Well, I have read so many Gravity Falls Fanfictions I thought it was about time I made one too. This is going to be MaBill story so anyone who isn't open to the idea or doesn't ship MaBill I suggest you leave now. Are all those people gone? Good. Now, sit back relax, and enjoy the prologue!

Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. It is owned by Alex Hirsch and Disney.

"Dipper! Hurry up! The bus is going to be here any minute!" Mabel Pines threw open the door to the house and ran outside. Waddles was beside her, trying his best to match her pace.

"I'm coming Mabel!" Dipper Pines grabbed his bag that was sitting by the door and followed Mabel out. The twins turned around right before they reached the sidewalk and shouted goodbye to their waving parents.

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad! See you in the Fall!" Mabel readjusted her bag and began to run again, Waddles following.

"Bye Dad! Bye Mom!" Dipper turned around and caught up to Mabel. They looked at each other and grinned. Although they were now seventeen, they hadn't changed much since they were twelve.

Dipper still wore the same orange t-shirt, blue vest, and brown shorts. He also had his signature pine tree hat. Every year Wendy and he would switch hats and this year the pine tree was his. For his physical appearance, he had grown more (and was now the alpha twin) but that was about it.

Mabel still wore her sweaters and skirts. And since it was her tradition to wear her shooting star sweater the first day back to Gravity Falls that was the one she wore. She had grown taller and her hair was a tad longer but like Dipper, she hadn't changed much.

The twins stopped to catch their breath when they reached the bus stop.

"Well," Dipper said," at… at least we didn't miss… didn't miss the bus." He put his hands on his knees to try to better help regain his breath.

Mabel sat down on a nearby bench. "Yeah… at least we didn't- It's here!" She jumped up and scooped Waddles into her arms. She ran to the very edge of the sidewalk and was eagerly bouncing on her feet. Dipper groaned and trudged his way over to Mabel, not the least bit surprised that her energy had already returned.

When the bus came rolling to a stop, the sign changed from saying Piedmont, California to Gravity Falls, Oregon. The twins each had a similar grin on their face. When the door flew open, they raced onto the bus, the driver not even glancing at the pig. He would have if it was anyone other person but he didn't want to get punched or vaporized to death anytime soon.

Dipper and Mabel plopped down onto the back seat, both of them putting their bags on the seat in front of them. Nobody else was on the bus so they didn't have to worry about people sitting there. Mabel's smile grew when Waddles sat down next to her.

Then they both looked out the window at the road ahead of them. Dipper and Mabel were waiting for something. Waiting for the thing that would truly bring them back home.

The bus doors closed.

Then the words they have been waiting nine months to hear were spoken.

"Next stop Gravity Falls, Oregon."

They were heading back where they belonged. They were going home.

Soos whistled to himself as he fixed the light bulb in the kitchen of the Mystery Shack. He wanted to make sure everything was working when Dipper, Mabel, Mr. Pines, and Stanford got back. The younger set of twins and the older ones usually got back on different days, but somehow they had all been able to come back to Gravity Falls around the same time. Stanford and Mr. Pines would get back first and Dipper and Mabel would come soon after.

"There we go," Soos said placing his screwdriver down, "all done." Just to make sure, he pulled out his list of things to do.

"Clean the shop, check. Fix the light bulbs, check. Make sure lab is ready for Ford's return, not check. Fix the ice mach- Wait!" Soos's eyes flicked back to the words above. "Not check?! How could I have forgotten to do that? Ford told me specifically to make sure everything was in order!"

Soos's checked the time and realized that Ford and Mr. Pines would be back in less than an hour. He had to work fast!

"Oh no! Oh no, oh no, oh no…" He kept mumbling those words as he ran to the vending machine. He screeched to a halt and quickly entered the pass code.

When the secret door unlocked, he threw it open and began pounding his way down the stairs. "Ford's going to kill me if he found out I didn't do what he asked!" Soos jammed his finger to the elevator button and began moaning when it seemed the doors wouldn't open fast enough.

After what felt like an eternity for Soos, they finally did. He basically fell in but quickly regained his posture. He clicked the button labeled three and tapped his foot as the elevator began its slow descent.

When the doors opened again, he rushed out. Soos frantically looked around the lab to see if anything was out of place. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that nothing was.

"Well," Soos said, leaning against one of the counter tops "looks like I was worried about nothing." However, he let out a cry of shock when his hand slipped and he pressed something.

Soos looked in awe at the sight that appeared. The desk he was leaning on split into two and began to open. It revealed two buttons, one blinking green and the other blinking red. Although it wasn't a lot, Soos thought it was pretty darn cool to see.

Soos put a hand to his chin and thought. "Now let's see. In the movies, the hero would usually push one of the buttons to see what happens. And since red usually means bad, I'm going to go with the green." He pushed the green button down and Soos heard a rumbling from behind him.

He twisted around and saw a door opening up that wasn't there before. He slowly walked up to it and peeked inside.

The room was small and could probably only hold seven people at the most. The walls were grey and there was a light bulb swinging from the ceiling. The main focus of the room however, was a round, wood table, for on it was a small canister.

Soos walked up to it wondering what it was. It looked like something he had seen before but he couldn't remember where. He picked it up and gave it a light shake. He frowned when he heard no noise. It was just an empty canister.

"Now, why would Ford hide a canister that held nothing inside it? Hmmm…" Soos put his hand on top and was about to see if it opened when he heard a shout.

"Soos! You better hurry. Your friends will be here soon!"

The man himself dropped the canister in surprise when he heard his grandma calling him. He cringed when he heard a small crack. In a panic, Soos grabbed the canister and began to inspect it. A small crack had formed near the top of it but beside that, it seemed okay.

"Phew. If that would have broken who knows what could have happened." He placed the canister back on the table, and then turned it so that the crack was facing the wall across from the door. Soos smiled in satisfaction. "Coming Abuelita!" Then he ran out of the room, the door closing back into the wall behind him.

Back in the hidden room, a quiet laugh could be heard. Then…

"I'm free. I'm finally free!"

Thank you all for reading this chapter. If anyone wants to know my theory behind this chapter, don't be shy! Leave a review asking and I will be happy to share it! Also, if you have any criticism or things you think I should improve on, I will be happy to hear it too! I hope you all enjoyed and please R&R, follow, and favorite. It would mean so much to me. I'm hoping to have the next chapter out in about a week (maybe sooner) so stay tuned. Until then…

Peace! GamerFan369