Well my dear readers, here we are. The final piece to this long story. Its rather short, but it addresses the most important issue: How did things turn out for everyone's favorite couple?

The answer?

Well... You'll have to read to find out.

Also, I'd like to address two things. One, Allen Blaster was the only one to get the Harry Potter reference in the previous chapter. Granted, I asked him if he thought anyone noticed and he was very confused at first... Until he realized what I was talking about lol.

Secondly, I decided to leave everyone a surprise at the end of the chapter.

*evil laughter*

"But mommy, I do not wish to go to this school of pre! You and daddy won't be there, neither will my knorfka Victor!" A little girls voice rang out in the early morning.

It was a peaceful and quiet morning in Jump City. The fall had just begun and while Mar'i Grayson was quite happy to be flying with her mother, Princess Koriand'r of the planet Tamaran, she was most certainly not happy about being away from them.

"Hush now, my bumgorf. I waited this long so that you may begin the schooling with a friend." Starfire gently chided her child. She loved her daughter dearly, but the young half-alien child was in desperate need for a friend. Earthling children, while fascinated with her, kept her at arms length. It hurt the little raven haired, green eyed girl far more than she let on that people were afraid of her. But that would change soon.

"A friend?" The girl perked up as she lazily flew a loop-de-loop around her mother. "Who?"

Starfire smiled. "The bumgorf of dear friends of mine, ones I have not seen since you were born."

The little girl's eyes grew wide. "Really?"

"Of course." The heroine replied, nostalgia filling her eyes. "They were and still are the closest of my friends. We faced several Rekmas together and triumphed over each one."

Mar'i flew up closer to her mother, questions flowing from her like a river into the ocean "What kind of bumgorf is it? A boy or a girl? I hope it's a boy, I bet he'd play games with me and go to the park with me wouldn't he? Do I know these people? Are they my Auntie and Uncle too? How-"

"Calm yourself, my child!" Starfire laughed. "You will meet him soon enough!"

The little girl never heard her mother at all and kept right on talking. Starfire couldn't wipe the grin from her face at the excitement of her daughter. She knew the two children would be fast friends.

"Mommy!" Mar'i called out some time later. "We're here!"

Before Starfire could say anything, the raven haired girl shot into the small throng of children. There were squeals of surprise as Mar'i recognized several from the park and greeted them. Other children were in awe of the floating child. Many parents stared at her warily, only to nod respectively when her mother landed amongst them. Starfire greeted them warmly, just as she did the teachers. There were a number of people who weren't particularly pleased that the child of superhero's would be attending a school with their own children, but they remained quiet.

Even though it had been many years since the incident, few had forgotten how the alien princess had ripped apart Atomic Skull.

Mar'i reappeared as Star began speaking to the teacher who would be over her daughter.

"Mooommmyyy!" She cried. "Who am I looking for?"

"Hush now, my bumgorf, I will show them to you when they arrive." Star said gently. Pouting, the little girl floated off as her mother turned back to the teacher.

"I knew you'd be here in the center of this happy little maelstrom." A voice called out seconds later. The alien princess whipped around with a huge smile and practically pounced on the speaker.

"You are here! You have returned home at last!" She cried out, a few joyful tears trailing down her face.

"Of course Star. I told you we wouldn't be gone forever. This is our home."

"Where is…?" Star asked, looking around.

"He's off chasing our son, who saw a frog and took off after it."


"Them too."

Starfire smiled once more. "It is good to have you home, sister."

"It's good to be home." Came the happy reply.

Mar'i floated around the little yard for several minutes, looking for anyone who stood out. There was all sorts of children there; whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanic, and several with dark hair and eyes that she didn't know. But none of them really popped out to her. Most just stood in awe as she floated about, tugging on their parents clothes, pointing at her and talking excitedly. But they weren't who she was looking for. When she did find him, she hesitated.

The big ol' frog in his arms didn't look happy.

Judging from the boys' tears, he wasn't happy either.

"Mommy?" He called out, his eyes teary.

Mar'i inspected him from above. He had short dirty blond hair, a couple of freckles on his nose, and the most beautiful blue green eyes she'd ever seen. His green shirt and blue shorts were muddy, obviously from chasing the squirming frog clutched tightly against his chest.

The little alien girl couldn't help but to fly down to him.

"Hi!" She said as she landed.

He didn't seem phased the least bit by her flying as he rubbed a tear away. "Hi."

"Did you lose your mommy?" Mar'i asked, eyeballing the frog.

The boy nodded. "Uh huh. I saw Mr. Frawg and wanted to show my daddy but I losted him."

The superhero blood in her veins kicked in as she spoke with a grin. "I'll help you find them! My name is Mar'i! What's your name?"

He sniffled. "My name is Oli."

Mar'i reached out and took a frog free hand. She turned and started forward, a huge grin on her face. They walked about five feet before two voices called out.


"There you are!"

The two children turned around to find two more kids. They looked exactly the same, except that one had a left blue, right green eye and the other had a left green, right blue eye. Their short dirty blond hair and big smiles told Mar'i right away that they were related to Oli, but they must have been ten years old.

Oli perked up immediately. "Heathcliff! Felix! Look, I got a frawg!"

"Duuuuude!" Both boys exclaimed as they darted forward to look. The poor amphibian tried so very hard to escape and failed miserably.

As the boys sat there jabbering away, Mar'i stood quietly to the side. Oli noticed after a moment and pointed at her. "Hey, hey! That girl, Mary, was gonna help me look for chu guys and mommy and daddy!"

Both boys turned in unison, smiling. "Coooool!"

Mar'i smiled back at them, floated into the air and bowed like her mother did at big events. "My name is Mar'i and its nice to meet you!"

"Dude, you can fly!" One boy exclaimed. "My name is Felix!"

"That's so coooollll!" The other jumped up and down. "I'm Heathcliff!"

Mar'I made a mental note that Heathcliff's left eye was green while Felix's was blue as she floated a little higher. "Let me see if I can find my mommy, she can find your mommy and daddy!"

"Pft, we got this." The twins scoffed. Then they both inhaled deeply and shouted as loudly as they could. "DAAAAAD! OLI TRIPPED AGAIN!"

"I DID NOT!" The youngest boy shouted at them.

"What did I tell you boys about tattling on your brother?" An man's voice called out. The four children turned and found the boy's father coming towards them. His dirty blond hair looked slightly frazzled, his face wore a slight scowl, and his pretty green eyes were worried. His khaki shirts had a grass stain, as did his left leg. He looked a tad irritated, if anything.

"Told ya!" Felix giggled.

"Works every time!" Heathcliff nudged Mar'i. She giggled.

"Awww, come on Oli! We just bought you these clothes dude!" The boys' father signed. "Yer mom is gonna flip."

"About what?" A female voice spoke up from behind him. The man cringed and shot his son an apologetic look.

"I…uh…couldn't catch him in time." The man said guiltily as he stood and turned to a long black haired woman with very blue eyes. The woman scowled at him but sighed at her child. Mar'i watched her reach into a small backpack she was carrying and pull out a shirt and pair of shorts for her son.

"Good thing one of us is prepared." She snorted.

"Hey hey hey!" The man replied indignantly. "I am very prepared, thank you! I packed their lunches and got us here way ahead of schedule!"

"Yes, and it would have been an admirable job if you hadn't of given Oli the peanut butter sandwich. You know, the one he's allergic to?"

"Hey! Its not my fault that their lunchbox's all look the same!"

"That's because they all have paper bags, dearest."

The man fakely glared at her. "Who's fault is that?!"

The woman crossed her arms and returned his glare. "Yours. You are the one who forgot which box their lunch boxes are packed in."

"Don't sass me, woman!"

Her glare darkened just a bit. "And just what are you going to do about it?"

An evil grin split the young man's face before he darted forward. The woman only had time for a single yelp before she was picked up and slung over his shoulder. Laughing, the man spun the both of them a few times before pausing in front of his sons.

"Now boys, what happens when you sass mommy or daddy?" He asked, ignoring his wife's increasingly angry shouting.

"We get in trouble!" The twins giggled.

"I dun wanna get yelled at." Oli mumbled, ducking behind his brothers. The man just laughed.

"That's right boys! That means mommy is in trouble too! What should her punishment be?"

"I swear to God, if you don't put me down-" The woman started to say before her husband jolted his shoulder upwards.

"Take her books away for a week!" Heathcliff shouted gleefully.

"Don't be mean to mommy!" Oli protested as he peeked between his brothers.

"Spank her!" Felix shouted at the same time as his twin.

"Now that sounds like an idea!" The man chuckled. The woman stiffened for about two seconds before redoubling her efforts to break free. The man's smile tripled in size and mischievousness before he pulled his free hand back and landed a nice smack right on his wife's ass. The woman yelped in pain before she finally snapped.


He set her down instantly and cringed in the face of her fury. "Come on Rae, I was just-"

"Don't." She hissed at him. He shushed immediately and stood there with his hands in his pocket, staring at the ground. The woman, known as Raven Logan, turned to her sons.

"Heathcliff Alexander Logan, Felix Arnold Logan, you two should know better than that. I do not tolerate misbehavior inside or outside our home. That includes egging your father on." She said sternly. Both boys stared at the ground shamefully as she turned to her youngest son. "And you, Oliver Anthony Logan…come here and get changed, your class is starting soon."

The three in trouble stood there quietly as the youngest was quickly changed into clean clothes. Mar'i floated nearby, eyeing the Logan's curiously. Garfield and Rae? Those names almost sounded like…

"Oh!" She gasped. "You're Auntie Raven and Uncle Gar!"

Raven turned and looked at the floating child, a small smile on her face. "That's right. We haven't seen you since you were born."

"Mommy's told me a gazillion stories about you!" Mar'i gushed excitedly. "Like when you fought Mumbo Jumbo and the Hive Five and-"

"Alright Mar'i, settle down." Raven laughed. "We'll come by soon enough and catch up. Your mother got called away for a car chase, so I'll take you to class."

"Does that mean they're my cousins?!" The little alien girl almost shouted, pointing to the boys.

"Something like that." Raven said amusedly. She took her youngest son by the shoulders and gently pushed him in front of Mar'i. "This is Oliver, he's a couple of months younger than you, so he's in your class. He's a sweet but shy boy. Will you be his first friend in his new home here in Jump City?"

"Are you kidding?!" Mar'i shouted happily, making the boy smile. "I gonna be his bestest friend in whole world!"

"She seems like a sweet kid." Garfield remarked as he and Raven got into their car. The former empath merely grunted in response, clearly still angry about earlier. Heathcliff and Felix strapped themselves in in the back seat quietly, their bookbags sliding to the floor with a slight jangle of zippers. Garfield signed as he started the car.

The ride to the school their older sons were going to was quiet, despite the obvious excitement displayed on the twins faces. Five years ago they had moved away because their dad got an offer to work as the head chef for a huge casino. The money was too good to pass up, so the boys had been forced to say goodbye to their friends.

Five years later and the boys almost couldn't sit still.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the school and did the paperwork required. The twins ran to the room their class would be in, eager to see their friends again.

They weren't disappointed.

Not too long after that, Raven and Garfield had returned to the car. While the black haired woman had been all smiles in the school, she made it quite obvious that she was still mad at her husband. Halfway to the house, Garfield finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry Rae. I got carried away again. Will you forgive me?" He said quietly, as if he didn't want other people to hear. Which was silly, it was just them in the car.

"Put our song on and I'll think about it." Raven huffed. "And I want a foot rub."

Garfield chuckled and popped a CD into the radio. Three clicks later and their song started.

I was given wine

We're feeling okay

And quite all right

You wash my tears away

And make me wanna stay

And bonfires lit up the shores

Walk far far away

To go beside you

Is where I want to be

Walk far far away

To laugh, to love

Unbeknownst to any there, let alone anyone on the whole planet, a cloaked figure had stood in the midst of the maelstrom of children and their parents at the preschool. He was impossibly tall and his dark green cloak hid his silver grey skin. He had stood there silently, taking in everything he saw and many things his other senses told him about. Even though he had more important things to do, the Spectre couldn't help but to be there to relive the day he first met his best friend.

She made him smile, just as she had done so the first time all those years ago.