The Accidental Princess
Chapter 1
Brooke Davis woke up one morning thinking one thing and one thing only. Today was the day her and her friends were going to Wales for the whole summer. Her mother had arranged it and she had invited her friends to go with her. She happily threw off her covers and looked at her hair. Ugh. She really needed to take a brush to it and find a cute travel outfit for the day. After all she never knew who she was going to meet.
After Brooke picked out her outfit, she grabbed her luggage and grabbed her cellphone to call Peyton. Even though things had been rocky between them since Lucas, she was glad to take this trip to repair their friendship. It also helped that Haley was coming along as well. She was the peacekeeper of the group.
"Wake up bitch. It's Wales day."
Peyton graoned. "Did I mention how much I hate you?"
"Oh you know you love me. I'll be there in a couple minutes to pick you up. Love you. Bye."
Brooke hanged upo the phone and smiled. This would be a good trip. She just knew it.