Hey guys, it's been a while. But I'm still alive ^-^. I keep getting emails for this fic with all the comments I get from you guys (thanks for that by the way), if you guys favorited it or if your following it. And since I keep getting these I was wondering if should continue this fic. If I could get some comments if you guys want me to do this or just keep it how it is. I really want to get your feedback. Also I took some of your feedback and I got a proxy to look over all my new work for me since I can't spell for shit. So that will help a ton so thanks for not hating me for that. Also just as an update even if I don't add a chapter or two on to this one I will be uploading a few new fic's soon, so stay posted for that. Anyway thanks for sticking with me guys and please tell me if I should continue this.
See you soon ^-^