Mikoto and Kuroko must fight for survival against the baron and his army of vampires.

Will they survive? Could a new vampire be born?

" Oh! Hell, no!" little misaka yells at me.


He gripped her throat, slamming her body against the brick wall. The surface split and the bricks cracked, tumbling over her to the ground. His rage was overwhelming as she struggled to breathe. He slowly tightened his fingers. He took a deep breath, whispered into her ear.

"Little bitch…" He laughed, "a little mind fucking and you fall apart. Perhaps it's you who doesn't trust yourself."

He yanked her off the wall, slamming her again. Her breath forced from her lungs filling the air with blood and saliva. She felt like she was drowning, her lungs screaming for air.

He squeezed her throat tighter. He tilted his head, his dead eyes looking her over.

"Perhaps, I should see why she likes you so much." He grinned, "maybe do to you what I planned for her, her Royal highness." He let out a breath. Then grinned, pulling her off the wall, slamming her against it again, "Little made bitch!"

She hung from his hands like a ragdoll. Her face pointing up to the sky, her eyes closed, covered with blood and sweat, each breath harder.

"Mikoto!" Lit' Misaka yelled, "don't listen to him. Anastasia's not like that. You know it, believe in her. Believe in yourself." Her red eyes teared up, "please…"

Mikoto slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes stinging as the blood and sweat poured over them.

another chapter.

Kuroko struggled, her throat closed tight under the grasp of the vampire. Her face was swelling, changing red as she sank her fingers into the vampires' wrist.

The female vampire cocked her head to the side, smirking. Her gentle brown eyes, a dark contrast to the wicked smile.

She sighed, leaned forward and sniffed Kuroko.

Kuroko stiffened, her lungs crying for air, her strength waning, her vision growing blacker. Her body hanging in the air like a prized fish on display.

The vampire shook her head as she twisted her lips in dissatisfaction, dropping her right hand. The blood and air flowed back into Kuroko's brain. She opened her mouth wide gasping like a drowning man breaking the surface of water, her head like a balloon expanding and then a stillness fell over her. Her mouth hanging open gulping air as her lungs worked overtime.