Title: Plan D
Chapter 1 – A Brand New Plan in Motion

Summary: THRQUL to Plan B/C. Kelly & Erin prepare to welcome & adjust to their newest family member. However, a new danger surfaces, threatening their future. Matt, Benny & Voight join in their latest adventure along with all the ups and downs, laughs, loves, trials, hurt, comfort and danger.

Disclaimer: Chicago Fire, PD and Med and its characters are the property of Dick Wolfe, NBC. I only own my evil muse (Alice-love her!) and any OCs that might come along.

A/N: As promised the third (and probably final) segment in this AUverse. With this new journey we will meet some new characters, most importantly – baby Severide! But this is me so you know there will be a new baddie to cause problems (evil grin) but of course I'll temper that with lots of couple/family moments, Shay flashbacks, Benny!, Voight! broments and as requested more involvement from 51 and 21 but always with the focus on our fave couple Erin and Kelly! And yes this starts with a time jump as I didn't want to draw out the whole pregnancy but have a bit of it left over and then jump right into the new family! Hope that's okay. Alright…here we go!

Ending from Plan B

"When I think of all that's ahead…a baby on the way, a new House to find – one that will work for us and Matt and Andrea; Aurora going into kindergarten and the two of us in high risk jobs with a bigger family."


"Wow," Kelly ponders as Erin nods.



"I think…we need a brand new plan."


6 Months Later

Kelly looks at the final ultrasound picture on the fridge and can't help but smile; his fingers gently brushing over the outline of his child. They didn't want to know the sex – wanted to be surprised instead. But the longer he stares at the picture, the more his mind wants to know if the black and white image is of his son…or daughter.

So much had happened in six months it was hard for him to even ponder all the events that they had experienced, all the while making preparations for the newest incoming member of their family. He looks up, casting a somewhat wistful gaze into the large open kitchen, family room, looking at the boxes that still needed to be unpacked.

'I think this…will be our new home.'


'Kelly I love it. It's got everything we need and…it's a new area, a new neighbourhood, new school for Aurora…a new start for all of us. What do you think?'

'I love it too. I'll call Matt and Andrea and…yeah. It's the same distance to work…to dad's…I love the Park nearby. I love it.'

'Our home.'

Matt loved it right away and that night the four of them, Andrea, included, sat down at their table and talked about their new adventure – together. Matt had already drawn up a few renovation ideas that would make the House even better and the next day they put everything in motion.

It didn't happen overnight, as they had to sell their current condo and that took a bit longer than expected. But the time afforded them to pack up slowly, get all their finances in order and get prepared for the big day. At first Aurora wasn't too excited but after spending some time in their soon to be new home and then the area, playing in the Park and seeing her new school, she too was happy to get involved, even trying to help by packing up her own room – which wasn't that successful at the start.

With the sale of their loft condo dealt with and their new home all taken care of, it was back to trying to endure the daily pressures of two high risk jobs.

'Jay I swear if you…'

He could only chuckle when he'd get a text from his pregnant wife's partner about needing to be put on the missing persons list because he told her to be careful one too many times. Kelly could only sympathize with the male members of Precinct 21 who, as she got bigger, got more protective and she got more irritated. Erin had hoped that Platt and Burgess would have been on her side, but she could only site conspiracy when they joined the male ranks in telling her to be more careful.


'This is a necessary assignment,' Voight had replied one time, his voice thick with exasperation.

'I am pregnant…not made of china! I will not break but…'

'Erin, no discussion here. This court appearance needs to be done. It might seem like mundane testimony but it's necessary to putting Amelia away.'

He watched with an amusing smirk as she stormed from his office, muttering angrily under his breath. However, Kelly knows that he too hadn't escaped his wife's full range of emotions, looking at her in wonder as she tried to hold back a small sniffle during…a commercial?

'Ugh…seriously why do they play these…can we please move on from the Kraft teddy bear commercial.'

But at work, when faced with a situation when he was rescuing a family or having to deal with a family loss that involves newborn children, his own panic would resurface. He had had the feelings when Shay was pregnant and had told himself that he had learned from that and it would be different with Erin. Not so.

'Kelly…it wasn't your fault.' Matt had tried to reassure him. 'We just couldn't get there…'

'She…she looked like Aurora. I…I tried,' he had morbidly confessed, looking over at the utterly distraught parents.

But ever thankful that he's kept up his friendship with Nick, he would schedule himself in for an appointment; not wanting to burden his wife with the death of a child that would remind her of one she had come to love and officially adopt as her step-daughter.

Matt had been there for him as always, keeping an ever watchful eye on his friend and thus keeping the rest of Squad 3 safe in emotionally tense situations.

Kelly's eyes then drift over to another piece of paper on the large fridge, a picture of Aurora's new school. Grade one…wow!

'Can you imagine our little girl going to prom?'

'Shay. I'm still trying to get past grade 1. That's…a huge milestone.'

'And we'll be documenting it all along the way!'

His heart starts to ache as he thinks about the next big milestone for their daughter and how Shay wouldn't be there to witness it. Christie and Violet were still very much a part of their lives and Pauline and Don Shay had inserted themselves into their regular monthly routine; Pauline proving invaluable to Erin as a birthing coach and answering the questions other females who hadn't had any children couldn't.

Both Benny and Voight had also continued to play a large role in their lives, babysitting, helping out with finances on an occasion or two and just giving any kind of support that was called for in a particular situation. Despite being a bit further away, they were still close to the Herrmann clan and would see them for Park visits along with Preeti and Gurj and a few other families. But as always their biggest support was their extended families from 51 and 21.

Kelly pulls away from the well decorated fridge and slowly heads toward the coffee stand on the counter, pouring himself a steaming mug and then heading toward the door that leads onto the outside patio. The deck itself needs some work and Matt had drawn up a cost-effective plan to build a new one, extend it and make it even better than the existing one.

'You want to help?'

'Oh come on that was one time,' Kelly huffed when Matt looked up in mock horror. 'My hammering skills are much better now.'

'Uh uh…'

But it was the bountiful size of the backyard and it's plentiful space that afforded them the possibility to dream and then of course act upon that dream; for theirs and their family's future enjoyment. His and Matt's. Not wanting to put an even bigger financial burden upon themselves, Matt and Andrea had followed Kelly's suit by having a modest wedding ceremony at Firehouse 51 and then going on a two week honeymoon to someplace tropical.

Kelly looks at the soft orangey glow as it starts to peek up over the Chicago skyline and feels a twinge of anxiety starting to creep into his form. He hears some shuffling but before he can turn around two arms wrap around him and soft laughter ensues.

"Matt?" He snickers as Erin comes in front of him.

"If I could transfer this to either of you right now I'd be happy," she lightly huffs as she heads for the fridge. He watches as she closes the door and then looks outside the window into the quiet backyard. "I love this place."

A smile adorns his lips as he nears, this time wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. Researching pregnancy sex was something that amused them both but also informative as it helped them not only learn some new and rather exciting positions but also taught them how to deal with her emotions, moods and how the growing fetus would be affected. With Shay it was different, aside from their one night, he didn't see her naked pregnant body, so watching Erin's body change and seeing her develop that pregnancy glow, made his heart swell and his love for her grow in ways he never imagined.

"Mmm you smell good," he whispers, his arms holding her close as his lips nuzzle her neck. She takes his hands and rests them on her belly, hers gently resting atop his and then both waiting. Sure enough…a kick.

"Morning little one," she utters in a soft tone as Kelly's smile grins. "Definitely going to be a morning person. That's all you."

"No way…you," Kelly tosses back. "Benny?"

"No," both state in unison and then laugh.

"Court today?" Kelly asks as he pulls away and heads for the sink; Erin nodding as she sits down in a nearby chair.

"Seems like all I do these days is damn court hearing…sorry baby, mommy didn't mean to curse but…" Erin's voice trails off as Aurora comes bounding into the room.

She walks up to Erin and then gives her a hug, looking down at her swelled stomach and waiting for the signal. Upon getting it, she pats the belly and then puts her ear to it. Erin's hand rests tenderly on Aurora's back; having read that it was very therapeutic and a great bonding experience for all in the family to welcome the pregnancy.

"Hi little baby," Aurora greets as she listens for a kick. Sure enough she gets one and then lets out a giggle before looking up at Erin with a broad smile.

"Little brother or sister is happy to hear your voice."

She remembers when her stomach had really started to swell, one night it was just her and Aurora and she was lying in bed reading to her adoptive daughter.

'The baby…it kicked.'


'Here…' she then pulled up her night shirt and placed Aurora's hand on her warm, naked belly. At first there was nothing and Aurora looked up in wonder. But then a kick and Aurora started to laugh and clap.

'When will it come out?'

'A few more months yet. Are you excited?'

'Yes,' Aurora promptly replied. 'Is it a girl?'

'I don't know.'

'Can it be a girl?'

She could only laugh and shrug, trying to explain that she'd be happy no matter the sex, just as long as it was healthy. Then it was almost a regular routine with Aurora, wanting to touch Erin's belly to see if she could get the baby to kick.

"I think it'll be like Aurora and that means…all your fault," Erin counters as she gets up to help Kelly with breakfast.

"When is the baby coming?"

"Very soon," Kelly drawls, earning a playful swat from his daughter, who was tired of that same old answer. "What?" He laughs as he hoists her protesting frame into the air. "It is very soon. A month….or so."


"Think grade one will cure the whys?"

"It'll bring on more," Erin groans as she takes her leave, heading for their new Master bedroom to get dressed for the day. Unlike their previous condo apartment, this new home had two levels and a basement/family room; a modest space with a door in the middle that would allow them to share time with Matt and Andrea if they so wanted. Upstairs were the three bedrooms, one larger and two smaller; a full ensuite just off the Master bedroom and another one at the end of the hallway that the kids would share. Downstairs was a small den and half washroom along with the rest of the living space; fire place in the middle.

"Court…again! Soon I'll be able to represent either side on my own," she mutters as she pulls on a pretty maternity top that Pauline had bought her. "Just keep…emotions in check."

"Good pep talk," Kelly interjects as she looks up to see him enter.

"Remember the last time Jay said that?"

"I remember when you pulled a gun on Voight…it was empty but still…"

"He pushed me beyond my limit," she shakes her head as she looks up as he approaches. She dangles her wedding rings on the chain around her neck, his fingers reaching out to touch them. "Always with me," she whispers as he kisses her on the lips. "And at least…no one's died at my hands…yet," she concludes as he chuckles, giving her arms a gentle rub before he pulls back and heads for his closet. "Careful today. Damn I sound weepy again."

"Well…I'll say the same thing."

"I'm going to court," she deadpans. "Worst I'll get is a paper cut. It's a misdemeanor case. It's a nothing case."

"Voight wants you to go."

"He's trying to keep pacify me with…some kind of job."

"Better than counting bullets," Kelly snickers.

"I'll never live that down," she replies as she picks up a small card and then tosses at him.

"Hey…that's our family fire drill card. We do that this weekend," he reminds her. It was the one thing he insisted they all participate in, both sides…a drill so that each member of the family would know what to do, where to go and what to do when outside the House at the specified meeting place.

"Promise you'll wear your full gear?" She playfully wags his brows as he grins. "My weakness."

They talk a bit longer before it's time to take their leave; Pauline arriving to pick up Aurora, all of them counting down her last weeks in Kindergarten before the big leap into the official grades!

"Love you."

They both exchange before getting into their separate vehicles and heading in separate directions; Matt riding with Kelly to Firehouse 51.

"Days are closing in," Herrmann greets Kelly and Matt as they enter.

"Who's out of the running now?"

"No one yet," Herrmann replies, referring to the Baby Severide pool. They were all placing friendly bets on the arrival date, the sex and the name chosen.

"You're kidding? Dad joined this madness?" Kelly snickers.

"Joined? It was his idea," Herrmann utters in sarcasm. "But I'm gonna win…trust me I have this down to a science."

"That's a scary thought," Otis pipes up; a few others laughing at Herrmann's expense.

"Not as scary as Herrmann Severide," Cruz adds as Hermann looks at him with a mock cross expression. And then of course more silly banter ensues.

Kelly can only offer them a laugh but at the same time tries to fight back an odd feeling of uneasiness that's starting to develop in the pit of his stomach.

'I love you….'


It was just something to say but when spoken in the right circumstance always forced him to realize the powerful meaning behind the few simple words.

"Kelly? You still with us?" Matt asks as he claps his friend on the back.

"Yeah…so what's the top name on the list?"

"Benny!" They all chime at once as Kelly shakes his head. He tells himself it's nothing and today….would be fine. It would…right?


"If hear one more daffy duck comment!" Erin hisses as she glowers at Jay and Antonio before Voight walks into the area with his brows arched. "I don't…waddle."

"Who said you waddle?" Voight asks Jay and Antonio in a stern tone. But when each of them points at the other, Erin can only shake her head and look at Voight in exasperation.

"Still think she's gonna miss all this when she's gone."

"Off…not gone," she corrects her partner as she follows her boss into his office. "I'm gonna go postal at home being off for longer than a few months."

"Trust me, you'll be busy," Voight reminds her as he hands her a file.

"New case?" She asks as she flips it open and then looks down at the unfamiliar face. "Who is he?"

"Warren Sandecker. He's…a friend of the accomplice but one we have been told to keep an eye out for. Not to alarm you but if you see him…call us. We need to bring him in for a talk."


"Chances are he won't be there, you'll say your piece and that'll be it."

"Talk to him?"

"He's…he's got a nasty temper but only to those that cross him, betray him or…piss him off."

"Great…so anyone driving badly in traffic. You think he'd be stupid enough to show up?"

"If he's off his meds which his doctor thinks he is…he could. Just keep an eye open."

"Thanks…for the warning. And for the record…I'm fine," she insists as she hands him back the file. She heads back outside, telling her partner she'd be back in an hour or two and then ready for action; Jay just shaking his head and Antonio patting him on the back.


"Court duty…" Erin grumbles as she nears the courthouse, parking the car and then slowly heading inside. It was to be a modest hearing; her part just to testify that the person in question – Bernie Davis had been caught in possession of narcotics during an official and legal police raid and that would be it. She'd say her piece and then maybe drop by the Firehouse to see if Kelly was free for lunch.

She eases herself down onto a bench near the back, offering a strained smile to an older woman beside her and then praying that this morning goes by fast and without incident. But as she waits, her eyes casually travel around to all the placid faces currently seated in the courtroom and then as they enter. So far…no Warren Sandecker to be seen.

The court comes to session. The state presents its forensic case and then Erin's called to add her piece to the CPD's involvement.

She slowly gets up and heads for the front of the quiet room.

The back door opens. A figure enters and slides into the very back seat.

She rounds the front of the defense's table and heads for the witness stand.

The man in the back row stands and pulls something from his pocket.

She turns, her eyes instantly widening as something is hoisted into the air.


A/N: yikes! Well…I promised you all we'd come back with a bang! And we did – literally! So I hope you all liked the start to this new adventure. New home…new area and new incoming challenges but also joys. Baby Severide is just about to make their debut and everyone's betting on who it's going to be! Hehe but hmm think this will just be a routine courtroom heist? And how will this factor into our new adventure going forward? Would love your thoughts so please do review before you go b/c more reviews = a longer story! And thanks everyone!