Even Spock can't stop the smile that curves graciously onto his lips. Jim would've been proud if he had seen it. As they rush near, Bones shoos them away.

"Nurse Chapel, we need to get him to Sickbay."

Christine nods quickly and drags the stretcher that she has been keeping beside her just in case. Bones then curses himself, why didn't he bring his medkit with him? Apparently he just got so thrilled to get Jim back he had forgotten. For once in his life, he came to Jim as a friend first instead of a Doctor.

"Bring him here Len. Oh the poor thing. Looks thinner than a beam pole!" Chapel cries as she helps Bones lay him down on the stretcher.

They then begin to push him down the corridor, with the rest of the crew following. The crew is like a ghost looming over the two medical workers' shoulders. But they give the two enough room to work around them. While Bones and Chapel hook Jim up into a bio-bed, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov, and Keenser manage to bring two couches and couple of chairs for them all to sit on.

Bones draws a breath. Jim, physically is fine, mentally however is a different story. Though something about the way had Jim smiled tells him that the kid will bounce back. He always does.

"Len, why don't you go take a shower. You look beat." Uhura offers, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Bones splutters, "I can't leave Jim! He'll need me when he wakes up."

Spock raises an eyebrow at him, "Doctor, I believe we are very capable of looking after our Captain."


No longer capable of arguing, Bones does as he's told and showers quickly, changing into a pair of fresh clothes, and returning rather slowly to Jim's room. As he approaches, he can hear Jim's laughter echoing through the empty halls of Sickbay. At first Bones thinks he's gone mad and cleans out his ears to make sure he's hearing correctly.

"…it was great. So instead Bones grabs me and takes me back to my own room. But when we open the door, there's at least a hundred tribbles, scattered everywhere!" Jim exclaims, barely holding back his own chuckles as his friends around him laugh heartily at his academy story,

The crew is seated around him; Scotty, Sulu, Chekov and Keenser are all jammed onto one couch, while Spock sits on the opposite couch with Nurse Chapel and Nyota. They're all staring with wide eyes at their blond Captain, listening with great anticipation, hanging onto every single word that drips from his lips.

"…and Bones just gives me that look and I was like, 'Do you see the baby tribbles now Bones?' and Bones looked like he was gonna rip my head off! He then says in his gruff southern voice that he usually has when he's grumpy, 'if you don't call the exterminator tomorrow, I'll exterminate you!'." Jim's laughing so hard he's crying now, along with everyone else who is wiping the joyful tears from their eyes, besides Spock, who only has a hint of a smirk on his face.

"Well, did you call the exterminator?" Chekov prompts and everyone murmurs in agreement.

Jim taps his chin in thought, "Uhh, I don't think so. I hired a friend of mine to catch them. Told him if he caught them I'd do his math homework for a month."

"Typical." Uhura replies while shaking her head.

"Did he tell you guys about the time he tried to bring a dog home?" Bones asks as he steps into the room, everyone looking over at him.

"Oh that's a great story! I should tell you guys that one." Jim says, bouncing in his bed.

Bones shakes his head at the sight, "How about another time Jim, you need to get some rest."

"But Bones." Jim protests, but the Doctor shakes his head no once more, "C'mon, everyone out, you can see the Captain later." Bones tells them and signals for all of them to leave.

Chekov comes to the Captain first, a smile sweetly on his lips, "Bye Keptin, see you later." Jim returns the smile with one of his own, "Later Chekov."

Then, Keenser squeezes through along with Scotty, "Hope you're feeling better tomorrow sir. Maybe we could get a drink?"

The blond chuckles lightly, "Probably not tomorrow but yeah, when I'm up for it, I'd like that drink." After them, Uhura comes beside him and as he opens his mouth to speak, she pushes a finger to his lips to silence him. Then, benevolently she kisses him on the cheek, "I'll see you later Captain."

"Of course." Jim replies, barely managing to recover his voice.

Nyota then leaves with a swish of her ponytail and Sulu takes her place, "I'm glad you're okay sir. Can't wait to see you back out on the Bridge."

"Me too Sulu." Jim shakes the man's hand and looks out to meet the next person.

It's Spock. The First Officer walks up, hands behind his back and a phantom of smile on his face. "Captain, I am happy to see that you are well."

Jim smirks, "You? Happy?"

"I was simply trying to use your vernacular to convey an idea." Spock defends himself, but his lips twitch slightly into a curve.

The blond huffs, "Missed you too Spock. Take care of them for me okay?"

"Of course, until you are back on your feet that is." Spock responds, dipping his head respectively before vanishing, leaving Chapel and Bones.

"I'll let you two be alone." Christine says, and turns to leave but Jim stops her, "Wait, Nurse Chapel." The blond nurse comes back, stepping beside the bio-bed, "Yes Captain?" She asks, grasping his reaching hand, "Thank you." Jim tells her.

"No problem sir, it's my job." Chapel says with a smile and then leaves the pair alone.

With everyone gone, just one drained Captain and one beat Doctor; Bones sighs and sits upon the edge of the bed, not meeting Jim's eyes. There's only silence for a few moments before Jim dares to break it.

"How long?"

Bones' attention snaps up to look at Jim, slightly puzzled by the question, until it dawns on him slowly, "Eight months."

"Shit…" Jim breathes, pulling at his golden hair, knees coming up to his chest, blocking out the world.

The Doctor huffs and draws his legs up onto the bed, crawling over to climb into the sheets beside Jim. The blond welcomes him with a comforted moan as he lets his head slump onto the Doctor's beating heart.

"Are you going to be okay? Are we going to be okay?" Bones wonders aloud, closing his eyes, feeling Jim shift closer to him to gather the warmth, "I think so."

Now it's Bones' turn to ask the question, "How long?"

Jim blows a breath through his nose, gripping Bones' shirt tightly, "As long as it takes me to feel alive again."

Its months later until Jim dubs himself as 'alive' again. After completing his psychological evaluation, the blond can't be happier as he literally skips onto the Bridge to greet his crew. Every single one of them gives him a hearty smile and tells him 'good morning Captain' something they've all dearly missed so much. Luckily for them, they have five years to make up for the eight months lost. Yes, that's right; the Enterprise is heading out into space for five years. Bones can't be grumpier.

Though, he's clearly puzzled, caught in the predicament that he decides to call Jimnology. The study of Jim. It was clear on Christmas day that Jim was broken, in need of desperate fixing, but here he is, only several months later, good as new. How is it possible? God only knows.

So instead of asking, Bones just stands there, secluded to the side, next to Spock's vacant station. Though the vulcan will show any minute now, for the Enterprise is preparing for takeoff, not to see Earth for another five years. God help them. Actually god help him, he's the only one on this damn tin can that wants off.

Uhura is already at her station, placing her communicator into her ear, with a beautiful smile on her lips as she dares a glance at her handsome Captain. Chekov and Sulu are back to giggling like middle school girls as they pass jokes between them. Scotty has invited himself onto the Bridge, standing somewhat to the right of Jim, glancing over a few statistics.

Then, the next moment Spock enters and the crew welcomes him with a few hellos. Spock simply nods and takes his spot, looking slightly astonished to see Bones standing beside his station instead of hovering over Jim's shoulder.

"Is something troubling you Doctor?" Spock asks quietly, following Bones' gaze to Jim's figure in the captain's chair.

Bones remains silent only briefly, "I don't get it Spock; I'm just so damn confused."

"About what Doctor?" Spock inquires, head tilting, already intrigued. The Doctor sighs, almost feeling guilty for the words that are about to leave his mouth, "Jim, why isn't he broken? How does he move on from everything? It just confuses me Spock."

"Confusing it may be Doctor, but have you ever considered that Jim is no longer broken because he is no longer without his bones?"

Bones opens his mouth to reply, but from across the Bridge he catches Jim's eye, the blond is slouching heavily in the captain's chair, one leg propped up on the other. His left hand, with its elbow against the armrest, scratches at his hairline. The Captain's right hand is gripping the edge of the seat in eager expectation. His eyes are gleaming with pride and they manage a few blinks Bones' way and its then that Jim smiles at him, that warm inviting smile that brings peace within Bones' chest. Bones finds himself speechless by the joy Jim now carries with him and his puzzlement slowly begins to dissolve with realization.

Jim, seeing that Bones is simply staring at him, offers him a charming wink before turning his attention to the viewing screen.

Then, Leonard sees it. He's no longer confused, it just makes sense.

It's him…it's Bones.

Author's Note: Thanks yall who've stayed and hung till the end. I tried to wrap things up the best I could. I hope it's satisfactory. So, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and leave your thoughts in the reviews. This is my gift to you, sorry for the length though. Goodbye yall, and stay tuned for my new book, which has no name or plot yet but will come soon. Live Long and Prosper, and have a wonderful Christmas.

p.s. The 5 year mission the Enterprise is about to leave for is the one that Beyond takes place during, so I just kinda reconnected the story.

Thanks for being the best. This has been Commander Fiction, hopefully yall aren't Confused.