Heya... Welp, I think its about time I written a story... Took me long enough, let me tell you, heh. Well, I hope you like it. and no, I don't have any plans for a story... Just gonna wing it.. 'Wing ding' it.. heh.. This is my first story... So review and tell me what I screwed up on! :D

UPDATED!: Fixed and improved about everything to be close to the same quality as Chapter 4 (I hope..)




'Chara/Frisk Inner Speech'


ARC 1: Chara

Chapter 1: Blood and Names

The judgement hall..

Sans hadn't really noticed before, what with what's been happening and all, but it really was beautiful.

The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming, it was a perfect day for some puzzles...

Only thing is that the one he would do puzzles with was no more, because of THEM.

THEY took everything away, hopes, dreams, lives, and for what?

What could they possibly gain aside from petty amusement, or LOVE?

Did everyone really die because they treated this like some sick game that they can toy with?

Sans lets out a tired sigh, rubbing his eye sockets with his sleeve, before taking out a metal counter from his pocket and looking at it.

[00024] it read. 'At least I got this to remind me...'

He then took out a black notebook from his other pocket and opened it, then proceeded to flip through the pages of notes he written in times forgotten.

Some talked about anomalies, others of a Talking Flower, then Evil Flower, and Kill the flower all across the notes, etc. 'Flowey the flower..'

Sans always mused about who this "Flowey" Person was, but will heed the warnings from his other selves regardless.

He knew better than to ever pull a prank on himself, at least, not like that.

He chuckles slightly when he remembered some of the pranks he did come across, mostly just puns he could say, and when to say them.

He always got a kick out of how perfect the timing was for them...

Only this time he won't be able to use them, not when the human is here...

He never could bring himself to remove them, though, he figured the future Sans's would want a good laugh as well, if they can that is.

But now is not the time for a joke and laugh, no matter how much he would have loved just doing that.

He reaches the end of the notes.


he sighs, rubbing his skull. 'I guess those weren't me then...'

He remembers seeing Undyne fight the kid, and of her transformation and new found power, he thought for sure the kid was dead meat...

But what he saw instead sent a chill up his spine.

The kid blocked and dodged almost every attack like they've been practicing for a long time, all the while having a knowing look in their eyes, smiling.

And that's when the idea hit him.

The way they moved, like they already see what was coming...

The way they strike, just perfect for when an opening in the armor reveals itself for maximum damage...

The strange sense deja vu he got whenever that glimmer appeared...

They were the Anomaly, they were the ones resetting time over and over again...

He at first hoped that maybe it was a coincidence, maybe the kid was just unnaturally good at fighting, seeing the demon that they are, he wouldn't put it past him.

At least, unnaturally good on the defending part..

He figures he could probably dodge the attacks easy enough if he tried, as they seem to be focused more on power, and not speed like he is.

And with Undyne never even trying to dodge, despite the kid jumping and running around, it was an unfair fight from the start, despite Undyne's power at the time.

Which he was surprised she had in her, to say the least.

He never figured out why she didn't dodge, though.

Maybe she was just too full of pride, or honor, and saw it as some sort of cowardice act.

Hell if he knew.

But even still, with the power they have behind their attacks, he knew it'll only take one hit, one hit and its game over.

He shudders at the thought of it.

But now, though?

He knew what they were, the counter proves it.

And the realization with what he'll be dealing with drained what little hope he had left, knowing that sooner or later, it'll all end...

Though, even if it is hopeless, he'll be sure to give that brother killer a bad time, or two.

He decides to focus back on the time at hand, and raises his finger, that then takes on a glowing blue hue, like a flame, and presses it against the page, leaving a blackened mark wherever his finger touches.

24 he writes.

He then shoves the Notebook back into his pocket, and the counter in his other. 'Welp, I guess its about time they showed up...'

Sure enough, after a short while, he hears something.

Though it wasn't what he expected it to be.

"H-Hey, what are you doing?! B... Back off!" He hears a high pitched voice faintly in the distance say. 'What? Weren't all the monsters evacuated... Or dead?'

Bewildered by the sudden events, he decides its best to continue listening.

"I... I've changed my mind about all this. This isn't a good idea anymore..." Sans Hums in thought for a second, brows furrowing. 'What does he mean by that?'

He decides to take his notebook back out, his finger glowing that same blue hue, and then waits for anything helpful he could write down between this exchange...

"Y-you should go back, Chara."

Sans eye sockets widen, his grin straining.

He thought he must have misheard that, there was no way Chara, Toriel and Asgore's adopted child, was here.

They died a long time ago.

And the chances another human, as he knew the names of all the monsters in the underground, and none were Chara, fell down with the same name was too slim of a chance. 'Something else is happening here... And I don't like it..'

He writes down the name, leaving a burnt paper smell in the air, before underlining it and writing The Human with a question mark below it.

He continues to listen, hoping to find more information he can store.

"This place is fine the way it is... S-s-stop making that creepy face! This isn't funny! You've got a SICK sense of humor!"

'The kid's sadistic, then..' Sans thought, though he already knew that were true.

After finding the note papyrus left saying he won't fight the human, like sans asked, but rather befriend them, and help them be a better person..

Only to later find his scarf and dust in the snow where he met them, he knew.

And he hated them for it.

He waited for more, but could only hear faint footsteps approaching slowly. 'Guess its show time..'

he saw a shadowy figure enter the Judgement Hall, almost invisible in the darkness that shrouds it, strolling calmly over to the other side of the corridor, behind the box, and he saw a glimmering shine appear.

Something beeped in his pocket, and he fishes it out, and saw the charts on the receiver go hay wire, rising to near impossible heights, before dropping to negative numbers, before rising again, before slowly steadying in the middle once again.

This happened whenever that glimmer appeared, and he had a hunch on what it was. 'The kid saved..'

Sans didn't know everything about the RESET powers, or what all someone can do with them, but from what he observed, he got the gist of it.

He decides to check the counter again. 'Can't be too sure..'


He sighs. 'Alright, this is truly the first time they are here, better put on a good first impression..'

He puts on his ever present grin on his face, stuffing his hands in his pockets, and once the human has gotten close enough, he decides to walk out from behind one of the pillars he's been hiding behind to block their way. 'This is as far as you'll go...'

The human stops, just like he hoped they would.

"Heya." Sans says in his usual lazy tone of voice, he takes the few seconds of silence between them to get a good look at the human.

He saw that they were covered in a thin layer of dust from head to shoe, the knife in their hand shiny, and emitting a dangerous aura. 'Huh, they got a new weapon.. Great..'

The human's face was as stoic as ever when they aren't fighting, no emotions at all, but he thought that when they were walking up that they might have had glowing red eyes, and a vague shape of a smile on their face. 'Strange..'

"You've been busy, huh?" Sans says, waiting for a response of some sort from them...

Nothing happens.

"So, I've got a question for ya. Do you think even the worst person could change...?" He keeps his eyes shut, don't want to ruin the surprise with his left eye glowing from anger, now would we?

"That everybody can be a good person, if they just try?" It hurt him to say this, his brothers philosophy, and not believe it.

It made him feel like he was betraying some kind of unspoken promise between them, making him feel worse considering all that happened. 'Sorry... Paps..'

But the kid's expression still doesn't change, and they take a step forward, confident, casual, and threatening all at once.

But Sans just chuckles, an empty, hollow laugh.

"Heh heh heh heh... All right. Well, here's a better question." He lets some of his anger seep out, not enough for anything to glow, of course, but enough for the lights in his eye sockets to retreat.

"Do you wanna have a bad time?" He says, his voice laced with anger, noticeable with how it dropped an octave in tone.

"'cause if you take another step forward... You are REALLY not going to like what happens next..." He sorta hoped that they could be intimidated, that they would be afraid to continue, and realize it wasn't worth it to continue.

That they would finally reset, and bring everyone back, and everything would be okay.

It would have saved him a ton of trouble if they did. 'a skele-ton.'

But another part of him wished they would take a step forward, so he can finally unleash the judgement he's holding back upon them.

The speech, however, has seemed to have given the opposite affect to the former desire.

They Smile.

And it wasn't a happy, innocent smile like one would expect on a child, no.

It was devious, grossly stretched from eye to eye, which were now open wide and glowing a faint red full of malice.

If Sans wasn't as angry as he was, he probably would'a flinched from the action.


They take another step forward, but he notes how its almost cautious, not in fear, perhaps, but in anticipation for whats next.

Like they WANT a bad time.

Sans sighs.

"Welp, Sorry, old lady. This is why I never make promises..." He takes a stance of keeping his hands in his pockets, standing idly like he does at his posts. 'Heh, flawless..'

He notices when the kid's soul appeared in from of them, that it was a sickly dark red, with a dark purple outline and what seemed like black roots spreading all over it from the outside.

He didn't pay too much attention to it, though, figured it was because they were rotten to the core.

He then remembered about earlier, how nice it was outside, so pure and happy, how untouched it was by this thing...

He takes a deep lung-less breath, closing his eye sockets to take it in...

"Its a beautiful day outside.. Birds are singing... Flowers are blooming... On days like these... Kids like you.." He opens his eye sockets, and his pupils are gone, leaving only two empty eye sockets, that's darkness seem to swirl around like a whirlpool of anger.

"Should be burning in hell..." The kids eyes widen, their smile twitch, and he saw a glimpse of something..

Was it fear?


His left eye flashes between a bright blue, and starch yellow menacingly, and he whips his hand out of his pocket, and throws it downward.

Their soul then takes on a dark blue shade, and follows his movements.

They slam into the ground, a surprised yelp coming from them.

And before they can react, he summons bones to shoot up from the floor, which pierce through the kid around their chest, arms, legs, and about everywhere else all at once.

They let out a loud screech of pain, music to his non existent ears, before coughing up some blood.

He then quickly summons more bones, this time from the side, and launches them at the human.

The kid, still recovering from the last attack and staggering, doesn't get out of the way fast enough.

They are thrown across the room by the force of the bones slamming into their side, a soft yelp ringing out, before they slam into the wall, the bones piling on top of them.

Sans reckons his bones aren't as strong as his brothers, as Papyrus's bones have always done more damage...

But with sans, he plays differently.

Every instant his bones are close enough, they shake violently, almost unnoticeable, at high speeds against whatever he is facing, hitting repeatedly each second.

Like some kind of rapid fire bone-gun.

The kid is stuck against the wall, getting forced deeper into it with each passing bone, causing cracks to spread through it from the pressure, but he doesn't let up.

He hears a crack, then another, and he knows that it isn't his bones making the noise, as each crack was followed by some sort of squeak or yelp.

The situation was almost funny enough to make him laugh.

Here they were, the demon that killed almost everyone he knew and loved, now squeaking on a wall with bones, like some sort of chew toy.

And he guesses he is the dog that got the bone. 'heh..'

He pulls his bones back, and summons Gaster blasters in their place, appearing with static filled growls.

Though, from the looks of it, they probably aren't needed, as the kid is mangled into an unnatural form, arms bent backwards in their attempt to block the bones, legs disappearing into the wall.

He probably would have cringed if he didn't enjoy the sight of that dirty brother killer in a state like this.

A few instants pass, and his Gaster blasters are charged to full power, ready to incinerate them at a moments notice..

But, like he thought before, it wasn't needed.

Crack... Shatter...

The sound of their soul cracking and breaking apart was proof enough of this thought. 'Good.. Just what they deserve..'

He decides to approach, cautiously, 'course, and see just how bad he did them in.

He was confused a little from what he saw.

Their face was frozen on one of shock and pain, their bones protruding out of their body around there chest and limbs, blood leaking from every opening, and a few things that reminded him of hot dogs sticking out of their stomach.

Which he didn't mind, per se...

But the eyes, they were no longer red like before, but blue instead.

A baby blue color, empty though from the lack of life.

Before he can observe any further, though, reality shifts.

"Huh, so this is what it looks like" he thought out loud. 'Though, if they did reset 25 times now, I shouldn't be too worried..'

Reality shifts a little more, before going dark.

'What? WHAT?! What the hell was that?! Why is he so strong?! This doesn't make any sense! He's supposed to be the lazy, weak brother!'

'..He really is strong, isn't he...? Maybe he can-'

'No! No he can't! I won't reset because some pun loving, lazy skeleton decides to get in my way! I... I just need to learn how he works.. Just like Undyne, you though SHE was going to get me to reset, and what happened? Come on, tell me.'


'Exactly, NOTHING happened, I killed her just like everyone else, even if she was a pain to deal with... Sans will be no different...'

'.. You don't know that.. I saw the way he was fighting... It feels like he has a lot more to him than just what we saw.. And I won't lose hope, I won't give up on him.. Because I feel it... I feel the power he has.. I know he can make it right... I know he can stop you..'

'Pfft, don't kid yourself, Frisk. With the POWER I have? He doesn't stand a chance. Because unlike ME, he doesn't have infinite tries..'


'Now shut up and let me concentrate, it'll be my turn eventually.. and when it is.. its all over..'


...he saw a glimmering shine appear.

Something beeped in his pocket, and he fishes it out, and saw the charts on the receiver go hay wire, up and down then up again until it settles..

This happened whenever that glimmer appeared, and he had a hunch on what it was. 'The kid saved..'

Sans didn't know everything about the RESET powers, but from what he observed, he got the gist of it.

He decides to check the counter again 'Can't be too sure..'


"Huh.." Sans stares at the counter for a second, making sure he didn't read it incorrectly. 'I guess I was strong enough to stop them...'

He got a little pleasure in that, knowing that he can stop the kid, no, the demon.

Though, he had no idea how far they made it, he only hoped it wasn't near his limit. 'That would put a damper on my plans for sure..'

He decides to take out his notebook, and flip to the newest entries.




Nothing else was written. 'Nothing noteworthy, huh? Or did I just forget?'

He got brought out of his thoughts by approaching footsteps. 'Alright, round two..'

Putting his notebook back inside his pocket, he decides to walk out with his lazy grin to block their way once again.

"Heya.." He says, then takes a few seconds to look them over.

The first thing he notices, is that they are covered in dust from head to shoe, has a shiny menacing knife, and glowing red eyes. 'Spooky..'

The next thing he notices is that they are PISSED, if the angry eyes and snarl was enough of an indicator.

He figures its from the extra 1 on the counter, and leaves it at that. 'I guess they had a bad time.. Heh..'

"You look frustrated about something." Sans says in an almost mocking tone, and, from what he could see, was an understatement on how they fell.

He decides to let his eye sockets go dark.

He always thought it was cool how he could do it, it always gave him a more intimidating look when he needed to fit the bill.

"Guess I'm pretty good at my job, huh?" He decides to take a stance, keeping his hands in his pockets, grinning at them nonchalantly. 'Welp, I guess this is it, then..'

he takes a deep breath, closing his eye sockets.

The smell of flowers fill the air, and the sound of birds singing in the distance was almost calming.

"Its a beautiful day outside... Birds are singing, Flowers are blooming.. On days like these... Kids like you..." He opens his eye sockets, which are now void of light.

He notices them take a stance, warily glancing around, waiting. 'I guess its best to not keep them waiting..'

"Should be burning in hell..." Right after saying this, they jump in the air, and he could of scoffed. 'Too soon, buddy..'

He raises his hand, and swings it down, eye socket shining brightly.

Their soul takes on a blue hue similar but darker then the one in his left eye socket, before being slammed into the ground.

The extra height added a bit more damage, which he kinda enjoyed. 'Anything to make my job easier..'

He raises his hand, and bones shoot out of the ground...

and just barely nips the humans ankle, causing them to wince. 'Welp, should'a known they could do that at least...'

He throws his arm to the side, a wall of bones following it, heading straight for the human.

The human weaves and dodges the best they could through the hell storm of bones, but still get a decent amount of damage dealt to them, maybe a broken rib at most, much to Sans displeasure.

Then he summons his Gaster blasters, and the kid's eyes go wide, before they take a stance to evade whatever it is.

They didn't know what these did, though, they died before they saw its conclusion.

Maybe they charge forward, to take a bite out of them?

Perhaps they breath fire like a dragon?

But out of all the idea's they thought, all the solutions they planned, what they got, they weren't prepared for.

A powerful Particle beam fires out of their mouths, covering the distance between them instantly, before enveloping them in the blast, super charged ions searing their flesh like cotton in a fire.

They scream, lurching forward to get out of the blast wave.

However, they jump straight into the path of another Gaster blaster, fully powered and about to discharge.

Alll they see is Sans smile turning wicked, before their vision turns white, and pain spreads all over their body until..


Crack... Shatter...

Sans lets out a huff, but grins nonetheless. 'Whew.. At least they couldn't get far..'

He walks over to see the condition they were in.

Sure, it wasn't like he wasn't expecting a charred corpse, but the level of how burnt and destroyed their body was, was still surprising, especially since it only took a few seconds to get to this level. 'Heh, I must be stronger than I thought..'

He decides to take out his notebook, and flip to the newest entry, before his finger takes on a blue glow like it had before, and writing:

*Kid can't get far, don't worry, easy peasy, blasters their weakness.*

Right after shoving his notebook back in his pocket, the world shifts, like going off balance and out of place. 'Must be a reset..'

He decides to just take a nap, figuring it would be less of a hassle than seeing whatever he would have saw. 'Could use a nap as well, that suuure was tiring..'

He chuckles lightly at his thoughts, before falling asleep.

Despite his eyes remaining closed, his vision still goes dark.


Yet Darker.

So... How was that? Was it any good? Was it crap? Anything I should change or add? I hope it was at least enjoyable..

I'll try to update frequently if people are interested, if not... Well.. Don't expect any updates soon~

Welp, time to cut off the authors note, don't want an overly long one.. Expect shorter ones in the future... Unless somebody reviews..

Might update this if I find anything wrong... Please point them out if you spot one! Trying to not miss up the spelling or anything. :I