"Why me? Why does it have to be me?" Danny whined as he was dragged into the large Opera House by his best friend Sam, who turned a glare at him. She rolled her eyes, you'd think she was taking him to his death sentence.
" Danny, don't be so overly dramatic. But then again that might be a good thing for the play." Sam paused as she drug him backstage. " And besides, they need another male role. I just don't get why some guys don't like being in plays. "
I can think of a few good reasons. Danny thought bitterly as he folded his arms over his chest with a disapproving pout. " I have nothing against plays, but Phantom of the Opera? Isn't the so called play cursed?"
" Danny that's Macbeth. Phantom of the Opera isn't cursed, but legend has it that the Opera House that it was originally played in is." Sam corrected as she went through papers on her clipboard looking for the right one. " But it's only a legend told to scare kids and gullible adults, no worries even if technically this is the original Opera House. "
Yeah because knowing that makes me feel better. " Geez Sam don't try to scare me or anything, that would be bad. Don't they have enough people for the play?" Danny asked as he looked around the old looking Opera House, it was mainly coloured with golds and off reds and oak wood everywhere. Aside from needing a new paint job the place wasn't half bad. That is if you could get past the fact that a murderous ghost haunted it's halls. Something shoved against his chest brought Danny out of his thoughts as he was met with yet another glare from Sam, he gulped not knowing if he had said something wrong or not at all because he wasn't listening to her.
"It's like I said, they need another male role and I figured you'd like to do it. You use to be in plays in school and you liked it. Why is now any different? "
" Because it was elementary school, and I have a feeling that's when Dash started picking on me BECAUSE I was in plays." Danny defended himself as he looked at the paper in his hands. It was the script for the play, his part was highlighted in a bright yellow highlighter. " Plus, three lines? It's not really worth wasting my weekends at an Opera House for Sam."
"Hey, you know how hard it was to convince Lancer just to GIVE you a part without an audition? Very. Now I have to go and make sure things are all set up. And um, Danny, Dash IS in the play too. He's the lead role with Paulina." Sam spat out the other girls name like it was a curse. Danny snapped his head up to look at her. He wasn't surprised that if Dash was in the play that he got lead role, seeing as he was so far up the teahcers ass that if the older man opened his mouth you could see him. But it was the fact that he was in it at all. Who's Danny to judge?
" Great, thanks Sam." With that his friend took off to do whatever is was that backstage management does for plays. He sighed and sat down looking over his lines. They weren't hard or very long, and he only had to remember three of them so he should be okay and not make a fool of himself.
At least he didn't have to sing.
After a while he got bored of looking his small lines over and over again and decided to just take in his surroundings. The place was dusty but clean nonetheless, other then the lights that shone on stage and in house the only real light source backstage was the bright red EXIT sign above the door that lead back into the alley way. Then Dannys eyes caught another light in the doorway beside the exit, or should he say eyes. In the dark hallway was a set of glowing green orbs that appeared to be staring right into his sky blue ones once he locked with them.
They didn't blink, or move but only stared at Danny as the teens heart began to beat more in his chest with each passing second he looked into those hypnotising radioactive green eyes that stole his every thought. Danny tried to speak, oh how he wished he could speak but it was like someone had clamped down on his vocal cords and laboured his breathing in a way that wasn't uncomfortable but at the same time wasn't pleasurable either. His mouth was slightly a gap looking like a fish out of water.
" Danny!"
" Ahhh!" Danny nearly fell off of his chair from the startle, his heart racing from the fear as he turned a glare to Sam who was just smirking at him. " What the hell Sam!"
" Don't 'what the hell' me mister, I've been calling your name for five minutes your scene is up next."
Danny nodded and slowly stood, he glanced at the hallway wherw the eyes were but they were gone now, the lights in thay hall on at full copasicy like they were never off. " Okay, I'll be right there." Sam nodded and left, as she did Danny went over to the hall to look down it. The hall was a lot colder then the rest of the theater, the lights started to flicker on and off making Danny back away and once more they snuffed out, green glowing eyes at the end of the hall and before he could do anything they were gone and the lights came back on.
" we don't have all day!" Danny heard Lancer call out to him and he flinched. Not wanting to make the teacher anymore upset Danny cast the hall one more look before going onto the stage to do his scene, feeling those eyes on him the whole time.