Very short ficlet... I was watching Godzilla yesterday and I seriously adore Aaron and Lizzie's relationship and it's just wow! I love their reunion and it made me think of when Nat gets saved by Bruce. I wanted something where it was Romanogers rather than Brucetasha. So this is my take on it. No explicit Brucetasha bashing just pure Romanogers. Sorry if it seems a bit OOC.. My feels were just…Hope you like it..? X

Natasha's head snapped up when she heard the sound of running footfall; human. Ultron would have been flying. Maybe it was one of his HYDRA minions coming to kill her. She braced herself for what seemed to be the inevitable.

'Natasha?' It was Steve. Natasha let out a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding in, 'Nat?' Steve finally ran into her line of sight.

'Steve,' her voice was almost disbelieving, he was here to get her out, 'I'm here.' The soldier wheeled around and ran to her. He stuck his hands through the bars to hold on to hers.

'Thank god. 'Tasha are you alright? I've been so worried about you. Until we got that radio signal I thought you..I thought he'd…I just wasn't sure if you were still okay, alive.' Steve gushed, his voice a couple of notches higher than usual due to his panic. Natasha hushed him gently.

'Hey, hey,' she reached up to card her hands through his hair as best she could, 'I'm okay, I'm alright. Shhh, Steve calm down.'

'Did Ultron hurt you? I swear to god if he did anything to you-'

'Steve, babe,' she interrupted, 'you've got to calm down. You're overwrought. Look at me. Look, I'm fine. See?'She ran her thumb across his cheek bone soothingly. Steve finally took a deep breath.


'Okay. Now how about you bust me out of here, soldier.' A playful smirk tugged at her lips. Steve wrenched open the door and threw it to one side. Natasha flung herself into his arms. Steve held her flush against him before pulling back slightly to kiss her. It was full of relief and it was only then that Natasha let herself release all the anxiety of being locked in that cage. A stray tear made its way down her cheek and of course Steve noticed. He held her even closer, if that were possible.

'I thought you were gone.' He breathed through gritted teeth.

'I thought you'd never find me.' The spy replied.

'You know I'd never stop looking until I found you.' Steve kissed her again, harder, as if this were the last time he'd ever get to kiss her.

'I love you so much.' Natasha sobbed.

'I'm never letting you go again.' He hugged her again.

'When this is all over, I'm done pretending with Bruce to keep the team safe and to keep the casualties down. He's got a good hold on the Hulk, he doesn't need me anymore. I just want it to be you and me. I don't care who knows about it, I'm done hiding. I'm done pretending that I'm not with you. I'm allowed to be happy just like everyone else.'

'I love you 'Tasha.' Steve kissed her again.

'Uh, Steve…' Tony interrupted through the comms. The soldier sighed - dammit.

'I was gonna tell you guys at some point.'