Love Thy Neighbour

Great friends, nice landlady, a two page-column solely dedicated to her writings about Kaitou Kid, the bubbly and passionate journalist Nakamori Aoko, couldn't ask for a better life. Or maybe it could have been even better, if this particular neighbour of hers wasn't such an asshole jerk sometimes. AU

Having to live alone in a rented apartment in the middle of Tokyo, Aoko was worried about several issues regarding privacy and most importantly, safety.

Aoko's landlady did mention that each house was protected with the best break-in protection, and that she didn't have to worry about any burglars at least. Even so, all her neighbours staying in this two-floor rental apartment building had always been close-knitted and warm, and that everyone would offer a helping hand when there was a crisis.

But the landlady had missed out two points.

One. She didn't mention cat burglars.

Two. All the neighbours didn't include the one who was living next to hers.

It was a cool evening when Aoko reached home from her food shopping after her busy day at work. When she unlocked the door to her apartment, everything was all in order like she expected, except for one thing.

A tall lamp by her fish tank had been toppled over. She wasn't all too worried for a moment as she was casually comforting herself like, oh I must have forgotten to close the window and the wind blew by, but what caused her to give a loud shriek was a small figure that suddenly dashed towards her in the darkness and out of her house.

She dropped her bags and rushed out, just in time to see a white cat jumping into the window that was next to hers.

Two seconds later, she heard a yell coming from the same exact window.

A man burst out of the door in an instant, his hand carrying his pillow and a far-too-familiar-looking goldfish was resting on it. And before Aoko could stop him when she realized something was wrong, he already gave a tossing gesture and something flew out from the corridor of the second-storey building they were staying in.

The pillow was still in his hands. The goldfish was gone.

Aoko slammed her hands on the railings and stared onto the ground. Not after one second of confirmation, she sprinted into her room, switched on her lights and realized her precious fish tank was indeed, missing of one goldfish.

She was too stunned to move.


"How many times must I tell you to stop bringing these hideous creatures back home?! God damn it. This pillow is ruined, and it's my favourite one."

She couldn't believe she just overheard such... an irresponsible and despicable conversation outside her door, even if it was technically between a human and a cat.

"It's my favourite goldfish too!" Aoko screamed into her tank and stomped out to the corridor again.

The man and the cat stared at her.

"You killed my goldfish!" Aoko glowered.

"Your goldfish ruined my favourite pillow." He nonchalantly pointed at a stain.

"Who cares about your pillow?!"

"And who cares about your goldfish?"

Aoko wanted to wrap her fingers around that man's neck right now.

"What's wrong?"

Their attention was briefly moved away from each other and onto the landlady that was climbing up the stairs. She gave a puzzling look before a look of happiness flashed across her face.

"Kaito-kun! It's rare to see you around this timing!"

"I'm free from work today."

"Now that both of you two are here at the same timing for once, let me officially introduce you." The landlady smiled at Aoko and the latter's boiling anger went away instantly. She couldn't stay angry when someone looked at her so sincerely like that.

"This is Kuroba Kaito. He's been staying here for two and a half years. And this is Nakamori Aoko, she just moved since last week." The landlady than stood there expectantly, and only after a few seconds of silence passed by then she broke it with a suggestion.

"How about you two shake hands?"

"No thanks." Aoko blurted.

"Good that we are on the same page." Kaito grinned.

Ugh! That stupid smile of his is so infuriating!

"Well, this isn't good." The landlady gave an awkward laugh.

"I'll see you around. I've missed your cookies by the way, if you know what I mean." Kaito gave a wink before he picked up his white cat and glanced briefly at Aoko. "Come on Neko. This woman's craziness might be contagious."


The door slammed shut.

The landlady sighed and turned to Aoko. "Do you mind sharing what happened?"

"My goldfish! His cat stolen it and instead of returning it back to me, he just threw it down the building just like that!" Aoko didn't mean to yell, but it was really her favourite goldfish out of all. Her father bought it for her after she graduated from college as a congratulation gift. Now it was gone.

"I'm so sorry. Can I pay you back in some way?"

"It's alright, nothing can replace it. Besides," Aoko glared at the door. "It's not you who should be offering the repayment."

The landlady gave a sheepish smile. "Kaito-kun has a phobia for fish, that's why. He often turns a blind eye to people's feelings and consideration when the matters involved fish."

"What a weird man."

"Kind and brilliant too. Maybe you'll see it in him someday. He had contributed a lot to the community during his time here."

Oh really? Aoko would have said; in a very sarcastic tone. Honestly, she didn't have anything nice or positive to input and in the end, she decided to remain silent. She really didn't want to get into the bad books of the landlady, or to be called a rude gossiper behind her back. So she instantly changed the topic and talked about the weather, the convenience of the location and they cut it off when they both decided that had to start to prepare dinner.

Well, not for Aoko for now. Not before she had to pick up her murdered fish on the pavement.


The next day, Aoko bought a net to place it over her tank and secured it so that nothing else other than humans would be able to take or steal the rest of her fishes ever again.

She hurriedly walked past Kuroba Kaito's door, the anger yet to subside since yesterday evening. She had stayed up all night, feeling extremely unjust for her dead fish. She thought of several revenge plans, and how to let him suffer the same way she did. In the end, she just decided that she should just never, ever cross path with that man again. It would save her a lot of trouble.

Besides, she deemed herself as a mature woman. Yeap, that was the main reason of all.

As usual, Aoko would drop by the police headquarters first thing in the morning, along with other rivals from another newspaper company who often fight for the latest Kaitou Kid's news. It had been a couple of days since the last heist, and Aoko had a tingling feeling in her stomach that today would be a fruitful day.

And it really was!

The clue Kaitou Kid left to the police was leaked out. It was just so easy for her to bribe one of the inspectors involved in capturing of Kaitou Kid; she had always been trained for this. With a clear and great picture of the heist's note, she jumped into a cab and rushed back to her office and began typing away once her butt landed on her chair.

Her dedication for the Kaitou Kid column wasn't exactly because she was a fan. She was more on the curious side about this man in white, appearing so boldly with that bright and attracting colour in the night. It wasn't long for her to realize that his choice of colour could be a reason to create a better distraction to escape, but it didn't matter. She wasn't involve in the chase after all.

Aoko also enjoyed riddles. Since young, she had entered in several quizzes and riddle competitions, easily attaining at least a second place every single time. But things were getting boring when nothing seemed to be a challenge to her anymore, until Kaitou Kid happened. It was like a bonus for her job.

However, she was never supportive about Kaitou Kid stealing diamonds and art pieces, even if he returned them in the end. Why the hell was she paying taxes for? So that the police could play hide and seek?

She stayed in the office till wee hours just to piece some clues together and finish her article for the next day. Once she reached home, she fell straight into her bed and slept instantly.

The following morning, Aoko woke up in a brilliant mood despite the lack of sleep, but she knew things would get better when she received a text from her boss that her page had been well-received and overall positive. She smiled at her phone, replied with gratitude and began getting ready for the rest of the day.

She almost forgotten all about the weird neighbour of hers. Though it wasn't for long because once she opened the door, the first thing she saw was him after all.

He was leaning against the railing, his body facing the streets with a newspaper in both of his hands. Aoko clicked her tongue in annoyance, but she instantly widened her eyes in surprise when she realized the newspaper he was reading was published from her company.

Not just that, he was on the Kaitou Kid's column too.

"I've thought your name was pretty familiar until today." He glanced at her over his shoulder, seeming to know she was there. "So you are this reporter that writes about Kaitou Kid."

It couldn't be any more obvious when the news was credited under her name. She scoffed. "And so what if I am?"

"Who helped you to decipher the clues?"


He sighed. "The clues that Kaitou Kid sent to the police. Who deciphered it?"

"It's m-" Aoko frowned a little. "Why do you care anyway?"

"You're one of the very few reporters who occasionally solve and announce the answers and correct location of Kaitou Kid's heists first." He finally had the decency to fully face her. "If I'm the police, I'll instantly suspect you if you're an accomplice or some sort."

She rolled her eyes. "Don't be stupid. If I'm an accomplice, wouldn't it be better if no one solves it at all?"

Silence ensued.

"What now?" Aoko snapped. Kuroba Kaito had been staring at her with that blank expression for a while. It didn't make her uncomfortable or anything. Just-

"You haven't answered my question."

"It's me, alright. Me. And you sounded like you are interrogating me. Are you from the police?"

He closed the newspaper, tucking it under his arm and went straight to his door. "Good day and good night."

"Hey you haven't answer my-"

The door slammed shut.

"What a weird guy." Aoko muttered under her breath. She casually stared down at her phone and widened her eyes before dashing for the stairs to the street. "I'm going to be late! Just my luck to see him first thing in the morning!"


Keiko had always been interested in Aoko's particular neighbour ever since she shared with her about the goldfish incident. Her best friend always thought it was the funniest thing she ever heard in her life, while Aoko obviously thought otherwise.

"Anything new?"


"Really? What a bummer."

Aoko sighed. "Keiko, you are supposed to be concern about my life, not that guy's."

"But it's about you too!"

"Alright, whatever." Aoko waved her hand before she started on the next conversation. "Anyway, are you watching tonight's soccer tournament?"

"Big Osaka versus Tokyo Spirits? Of course I am! It's the finals too."

Before Aoko could share her idea to spend her night over at Keiko's house so they could have the best sleepover party and goof about Higo's fabulous thighs, Keiko continued.

"I'm hanging out with my boyfriend at a local bar to watch it."

Those words died in her throat.

"Do you want to come along?" Keiko prompted.

"And be a third wheel?" Aoko laughed wearily. "No thanks."

After the late lunch, Aoko bought a couple of snacks and went home, deciding to just spend her lonely Saturday with her television and fishes. Her neighbours were rather hyped about this match too, from the banners that they hung outside their door. Aoko wondered if she should join the festive mood, but when she noticed how the decorations were all about Tokyo Spirits, she thought it would be embarrassing if she was the only one supporting Big Osaka.

Technically they lived in Tokyo and should have been supportive about their own team, but still...

The match started an hour after she reached home, and with her lucky crest pin, her Big Osaka socks and wristband, she was ready for the finals.

Ten minutes in, Aoko could hardly concentrate on the match when loud blaring noise and chants of "Tokyo Spirits for the win, Tokyo Spirits for the win!" constantly echoed throughout the night. Not until when Ryusuke Higo finally gave the best kick of his life and scored an instant goal for Big Osaka within fifteen minutes of the game then she was finally given a deserving moment to show her outburst.

Aoko jumped off her seat and dashed out of her house, giving the cheer she had been holding inside for so long.

"Big Osaka for the win!" Aoko exclaimed, but she was pretty sure there were actually two voice that shouted in sync.

Two pairs of blue eyes blinked.

She glimpsed to her side, her eyes widened to the sight of Kuroba Kaito standing beside her.

He's a fan of Big Osaka too?!

"H-Hey." Aoko unconsciously spoke.


It was that moment when her eyes moved to what was set upon Kaito's usual messy black hair. She blinked before gasping out loud. It was a limited edition Big Osaka hat that she wished but failed to get in all her life.

"Your hat-"

"That crest pin-"

They both stared at the item they were wearing respectively. The shiny Big Osaka crest pin that she pinned on her shirt shone brightly even under the dim lights in the corridor. She remembered the pain of queuing for ten hours just to get this badge that arrived in Japan and was sold out with ten minutes. She was one out of the few hundred people who managed to get her hands on it.

But that hat was what she wanted more. It was like the saying; the unattainable urge for humans to want for something they don't have.

"Wanna exchange?"

Aoko blinked. She stared at Kuroba Kaito, who had took off his hat, as if he knew what she was thinking. She began to unbuckle her badge.

They took each other's item without any word needed.

She caressed the logo of the hat and set it nicely onto her head, her lips curled up in an instant. Now, Aoko was all ready to cheer the hell of her life for Higo and Big Osaka than ever before. She looked at Kaito, who just finished pinning the badge on his shirt and giving the most innocent and childish smile Aoko ever saw from an adult in her life.

For a brief moment, she thought he actually looked cute. She inwardly chided herself, demanding herself to dispel that horrible thought. Oh gosh, how could she even find this weird asshole to be cute-

"Do you want to watch the match together?" He then stood a little closer to Aoko, and weirdly, her mind didn't send any signal to her body to move away at all. "Got to cheer louder than that shithead below."

Aoko smirked. "That'll be easy."

Between the two televisions, they decided to watch in Aoko's house since her signal was better, although she didn't understand why he didn't insist on his when he was obviously afraid of her fish tank in the living room. But without any more argument or time to waste, she ransacked and found a couple of cheering balloon stick she bought for previous events and began the cheering competition.

They acted like wild teens throughout the match that the landlady had to come up and ultimately stop their noise pollution. Nonetheless, everything was great, and what truly mattered to them was that Big Osaka won in the end


It could have been the immense work load that caused Aoko to catch a cold on a lovely Friday. Her colleagues were all headed to bar to kick start their well-deserved weekends, but she had to stay in bed just to recover. After a long sleep, Aoko woke up in the middle of the night and the first thing she heard was the grumbling noise from her stomach. She hadn't eat anything for the whole day after all.

She was feeling much better to be able to walk to the nearby 24-hours supermarket to get some food since most diners or food stores were all closed at this timing. The supermarket was mostly empty and deserted, and it gave Aoko a lot of space and time to contemplate whether she should eat cereals or buy a bento set instead.

As she was passing aisle by aisle, she stopped on her tracks when she thought she saw someone familiar in the pets section. And she was right.

Kuroba Kaito was standing with a basket slung in his arm, his frowning and disturbed face almost made Aoko laugh out loud when she soon realized what could possibly cause him such discomfort. She approached to her neighbour and the latter instantly spotted her before she even reached his side.

"Late night shopping for Neko?"

"Um, yeah." He turned back to the cans of fish.

"My colleague always buys this. She said her cat loves it." Aoko took the can of tuna and showed it to Kaito. He grimaced and moved his head back.

"Get that thing away from me."

Aoko shook her head "It's just a can of tuna."

He scoffed and headed further down the aisle and picked a bag of biscuits instead. "I'm taking this." He declared to no one.

"What kind of person owns a cat and yet is afraid of fish?" Aoko rolled her eyes.

"Go and buy your lame fish food." He shooed her away and headed out of the aisle, disappearing behind the tall shelves in an instant.

She sighed and stared down at the can of tuna, deciding to take three of it and placed them into her basket before she went to find her needed food. Instead of her two original choices, she bought two onigiri and headed to the checkout counter. Kuroba Kaito was no where in sight so the only reason Aoko could think of was that he had headed out before she did.

Although the road home would take about fifteen minutes, Aoko was wondering if she should run back instead. It was already late after all and the thought of walking alone slightly creeped her out a little.

But when she was out of the supermarket, her initial plan was immediately turned into dust.

Kuroba Kaito was sitting on the steps that lead to the main street, his back facing the door. Not sure what was going on, Aoko blinked and tentatively walked towards him when he abruptly stood up and turned to her.

"You're finally done with your shopping." He drawled.

"Are you..." Aoko gave an incredulous look. "Are you waiting for me?"

"No, I'm waiting for that ghost behind you."

"What-?!" Aoko spun around and turned back with a glare. Kaito returned her with a grin before he skipped down the stairs.

"I thought it'll be boring to walk home alone."

She looked unconvinced but decided to drop the case. His reasons didn't matter anyway since his presence was what she needed for comfort, despite the fact that she secretly wondered if it could be that he was nice for a change.

They began their stroll in silence and Aoko decided it would be a good time to dig into her food too. She picked out an onigiri and unwrapped it and before she took a heartfelt bite, she glanced over at her companion.

"Do you want one? I have two."

"I have one too." He began rummaging through his plastic bag and whipped out the same onigiri in his hand. "I prefer eating it hot."

Aoko decided to keep the comment of loving to eat her onigiri cold to herself and began indulging in her food. Other than supporting the same soccer team, Aoko didn't know what else they had in common. It would have been nice if they could get along, but there were things about him that made her feel confused. Just who exactly was he?

A cute jerk? A despicable and childish man? Heartless yet thoughtful at the same time? She didn't know how to put it into words.

"Are you busy writing up your article till this timing? This is the first time I've seen you at a supermarket."

She certainly wasn't expecting that this trip would even have a conversation.

"I was unwell in the morning but I've gotten better now and wanted to get some food."


"What about you?" Aoko quirked an eyebrow. "You're rarely active in the morning and always linger in the night. What's up?"

"Are you stalking me?"

Aoko almost choked on her rice. "Stalk my foot." She coughed. "The walls isn't exactly sound-proof, you know."

"Did you secretly hear my shower songs too?"

"What-" Aoko scowled. "Who the hell wants to hear that?!"

They arrived at their apartment building faster than Aoko expected and both of them quietly climbed up the stairs to their home without a word, in hopes to not disturb the rest of the neighbours' peaceful slumber. But Kaito instantly abandoned his calm demeanor and skipped excitedly to his door.

"Neko! Are you waiting for me to come back? Such a cutie." He squatted down and began stroking the back of the white cat.

"I think it's just waiting for your food."

On the cue, Neko began sniffing around the bags that Kaito set by the door. He sent a scornful look over at Aoko as she chortled behind the back of her hand. He pulled the cat dish that was always placed by the railings and poured the cat biscuits he had just bought.

"Here you go."

Neko sniffed and gobbled a few biscuits before it looked away, uninterested.

"Poor Neko." Aoko sighed exaggeratedly at the scene she had been watching all along. "It must be derived of the needed nutrients from fishes."

"Don't talk like you're some cat expert."

"I may not be one, but I can guarantee Neko loves fresh tuna over your cheap biscuits."

"Mind you. It's not cheap."

Aoko chuckled and she pulled out a can of tuna from her plastic bag and bent down, clacking it lightly on the floor to gain the cat's attention. Neko instantly sprinted away from Kaito and stroked its body around Aoko's legs, hands and around the can of tuna Aoko was about to open.


Kaito narrowed his eyes. "Betrayer."

Once Aoko placed the opened can onto the floor, Neko dived into it without any second wasted. It began munching onto its food without looking at Kaito's way once. Aoko couldn't help but snicker at the pitiful sight of Kaito, who was still remaining in his squatting position and staring at the cat's back like he just got abandoned. She turned to her bags again and took out the two remaining cans of tuna and offered it to him.

"No." He merely said.

"It's not for you. It's for Neko. If you really love it, how could you get scared of something it needs?"

"Well well, aren't you a hero who is not afraid of anything, perhaps?"

Aoko rolled her eyes and set the cans on the floor. "I can say the least I'm not scared of a dead tuna." She tickled Neko's ear and stood up from her position to unlock her door. "And unlike you, again, I'm a normal person with a normal sleeping pattern. I'm going back to sleep."

"Sleeping straight after your meal is going to make you fat."

She glared down at him. "I don't need you to tell me that."

With that, she shut the door behind her.


There was an uncanny feeling rumbling in Aoko's stomach after coming home from work one particular evening.

Like always for the past few months of her stay here, she was in the midst of preparing her dinner when she had to stop herself and walk to the living room to check for what was possibly wrong.

There was that fresh, earthy smell that Aoko recognized since she was young; a signal that sent her brain in a wild mess because she knew a storm is coming. She shifted her gaze to the windows and stared at the dark sky. She couldn't see anything, but the lack of stars and the missing moon was telling her that she might be right.


Abandoning her food and making sure all gas and lights were turned off, she hurriedly search for an umbrella high and low in her home, but there was none to be found. By the time she finally found one that was hidden deep in the cabinet, a flash of lightning zapped across the sky and the light was so bright it shone through her windows and lit up the living room for a second. Aoko shrieked, the umbrella fell from her hands and she squatted on the floor, both hands covering her ears.

"2 x 7 equals 14."

"3 x 7 equals 21."

"4 x 7 equals 2-"

Aoko didn't miss the thunder that came a few seconds later. She quickly cowered under the dining table in fear.

"Oi!" Repeated knocks suddenly came from her door. "Crazy woman, are you inside?"

She couldn't find the energy to answer.

"I'm coming in alright, don't accuse me if you're halfway changing your clothes."

Within seconds, the door flung open and Aoko could hear steps coming into her home.

"Crazy woman? Nakamori? Oi Nakamori, are you-"

On the cue, a lightning lit up the dark sky again and Aoko yelped under her table. A roar of thunder soon echoed from the distance.

"Aoko? Aoko?! Where are you?"

From underneath the table, Aoko mustered all her courage to get one of her hand away from her ear to pull Kaito's pants that was right in front of her. He instantly bent down and heaved a sigh of relief before he fell onto his butt and made himself comfortable with his sitting position.

If Aoko didn't just hallucinate, she was pretty sure she just saw Kaito pulling out a blanket out of no where and laid it above head and the rest of her body.

"By any chance," there was a pause. "Are you afraid of the storm?"

"Well well, aren't you a hero who is not afraid of anything, perhaps?"

Heat gradually began to creep up from the back of her neck and to her face and she looked away, unable to look at Kaito. Aoko clenched the blanket even tighter and wrapped it around her body. Was her fear for thunders and lightning the same as his fear for fishes? She never think about this issues before because come on, how can anyone be scared of fishes? But if that was it, she might have gone too far with those silly taunts about the tuna and her goldfish too. Maybe to Kaito, she was the evil and asshole neighbour after all.


Unwillingly, Aoko gave a brief look over at Kaito, who was showing both of his palm to her. She frowned.

He suddenly closed his hands, turning them into two fists. "Choose one."

"There's nothing in it."

"Just choose one."

Aoko mindlessly picked his right hand. With his smile still plastered on his face, he opened his hand and what appeared after the small puff of smoke disappeared was a stalk of the reddest rose Aoko ever since. He tilted the flower towards her and Aoko stared up at Kaito, who made no other moves. She slowly wrapped her cold fingers around the stalk, her hand slipping past Kaito's before he let go of the rose.

Her lips twitched upwards and afterwards, she stared at Kaito's other hand.

"What's the other prize?"

"You're pretty greedy, huh."

"I just want to know what's in it."

"You sure?"

There was something in Kaito's tone that made her contemplate for a moment. "Y-Yeah. I want to know."

His lopsided smile grew.

He unclenched his hand and Aoko wasn't able to react fast to the two doves that started fluttering their wings around her face. She gave a yelp, leaning back in shock and after a faint sound of poof, Aoko dared to open her eyes to find Kaito sniggering and the two doves were gone.

Aoko scowled.

All of the sudden, the sound of pitter-patter was heard from outside. It was raining cats and dogs, and the splatting sound on Aoko's window was so loud, as if the glass could just break any second.

"The lightning and thunder should have died down when the rain pours." He looked back at her with a comforting smile, one that made her heart skip for some reason that Aoko wasn't sure of. "There's nothing to worry about now."


She wouldn't admit out loud but, once Kaito was here with her, the thunder and lightning was all... forgotten, as if she didn't have that fear at all. Whenever a storm happens and she was stuck at home alone, she had to wait at least half an hour before she could crawl out of her hiding position. By then, the storm was all over. However, this was the first time she could witness the thunder dying down and turning into heavy rain.

Bashful, she stared down at the rose in her hands.

"What are you even planning to do?" Kaito picked up the umbrella that Aoko had abandoned aside.

Aoko caressed the petals of the rose. "Whenever a storms approached, I'll hurry to a mall or any building that doesn't have windows. That way, I won't see or hear anything."

He continued staring at the umbrella.

"Why..." Aoko bit her lips. "Why are you here?"

"Like you once said, the walls isn't exactly sound proof."

"No, I mean why are you here?"

He considered her question for a moment. "I thought something might have happened so I came to check. Should I have not?"

"That wasn't what I meant." Aoko blurted.

"Can you stand?"

"What? I-I think I can."

Biting back the numbness in her leg, she took the hand Kaito offered her and lifted herself out from under the table, the blanket that was placed over her body floated onto the ground instead.

Kaito picked the blanket up and walked towards Aoko's fish tank without hesitation. She gasped, obviously taken aback by what she was seeing.

"Wait, aren't you scared of-"

He flapped the blanket, covering the entire fish tank for a second before whipping it aside and the cloth disappeared. Instead, Aoko realized something was appeared into her fish tank. She dropped the rose onto the table and took a few steps forward, not believing what she saw.

An additional goldfish, one that looked similar, yet still different from the one Aoko lost because of the first accident between the two.

"Kaito- You... You just-" She gaped. "Are you a freaking wizard?"

He stared at her for three full seconds. "I think you've overestimated my capabilities. I didn't revive your fish. It's a new one."

"I know. But your skills is something I have never seen before!" She exclaimed. "A magician?"

"That shouldn't be hard to figure out."

"Not until today, at least." Aoko peered through the glass. "Besides, have you overcome your fear for fishes?"

"Hate to admit, but I'm not used to it. It's just my poker face." He stepped away from the tank and Aoko thought she just heard him exhale a huge breath, as if he had been holding in for a very long time. "I'm still trying though, like what you've told me. If I love Neko, I should at least do something about it."

Aoko never knew her words ever meant anything to this man.

"I-" She glanced at the goldfish and back at him. She couldn't get any words out.

"Anyway, have you ever danced in the rain before?"

"No-Not that I've wanted but, I have to run in a rain once. It was-"

"Brilliant, isn't it?"

She wouldn't say it was brilliant. At that time, Aoko remembered it was the first and the last time she ever forgotten to bring her umbrella out again. She was trying find shelter, and having no choice, she had to run through the streets in the rain. That moment when the cool water splashed across her face, it was-

"Let's go."

"Go? Go where?"

"Dance in the rain of course."


He dragged her out of her house by her wrist, passed his own home and about to head down the stairs and to the pavement in front of the apartment building. Aoko skeptically looked at the black sky. Although the rain had become weaker and there was no lightning, no thunder, but...

In the end, she just let him pull her all along.

Once they were out in the open and the cold water began to hit her face, it was absolutely... brilliant, just like what Kaito said. She closed her eyes, trying to adapt to this rare moment of encountering rain and feeling so close to the vast and powerful sky that she feared since young. Weirdly, she didn't feel that afraid anymore, but why was that the case?

She opened her eyes and gradually glanced down at the warm hand that was still wrapped around her wrist.


"So how is it?"


Before she could reply, he suddenly broke contact and an immense feeling of cold took over her body. It wasn't just the feeling in her heart, but her entire leg felt beyond-


Aoko shrieked and jumped before glaring at Kaito who was giving her a devious grin. What nerve! He just kicked a puddle and splashed it on her bare legs! Taking revenge, she aimed for the same puddle and kicked it towards Kaito's direction, but he perfectly dodged it without effort.

"Will. You. Just. Stay. Still?!"

"And be hit? No way."

They continued the silly game for the past five minutes until Kaito had to hold a T sign and Aoko stopped her chase.

"Alright time out, time out! I need a break." He bent down to catch his breath. "Wow, you're quite an athletic."

"I was once in the track and field team." Aoko puffed out her chest. Soon, her face fell lax. "Anyway, I didn't have the chance to say this just now..." She took in a deep breath under the rain. "I want to thank you for everything that you've done although I think I don't deserve it."

He glanced up. "What did you say?"

"I said thank you for everything you've done!"

It happened in a millisecond, but Aoko swore she just saw Kaito smiled.


"I said thank you!"


"Bakaito! You already heard me since the beginning!"

"Ba-Bakaito?!" He looked at her in astonishment. "Ahouko!"



From one of the windows on the first floor, the landlord shook his head and went inside of the house. "Crazy kids these days."

The landlady watched her husband go and turned her attention back to the two running around in the rain. She sighed heavenly and smiled. "Crazy kids in love these days."

It's not the end yet and nope, this wouldn't end up to one long ass fic that spans up to 26 chapters (omg the horror) there's just one more chapter left before things wrap up.
I've chanced upon a Neighbours AU prompt and tada, this fic happened. I think beside tragedies and angst, AU settings is my next fave now.
Any prompts? Feel free to share :) Reviews are appreciated! Thanks for reading