Jack woke up feeling refreshed and bubbly. He couldn't believe he felt so great. He looked at the time, seeing that it was just after seven. Breakfast would be here any minute and he was so keen to eat. He couldn't remember what he ordered, but he would enjoy it all the same.

He propped himself up on the bed, his arms feeling a little bit jellylike after the bike exercises the day before. He swallowed, his mouth feeling dry. Damn air conditioning. He reached for his water bottle only to see that it was empty. He sighed. How annoying. But the good outweighed the bad and he was feeling weirdly great.

One of the kitchen staff walked in with his breakfast tray.

"Water?" Jack asked, his threat feeling like sandpaper.

"You sound awful" the man said.

"Thanks" he croaked. He looked at the mans tag. This guy delivered his meals every day and he didn't know his name. Brian.

"I'll get you a water bottle." He set the tray on the table. He walked back to his trolley outside and brought a bottle in. "There you go."

"Thanks." As soon as Brian left, he opened the bottle and drank as much as he could without feeling sick. He set the bottle down, his breathing fast. He looked down at his tray. Toast. That was all he had ordered? He sighed and spread peanut butter on it, feeling disappointed in his decision. Usually he ordered cereal or fruit as well. He bit into the under-cooked, stale tasting toast. His cheery mood dissipating. He set the piece back down, no longer hungry. He sipped the water. Soon the nurses would be in for his shower, then he would have physio, and then... lunch... physio again... dinner... bed... with plenty of in between time to do absolutely nothing with.


He looked over at Ana. "Oh, hi... I didn't realize my shower assessment was today?"

"Its not, promise" she chuckled. "We will schedule it in another day. When I walked in this morning there was an overnight bag at the reception for you."

"For me?"

"Yeah, they said one of your parents dropped by with it."

"Thank god. They got my message and brought me clothes."

"Ah! Excellent." She brought the bad over. "Where would you like it?"

"Oh, just next to the beside table is fine."

She nodded and set it down. "How about we get you into the wheelchair?"

He nodded. "Please?"

"Okay. Do you pivot or slide transfer? Sorry Jack, I haven't read your recent notes."

"I slide."

She nodded. "Where is your board?"

"Just there" he pointed next to the bedside table.

She chuckled. "Can't believe I didn't see it." She set it next to him and brought the chair closer. "Okay, ready?"

He nodded and shuffled over. "The more I do this, the less scary it is" he admitted.

She smiled. "That's good. So how was physio yesterday?"


She nodded. "How are you feeling?"

He moved his leg on the board until it lay comfortable. "I was feeling good until I realized that I mustn't have finished my breakfast order yesterday."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, its just the toast was cold" he shrugged it off.

"How about I bring you in some yogurt? There is always plenty left over from my breakfast meal preparations."


She nodded. "Of course. Never be afraid to ask. Well, maybe some of the nurses are scarier than others, but" she shrugged, smiling.

Jack chuckled. He could think of a couple off the top of his head that were always very stoic.

"So, how about we look at getting a shower assessment date in the next week?"

He nodded. "Yeah, of course."

She nodded. "How about... next Thursday... I will be in here about seven thirty?"


She smiled. "Good. I will note that down. I will probably see you around today. Otherwise have a good day Jack."

Jack smiled. "You too."

She smiled and walked out.

One of the nurses walked in a few minutes later.

Shower time.


Henry didn't come in until almost ten thirty. Well, there would be other patients he had to see, so he wasn't worried. Just bored. There was only so much TV he could stand before he turned it off, usually no more than an hour.

He wheeled himself around the room in his chair, bored. He was grateful that Ana had left him a small tub of yogurt that he happily ate after his shower. that had made his morning more bearable.

He was grateful that his family had brought him clothes, the unfortunate part? They didn't pack underwear. He pulled at the crotch of his sweatpants, not really liking the feeling of them brushing against him. It felt more like something he would do at home if no one else was around. Right now it just felt wrong.

When Henry walked in he seemed surprised that Jack was in 'normal' clothes. "So, your family visited?" he asked.

Jack rolled his eyes. "No. They left these at reception."

"Up here?"

"No. At the hospital lobby."


"Don't be. I knew they wouldn't visit me, so it really doesn't bother me."

"Ana said you went really well with your transfer. I read it in your file notes too. Good work."


"I was thinking we could finish off with a pivot transfer. Just so you know how to do them. Also I was hoping you would feel up to having a go at the parallel bars."

Jack nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely."

"Good. That is what I like to hear." He moved behind Jack's wheelchair and pushed it out of the room. "So, how did you sleep?"

"Well. Really well."

"I'm really glad to hear. When is your next appointment with Koz?"

"Tomorrow evening."

He nodded. "Good."

"Yeah... it will be a good way to end my Friday."

"Will you be okay to do your stretching and core strengthening over the weekend? Its just that we don't have anyone on over the weekend-"

"I know. I will be fine" he smiled.

"Well, I am hoping you will do well with your bed to wheelchair and wheelchair to bed transfers so I can feel a little less nervous. I know that sounds bad, but... sometimes I think I worry too much."

Jack smiled. "That's understandable."

Henry nodded. "Good. I just... I didn't want to come off sounding like I don't believe you can do this or some other shit- I didn't just say that."

"Secrets safe" Jack chuckled.

"I can't believe I just said that at work."

"Don't sweat it."

"I know, I sound like an idiot."

Jack laughed. "Its not a big deal. I remember the time I swore at work. It was a disaster, one of the kid cut their finger really bad and I was like 'holy shit'. It was awkward" he sighed.

"You work with kids?"

"Yeah. Mostly."

Henry hummed. "There you go. I didn't know."

Jack shrugged. "It isn't important."

"Well, I think it is. I can see where you are coming from with what you want to achieve. I mean, going back to work will be a bit difficult for you at first, but once we know how the prosthesis will go, then we will be all good."

Jack nodded. He gathered that Henry didn't realize he didn't work with kids in a daycare setting. He sighed. He doubted that he could continue to be a ice skating instructor when he might have to start again. Then again, he was sure his body wouldn't forget, it would just have to slow down so he could make sure he was safe. He looked at the artworks as they went past them.

"You should ask Ana if you can join one of her painting sessions. Its more of a stress reliever than anything else."

"I think I will." He looked around once he was inside of the gym. There were people everywhere. "What?" he whispered.

Henry must have heard him over the noise cause he had an explanation. "Outpatient therapy day. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday."


"So, there are a few other people here, but we will be fine. Just focus on what we are here to do."

Jack nodded.

"So, we care going to do some sit to standing, and once you have that down, we will move onto the parallel bars. How about it?"

Jack nodded. "Sounds good."

"So, we will use the parallel bars as a starting point. What you will do is shuffle forward in your chair, and use your arms to push up, so, you will grasp the bar here with your hand, then once your balanced, you can move your other hand to bar. How do you feel about doing that?"

"Yeah... I think I can."

He smiled. "Don't overdo it, okay? If you need to take a break, take a break."

Jack nodded. "Is it okay for me to be nervous?"

"Of course it is" Henry said. "But like I said, take it slow, take breaks in between and you will be fine. Promise."

What happens if I fall?"

"The chair will be right behind you."

Jack nodded. He shuffled forward on the chair. He looked up at Henry who nodded. "You got this Jack" he smiled encouragingly.

Jack bit his lip, holding onto the sides of the wheelchair and pushing up, reaching for the bar. "I can't" he said, collapsing back down.

"You were almost there. What were you feeling?"


"Of falling?"

Jack nodded. "I don't want to fall."

Henry nodded. "That's okay. How about we just do the bike again this morning, and we will see how you go this afternoon?"

Jack sighed. "One more try."

Henry nodded. "If you're feeling up to it."

Jack nodded. "I don't want to give up so easily."

"It's not giving up. These things take time. You really have to build yourself up to it."

"Yeah, I understand." He tried to focus more, drown out the chatter from the outpatient groups. He shuffled forward. "So, just... push up from here?"


He swallowed hard. He really wanted to put all he could into this. He pushed up and reached for the bar again. He grasped it with one hand, his second hand following to meet it. He just stared at his hands. "I... I'm up. How the fuck do I get back down?"

"I am so proud of you right now."

Jack looked at Henry.

"I like that you're a trier. I feel like I might be pushing you a little bit, but... I feel like you can do this..." his grin widened, showing off the gap in his front teeth.

Jack smiled back. "I feel nervous. How do I get down?"

"I didn't explain it? I'm sorry, I think I got carried away. The way you got up, one hand back and grasping the chair arm, then the other will follow and you can sit."

Jack nodded. He reached back, feeling unsteady and wobbly. "I'm stuck."

"You're doing just fine Jack. Just two inches-"

Jack grasped the armrest of the wheelchair. He panted, his nervousness catching up with him. "Oh god" he murmured, as he reached back with the other arm. He grasped the other side of his chair and slowly allowed himself to sink back into the seat. "Whoo..." he breathed. Jack never thought that in his whole life using parallel bars would be such hard work.

Henry looked genuinely impressed. "You have great upper body strength."

"Thank you. Like I said I used to spend a lot of time doing yoga and pilates. I really enjoyed it. I could just be a one footed yoga instructor. Imagine that."

Henry smiled. "You can do whatever you want."

"Thanks for the permission dad."

"Far our Jack. Thanks for making me feel old."

Jack grinned. "Anytime."


Jack was glad when Ana walked into his room. He wasn't expecting her to come in for a second time in one day, but he had wanted to ask about her painting session.

"Henry said you went really well today. I am so pleased!" she grinned.

"Thank you" he smiled toothily.

"I just thought I would come in and see you and talk a little bit more about your goals. I just want a clear picture."

"I just want to go about my day as I would have before this happened. I want to be able to cook, and shower and dress myself and go out to the cafe down the road..." he looked down at his leg. "I just want to feel normal."

She nodded. "Of course Jack, and you'll get there. You have been doing so well. I mean it. Its a big thing to have to deal with at seventeen, but..." she smiled. "I know you can do it."

"Thanks Ana. Um... I saw the paintings on the wall-"

"Ah, from my outpatients? Aren't they great?"


"What's wrong?"

"Outpatients? Like... people who aren't in here?"

"Yeah, they did their time already" she chuckled.

Jack had to laugh. "I like that" he smiled. "Um... I just... I wanted to join one of your painting sessions."

"Of course! I have one next Tuesday. I will make sure I come and get you."

"Thank you."

"Welcome. I will also try and get you in for a meal prep soon too. Sorry I don't come around much. I get so busy" she admitted. "Working with in and out patients takes up a lot of time until Laura gets back. She is usually the one who works with outpatients."

He nodded. It still seemed confusing for him. All these titles and patients...

She smiled warmly. "So, painting session, meal prep... hopefully next week, and shower assessment. Okay. Next week will be a big week for you."

He smiled. "I'm ready."

"That's what I like to hear. I will see you later Jack. Rest up."

"Thanks Ana."

She smiled and left.

Ana was so nice. He wondered if she was always like this, or if it was a work facade. Either way, she seemed to be the most kindhearted person he had ever met. He was sure she would just have to be that way.


He finished dinner and moved the tray onto the bedside table. He reached for the telephone and dialed home. Hopefully his sister would be home now and he could speak with her. It rang a few times before the nanny answered it.

"Hello Kate here?"

"Hey, its Jack-"

"How are you? Are you better? When will you be home? Emma hasn't stopped asking about you-"

"Is Emma around?"

"Yeah, I will put her on. Emma?"

The phone went quiet for a few seconds before his younger sister spoke up. "Jack? How are you?"

"Hi Emma. I'm doing well. Thanks. How are you?"

"Good. I miss you. Will you be home soon?"

He sighed. "I may not be home for another... six weeks or so."



"But then you will be better, yeah?"

He bit his lip. Hopefully, right? "Yeah... I will be better by then."

"Good. Can I visit you?"

"You would have to ask someone to drop you off."

"I will ask mom."

Jack rolled his eyes. He doubted he would see Emma until he went home now. "Um, visiting hours is between three and five of an afternoon."

"Okay. What about weekends?"

"I think anytime, really."

"Okay. Maybe I can come out this weekend?"

"I would love to see you Emma" he smiled. "How is school going?"

"Good. Homework is really annoying though. We get way too much" she sighed.

"I don't doubt the credibility of your statement."

She laughed. "You're such a dork."

Jack smiled.

"Well, I have to go. We are going out for dinner tonight."

"What?" They never went out to eat as a family. What was this? Had he missed one of his parents birthdays? Emma's birthday had already been. His parents birthdays were still ages away...

"We have already gone out for dinner once this week, but dad wants to go out tonight, so... yeah. We are going to dinner. Katelyn is coming too."

Even the nanny was going? Fuck his life. His parents rarely took him out for dinner. He could count the times they had gone out for dinner in the last five years on one hand. And it was less than five times.

"Well, I will talk to you later Jack."

"Oh... okay. Bye Emma."

"See you later." She hung up.

He sighed. Well, at least he had called her. That made him feel a little better, in the weirdest way. And at least Emma seemed happy. That was all that mattered.