Chapter 13

A/N-I wanted to have a light chapter here because I know the story is dark. I was watching Dr. Phil's interview with David Cassidy today (1 March), and this party inspired this chapter. So, with that, happy reading! Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed thus far.

The next afternoon, Keith returns from school, strolls through the living room, into the kitchen, and makes a beeline to the garage, first stopping to take his youngest sister with him.

Keith: Tracy, can you come with me?

Tracy: (Curious) Where are we going? Mom said I'm not allowed out of the house.

Keith: Just to the garage. I need to talk to my sister.

Tracy: (Looks at her mother) Can I?

Shirley: Go ahead.

Tracy: What do you want to talk to me about?

Keith: I'll tell you in the garage.

Tracy: (Puzzled) Okay.

Keith closes the door behind them and invites her to sit across from him

Tracy: What did you want to talk to me about?

Keith: The way you've been handling people lately.

Tracy: (Pretends not to understand) What do you mean?

Keith: Oh, come on. You know what I mean. You've been in trouble with your teachers more than Danny ever was.

Tracy: (Rolls her eyes) Mom and Laurie have already been on my case about it.

Keith: Relax, I'm not going to lecture you.

Tracy: You're not?

Keith: (Assuring) No.

Tracy: (Confused) Then what do you want?

Keith: I want to give you a better outlet.

Tracy: Huh?

Keith: Listen, when Dad died, I had a really hard time at first. I was angry, and I didn't handle it very well at first.

Tracy: You didn't?

Keith: No, I didn't. I got suspended a couple times.

Tracy: (Shocked) Really?

Keith: Yes, really.

Tracy: Ever get a paddling?

Keith: (Chuckles) No, I can't say I ever have.

Tracy: Lucky. (Rubs part of her rear) They hurt. I've had a couple.

Keith: You don't want any more, do you?

Tracy: (Scowls) No way!

Keith: Okay, then. (Pauses) Now, that we're done with that, let me tell you what I have in mind.

Tracy: (Listening intently) Okay?

Keith: Now, you can NOT tell anyone, especially Mom.

Tracy: (Unsure) Ummmm...

Keith: Please. It'll be fine.

Tracy: I don't want to get into anymore trouble.

Keith: Trust me on this, okay?

Tracy: (Sighs) Okay.

Keith: I've been talking to Reuben, and I've decided to get my GED, and go solo.

Tracy: (Surprised) Really? Won't mom get mad?

Keith: This is why I'm not telling her yet. I'm waiting until all the stuff with Laurie and Amy blows over.

Tracy: You mean Mr. and Mrs. Braddock trying to take Amy away from Laurie?

Keith: Yes, that.

Tracy: (Skeptical) Okay? What do I have to do with this?

Keith: I want you to help me record a song.

Tracy: (Excited) Really?

Keith: (Grinning) Yes, really.

Tracy: (Confused) If you're going solo, then where do I come in?

Keith: I want you to record a with me on a song, and I'd like you to perform with me when I do local shows.

Tracy: (Mulls it over) Oh.

Keith: So, are you interested?

Tracy: Yes!

Keith: Okay. (Pulls out a manuscript) Here's the song I want to to sing with me on. It's called Message to the World.

Tracy: (Reads the lyrics) I love this! (Begins to sing)

Somebody's life is missing
Someone's hope is gone
Is anybody listening?
Can they hear this song
Now I have no choice
I can't ignore that voice
When I close my eyes at night
I swear I can hear them calling

Keith: (Impressed) Great job! (A tear escapes his eye) I'd forgotten how good your voice is.

Tracy: (Blushing) Aww! I wasn't anything special.

Keith: Sure, you are!

Tracy: What else you got?

Keith: Well, that's the one I want to record with you.

Tracy: (Smiles) Can you teach me the guitar too?

Keith: Sure! Electric or acoustic?

Tracy: Acoustic. Electric's your thing.

Keith: It can be your thing too.

Tracy: I prefer acoustic. I loved it when Dad would play his guitar, and he and mom would sing along.

Keith: You remember that?

Tracy: (Shrugs her shoulders) A little bit.

Keith: Sure, I can teach you acoustic guitar. (Excited) Once you're off restriction, I can take you to the music store, so you can pick out a guitar. I missed your birthday, so it can be a late birthday present.

Tracy: (Delighted) You mean it?

Keith: Sure, I mean it.

Tracy: (Hugs her brother) Thanks, bro!

Keith: Now, you've got to promise me one thing.

Tracy: What?

Keith: You've got to promise me that you'll control your temper around people.

Tracy: (Sighs) Here's the lecture.

Keith: No, I'm not going to lecture you. I promised you I wouldn't.

Tracy: Okay. I promise.

Keith: (Smiles) Good! Now, do you want to get started on this song?

Tracy: Sure.

Keith and Tracy rehearse the song.

Laurie carries Amy down the stairs and sees her mother sitting on the couch, reading a book.

Laurie: Where's Tracy?

Shirley: In the garage with Keith.

Laurie: (Curious) Oh?

Shirley: I think he wanted to talk to her about her recent behaviour.

Laurie: (Groans) Oh boy. That's not going to go well.

Shirley: What do you mean?

Laurie: Keith can get really parental, and I'm afraid it'll backfire.

Shirley: (Uneasy and glances toward the kitchen) I think I may check on my oldest and youngest.

She rises, walks to the garage, and stops. Keith and Tracy are singing. She smiles.

Keith and Tracy:

Can you feel it comin'
Something's in the air
Are you ready for it - oh yeah
Everybody - can't you see the light
The light of day - get together - everybody say yeah!

Shirley smiles and returns to the living room, before the pair even noticed she was listening.

Laurie: (Rocking her daughter; looks up) So? What's happening?

Shirley: (Beaming and fighting back tears) They're singing together.

Laurie: What?

Shirley: I think Keith wrote a new song.

Laurie: (Confused) Why? The band's defunct... (smiles wryly) Unless my dear brother's planning on going solo.

Shirley: (Thinking) Perhaps, but how does that explain singing with Tracy?

Laurie: Dunno. (Rises)

Shirley: Where are you going?

Laurie: To listen, of course!

Shirley: Wait for me! I'm going too.

They listen quietly to the pair.

Laurie: (Amazed) They're really good!

Shirley: (Puts her finger to her lips) Shhh.

Keith and Tracy:

Tonight no words are spoken
There's no one here to blame
Somewhere a life is frozen
Just a dying flame
Some place in the dark
Lies a beating heart
We all have that cross to bear
And I just can't hide my shame

Amy squirms in her mother's arms and begins to cry.

Laurie: (Bounces the baby up and down) Shhh, Amy.

Keith and Tracy hear the baby crying and stop.

Keith: We've got an audience outside.

Tracy: (Giggling) I think it's mom and Laurie.

Shirley: (Mouths) We're busted.

Keith: All right, you two. Come on in.

Shirley and Laurie enter the garage.

Shirley: Guys, that was great!

Tracy: Thanks! Keith's... (She trails off after Keith shoots her a look). We were just singing.

Shirley: So, I noticed. Keith's what?

Tracy: Not sayin' a thing. (Pretends to zip her lip)

Keith: I just wanted to sing with my sister. It's been awhile.

Shirley eyes him, looks at her youngest and then back at her oldest.

Keith: (Sighs) Okay, I've been writing songs. I want to record a few, and I thought Tracy would enjoy helping me out with one.

Shirley, again, eyes him, unconvinced.

Keith: I've talked to Reuben. I want to launch my solo career.

Shirley: Keith, I don't know if that's such a good idea, with everything that's happened.

Laurie, with Amy, and Tracy sneak out of the garage.

Keith: Mom, you know music's in my soul. I've gotta try this. (Throws up his hands and starts pacing) Our band is gone, and we have no income, other than from our record sales. Money's gonna run out soon if we don't do something.

Shirley: I'm the parent. That's something I should be worried about, not you.

Keith: (Puts his hands on her shoulders) I know, but I want to do my part.

Shirley remains unconvinced.

Keith: Let me record an album. Reuben says we have two more albums that we can record before our contract is up. Let me record one and see where it goes. (Sees that she's still doubtful) Look, I'm going for my GED, and I've already promised Reuben we wouldn't start touring until I've gotten my GED.

Shirley: And where does Tracy fit in?

Keith: I want her to record a backup track for the song you heard us singing. Look mom, she's really good. She's been having a really hard time with everything and I think she needs a constructive outlet.

Shirley: I agree, but...

Keith: (Interrupting) Remember when Dad died and I acted out? It wasn't until I picked up the guitar and started writing songs that I straightened up.

Shirley: You're right, I know.

Keith smiles.

Shirley: (Stops him) Now, I'll let you record the album and I'll even let Tracy record with you on this song, but we'll have to discuss touring and performing later.

Keith: (Enthusiastic) Thanks, mom. I'd thought maybe Tracy could perform on local performances only.

Shirley: Don't push your luck.

Keith: I've already brought it up with her, and she's really excited about it.

Shirley: (Pained) Keith, I wish you hadn't.

Keith: Mom, she really needs something good in her life. I also want to take her to the music shop after she gets off restriction, and buy her an acoustic guitar. I missed her birthday, since I was locked up.

Shirley: All right. Now, it can't be super expensive.

Keith: I know. (Kisses her on the cheek) Thanks, mom! You're the greatest.

-End of Chapter 13-