**Any unfamiliar words will be defined in the A/N :)**

The newly polished gleam of countless weapons shone in the sunlight. Calloused hands wiped down the remaining weapons with expertise, his brows furrowed in concentration. His hair that was usually tied in a ponytail at the nape of his neck spilled loosely onto his shoulders. It was the early morning, none of the crew members awake yet.

He needed time to himself.

Every time he came into the dojo to work, his mind strayed to the laughter that sounded like the tinkling of bells and the cheeks that were forever rosy. He'd lost count of the times his eyes would glance at the bow and arrows resting in the corner. Before he knew it, he'd be cleaning those too with utmost care. Aguri would think about the times he'd grasp Kagome's hands and help her draw the arrows. Kagome, the woman he'd fallen for at first sight.

The woman who hated his guts.

He didn't know why; he didn't do anything to her. One day, her feelings took a drastic turn and she became very untrusting of him. It tore him apart; it made him uneasy. Aguri usually remained calm but he found himself to be unusually jittery. He had yet to tell anyone of this current situation, but he had no one to tell anyway.

Aguri was about to clean the floor when he heard the tired lumbering of his crew enter the dojo. Chuusuke blinked in surprise as the weapons reflected into his vision. Aguri stood with his back towards them, preparing the cloths to polish the floor.

"Aguri, have you done our job for us?" a member called out, earning annoyed mumbles in agreement. "Well, what are we here for?"

Chuusuke continued to look at Aguri closely. "Go have some breakfast, everyone, I'll talk to Aguri." The crew continued to mutter their dissatisfaction as they made their way to the dining hall. Chuusuke stepped into the dojo quietly, his thoughtful gaze watching as Aguri began racing across the floor, not yet acknowledging his presence. "Is this how you're dealing with it?"

Aguri stopped abruptly. He looked back in undisguised shock. "You know?"

"I'm the one who knows you the best, Aguri," he answered, shifting his position so he leaned comfortably against the wall. "It was fairly obvious you had your sights on Kagome. Is this how you're dealing with the rejection?"

Aguri looked away. "It's hard to deal with a sudden end to our friendship."

Chuusuke tilted his head in confusion. "Wait, you're no longer friends with Kagome?"

"I guess not." Frustration seeped into Aguri's voice as he recalled Kagome's cold behavior towards him. "She's never acted like this before."

"What happened?"

Aguri sighed. So Chuusuke didn't know. The familiar pained sensation welled in his chest as he prepared to tell Chuusuke. "All of a sudden, Kagome felt as if she couldn't trust me anymore. I have no idea as to what the reason is. And she won't talk to me to let me know."

Chuusuke still looked very much confused. It sounded very strange. Kagome wasn't one to dislike someone without a reason. Especially Aguri, whom Kagome had felt was her only friend in the palace, and whom she held a special spot for in her heart. But to drop all ties with him in an instant means her reason for acting cold must run deep. He'd have to speak with Sesshomaru; he was sure his lord was already aware of what was happening. "I'll speak with Lord Sesshomaru about this," he offered. He got off the wall and was about to leave when he turned back. "Oh, and Aguri—"

Aguri, who had taken to cleaning the floor again, paused.

"Tell the crew if you're going to clean the entire dojo and weapons again. They could've gotten a couple more hours of sleep." Aguri's posture slumped in guilt. "But that's not all." An affectionate glint shone in Chuusuke's eyes. "We're here to help you, Aguri. Keep in mind that we're not only your coworkers but we're all your friends. We're all your family." Smiling, he left the dojo.

Aguri looked to where Chuusuke had left then to the slightly stained cloth under his hands. He had accepted Kagome's behavior with a sad acquiesce, never had he thought of taking this matter to Lord Sesshomaru. However, from Chuusuke's reaction, it made him realize just how strange this all was.

After finishing his duty at the dojo, Aguri was walking to his quarters whilst deep in thought. He paused when he sensed someone in his path. Looking up, his eyes focused on a man slightly shorter than him. "Sorry, was I in your way?" Aguri apologized, moving to the side and allowing the man to pass. However, the man stayed still, an eerie smirk on his pasty white face.

"Oh, it's fine, Aguri."

Aguri's guard immediately rose, but he didn't question how the man knew his name.

"You look like you've been thinking long and hard," the man continued, as he began to circle Aguri. "Would it surprise you if I told you I held the answers to your endless questions?"

His gray eyes studied the strange man. "Would it surprise you if I told you I don't care?" he answered sarcastically.

"You're a bit sassy." The man stopped and his eyes held an excited gleam. "I like that about you." Aguri shivered uncomfortably. "Even if I told you why Kagome is so upset with you?"

Aguri's eyes widened. This must be a trap… But his desire to know what strained his bond with Kagome outweighed his reasoning. The man grinned and got even closer.

"It's because of I, Naraku. I want Kagome's jewel with such heavy desire. I want something that is so close I could touch it with my fingertips. But it always remains out of my grasp!" He looked at Aguri as if there was a deep understanding between them. "I'm sure you know what that feels like.

"Kagome thinks you're after her jewel now, when in reality it was always me! She has no idea how to distinguish who's desire is most prevalent yet."

Aguri stood speechless. His mind whirled as he stood face-to-face with the reason why Kagome hated him. He felt anger, sadness, and not a shred of calmness. He wanted to kick, punch, and fight but something about Naraku's red gaze was pitiable. He forced himself to calm down. He wouldn't react the way Naraku wanted him to. "Why would you tell me this? Doesn't this interfere with whatever you're plotting?"

Naraku thought for a moment, feigning confusion. "Actually, I think this goes rather well with what I want. Don't you think you can help me, Aguri? If you help me get the jewel, there will be nothing to incubate Kagome's feelings for InuYasha anymore. It gives you more of a chance," he purred.

Aguri all but snarled, "Get of my way." He shoved Naraku aside and continued on his way to his quarters. He heard Naraku let out soft chuckles as his red eyes bore into Aguri's back. Aguri's hands were sweating grease as his nerves finally got the best of him. He felt his mouth quiver against his will, his legs trembling with every step.

He was scared.

As the rooms of the crew members got closer with each step, Aguri diverted his path and began walking to the bathhouse. He needed to clear his head and think.


A week into their travels and Kagome's homesickness was at its peak. She was sure she'd made InuYasha tear his ears off from her continuous whining but she couldn't help it. She missed Souta so much and she was positive whatever she felt, her brother felt it ten times worse. Kagome leaned against a tree as she began sulking. The sun was currently setting, a brisk chill settling over the forests. InuYasha stopped walking and turned in renewed frustration.

"Come on, Kagome," he urged, "let's get a little bit farther tonight. "We've gotta make it to a checkpoint."

Before they'd departed, Sesshomaru gave InuYasha a map of Nippon and the surrounding areas. On this map, there were marks where the remnants of the jewel were suspected to be. The shards of the jewel were distributed to those who were expected to protect it. InuYasha and Kagome decided to search within Nippon first and then venture out to Zhōngguó, where only one shard of the jewel was.

It'd take a little over a month to make it to Zhōngguó alone, and if the two wanted to spend the least amount of time away from the palace as possible, they had to get a move on.

But Kagome was a human, and InuYasha couldn't forget that. She needed many more rests than he did. He sighed and sat down where he stood. "Come here and we can rest for a little bit." Kagome looked at InuYasha for a moment before getting up and walking over to him. InuYasha was prepared to pull her into his arms when she unexpectedly sat next to the tree to his right. She stubbornly made herself comfortable and closed her eyes.

Eyebrow twitching, InuYasha said, "Oi, what's the deal, Kagome?"

"You haven't comforted me all day and now you want to?" She sniffed.

"For someone who wants to get back to the palace as soon as possible, you're really worrying about the small things," InuYasha rolled his eyes. "It seems like I'm more motivated than you."

Kagome opened her eyes slowly. "I'm not used to extensive walking like this."

"If you'd just let me carry you sometimes—"

Kagome shook her head vigorously. "We've been over this. You're not going to carry me and the weight of the bags. I don't want you to get hurt."

InuYasha groaned. "What are you, my mother?"

Kagome leaned forward and flicked his temple. InuYasha didn't even acknowledge the impact. Huffing, she stood up and dusted off her clothes. "Whatever. I'm ready to keep going now."

InuYasha smirked and grasped her hand, the bags shifting on his back as he placed a kiss on Kagome's cheek. They were both more comfortable with the idea of a relationship now. Kagome, who had been longing for it for years finally succumbed to her wants. She no longer shied away in embarrassment. Though InuYasha, who'd developed feelings much more recently, was still a little awkward. Kagome found it cute and often teased him about it.

After walking for a while longer, a village came into view. It was now fully night and Kagome was ready to sleep. She entered the village first and the few villagers that were still up and about turned and looked at her curiously. InuYasha waited on the outskirts, knowing that although his presence was intimidating, the villagers wouldn't hesitate to refuse lodging for the night if he seemed threatening. One villager approached her, a baby nestled in his arms. He handed the baby to a woman who was watching from a short yet reasonable distance.

"What brings you to our village?" he asked, neither nicely nor offensively. His tone was neutral, maybe even a little guarded.

"My companion and I were wondering if your village could provide us lodging for tonight in one of your huts." Kagome bowed.

"Rise, girl," he ordered. "Miho will show you a hut you can occupy for this night only." He nodded to the woman with the baby and Miho smiled at Kagome.

"Come," was all she said. Kagome and InuYasha followed her obediently. Whispers suddenly arose from throughout the village, more people finding out about the visitors. Miho led the two to a vacant hut that didn't seem like anyone occupied it for years. "Sorry it's a bit dusty," she apologized. "We don't get visitors often and no one has lived in this hut for a long time."

"Why not?" InuYasha asked, undoubtedly suspicious.

Miho looked uncomfortable. She hadn't expected InuYasha to ask any questions. She gripped the baby as she smiled nervously. "It used to belong to a woman and her baby. They were thought to be cursed. No one in the village really liked them."

InuYasha and Kagome exchanged a look.

"So what happened to her?" Kagome asked carefully.

"She left," Miho answered abruptly. "She didn't want to stay here anymore." Miho pushed past them, her strained eyes darting so she didn't have to look them in the eye. "Have a safe night."

"Wait," InuYasha said, and MIho stopped. "Did the woman leave or was she exiled?"

Miho began to tremble. "I don't have to tell you that."

"Why was she forced out of this village?" Kagome asked harshly, gaining confidence. Something was off about this village and the way this woman was acting. She wouldn't stay in a place that threatened her and InuYasha's safety.

Miho pleaded, "Please just rest for the night." She looked outside once more before her eyes dropped to the ground. "If you still want to know tomorrow morning, I will tell you then." She rushed from the hut. Kagome and InuYasha stood for a while before Kagome spoke,

"Let's just do as she says, InuYasha." She yawned. "I'm tired." Kagome got comfortable on the floor and she felt InuYasha's warm robe drape onto her. Soon, she fell asleep. InuYasha, however, got comfortable in the corner facing the entrance to the hut and watched over Kagome throughout the night.

When morning arrived, Kagome awoke to InuYasha shuffling through his bag and pulling out the map. By the time she opened her eyes, he was studying the map carefully. She was about to greet him when someone knocked timidly on the hut. They both looked up to see Miho enter. The baby was not with her this time.

"You need to go," she said.

Kagome blinked the sleep out of her eyes and sat up, her back aching slightly from sleeping on the hard floor. "So soon?" she replied, her stomach growling.

InuYasha rolled up the map and demanded, "Tell us now, Miho." He reached in the bag and handed food to Kagome who accepted readily.

Miho fidgeted, probably thinking that they would've forgotten after a night's rest. Her knuckles balled into fists at her sides before she disclosed, "This hut used to belong to my older sister, Pai."

Kagome shivered involuntarily at the mention of that name. Why did it make her uneasy?

"My older sister, Pai, had a hanyou child when she was my age. The villagers would try to kill it all the time, but Pai stayed nonetheless. It was when the child started gaining the powers inherited from his father that we began to fear it. My husband's father who was the village head at the time, exiled the hanyou from the village. And of course, my sister couldn't leave it to fend for itself in the wild." Tears spilled from Miho's eyes. "I haven't seen my sister since."

Kagome felt color drain from her face as she glanced at InuYasha. If she was shaken by this story, she could only wonder what InuYasha was thinking from hearing this. She looked back to Miho. "Why was only the hanyou banned from the village?"

"Initially, the former village head wanted both Pai and her child gone. But, my husband, Ichirou, who you saw last night, used to have feelings for my older sister. He persuaded the village head to allow her to stay. But she left anyway." Miho looked away, as if she was ashamed to share her sister's history with this village.

"You're with a man who used to pawn after your older sister?" Kagome whispered.

Miho nodded, her sadness overwhelming. "They say I look just like her," her voice cracked.

After that, Kagome and InuYasha left. It was a miracle none of the villagers had tried to harm them during the night. Kagome figured Miho had requested to her husband, the current village head, to make sure nothing happened to them. When they were a reasonable distance away from the village, Kagome grabbed InuYasha's arm. He was unusually silent.

Kagome gently pulled his face towards hers and moved her lips against his. He responded desperately, the pain that he'd sealed up long ago threatening to resurface. Kagome didn't want his old memories to consume him. When they parted, slightly out of breath, Kagome said,

"Just remember that I love you as you are, InuYasha."

A/N: I actually wrote this chapter pretty quickly! Yay! Here are some definitions:

Nippon - Japan

Zhōngguó - China

If you are Japanese or Chinese and anything I use is inaccurate, please let me know! Especially since later chapters will be set in China, a lot of research will be done on my part. However, not everything may be accurate!

Naraku seems to be getting a little reckless, everyone… Or is it all a part of his plan?

Who remembers Pai? She was first introduced in chapter 3! Kudos to you if you realized who she was before Miho's explanation :)

PLEASE LEAVE REVIEWS :) The response I get will motivate me to write faster! ~ bye