Karamatsu had just finished completing his end of the bet, singing you a "Karamatsu Original" serenade as the two of you sat on the roof. His face was beat red as he nervously looked at you for a reaction.

Your smile was so wide your eyes were closed in happiness, "Wow!~ That's the sweetest, most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you, I loved it."

You open your eyes to see Karamatsu smiling with teary eyes, you know from living here that the poor guy rarely gets praise.

You sigh happily and lean across his guitar to give him a kiss, right on the mouth.

His eyes widen in surprise, then flutter close. This was his first kiss after all.

"I think you earned that. Can you write down the lyrics for me? I want to make sure they never get lost or forgotten." You smile happily after pulling back, he just nods awestruck.

"OI! PAINFULMATSU!" A voice calls from down below, startling poor Karamatsu. He starts to rapidly slide down the roof, but your quick instincts allow you to easily grab him before he falls off.

You stand and pull him up, one hand on his arm the other on his waist, "You okay, my musical lover boy?" You smile, teasing him a bit.

"T-Thank you my princess! You have saved me once again." He says breathlessly and stammering.

"Think nothing of it." You giggle, then the voice returns.

"Stop hogging her! I neeeeed her, come down here!" The voice whines, judging from your PhD in Matsuno, your bet was Osomatsu.

The two of you safely make your way down and Karamatsu kisses your hand before departing to procure the lyrics to his love ballad.

Low and behold it was dear whiney Osomatsu who was calling for you.

"Hey babe! Guess what, guess what!" He smiles, rubbing his nose with a wink, but continuing before you can answer him, "The week is up! I can gamble again starting today."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about our bet." You say nonchalantly.

"WHAT? It was soo hard, I was struggling so much, you're too cruel not to notice!" He whined again tugging on your arm now.

"Osomatsu, it was clearly a joke, you were complaining about it every day." You snort with a smile.

"Ohhh, you're so smart." He grins again, "Now that I can gamble again, I want to challenge you, to another bet! I KNOW I will win this time."

"You are an addict, Oso." You roll your eyes, "What's the wager?"

"I bet you can't tell us brothers apart." He says matter of factly.

Now it's your turn to grin, "You're on."

Before you knew it you were sitting across from the six brothers, all wearing the same shirt (non-color coded) with blank expressions.

"I can't believe you guys think I can't tell you apart, I've been living here for how long now?" You chided, then began rattling off the names, "Choromatsu, Todomatsu, Ichimatsu, Karamatsu…" You paused, thinking for a moment, "Jyushimatsu, but you are really good at imitating the others buddy! And finally our boi Osomatsu."

Jyushimatsu beamed with pride at your praise, deliberately putting a show of mimicking each of his brothers with spot on precision.

You couldn't help but laugh, "That's amazing! You almost got me. Can you do the voices too?"

Before he could answer you, Osomatsu piped up and you realized the other five brothers were looking at you in surprise, "How in the world did you get that right?! NO ONE gets that right! Even our parents mix us up sometimes."

"Lucky guess?" You say, "Just kidding, you think I can't tell my boyfriends apart?"

The surprise look intensified, and you felt your cheeks heat up. Had you really just called them your boyfriends? They truly practically were, but you had never discussed… well, you supposed you sort of had with Karamatsu and Ichimatsu, but not really.

Jyushimatsu bounced around the room happily chanting, per usual. Totty pulled out his phone to update his relationship status on social media. Karamatsu fainted. Ichimatsu looked nauseous. You swear Choromatsu pulled out some sort of romance self-help book and was frantically flipping through the pages.

"I guess it's official then?" You chuckled, feeling a wave of relief.

"Does this mean we can have sex now?" Was all Osomatsu said.

You busted out laughing, loudly. "Maybe later."

That was enough for him, "Yessss! Mom and dad will be so proud."

"Anyways, I win the bet, but what were we betting on again?"

"I was going to ask to do you. You never said what you wanted, is it sex?" Osomatsu said eagerly.

"Not this time." You roll your eyes, "How about we go out on the town, USA style. You never went to college and you are ALWAYS asking me about the 'American College Experience', so how about I show you tonight?"

"It feels like I didn't even lose!" He grins, "You're on!"

After cooking and serving dinner, along with getting a little dolled up for your night on the town Osomatsu and you were ready to head out. You had picked out a nice outfit to go out in, but nothing too flashy. Karamatsu and Todomatsu desperately wanted to tag along, but per the rules of the bet they didn't. You promised to take them all out another time.

Osomatsu wolf whistled when he saw you, "Wowww, you look really good. Like, really good. Maybe we should skip the party and head straight to a hotel?" The poor boy was almost drooling.

You blushed lightly, "Oh Oso, stop it. I won the bet and we are going, it'll be fun to let a load off!"

The others continued to grumble in jealousy. You made sure to give them each a bit of attention before you headed out the door.

You walked hand in hand towards the train and rode it down town, as you didn't want to drive home if you had been drinking. Although, you planned on pacing yourself this time. It was more of the experience of going out on the town with Osomatsu you were looking forward to, rather than the drinking.

It seemed that Osomatsu was looking forward to that too, as he had been non-stop bragging about how he was sure to be a hit at the clubs, that you would probably have to start chasing other women away from him, how he would outdrink everyone there while still keeping his cool, etc.

You just giggled playfully, nodding along. Every so often he would ask you about a story from your college or rowdy high school days and you would oblige.

Finally you arrived down town, even though you did enjoy leaning on your… boyfriend's shoulder on the train. You were still getting used to that.

You hadn't been downtown in a long time. Not that when you went back in the day you really went clubbing, only around the clubs in the alleys and such.

You chuckled, it was still beautiful, all the lights up and down the streets were like neon rainbows.

"Let's go, let's go!" Osomatsu cheered, tugging you down the street.

"Okay, okay!" You laughed, getting out your wallet to pay for the entry into the club.

"Whaaaa, you gotta pay to go in?" Osomatsu asked in surprise.

"Wow, you really haven't been anywhere besides those old-man bars have you, Oso?" You teased gently as you stood in line.

"Heheh, guess not." He wiped his nose, smiling his usual cheeky grin.

You thought he was cute as a button, perfectly Osomatsu in his red hoodie and jeans even in downtown Tokyo. You're sure he didn't even think to dress up, as all the people around you were, but it suited him.

After doing your best to keep the bored boy's attention (he really was like a kid sometimes, who can't stand in line for 10 minutes without whining?) entertained, you miraculously made it to the front of the line and into the building.

"WOW! IT'S SO LOUD!" Osomatsu hollered into your ear.

"WHAT?" You joked, even though you could hear him. You took his arm and walked him over to the bar away from the dance floor.

"It's quieter over here, let's get a drink before we hit that mess." You gestured to the aforementioned dance floor.

Osomatsu stared at the mass of people, "Are we really going in there?"

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to, babe." You smiled waving over the bartender and ordering a round.

"Of course I want to, it looks great. I bet we would be reaaaally close in there right, so we wouldn't get separated?" He asked, waggling his eyebrows.

"Ha, I guess you're right. Most people dance close together in places like this anyways." You winked, gesturing over to some couples.

Osomatsu's eyes widened and he grinned widely.

However, he didn't quite get what he expected.

At first, he was loving the dance floor. Being so close to you, being able to touch you, he could've just died in happiness.

Your smiling face was soo cute, he loved that you were singing along to the music. When a song came on that he knew, he would join you even though he had an awful singing voice, not that you could really tell since it was so loud and he didn't care anyways.

The two of you were laughing and holding each other, then doing silly dances just for fun, it was a blast.

Although… he couldn't help but notice all the looks you were getting from other guys, and he did not like that one bit. He maybe would've liked it better if he was getting some looks himself, but no one was paying attention to him except you. When someone did notice him, they would snicker and look away. It was obvious people were confused about the two of you being there together.

He did his best to ignore it and decided it was time for round two, so he leads you back to the bar by your hand.

"I'll get the drinks this time, baby." He winks at you and smiles, his attempt at being suave but he's already blushing.

You put a hand to your mouth and giggle, smiling. "I'm honored!~"

Of course, the bartender takes a lot longer to come over when it's a dude waving him down than a girl. In the meantime another bartender has brought you over a drink.

"Oh, I didn't order this." You say, pushing it back to the man.

"The guy over there did." He says with a wink and walks away, leaving you a napkin with, presumably, the mystery man's number on it.

You and Osomatsu turn to the guy, who blows you a kiss.

You meekly wave back, but point to Osomatsu and then you, and back to the drink and then him. Asking him if he wants his drink back because you are taken.

The guy frowns at first obviously disappointed, but waves you off, letting you keep it with a forced smile.

You felt a little guilty, but hey it's a free drink.

Osomatsu does not look as happy.

"What was that?" He asks grumpily.

"Oh, nothing major. I told him I already had a cutie over here." You smile, trying to diffuse the situation with a quick peck to Oso's cheek.

He takes the bait, smiling dopily with heavy lidded eyes, "Hehe…" he touches his cheek softly as you manage to wave down the bartender finally.

"Bring over like, 3 rounds of shots since you take so long." Osomatsu said, not caring if he was rude.

"That is one way of ordering.." The bartender said, you shot him an apologetic smile and slipped him your card.

"That is a lot of liquor, Osomatsu. I wasn't planning on drinking that much tonight." You said, after all you have had two drinks already at this point and had just taken a shot.

"Fine, more for me then, sweetcheeks!" He giggles, already feeling a bit tipsy, and takes a double.

You wonder if you should stop him or not, he does have a high tolerance, but he is usually drinking sake or beer, not whatever it was he had ordered.

Your thoughts took too long to process, as he had already downed another double and was reaching for a fifth, "Nope!" you say and quickly take it yourself.

"Oh you!~~" He says, slurring a bit. "Let's go dance again, I'm feeling good now. I won't let anyone look at you, but me.. Even though it's so hard because you're so sexy." He eyed you up and down, smiling.

"Oh Osomatsu." You chuckled, "C'mon then." you took his arm in case he was already that far gone and moved to the dance floor.

Once again the two of you were having a good time, a really good time actually. Osomatsu was being hilarious, making you laugh with silly dance moves and singing loudly to the songs, regardless of whether he knew the words or not.

All the sudden, you could tell something was wrong. Maybe the alcohol was getting to him, or something else?

You make eye contact and you can tell he wants to leave. You grab his hand and make your way outside to get some fresh air.

"You okay?" You ask him softly as you get to the sidewalk outside.

"Yeah.. I think I just need some air." He mumbled, you took the hint and the two of you went on a slow walk away from the loud, crowded club.

"What's wrong, butter-bean?" You ask, sweetly.

"Butter bean? You're worse than Karamatsu." He laughs, scoffing and rolling his eyes.

"What can I say, ~baby~, I'm just worried about you is all." You say as you give his hand a squeeze.

Osomatsu sighed, "It's just.. I had fun, definitely, who wouldn't when they're out on the town with a hot babe on their arm, but I just.. It didn't go how I thought it would."

Osomatsu took your silence as a cue to go on, "I just.. people were looking at me weird, and I realized I look like a scrub next to you. Everyone was thinking why a loser like me was with a model like you."

"Oh Oso.." You couldn't help but blush, "I think you're exaggerating a tad, I'm no model and you're not a scrub. I like you just as you are and next time someone looks at you funny tell me and I'll belt them one." You held up a fist with a determined look.

"Heh.. Thanks" He smiled and laughed a bit. He even rubbed his nose a little.

"There's my handsome guy." You smiled softly and looked at him through your lashes.

Now it was his turn to blush, "Heheh.. well, what can I say?" He scratched the back of his head and looked back at you. The two of you had walked long enough to be mostly alone, save the passerby every so often.

You looked at each other with warm eyes and cheeks, you wanted to show Osomatsu how special you thought he was. He wanted to show you, well, what he always did.

The two of you leaned in slowly, lips meeting softly. Your eyes fluttered close as you enjoyed the sweet moment. You were a little surprised Oso wasn't trying to slip in some tongue, but this was your first kiss together.

You pulled back after a moment and the poor boy's face was as red as his hoodie. Even a soft, sweet kiss excited this one.

"I really like you, Osomatsu." You giggled.

He looked at you with a dopey grin and heavy eyes, "Me too…" Then suddenly his expression changed to shock, and he quickly turned towards the building behind you two and threw up.

"Ah.. those shots got to you didn't they." You said after a brief moment of shock yourself, "Or was the kiss that bad?" You rubbed his back slowly as he finished up and wiped his mouth.

"Definitely the first. MAN! I can't believe I just—" He turned around and heaved again, "This is so embarrassing… Finally on a date with the girl I like and I throw up like a baby… My brothers would never let me live it down."

"I won't tell them, don't worry. There's no reason to be embarrassed, it's just me." You felt bad for the guy, he was already having some sour thoughts tonight and now this.

"Do you want to head back?" You ask him softly, continuing to rub his back.

"N-No…" He muttered, "I can't go back like this, they'll totally know."

"Hmm.." You paused to think for a moment. "I guess we could find a motel or something for the night."

Osomatsu immediately perked up, his face flushing again and he stared at you with wide eyes, "R-Really?!"

"Well, yeah why not? But before you get too excited, none of that stuff is gonna happen tonight. You are pretty drunk, and you already threw up once, we don't want an encore of that."

He rubbed his neck, "Fine, fine… Having you to myself all night, even without all that, will still be really nice."

You blushed a bit and nodded, "Alright, it's settled then, let's go find a room."

Not long after, you both have checked into a small hotel room, which of course shared a bed.

"You sure you're okay sharing a bed?" You ask him, not wanting to push.

"Psh! I've waited my whole life for this moment, I'm more than okay with it." He assures you, then goes to brush his teeth.

As he's in the bathroom you realize you have no pajamas and no clothes for tomorrow. "Gross.." You mutter, thinking about wearing your club clothes home. You shrug, then focus on the bigger problem of what to wear now.

About this time, Oso has come out of the bathroom, "You wearing a shirt under that hoodie, Oso?"

"Hm? Yeah, why?" He says a little confused.

"Can I wear your hoodie as pajamas? I just realized we really don't have anything else, and I definitely don't want to sleep in this."

He looks at you like a deer in the headlights, "W-Wha.. You wanna?… hehehe…" Internally, he was praising the heavens, he couldn't wait to see what you looked like wearing his hoodie. Even better, what you would look like sleeping next to him the next morning… He was in heaven. His brothers will be SO jealous.

"Sure, sure! Of course." He says, taking it off and handing it to you, as he did so his clothes lifted up to reveal a little bit of tummy. You could feel your cheeks turning a light pink, he was so cute!

"Thanks!" You smile enthusiastically and can't help but give him a hug on the way to the bathroom to change.

When you return he's sitting on the bed wearing his undershirt, socks, and boxers. He was kicking his legs back and forth on the bed like a kid, and his smile reminded you of Jyushimatsu. He had his shirt pulled down for obvious reasons. When he turned to see you wearing your socks and his hoodies, no pants, he passed out.

"O-Osomatsu!?" You cried, running to the bed. "Are you okay?"

His face and eyes were sheet white and black, except for the blood trickling out of his nose.

"Osomatsu!… What am I going to do with you?" You shook your head, and tucked him into bed. Quickly turning off the light and joining him.

Now that you thought about it, you were a bit flustered. You put a hand to your cheek and felt the heat, and you heart was pounding.

You were sharing a bed with your boyfriend, even if he's passed out… You gently snuggle up to his arm and shut your eyes. His chest was warm and you could feel his heartbeat, it was so soothing..

Before you knew it, it was morning. You woke up to see Osomatsu just looking at you, with soft eyes and rosy cheeks.

"G-Good morning beautiful.." He said, quietly. He sounded so sweet and sincere, you were a little surprised.

"Good morning, handsome." You giggled in return, he then surprised you again by gently pulling you into a kiss. You placed your hands on his chest as you enjoyed this rare quiet moment.

When you pulled away, both of you were looking at each other with understanding smiles.

Then you heard your phone buzz.

When you picked it up you had about 500 missed calls and texts on your phone from the others. You sheepishly called them to apologize and they all started screaming in unison questions, so you hung up.

"We better get back…" You mumble, feeling a little guilty but not regretting your night together.

"We'll get there soon enough, they can wait a little longer." Osomatsu said calmly, leaning in to kiss you again.

It didn't take long for you both to check out and get home. Immediately you were cried on and hugged desperately, then the 5 brothers drug the eldest out of the house for who knows what.

"Some things never change.." You laugh, making your way inside and setting down your purse. That's when you notice the blink on the phone receiver.

"I wonder if it's that 'zansu' salesperson again…" You mutter as you push the button to listen to the voicemail.

"Hello my little Neets! It's mommy and daddy, who are very much in love again. We can't wait to come home and be one big happy family again! I missed taking care of you all, who would've imagine that? We are so proud of you for taking care of the house all by yourselves! Very impressive. Alright, we love you, we will be home in one week! Bye bye!"

Your heart stopped as you froze in spot as you listened to the message. The room started spinning and you blacked out.