Disclaimer: I don't own anything from DC comics or Marvel, all I own is my OC.
-Homo-Caelestis -
Evolution is a aspect of humanity, of nature, that causes great controversy. Whether God created the universe or life created itself is the topic of debate even amongst people today, people forget that life undergoes a cycle of life and death. Progression is inevitable, something that cannot be denied. To challenge evolution is to challenge life itself, and nature will always find a way to win...
Homo-Sapiens... Humans... Creatures that slaughter each other in droves, either because of religion, morals, money, revenge, vengeance, whatever excuse they can muster to rectify their lust for battle and war. Not all Homo-Sapiens are blood thirsty heathens mind you, however the majority of others aren't much better; turning a blind eye to those that disagree with their ideals, challenging their opponents with philosophical nonsense; in attempts to "understand" their fellow man, but it ends in failure like all the rest of history has shown...
Homo-Superiors, the next stage of Homo-Sapiens; granted with god-like abilities that could easily conquer the world and replace their predecessors. But they are reigned in by the peaceful teachings of Charles Xavier, Professor X as he is also known across the world. According to Xavier's beliefs, Homo-Sapiens and Homo-Superiors can co-exist in harmony and prosper together; a noble yet futile effort.
Likewise certain members of the Homo-Superior believe that they shouldn't cower away from the creatures they deemed inferior, that they should do what is intended by them according to the laws of nature; to rule and progress as a species. A rather honest but primitive mindset as well, but they fail to see the beauty of their campaigns against their predecessors.
Conflicts and war weed out the weaknesses of any species, it is natural aspect of life that Humans can not comply with for some reason. Compassion, morals, ideology, love... all things created in the human mind, to which they have merit. These things are not inherit weaknesses, but weaknesses nonetheless. They are the reasons why conflicts arise within people, ironically enough; the ideologies that are supposed to bring joy and peace are the catalysts for death and misery: The Holy Crusades, the War on Terror, World War I, World War II, Cold War, Civil War, Vietnam War, the 700 Year War between the Islams and Spaniards; all ideologies ending in bloodshed and warfare.
But will there be a time when the suffering will cease? One can remain hopeful, but is hope the only thing a person can rely on for peace amongst all living things? No, there are many paths to peace; most are violent, some are peaceful, and there are those that are both.
A young child at the tender age of ten huddled in a corner of a room. His body quivering in absolute fright, tears glazing his eyes as he watched his father berate him; almost every other word holding a slur and swear of some kind. With every rising yell in each sentence, the boy huddled tighter and closer to the corner wishing for this nightmare to be over.
To add cruelty on this supposedly joyous occasion, it was Aryan Romeo Snow's birthday today. Romeo had been looking forward to this day for a long while, like most kids would. Friends, family, cake, games, balloons, and presents; what wasn't there to enjoy? Until it was time to blow out the candles, closing his eyes to make his wish until he reopened them, then his cake disappeared. The gasps of the adults caused Romeo to glance at the cake hovering above his head. Before he could acknowledge what was happening, he was yanked away from the party by his father, Robert Snow, and practically thrown in his private office, pacing back and forth across the room casting cold glances at the child.
Several minutes of muttering curses, slurs and other dialogue from his father did little to ease the child's fear.
"Goddamn it, my damn son is one of those goddamn muties! Senator Kelly isn't going to like to hear this." seethed Robert, casting chilling glares towards Romeo. Watching his dad clenching his fists open and shut, Romeo could hear the growing labored breathing with each passing second. The gritting of Robert's teeth, along with the flaring nostrils, made the man almost look like a feral animal. Suddenly a chair was thrown towards Romeo, hitting the ten year old head on. Screaming from the blistering pain against the side of his temple and shoulder, Romeo screeched in pain; further irritating the man.
Stomping over to his son with furious intentions, Robert snatched him up by the throat and slammed him against the wall. "Damn you! You were my son, I did my best to take care of you after you killed my wife! I tried to forgive you, that it was God's plan or something like that, I dared to say I loved you, until you became this hideous monstrosity."
The mutant's pathetic sniveling did nothing more than to anger the man, and in an attempt to silence him Robert punched Romeo square across the face. And for a moment, it worked. No crying, whimpering, or any obnoxious sounds. Tears however fell rampant down his cheeks, on both males. Reeling his fist for another punch, Robert hesitated for a split second before deciding to land his fist next to Romeo's head. Romeo winced at the action and began to shake once more. However the newly applied pressure to Romeo's neck caused the young mutant to try to break away the choke hold.
Growling, Robert suddenly threw Romeo towards his desk; the sharp edge of the oak desk scrapping Romeo's temple, blood gushing at a surprisingly rapid rate. As the crimson liquid continued to grow into a rather significant sized puddle, Robert brushed past his son bleeding on the floor towards his home phone.
"Kelly, we have a situation. It seems..." He paused for a moment, glancing towards the supposedly unconscious form of his "son". A trickle of regret laced within his blue eyes.
"It seems what apparently?" asked Senator Kelly, his voice seemingly rather distracted. Robert Snow could hear the shuffling of paper on the other end of the line. "I'm rather busy at the moment Robert, so if you have anything of worth to me-"
"It's my son, apparently he's become one of those muties." stated Robert coldly. The shuffling of paper ceased after that particular announcement.
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"I don't give a damn whether or not you're sorry, just get the MDR over here and get this thing out of my house!" shouted Robert.
"They're already en route, they should be there in a few minutes." Kelly stated. "And Robert, I truly am sorry. I know what's like to be in your shoes, in fact, you and I are almost exactly the same."
Witnessing Romeo slowly crawling away from the pool of blood, Robert hung up the phone. Making his way towards the mutant, Robert grabbed him by his shoulders and shoved him into nearby chair.
"Daddy..." whimpered Romeo, his bloodshot eye wavering in fear. Robert ignored the growing swollen eye staring at him. Scratching his eyebrow, he stood up and paced himself backwards from Romeo, walking over to his desk and pulling a .45 Colt from the drawer; focusing the barrel towards the mutant.
"For the next few minutes you're going to sit there and not say anything, mutie." ordered Robert, a chilling intensity between the two making the current situation unbearable. The roaring of engines caught their attention, search lights piercing through the crystal clean windows. The doors suddenly busted down and a multiple squads of MDR's surrounded Romeo, their tranquilizers trained on the boy.
"Took you long enough to get here John." Chastised Robert.
"Sorry for the late appearance Mr. Snow, it's not as if we didn't want to get our hands on this mutant. On contrary, we were dying for such an occasion. It's been a few months since our last mission." stated Wraith gleefully, his dark cruel eyes observing the mutant child. Romeo noticed the odd markings on the man's face, three claw-like marks etched on his face.
Noticing the stare of the mutie, Wraith snarled at Romeo and got close to his face. Romeo could smell the disgusting stench on the man's breath, causing Romeo to wipe his nose trying to ignore the smell.
Unfortunately he seemed to piss off Wraith, grabbing the boy by his hair he stared straight into his eyes. "What's the matter mutie? Did I offend you with my breath?"
The wind escaped Romeo's lungs as Wraith slammed his powerful fist into his stomach, blurry images clouded his vision. Almost wanting to vomit, Romeo tried to plead for his dad to help him, but deep down, he knew better. His dad ordered these men to take him away, his dad that rejected, beat him and blamed him for the death of his mom. There was no redemption for him, for all of them.
His breathing starting increase, Romeo glared at his abuser spitting what blood was now in his mouth onto Wraith's shirt. Glancing down at the stain, Wraith wiped the blood from his shirt and stared at the blood blankly. Rubbing it away on his finger, reaching for the gun on his holster, Wraith flipped the gun to where the barrel was in his palm and struck the end of the gun across Romeo's face; a stream of blood leaving his mouth.
New levels of pain almost sent Romeo into unconsciousness but somehow he remained stagnant. Tilting his head towards the military man, Romeo sent a rather disturbing grin towards him; his pupils shrinking and gave him a demonic, feral look. Seeing such a look, Wraith almost struck when his arm suddenly snapped in two.
Yelling about his broken arm, Wraith ordered his men to shoot the bastard child down. However the guns were ripped away from the MDR soldiers, hovering above them. Humiliating them, Romeo slowly stood from his chair; carefully rubbing his cheek as he felt his wounds slowly healing themselves.
Seeing the MDR soldiers slowly back away from the mutant in fear, Romeo ceased this chance for revenge. He felt his body grow heavy suddenly, looking down he realized that his skin somehow transformed into diamond. Perplexed by this new discovery Romeo slowly looked over himself, touching his hands and face; hearing the soft clink and feeling the hard surface.
"Telekinesis, a healing factor and a diamond skin..." muttered Wraith. "What kind of mutant has three abilities?"
The sounds of desperate choking alerted Wraith to his men floating in mid-air, their pathetic attempts to save themselves were quickly proven futile. The sickening crackles of bone along with the horrid screams were quickly silenced by the thuds of the bodies landing on the floor; mishappened in grotesqued angles, bones piercing through the skin and leaked onto the floor.
Romeo grinned maliciously at the work he had accomplished, redirecting his hatred towards his father. Making his way towards his father, Romeo brushed past Wraith with a single hit, causing Wraith to be slammed into the window face first . He yelled in pain with the shards of glass slicing his cheeks. Robert tripped backwards over his feet, crawling away from this monstrosity; his back hitting against the wall, his breathing increasing in fright. However what surprised the mutant was his father's smile, a mixture of genuine and strained; his eyes shrinking and dilating in intervals.
"Beautiful, just beautiful." exclaimed Robert, his voice breathingly at the carnage this child had brought.
Curious on what he was talking about, Romeo turned around to the distorted bodies; his mind slowly remembering what had happened. He lurched forward and emptied the contents of his stomach, his stomach violent reacting to the potent smell of crimson iron. Romeo covered his mouth to prevent any more vomit and tears freely fell down his cheeks, realizing the hellish thing he had done.
"You're in trouble now." playfully stated Robert, his tone similar to a teasing child and his face seemingly serene despite the current situation. "First my wife, then these soldiers. Who else will have to suffer your wrath?"
Romeo turned towards his... What was he to him now? "I-I didn't mean to."
"Didn't you?" Robert sighed, his expression changed akin to boredom. "Go ahead, say this has never happened to you before."
"Shut up."
"Make me." chuckled the increasingly delusional man. "Finish me."
A looming ominous drenched the room, Romeo considering a regretful action within the next few seconds.
Robert sighed disappointing however. "Doesn't matter, I win. You lost control, and they'll kill you for it."
The young child glanced towards the man, witnessing the sadistic smile on his face and the look of insanity that made his eyes glow with joy of some sort.
"See you... in Hell." sneered Robert, revealing in his right hand a small transmitter that recorded their conversation. Taking the only action he had left, Romeo ran over to one of the nearby windows and jumped through the glass, safely landing on the grass from the second story jump and ran.
Ran and ran he did, through the streets and ignoring the horns blaring at him and the slurs of road rage. The blood pumping in his ears brought the only solace he could muster. He collapsed onto the water...
Water? How he did get on top of water? He ignored the searing pain in his legs as he stood up, witnessing the splitting trail of water behind return to the ocean. Not too far from where he was, Romeo viewed the city of New York and the Statue of Liberty. A growing sense of dread lurched in his stomach once more, but almost as suddenly as it came it disappeared. Cold dead eyes narrowed towards the city, his disgust growing within him. Remembering the words of that man, Romeo turned his back on these creatures. Glancing towards his hand, remembering his hand turning into diamond, pondered what else he was capable of. Maybe this was a sign of God or something similar. Mutants and evolution, he heard these words before.
Looking towards the horizon, Romeo felt a pull on his body. Suddenly he saw himself miles above the ocean, quickly descending at a rapid speed. Flaring his arms wildly, Romeo attempted to try to save himself by doing whatever got him in this situation in the first place. Concentrating, Romeo disappeared once more; keeping an eye in the distance, Romeo noticed that the island of New York became a tiny speck in the distance. Though he noticed he was miles in the middle of nowhere except for the ocean water to keep him company.
Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters
Charles Xavier, considered to be the most powerful telepathic mutant on the face of the planet, sat in his wheelchair in a massive pristine dome-shape chamber. His eyes closed, his face calm and serene while he concentrated on locating a recently discovered mutant. However the problem laid in the fact that the signature of this mutant would be alerted then just as fast disappeared. This fact troubled him greatly.
Opening his eyes to the titanic screen in front of him, he observed the glowing yellow dot a quarter way across the Atlantic, then two-thirds, then half-way. Whoever this is mutant is, he seemed to inherit a teleporting capability; a rather rare and promising ability indeed.
The whirring of a metallic door slid open and a beautiful thirteen year old girl with a red colored pixie haircut walked over to the Professor.
'What can I help you with Jean?' Xavier acknowledged telepathically. He always enjoyed the company of his fellow telepath, she was always quite intelligent for her age. Plus he gave him reason to use his powers, something he wouldn't resist if given the chance.
'It's the dreams again Professor, they're coming back. The screams, the flames, the heat...' Xavier turned in his wheelchair to face her directly.
'It's alright Jean. Just clear your thoughts, that's what I taught you. To stress the mind is to stress the body, which slows down our progress together." sagely advised Xavier.
'I know that Professor but...' Jean attempted to say something but her tongue fumbled in her mouth. Taking the Cerebro helmet off and placing it on the counsel, Xavier smiled comfortingly.
'We should take this to my office Jean, that way you can express yourself fully without any stress. Plus we can search through your mind and rebuild the psychic barriers ok? It's a sign that your powers are growing at an astonishing rate.'
Jean smiled softly and nodded, walking away towards the Professor's office. A few steps, however, she turned towards the screen noticing the yellow dot flickering closer to Europe. "Did Cerebra catch another mutant Professor? He's moving rather odd."
"I can only assume that this mutant's powers are in correlation of teleporting Miss Grey. But I can assume that this reaction that his parents had must've been severe if this mutant is heading towards Europe at an alarming rate." stated Xavier.
"So let's go after him then Professor, I can get Scott and we can bring him to the Institute to hone his powers."
Unspecified mutant has disappeared
Xavier turned rapidly in his seat, gawking in shock. That wasn't possibly, no one could block out Cerebra... No one should be able to. A sinking feeling grew as Xavier slumped in his chair and stared at the screen blankly, his mind preoccupied.
"Professor? Professor?!"
Ibiza Beach, Spain (Mediterranean Sea)
The crystal water glistened in the sun, the occupants of the nude beach enjoyed the rays on the bodies. Though a sudden splash in the ocean caught their attentions, a minute passing before a ten year old child dragged himself lazily onto the sandy shore. Barely being able to hold himself upright after God knows how many miles, Romeo still managed to walked past a few people who stood up from their seats at the soaked child. Fatigue finally overwhelmed him and the young mutant child fell face first onto the sand, his energy fully spent and his muscles constricting with acid from the adrenaline rush.
The people ran over to the distressed child and checked his pulse for any sign of life, after barely missing a faint heartbeat, the citizens called an ambulance to assist the boy. A woman propped Romeo onto her lap, not bothering to cover up her naked breasts. She noticed how the boy was rather cute with his short ash brown colored hair. Suddenly Romeo jolted from her, accidentally knocking the woman face first into her volumptous breasts. Realizing the situation, he pushed himself off of her before tripping over the beach furniture, clawing the sand like an rapid animal. However as quickly as it started, Romeo collapsed onto the ground once more, his adrenaline rush burning quickly and fatigue overwhelmed his senses.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and new story! I have to thank my fellow co-author ramasioti100 once more for agreeing to help me with this little epic :).
This is one of the more unique ideas I had here. I mean, given that in the X-Men franchise Evolution is a rather important factor here, so what do you do if a mutant evolves even further? Homo-Sapiens, Homo-Superior, what follows next? This story of course XD. But also a godlike mutant as well lol.
(Heroines): The Enchantress (la Encantadora), Alura In-Ze, Adrienne Tomaz/Isis, Jade (Green lantern), Amethyst, Power Girl, Atlanna, Big Barda, Fire, Ice, Plastique, Circe, Helena Sandsmark, Hippolyta, Catwoman, Cheshire, Kathy Duquesne, Knockout, Scandal Savage, Maxima, Mera, Morgaine le Fay, Talia al Ghul, Nyssa al Ghul, Lady Shiva, Sara Lance, Roulette, Arella, Lady Blackhawk, Huntress, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Vixen, Element Woman, Raven, Starfire, Terra, Supergirl, Wondergirl, Donna Troy, Zatanna, Fire, Ice, Atlanna, Mary Marvel, Stargirl, Zealot, The Wanderer
(Villainess): Tala, Blackfire, Mala, Circe, Cheetah, Jinx, Cheshire, Silver Banshee, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Lady Shiva, Rose Wilson, Power Ring, Atomica, Superwoman, Sheba, Adara of Heart's Desire, Encantadora, Nemesis, Voodoo, Anguish, and White Rabbit.
Normal Beings: Lois lane, Shay Veritas, Vicki Vale, Wendy Harris and Zola.
Green Lantern Girls: Aya, Soranik Natu, Iolande, Arisia, Laira Omoto, Boodikka, Brik, Bruun, Cary Wren, Donna Parker, Droxelle, Feska, Horoq Nnot, Jade, Jeryll, K'ryssma, Katma Tui, Kaylark, Kraken, Krista X, KT21, Lashorr, Liana, Lysandra, Maria Contranetti, Qanda, Qurina Vint, R'amey Holl, Salice, Sendrina, Sheriff Mardin, Shilandra Thane, Tomy-Fai, and Venizz.
Sinestro Corps: Feena Sik, Kari-Sil, Kiriazis, Lyssa Drak, Bekka, Malia, Seer Ruggle, and Sinestra
Red Lantern Corps: Bleez, Skorch, Antipathy, and Aviva Metula.
Blue Lantern Corps: Sister Sercy.
Indigo Tribe: Iroque/Indigo-1.
Star Sapphire: Ghia'ta, Aga'po, Miss Bloss, Carol Ferris, Dela Pharon, Fatality, Jillian Pearlman, Krystal, Miri Riam, Nol Anj, Race, and Raycharr.
Orange Lantern Corps: Clypta.
New Gods: Bekka, Grail, Little Barda, Beautiful Dreamer, Lashina, Gilotina, and Fury(Hall, Earth Two).
Asgardians: Torunn, Sif, Enchantress, Valkeryie
Greek Gods: Hera Argeia, Aphrodite Ourania, Gaea, Artemis, Athena Parthenos, Hebe Panhellenios, Persephone
Heroines: She-Hulk, Red-She Hulk, Thundra, Sersi, Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel, Black Widow, Sharon Carter, Maria Hill, Tigra, Namorita, Gamora, Saturnyne, Wasp, Invisible Woman, Crystal, Power Princess, Talisman, Roma, Spider-Woman, Moondragon, Namora, Black Cat, Silver Sable, Phyla-Vell
Normal Beings: Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacey
Mutants: Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Storm, Kitty Pryde, Mystique, Psylocke, Scarlet Witch, Polaris, Rogue, Husk, Stepford Cuckoos, Sage, Domino, Ruby Summers, Frenzy, Dazzler, M, Jubilee, Siryn, Moonstar, Mach 2, Karma, Majik, Cecilia Reyes, Boom-Boom, Rachel Grey, Selene, Pixie, Blink, Nocturne, Magma, Lifeguard, Skids, Layla Miller, Meggan, Amelia Vought, Cipher, Ariel, Miss Sinister, Lady Mastermind, Martinique Jason, Surge, Angel Salvadore, Armor, X-23, Hope Summers, Transonic, Stacy X, Stinger, Mercury, Loa, Dust, Wolfsbane, Lila Cheney, Lorelei Travis, Aurora, Megan Summers, Aliyah Bishop, Candra, Tarot, Kirika, Vertigo, Fatale, Adrienne Frost, Feral, Thornn, Hollow, Roulette, Murmur, Kiden Nixon, Namora, Darkstar (Petrovna), Astra, Arclight, Cordelia Frost, Tithe, Eimin, Cluster, Sprite