To everyone that's still following:
I know it's been well over a year since I've updated this story, and many of my other ones. However, I really do want to finish this. Looking back, rereading the work I've produced, I've recently come to a conclusion—I can do much better now than I ever could a year ago. It's with that in mind that I intend to completely overhaul the current version of this story.
Major plot components and characterization will remain the same, but the story's formatting, detail, and dialogue may change. Rereading what I've already written has given me new ideas for what I can do, and has made me aware of things I could have done with the story.
Also, seeing as this was last updated before Sherlock season 4 came out, the plot I currently have fails to include major parts of that storyline, such as Eurus's existence. I want to rewrite the story to include elements of season 4, and also want to make changes to and flesh out certain things I failed to in the initial version of the story.
To make a long story short, I'll be completely rewriting this story and reposting it. I may or may not upload chapter by chapter or wait to upload all the renovated chapters at once.
I'm sorry to anyone who has been waiting as long as they have for this story to continue. I also apologize to anyone who is currently happy with the story and doesn't wish for it to change. As a writer, I know I can do better, and wish to improve upon my work. I believe the best course of action is to, rather than simply continue the story as is, completely redefine it.
Thank you, and sorry for all inconveniences.