A/N: To my ladies: I love you! Thank you! This wouldn't be without you!

Disclaimer: My characters will say and do questionable things. Yell at them, not me!

Chapter 23

Bella stared at herself in the mirror, scrutinizing her outfit slowly from the ground up. Navy blue close-fitting jeans. A cream-colored blouse with a sexy but tasteful neckline. She contemplated styling her hair, but decided that would take much too long. Instead, Bella opted to let her curls down. Her makeup was natural and light: a little blush, lipgloss and mascara.

She turned and stopped short. Jake's picture wasn't on her nightstand anymore. She reached automatically for the ring on her finger, the gesture usually a comfort, but it was bare. Memories surfaced and she closed her eyes. He'd promised to love her forever as he slipped the sparkling diamond onto her finger. Bella smiled, surprised that the tears that usually threatened, didn't come.

Fresh start, she reminded herself. She grabbed Edward's jacket and, with one last glance in the mirror, opened the door.

Walking down the short hallway, Bella pressed a hand to her stomach finding her nervousness odd.

The man has seen me naked, but now I have butterflies.

Bella sucked in a breath when she turned the corner and saw him. Edward stood with his back to her, his gaze aimed out the window, fingers combing through his hair. It curled at the base of his neck, and Bella's hands itched to replace his. Dark wash jeans hugged his ass and thighs. His broad shoulders and strong back stretched the fabric of his black shirt. The man oozed sex appeal. One look at him made Bella crave, want, and fear him all at once.

And he's all mine for today.

That's all she let herself think about. Not tomorrow or even how the date might end, but only this man and how he made her feel.

With him she felt alive.

As if he could feel her presence, Edward's head turned, and his eyes met hers over his shoulder. A slow smirk spread across his lips. The air seemed to buzz with electricity as she held his gaze.

"Bella." Her name was a breath, a whisper, filled with so much promise.


She smiled, twisting the leather in her hands. Beneath the excitement she felt to be spending time with him, more complex emotions simmered.

He stepped towards her, his eyes leaving trails of fire as he took in her attire. "Gorgeous," Edward murmured, his warm hand cupping her cheek, his thumb tracing her jawline. The contact so casual yet so powerful. "You ready?"

How did he make those two simple words sound so seductive?

Nodding her head, Bella managed a murmured, "Hmmm-hmmm."

He took the jacket from her and draped it over her shoulders, catching her off guard. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, stealing her breath with such a simple, yet intimate gesture. Everything about him in that moment was such a stark contrast to last night... confident, controlled, he was a far cry from the frantic and incoherent man who had knocked on her door that morning.

"Let's go then." Edward placed his hand at the small of her back as they headed out to his truck.

Before he reached for the passenger door handle, his hand moved around from her back to her stomach, and he pulled her back against his chest. He lowered his head, face nuzzled against her neck. Bella held her breath and closed her eyes, trying to tame the emotions rioting through her.

"Thank you for saying yes," Edward murmured, pressing a kiss to the hollow below her ear.

Bella revelled in the feeling of him. His steel to her softness. She had no idea how to assimilate his statement. From his earlier hostility to this vulnerability… what was she to believe, to rely on? She craved answers, understanding, but was afraid of disrupting this new intimacy.

"What happened last night?", she asked, her rationality winning over emotion yet again.

The question hung in the air for a moment before the words were swept away with the breeze, taking the ease of the moment with them. His body tensed, the movements of his hands stilled. Bella waited for the audible flip of a switch. The trigger of a landmine. She could practically feel the tick-tick-tick as she waited for it to explode.

But it never came.

Instead, Edward gently turned her body to face him. Bella watched him swallow, his expression guarded, and an unknown emotion flickered in his green eyes.

A slow, devilish smirk stretched his lips. The mask was back. He stepped forward, pushing her against the passenger door of the truck and pressed against her. "Just going after what I want."

Bella cocked a brow at his reference to the angry words she had spat at him before storming away from him in the club.

At least he knows what he wants!

She challenged him, "And that would be…?"

He leaned in close, until his mouth was a breath away from hers, then stopped. Bella's body curved towards him, anxiously awaiting his torturous kiss. "This." He moved in at last, his lips teasing hers into submission, a kiss so dizzying and electrifying that she gripped his biceps to keep her balance.

"That'll do," she murmured, her lips brushing against the rough stubble on his cheek. Chuckling, he pulled open the truck's door and ushered her inside.

By the time he was in the driver's seat, his brooding silence had returned. As he clicked his seat belt, his eyes met hers. Bella saw the apprehension in his gaze, and felt her own energy dimming.

He reached over and squeezed her hand in silent reassurance. "Let me show you a good time."

They drove in comfortable silence with an odd mix of heavy metal and country music playing on the radio. Bella found the combination strange, but it fit Edward's personality. Just like the mismatched songs, the rhythms, the lyrics, he too was atypical.

The sun shone bright, and Bella watched as the tree-lined neighborhoods passed by. She looked back at Edward. He seemed unaware of her attention this time. His hair was in disarray, and wisps of it had fallen haphazardly across his forehead. His eyes continuously scanned the road ahead, and his hands rested casually on the steering wheel, his right thumb brushing up and down across the leather in time to the beat of the music. The line of his profile was stunning, with his strong bone structure, imperfect nose and sensually sculpted lips. He simply took her breath away.

His eyes caught hers for a moment before flicking back to the road. A small innocent smile curved his lips, and he winked at her before pushing down on the accelerator. The truck revved and gunned forward on the freeway.

She laughed at him. "You like to go fast, don't you?"

Edward looked back at her with a wicked grin. "You have no idea."

For a second, the sexual tension threatened to overtake her, but she wanted him to give her a real answer. "Seriously, though. What is it about speed, about motocross, that's so attractive to you?"

"Trying to tame…" He stopped and shook his head. With his lips pressed in a tight line, Edward reconsidered his answer. "I guess, trying to control the uncontrollable."

"That's a fitting metaphor." She chuckled. "Quite the wild child, huh?"

Edward smirked at her. "No one can ever say that I'm boring or predictable." He glanced over his shoulder and changed lanes to exit the freeway. "Besides, outrunning your demons has a way of doing that to you."

Bella couldn't even begin to process the underlying meaning before he skillfully changed the subject again. "Food or fun first? Or both together?"

Taking in their surroundings, Bella smiled. "Both."

"Excellent." Edward pulled into a parking spot and shut off the ignition. He reached into the backseat for a worn black baseball cap and pulled it on, adjusting the faded brim to shield his eyes. At her questioning look, he explained, "Sorry. It's easier to hide from the nosy fuckers with cameras if I go incognito from the start. Normally, I don't care. It's not like my life is secretive or private. It's part of who I am." He said it so nonchalantly, but Bella had seen the evidence of his life on social media. The images were etched into her brain.

Edward cupped her cheek, drawing her attention back him. "Today I just want it to be you and me."

She could barely keep her emotions in check, afraid it was written all over her face. It twisted her stomach and pierced her heart.

Bella fingered the frayed brim. "I like it."

His twinkling eyes met hers. "You have a thing for men wearing baseball hats?"

She laughed. "Well…" she drew out the word. "More like the players. They do fill out those uniforms pretty nicely."

He scowled at her. "And I thought you had a thing for adrenaline junkies who like to drive fast and recklessly."

"No, not in the slightest," she deadpanned.

Laughing, Edward exited the truck and came to her side. When he opened the door, she swung her legs out, but instead of helping her, Edward pushed her knees apart and pressed his body to hers. "I guess I'll have to drive a little faster to catch you."

You already have.

Playing with the strands of hair that curled at the base of his hat, she challenged him. "Are you up for the task, Biker Boy?"

"Oh, Bella…" he chided. "I can be very… very persuasive."

"I remember," she murmured softly. She couldn't decide whether that was good or bad.

His calloused hands caressed her cheeks, his gaze intent on hers. "You intoxicate me, Bella."

His whispered words surged into her soul as his lips closed on hers. His mouth possessed her with a quiet demand, and his kiss was packed with so much unnamed emotion that she didn't want it to end.

But it did, leaving her reeling.

"You ready to have some fun?"

How did he expect her to respond after that kiss?


The smell of the salty ocean air, fried food and suntan lotion filled Bella's nose. The rides were filled with kids, screaming their excitement as they twirled and twisted along, while parents moved through the crowds, grasping their children's hands as they looked on with dazed expressions. All along the beach, people stretched out on the sand, taking in the sun. She smiled because, despite her age, Bella was excited. She hadn't been to the pier in years.

Slinging his arm around Bella's shoulders as they walked, Edward pulled her close. "Biker Boy, huh?" He asked in a salacious tone.

She playfully jabbed her elbow into his ribs. "Should we look for a bigger hat to hold that giant ego of yours?"

Edward's laugh mesmerised her. The carefree sound wrapped around her and seeped into her body as she watched him. He looked so relaxed and happy at that moment. Bella smiled, wanting this moment to last.

"You do wonders for my ego, sweetheart," he said with a wicked grin. Edward held open the door to a small restaurant overlooking the pier. "Since it's brunch…"

"Hi," the hostess greeted them cheerily. "Table or booth?"

"Table for two, please. Preferably facing the beach." He was polite, professional.


"So tell me about yourself, Bella," Edward inquierd after they'd been seated and ordered food.

"Awkward… Here we go with the Spanish Inquisition?" She teased, adjusting the napkin on her lap. "What do you want to know?"

"That came out wrong." He leaned closer and grasped her hand and kissed the inside of her palm, the gesture sneaking over the barrier around her heart. "I want to know everything. What's your story? Where are you from? Your childhood. Family. Your secret vices."

"Everything, huh? All the juicy details?"

"Yup!" His grin lit up his face. "Tell me everything."

She started with her younger years. Growing up in Arizona, her biological father. How he was the influence of her career choice. His death. How she was moved from one foster home to another, trying to fit in and yet, not wanting to find a new home. Edward squeezed her hand and drew lazy circles with his thumb across her palm. It gave her comfort. Then, she told him how she met Charlie and Rose. He laughed and called her a wild child.

"And now, I've created an algorithm that a government agency is interested in." She sighed wistfully, unsure of the decisions looming ahead of her.

"Can you tell me about it?"

"It started out as a side project." Bella chuckled. She paused and felt her face heat. "This might sound weird…"

Edward shrugged and motioned for her to continue.

"I wanted to create some sort of dating/connecting app. Kind of like Facebook or Tinder, just different. I know there are a lot out there, but I decided to take it one step further." She took a deep breath. "A giant, illegal step further."

Edward leaned closer, genuinely interested.

"I did some hacking and made it so that the algorithm would bypass network firewalls and scour through countless pieces of data from each person's social media life in seconds and then decide if the person they were 'matched' with was actually suitable." Bella cringed and cast her eyes down. "Instead of you swiping right, it did it for you."

"Now the hacking makes sense," Edward remarked after a moment of silence.

Her eyes connected with his. "I am so sorry about that. I made some adjustments, changed a whole lot on it…" she rambled.

Edward waved his hand dismissively and grinned. "I'm not. It's actually really impressive. Never mind wild child." He drew his arm around her shoulders and leaned in close. "You're a fucking badass," he whispered lowly.

Bella sagged against him, relieved and slightly turned on. He didn't ask her motives, didn't question her integrity, but simply accepted it; accepted her.

"Tell me, what are they like? Your adoptive father and Rose," he asked after the waitress burst their bubble and brought them the food.

It surprised her because it went beyond the superficial first date expectations. It was like he really wanted to know.

"My dad… Charlie, is the typical male. A go-getter, nose to the grindstone, get shit done kind of personality. His profession makes him seem daunting to others, but once you get past the tough, law man exterior, he's… compassionate, caring and kind. That is unless it has anything to do with football." She chuckled and gazed out towards the water, homesickness hitting her hard. Even though she and Rose hadn't moved far away, she missed the days when they had all lived under the same roof. "I'm very lucky to have him."

"And Rose?"

She chuckled and speared a piece of fruit. "She's very much like Charlie. She's boisterous, speaks her mind, knows exactly what she wants and goes for it. But what sets them apart is her in-your-face attitude. She'll see past your bullshit and call you out on it. Whereas Charlie, he'll make you admit it, draw it out of you with his patience and inquiries."

"I can see why Emmett is attracted to her." Edward grinned. "And your mom?"

Bella drew in a breath. She pushed her plate away as memories, fuzzy and bleak, played through her mind. "I don't have one." At his quizzical look, she rushed to explain. "I mean, I have one… somewhere, but I don't know her. She left my dad when I was very young, and I haven't heard from her since. From what they've told me, Rose's mom was incredible, but she passed away long before I met them."

There was a sudden shift to Edward's demeanor. His jaw and shoulders tensed. His smile faded and his eyes…

A cold shiver ran down Bella's spine at the haunted look in his eyes. She glanced down. His fingers were curled around the edges of the table, his knuckles turning white with the force.

What happened to you? She wondered silently as she watched his joy unravel.

Edward noticed her furrowed brow, relaxed his grip and took her hand again. Just like that, the confident, cocky grin was back. Bella stared at him, trying to wrap her head around his sudden shift. How well practiced he was with the move.

"Where to next?" he asked casually.

Deciding not to push him, she grinned at him. "The rides."

"A girl after my own heart!" Edward patted his chest with his free hand. He pulled out a wad of cash, way more than the actual amount of their meal, and pulled Bella from her chair.

"Adrenaline junkie," she joked as they headed out.

"Damn straight." He laughed.


They purchased day passes that gave them access to all the rides, then Edward pulled her back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her middle and rested his chin on her shoulder, surveying the options before them. "Which one, Bella?" His breath tickled her ear.

She looked around the rides. "That one." She pointed to the ride of her choice. "I loved it when I was a kid."

"The coaster it is." Edward took her hand and pulled her along. "C'mon, let's go." His excitement was adorable.

They got in line, and he again wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her back against him. Bella sank into him and momentarily closed her eyes to absorb the feeling. Hard to soft. Unyielding to breakable.

"Tell me more about yourself," he murmured, his scruff lightly scratching her cheek.

"Not much more to tell," she shrugged carefully, not wanting him to move away. "I live with my sister, as you know. I have a career I enjoy. I'm pretty boring really."

"Nothing boring about normal," he stated. "Normal is desirable."

She wanted to ask him to elaborate, but the line moved forward, and they were seated in the roller coaster carts. As they waited for the rest of the ride to fill, Edward slid his arm around her back and continued, "So what do you need to have?"

Besides you? The words almost slipped out her mouth, but she caught herself. She turned to look at him as the coaster started to climb and the coastline stretched out before them. She squinted against the harsh sunlight and twisted her lips. "Don't laugh," she hedged.

Edward laughed loudly. "Now I'm very curious." The coaster rolled over its first tilt.

Bella rolled her eyes at him. "Well, aside from the obvious female necessities, chocolate, ice cream… you know." She paused, the corners of her mouth lifting into a smile. "I'd have to say telenovelas." His eyebrows raised. "Very scandalous, I know." Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Spanish or English?"

She bit her lip. "Both, really. I guess it depends on my mood."

"And when you need it the most?"

She contemplated for a moment. "Spanish."


"It's distracting. The drama. The bizarre storylines. Drowns out the noise of everything around me." She shrugged again.

"I can understand that," he simply stated with a nod.

Bella looked at him curiously but was forced to grip the handlebars as the coaster lurched around a bend, slamming her body back against his. Edward held her tight against his side. He laughed with each jolt, twist and turn of the ride. Grinning, Bella encouraged him to close his eyes to heighten the sensation, and she could have sworn she heard him murmur, "I'll show you more of that later."

They proceeded to ride the Air Lift, the Swing and twirled around in the Shark Frenzy. Edward halted her breath as he kissed her lightly, laughingly on the last ride. His sparkling, happy eyes caused the wall around her heart to crack a little more.

After hours of fun, Edward declared he needed more to eat. Pointing his thumb over his shoulder, Edward grinned at her. "What do you say? Time for…" he stepped closer, letting his body brush hers, and leaned forward and whispered. "Ice cream?"

Bella's pulse accelerated, memories of their text exchange vivid in her mind. The man could undo her with a single look or insinuating phrase.

She leaned into him and closed her eyes. "Only if it's coffee ice cream."

With a low groan that rumbled deep within his chest, he pulled her to the ice cream stand.

"Coffee, huh?" He asked as they walked along. There was a glint in his eye as they settled onto a bench at the end of the pier to finish it.

Bella bent her knee and pressed her thigh alongside his. "Mhmm-mhmm," she murmured, eyes trailing to his kissable pouty lips, tinged pink from the cold treat. "It hits all the right spots…" She ate quickly as it was starting to melt. She hummed as she took her last bite, drawing the spoon slowly from her mouth. "So good… makes you forget everything… gives you that jolt…"

"Fuck," he cursed lowly, his lust-filled gaze flicking from her lips to her eyes. He leaned closer and murmured, "We should have taken this ice cream to go." He kissed her softly. "In case you wanted something sweet after I'm done with you."

His words sent a tightening pulse through her body and turned the soft ache in her belly to smoldering heat.

Bella sighed against his lips, closed her eyes and leaned her forehead to his, totally enchanted by him. She smiled. Content. Happy.

"But first," Edward said, breaking the silence. He took the empty container from her and threw it in a nearby trash can.

"First what?"

He didn't respond, he just took Bella's hand and pulled her from her seat.


"Where did you get these date tips from?" Bella swept her hair away from her face as they strolled through the sand along the beach. Seagulls squawked overhead and gentle waves lapped towards shores. Like the calm before the storm.

"My sister, Alice. Actually, I think you'd like her." Edward chuckled. "And I know she'd like you."

He has a sister? And wants me to meet her?!

"She has great taste," Bella said cheekily. She swung their hands back and forth between them.

A small smile played on his lips as his eyes swept along the shore. "After…" He paused and cleared his throat. "Growing up, she watched those horrendous telenovelas with our housekeeper, Maria."

Another little piece to the puzzle.

"That's how she learned to speak Spanish. Even now, she'll curse at people on the road in Spanish. It's quite frightening." He shuddered.

"She sounds like fun."

Edward laid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close again. He pressed his lips to her temple. "What else is there to know about you?"

Laughing, Bella tapped his chest with her hand. "Don't think I haven't noticed that all we've talked about is me. What about you, mister?"

"I'm next, I promise. But first... " He stopped their stroll and Bella noticed how far away they were from the hustle and bustle of the pier. Edward looked down at her with a timid expression as he spread his hand across her stomach.

She swallowed, anxiety creeping along her spine.

"Tell me about the scar."

A/N: I started writing this chapter over a year ago and then... boom! Life exploded. Became hectic and there's no sign of it slowing down. That I finished this chapter, got it edited and am posting it... yeah, I'm surprised too.