Okay so I've seen lots of fanfictions where a couple of characters are swapped with eachother to see how it affects the oversll plot and I've loved them. So I thought 'why not write a story where literally everyone has swapped roles or destinies'
So here we are, with Team JNPR as the lead team. Just go with it.

I'm gonna start this off with little prologues based off of the trailers, finishing with Pyrrha's as her's should lead into the first proper chapter.

Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with RWBY or RoosterTeeth

Prologue 1: Pink

"Only one thing that you can see and hear that is beautiful and frightening at the same time, and that is a thunder storm."

The door of the shop creaked open, disrupting the silence that had settled. Her frilly skirt and armour seemed unsuitable for the area, as did her overly happy smile. Several sneers were given to the girl as she strode by gleefully, waving to the owner. She waited until he'd finished talking to a tall military dressed man before bounding over. The shopkeeper spoke calmly, hoping she herself would settle. As the man spoke she bounced on her heels.

"Welcome to Tukson's Book trade, home of every book under the sun." He watched her, his eyes settling on the large container placed against her hip. He smiled warmly "Okay first things first, miss. You can't bring that in here." She looked towards it sadly, putting a hand against it.

"Why not?"

"No weapons." He nodded his head towards a sign behind him and clicked his tongue. The girl looked round the store, noticing some teenagers stood in the back.

"How come he's allowed then?" She pointed to one of the boys, currently leafing through a book on combat, a mace swinging in his other hand. The shopkeeper shook his head and muttered something about the him. He looked up to face the girl, recognising the inquisitive look.

"Well I can assume from the bullets that you aren't here to buy a diary. Who are you?" The girl pointed to her chest with her thumb and announced proudly.

"I'm Nora, and I'm looking for a friend of mine." Tukson folded his arms, it obviously wasn't the kind of answer he'd expected.

"Not sure I'll be able to help you much, considering this is a book shop, but I'll try. What's he look like?" Nora continually jumped from one foot to the other.

"Okay well, He's about this big" she reached high above hr head to show the height, going up on her toes. "and he has black hair. In a ponytail." She gestured along her shoulder, as if to give the impression of a ponytail hanging there. Tukson raised an eyebrow.

"That's not a very specific description. Do you have a picture of him?"

"Wha- Oh yeah!" She hit herself on the side of the head "Duh that'd make more sense." She pulled a small book out from her pocket, flipping to the right page. She held it up to him "It's not very recent, it's been a long time since we were together." her eyes suddenly bulged "Not in that way, we weren't together-together." He looked at it intensely before shaking his head.

"I'm afraid I don't recognise him, good luck finding him though." He clapped hi hands together "Now, if that's all-"

"Aaaactually, I've got another thing to show you." She smiled, moving forwards in the notebook. She held the book up once more. "I'm pretty sure you know that one." She looked at the photo for a moment "This one's less of a friend, more of a friend-of a friend- of a teacher. And also probably not very friendly" She pointed to a picture of a woman in a mask, Tukson's eyes widened. He looked up quickly.

"Never seen her before in my life." Nora placed her hands on his desk and leant forwards, smiling.

"Come on! As if you don't know her, look at your face." She cupped her chin with her hands. "I just need some help."

"I swear I don't know anything, now look, you're causing a disruption." He pointed to the exit. "I'm gonna need to ask you to leave." Nora began to move her hand round to her back, detaching her weapon from her belt. Seeing this, Tukson yelled out. "CARDIN, RUSSEL." A kid brandishing several daggers came out from behind one of the bookshelves, and the other boy brandished his mace menacingly. In one quick motion Nora opened her canister into a full hammer.

"Awww, you seemed so nice before." As the two charged at her she swung Magnhild at them, causing both of them to leap back. Cardin ducked underneath her weapon, launching towards her legs with his own. Nora sidestepped casually, waving as he skidded and collided with a large shelf. "Who's next?" she asked cheerfully. Russel stabbed his daggers towards her face, trying to catch her off guard, Nora dodged quickly, laughing as his dagger jammed into the wall behind her.

"The things I have to deal with…." There was a growl from Tukson as he leapt up from behind the desk, fingernails sharpening into claws.

"A kitty?" Nora put a foot back to improve her stance. She brought one hand to her face to gush "Oh that's so CUTE!" she cheered as she launched several of her weapon's pink explosives at him, sending him recoiling back into the desk. By this point, Russel and Cardin had managed to regain themselves, moving to stand alongside Tukson. As the three approached, Nora used Magnhild to propel herself slightly into the air, bringing her to rest opposite the three of them. As she repositioned her hands, she could see the building fear in their expressions. Magnhild came sweeping across the room, slamming into the three of them and sending them crashing through the windows at the front of the shop. She watched as the three sat there complaining and, realising that searching here for more information would solve nothing, left the shop, skipping along and ignoring the crowd that was beginning to form.

So yeah basically I'm keeping (pretty much all of) the backstories the same as canon. This story will cover the timeframe of Volume 1 and the second prologue section should be up soon.