
We beat the boss together, Kenma almost let out a victory yell but was stopped to prevent the nurses from rushing in.

I'm not that tired, even though I'm sure I should be sleeping. It was a major surgery for me, just like every other surgery I've had in the past few months… in the past year.

Kuroo fell asleep sitting on the window.

Bokuto and Akaashi had to leave earlier because of cram school.

Kenma is back to playing the next area of his game, he had a difficult time defeating the boss so that's mostly why he asked me to help him with it, and half to keep my mind off the elephant in the room.

After I heal, I'm going to be sent away so I can finish school and get the therapy I'll need.

I'm not happy. I'm not happy at all, but there's absolutely nothing I can do to make this situation any better.

I'm going to go to some school for disabled kids who need extra time.

Extra time to graduate.

Extra time to heal from whatever happened to them.

Extra time to think about everything that has happened.

I don't want to go.

I want to stay with everyone I know.

I glance over at Kenma, his eyes focused intently on the screen when I nudge him.

"Do you think we could go for a walk? You'd have to get a wheelchair." I grin, he only nods but I can see the relief in his eyes.

He manages to talk the nurses into letting me walk around with him, I have to do some begging as well, but they relent.

"I have to pee…" He mumbles, and I have him stop by the windows.

"Go pee. It's right there." I laugh, he nods and rushes to the bathroom.

I glance up at the lock on the window.

We're on the sixth floor, there's no way I could survive that fall, right?