It all started on that day, when the young girl lost someone dear to her, that was when she became the Beast the Humans fear...

Her Mother tried to protect her, she tried to run, only to run into the Grimm. She pushes her daughter out of the way of a claw coming towards her Mother. The sound of flesh ripping attracts more of them.

She watches as her Mother is ripped and torn apart. Her Mother's body laying still, not even moving an inch.

"NOO!" She was afraid to help her Mother, afraid of being torn apart. Her body wouldn't move, as tears rolled down her cheeks, then her chin. Her anger takes over, the beast within her tearing it's way into her mind. Her bones crack, reforming, as she becomes into the beast sleeping within.

She growls before charging at the Grimm. They run towards her, but they are soon torn apart with claws and fangs. The instinct to kill was on her mind.

Two Beowolves manage to claw both of her ears, her torso, and her back, making her bleed. She howls in pain, but still stands, attacking once again in pure blind rage and anger. Whimpers and wines were all that came from them as they all were ripped, flesh to flesh. She felt no remorse killing them.

No mercy was shown from her as she continued to kill. She snarls and growls,

'It's all my fault! ...I'm responsible for Mom's death! ...I can't forgive myself...I don't know if I can...' She told herself in her head, while tears continued to roll down her eyes.

As quickly as the Grimm came, they were all dead, and none were able to flee. Blood painted the snow, almost in a beautiful, and deadly way.

She looked around her, lifeless bodies of Grimm layed there. She returned to her Human form as she inched closer to her Mother's body. "M-Mom?" Her voice was quiet, with a hint of anger and sadness. Her Mother's eyes slowly opened, pain was what was seen in the young child's eyes when see looked into her Mother's eyes. "" Her voice was raspy and hoarse. Ruby cried even more at the sight of her Mother who was barely holding on to life.

"It...was...not you...fault...Ruby...Ple...ase...don't...blame your...self..." She smiled a bit at her daughter. Ruby tried to smile back, but she couldn't, she couldn't find the happiness in her anymore.

"Th-this was my fear..." Ruby muttered, her voice breaking more, "...Mom, you mean s-so much to m-me...I...I don't wan-'t to feel al-alone..."

Her Mother moved her hand and caressed her daughter's cheek, trying to comfort her. Ruby leaned into the touch, sniffing a bit, still crying. " much" She whispered, her voice giving out on her. Her daughter understood, nodding her head, she didn't know what to say. The life in her Mother's eyes fading slowly, her body temperature lowering, "Ruby...I me will...not...blame yourself...for my death..."

"I promise, Mom, and I love you too."

There was no response, her cold hand dropped to the snowy ground as Ruby cried again. Ruby held her hand for some moments. Ruby wasn't able to save her Mom, her aura was already depleted. She took too many hits, and wasn't able to heal her wounds. Her daughter looked at her lifeless body. Ruby lifted her hand up, lightly touching her ruined wolf ears, she hissed in pain.

Ruby moved the cold hands, placing them on her stomach, one hand laying on the other.

She tried to get up, wincing in pain.

In the far distance was a Vampire, watching the young girl mourn over her Mother's death. She felt sympathy for her, she felt her loneliness.

"What would have happened if I jumped in there to help them both?"

That question keep pondering in her mind, she felt regret, and a bit of remorse. She just sat there the entire time on the tree, doing nothing, she felt anger boil inside her. She should have done something. She deeply sighed, and jumped down from the tree, disappearing into thin air...

A/N: :D Hello~! I hoped you liked/enjoyed the intro to this story. Yes, I do realize it's short, no need to tell me. I'll be typing probably more than 3,000 words after this chapter, if I ever have enough time. But, I planned this fanfic BEFORE I went to typing it, along with some other fanfics. Please be aware that I won't update as much because of school and homework that gets in the way of me typing this. Also, there WILL be lemons in this story. If you don't like reading it, then please be my guest and skip it. Don't let your curiosity kill you, I learned it the hard way.

Ja ne~