"It's good to have you back. I have the girls back at my house waiting for us" Stiles heard Scott tell him as he watched the cars go past out of the car window.

"Come on dude I said no party!" Stiles protested, turning the radio dial backwards and forwards to try and pick up a good station.

"It's not a party. Anyway, you just came back from university and I haven't seen you in months!" Scott grinned, "You deserve to have a party"

Stiles smiled and rolled his eyes at his best friend in fake annoyance - he was happy to know that his friends had all missed him.

Stiles closed his eyes, resting them as Scott turned the car around the corner. He hadn't slept at all the night before because of the excitement of seeing everybody again. He drifted off for a while before the sound of screeching tires and a yell of shock from next to him jolted him awake again. There were two headlight beams on their side of the road coming towards, inching closer every passing second.

Stiles and Scott both screamed in fear as Scott veered his car over to the other side of the road, losing control and hitting his front tires against the curb. The whole car jolted at the impact and the back of the car lifted off of the ground and flipped forward, over the edge. Pain surged through Stiles' un-steatbelted body as his slammed against the roof and sides while the car tumbled down the ditch.

Eventually, they hit the bottom and the movement stopped. Stiles now lay out of his seat in the middle of the car, directly underneath the, now cracked, mirror where he could see his bloody, bruised and grazed face. His head vibrated in pain as he turned to try and find Scott. He wasn't next to him, making Stiles panic. In fear of his friend's life, he frantically searched for him. When he looked down to the bottom of the car, he noticed a large jagged piece of metal sticking out of his chest, blood seeping out around it.

Stiles let out a loud shriek at the sight of the wound, mostly in shock rather than pain. Suddenly, the car door on his side was ripped off the hinges and Scott's terrified face emerged. He was on the phone to someone, judging by the way he spoke it seemed to be his mom.

"He looks really bad, there's something from my car stabbed through him!" Scott shouted down the phone in a stressed tone.

Stiles couldn't help notice that his friend had healed already - one of the many benefits of being a werewolf. Stiles on the other hand, would most likely die from this bad an injury and he knew it.

"You're going to make it Stiles, stay with me" Scott was now leaning inside the car over Stiles, constantly talking to try and keep him awake.

Stiles tried to answer but all that came out of his mouth was a spurt of blood and a gargle. His vision blurred and fatigue washed over his body. Scott grabbed hold of his face and gently slapped his cheeks, desperately trying to save him.

"Stiles stay awake. I'm going to call Malia and let her, Lydia, Allison and Kira know what's happening", Scott informed him, pulling away from the car and out of Stiles view.

Stiles thought about Lydia. Although the he was excited to see them all, Lydia was who he wanted to see most. They had spoken over the phone a few times while he was at university but he had missed seeing her face. He had felt terrible about it; he was dating Malia, but right now the thought of Lydia was all that was keeping him awake. Scott's head reappeared as ambulance sirens sounded in the distance.

"Malia's not picking up. I'll try Lydia when we get to the hospital", Scott reassured Stiles, looking around for signs of the ambulance. "Stiles, you're going to make it... I'll make sure of it" Scott gave him a knowing look and Stiles knew that he was talking about the bite.