The Time Stone (Prolog)

Pairings: Either Draco and Duo or Harry, Duo and
Draco. Review and let me know what pairing you
want most!

Disclaimer: I Don't own anything, except for my
copyrights to my story^^ HP and GW do NOT belong
to me.

I would also like to see more GW-HP crossovers with
the male charcters mixing up, instead of it
always being 1x2. Not that I have a prob.(I adore 1x2,
but if its a crossover, I would like to
see Duo with someone else^^) So here's my challenge.
Someone come up with an AU with Duo growing
up in the Wizarding World, with him and Harry or him
and Draco as lovers as he gets older. Anyone
up to it?

I felt myself sliding in and out of conciousness. When
I finally woke up, I was in a strange field. I looked
around to see if I could spot my Gundam, Deathsythe,
but it was no where to be found. I groaned as I stood
up. "Where the hell am I?" My second thought was,
"Heero's gonna kill me for loosing my Gundam."
My third thought was, "If I ever find Heero again,
that is."

I start walking towards the north, figuring I would
come upon some sort of town, or home where I could
call the guys and tell them to come pick me up.


After walking for what seemed like hours, I sit down
on a stump in the middle of a really freaky forest.
Where were the towns? and more importantly, where was
I? As I climb over yet another hill, I get to the top,
and I stop in my tracks. In front of me was the most
biggest castle I had ever seen. Freaky looking castle
too. I head towards the castle, brushing myself off as
I get closer, straightening my ass long braid, I pull
twigs and other 'stuff' that had gotten in it, out of

I walk up to the big entrance and knock on the
door. I wait there for a couple of minutes, before The
biggest human ive ever seen walks up behind me.
I stare without blinking at the huge human.

"Eh, their! My nam is 'agrid, nice to meet ya mate!"

I still stand there stock still. I think I am
panicking. I start to take in deep gulps of breath
as the hard day, and shock of seeing a giant, fills
me. And I black out.

*********************************3rd persons pov
Duo groaned. His eyes blinked open.

"Madam Pomfry, I think the young man is awake."

A shrill voice answered. "Im comming, im in the
middle of something though, i will be two minutes!"

Duo looked over to his right side to see who the
voice belonged to. A very old man, with his beard down
to the floor(At least he thought so) was sitting
there, staring at Duo with a twinkle in his eyes. "Now
young man, I would like to know what your name is, so
I can call you something other than young man." Duo
looked warily at the old man before finally assesing
that he wasnt a danger. "My names Duo Maxwell. I run,
I hide, But I never lie. Thats me in a nutshell."

Dumbledores eyes twinkled. "Thats very nice, Mr.
Maxwell. My name is Albus Dumbledore. But you can call
me Albus. Im the headmaster of this school."

Duo groaned and sat up in his bed, dizzy for only a
few seconds. "Could you tell me where I am?"

Albus nodded. "You are at the school school of
sorcery; Hogwarts. FOr aspiring yourng witches and

Duo just sat there and blinked. He started to
laugh. "Wizards? I thought...your shitting me

Dumbledore's eyes suddenly stopped twinkling and Duo
could tell he was serious. "My young Duo, I would
never have told you, unless I had a reason too. It
seems you should have come here a long time ago. You
should have been a student here at Hogwarts when you
were 11. How old are you now?"

"Im fifteen, sir."

"Well, My dear Duo. You are going to start school
right now. Today is Saturday, tommorow we will
have your sorting."

"Just wait a minute! I have a life to get back

Dumbledore looked expecially grave as he answered.
"You have to learn how to train your magic.
Other wise it will grow out of control. I dont know
why you werent in another school by now."

Duo stared. "Well, I never had a chance, I grew up
in the colonies"

"What are colonies?"

Duo looked at the Older man, now thoroughly
frightened. He gulped. "What year is it?" Dumbledore's

eyes widened in alarm when he heard that. "The year is

Duo stared. "But where I come from the year is A.C.
195. I'm in the middle of a war! I need to get back!"

Dumbledore smiled sadly. "Well, as soon as we can
find out how to send you back, We will. But until
then, Im afraid you will have to stay here. And while
you're here, we will train you."

Duo nodded. "That sounds fine. But I do need to get

Dumbledore nodded. "And if your worried about how
time is, the studies we've done about time traveling
is that when you leave your year, and go back in the
future, or forward, when you left is the time you will
get back. So in other words, it will be like you never

"But, if you've studied it, then you must know how
to get me back home."

"I should have phrased that better. What i mean't
was it has been studied. back in the time of Merlin.
we have the old scrolls telling us of some of the
studies. unfortunatley we need a very strong stone
called the Time Stone to get you back, and we have not
been able to find it. you must have touched it
accidently some how in the future, and you were sent
back in time."

Duo nodded. "I remember touching some sort of stone
in the Ozzies labratory. That must of been the Time

Dumbledore stood up. "Now if you are feeling
better, we should go to Diagon Alley."


"Diagon alley. Its the wizarding place to get all
your school supplies."
