Disclaimer: I don't own either Naruto Shippuden or Bleach.

Hello all my loyal fans, I know I haven't been around for some time or updated any of my stories, but that's because I've been working on this new story! Personally, I do believe that it will be the second greatest story I write, just behind Naruto: Jedi or Sith. The first chapter might not be much, but hey; when is it ever, am I right? Anyway, here's the start of Naruto: The Shinigami Sage!

That's right, it's a Naruto Shippuden and Bleach crossover! I know this is an overused crossover to do, but I just felt like I owe it to my loyal readers that miss my Unexpected Love. I'll explain more at the end of this chapter. Anyway, I just wanted to see what people would think if I did a story like this one. It will be a harem, but before any of you start berating me to add someone, here's who's in it.

-Naruto's Harem-

Yoruichi Shihōin


Isane Kotetsu

Rangiku Matsumoto

Tia Halibel

Mila Rose



Nanao Ise


Kukaku Shiba (I do love her, and I can see them getting along.)

Retsu Unohana (Lots of people love her, but she's just too motherly to me.)

Anyway, Naruto is not immortal, he's eternal, has Rikudou Sannin Mode, and has a Zanpakutō, but I'm not telling you about what it is just yet. You'll have to read to find out about it.

Though, if someone who is really good at drawing and is willing to draw his Zanpakutō in its sealed, Shikai, and Bankai forms and put it online, PM me to get the details of them. Preferably someone on Deviantart.

"Normal Speech"

'Normal Thoughts'

"Demonic/Hollow Speech"

'Demonic/Hollow Thoughts'

"Demonic/Hollow Speech Mentally"

Reiatsu (spiritual pressure)

Reishi (spirit particles)

Let the chapter begin!

Chapter 1: The Sage Arrives

On a normal day in Karakura Town, a person is seen standing on top of a building looking over the city. This person has lightly tanned skin, spiky, blonde hair, three whisker marks on each cheek, and cerulean blue eyes. He's wearing a black high collar, long sleeve, coat that ends at his bandage wrapped shins with a red swirl symbol on the back, bandage wrappings around his waist, baggy orange pants, and black shinobi sandals. (Imagine an alternate version of Obito's outfit from the 4th Great Ninja War)

On his waist is a katana with the hilt wrapped in red cloth with the normal black diamond pattern. The bronze guard is round with six tomoe circling around the blade, which was held inside a red sheath with a black flame pattern.

This person is Naruto Uzumaki, the eternal Rikudou Sennin, holder of all nine Bijuu, and hero of the 4th Great Ninja War. Ever since the wars end, Naruto had traveled the world for a millennia, meeting new people, discovering new places, and living a life in solitude. It's not that he wanted to leave his friends or loved ones, or even give up his dream, but what was the point of being the leader of a village if everyone you love ages and dies while you live on? So, he decided to travel the world after his loved ones passed on.

Over time, he had slowly developed the ability to see and interact with the dearly departed. During his times with monks, Buddhists, and even other sages, he had also learned of the people who help guide these spirits to the other side, known as Shinigami. However, he had also learned about other beings known as Hollows, spirits who were human at one point before they became the masked beasts. He once recalled watching Shinigami fight off Hollows with swords that he learned were called Zanpakutō, the only weapon that could counteract a Hollow, or purify them, as Shinigami say.

So, while he was traveling, he looked into his soul to try and gain a Zanpakutō of his own, to which the Bijuu said was very possible with his power, and afterwards, he soon received the weapon, which has been at his side ever since. He also was able to sense and use what his Zanpakutō spirit called Reiatsu. Later on in life, Naruto had trained with his Zanpakutō and gained what it had called Shikai and much later Bankai.

Now, Naruto was here in Karakura Town, wanting to take a little break from his traveling for awhile. He just arrived to town and had a plan made for himself. Since he looked to be a teenager, he would attend a high school to keep a low profile and he would also buy an apartment to stay at until he was ready to move on again. Now, one might ask where he got his money. Since he never aged, he started writing and selling his godfathers books Icha Icha Paradise a few years back, which became a big seller right away. He wrote down his experiences with women that he met over his lifetime, which was better then the smut that his godfather used to write. His stories were art. Though, he never put his real name on the cover, he went by his godfathers name, in remembrance of the old pervert. Now, back to the matter at hand.

"So, this is Karakura Town? Seems like a nice place. I wonder what I can do first before looking for an apartment?" Naruto wondered aloud before his stomach grumbled. "Well that answers that question. Food first!"

Naruto soon began jumping from rooftop to rooftop, being careful not to be seen by anyone in windows or down below. He soon found just the thing he was looking for, a place that serves ramen.

Before he went in, he landed in an alley and used a seal inside his sleeve to change his clothes into something more modern. A black shirt, orange hoodie, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes. He sealed away his Zanpakutō into another seal in his sleeve. When he walked in, he was greeted to the smell of delicious foods and walked to the bar.

"What will it be sir?" A woman asked kindly.

"Heh, fifteen bowls of miso ramen please!" Naruto answered cheerfully, making the woman balk at his answer.

"Uh… um… y-you know that's going to be expensive, r-right sir?" She asked, trying to regain her composure.

"Oh, it's no trouble for me. I have more then enough to pay for all of them." Naruto stated.

"O-Okay, that'll be ready right away then sir." The woman said before walking off to tell the cook.

Later, the woman had returned with Naruto's order and he soon ate all fifteen bowls of ramen in a world record breaking time, much to the surprise of the woman, and paid for them before thanking her for the meal and leaving.

"Mmm, that was some good ramen. Not as good as Ichiraku's though, but good nonetheless." Naruto said as he walked off.

Much later, night has fallen over Karakura Town. Naruto managed to find a very decent apartment and got himself setup after paying the landowner for a years worth already. Right now, he was just sitting on his new couch resting after getting his place setup.

"Ah, now that my place is fixed up, I need to work on making school transfer forms. I'll worry about those tomorrow though. For now, I wonder what's on TV." Naruto stated before turning on the flatscreen he bought, the news being the first channel.

["Earlier today, an unexplained explosion was seen prior to last nights gas explosion. Police and forensics experts are saying the two anomalies are related, but have yet to determine the cause of either one."] The news reporter said as images of said explosions are shown.

As Naruto looked at the images, he saw more clearly that neither damage was caused by an explosion, but a Hollow. There soon came a video from an eyewitnesses cellphone, showing the explosion and people running for their lives, but an orange haired teen caught his attention. The teen was obviously running from something else and not the alleged explosion.

'Obviously the kid is running from the Hollow that appeared, meaning he must be able to see it. He must be spiritually aware of the dearly departed too, interesting.' Naruto thought before a strong Reiatsu appeared out of nowhere. "What the hell? Where did this Reiatsu come from?"

Not wasting any time, Naruto jumped out the window and headed for the location the Reiatsu was coming from. He soon arrived at a small clinic. Looking on, Naruto saw the orange haired teen from the news, now wearing standard Shinigami shihakusho with a brown belt across his midsection with a large sheath on his back and a large Zanpakutō with the appearance of a katana on his shoulder. He also saw a girl in a white robe sitting on the ground and a large Hollow, which was facing the teen.

"This ends now!" The teen yelled before he and the Hollow charged each other.

The Hollow tried to step on him, but the teen dodged and cut off its leg, making the Hollow start falling toward him, the teen raising his sword over his head.

"You will pay the price for hurting my family you Hollow scum! Feel the wrath of my blade!" The teen yelled as he brought the sword down, cutting the Hollow down the middle and making it disappear into Reishi.

The teen soon after collapsed and passed out on the ground. Naruto was impressed by the power the teen displayed. It might not be near his level, but it was definitely nothing to laugh at. Naruto was about to go and help the boy and girl before feeling someone to his right, and looked to see a man with dirty blonde hair wearing a green and white bucket hat.

"Well, well, I come to see what's going on and I find not only a boy whose gained Shinigami powers, but also another spiritually aware person, considering that you can see me right now." The man said calmly.

"Since you know I'm spiritually aware, I'm going to assume you're not human. Who are you?" Naruto asked, making the man grin.

"My name is Kisuke Urahara, and you are?" The now named Kisuke asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki. Nice to meet you Mr. Hat-and-Clogs." Naruto answered, making Kisuke sweatdrop at the nickname the blonde gave him.

"Well Naruto, I'd love to talk more with you, but right now, I need to assist those two. If you don't mind, could you lend me hand?" Kisuke asked, getting a nod from Naruto.

Later, after Kisuke put the boy named Ichigo Kurosaki back in his body and into bed, along with his little sisters, and Naruto healed the girl named Rukia Kuchiki, they followed Kisuke. As they're walking, Naruto couldn't help noticing Rukia staring at him the whole time.

"You know it's rude to stare at people, right?" Naruto asked, making Rukia stutter at being caught.

"S-Sorry, it's just that I wasn't expecting to see two other Shinigami here." Rukia said honestly.

"Firstly, me and him just met. Second, I'm not a Shinigami. I'm very much human." Naruto stated, surprising the short Shinigami.

Before Rukia could think to voice her confusion, they all arrived at… a candy shop?

"Welcome to my shop!" Kisuke announced cheerfully, making the two raise a brow at him. "What?"

"It's… a candy shop." Naruto said simply, but had a feeling he understood the reason behind the shops appearance.

"But of course, I'm just a humble shopkeeper after all." Kisuke said, waving a small paper fan in front of his face and making them sweatdrop.

The door to the shop then opened, revealing a muscular man with glasses.

"Ah, Mr. Urahara, welcome back. How did your…" The man stopped at seeing Naruto and Rukia. "I see, I'll go get some tea ready for our guests then."

They soon entered the shop and sat at a table, to which the man that they learned was named Tessai Tsukabishi, put a cup of tea out for everyone. After everyone thanked him, he walked off, leaving the three in a short silence before Kisuke spoke.

"So, miss Kuchiki, mind explaining exactly what happened?" Kisuke asked, getting said persons attention.

Naruto listened closely, curious as to what happened with her and Ichigo as well.

"Well, I would have to start from the beginning. As per my orders, I was stationed here in Karakura Town to cleanse any Hollows that appeared. However, whilst I was sending a lost soul to the Soul Society, I encountered an… unexpected anomaly." Rukia began.

"By 'unexpected anomaly' you mean Ichigo, correct?" Kisuke asked.

"Yes. As it would seem, he had the ability to see spirits, but was somehow interfering with me sensing the Hollow that appeared. It attacked us and I was too injured to fight it after saving Ichigo from having his soul devoured. So, in order for us all to survive, I offered him my Shinigami powers." Rukia stated before looking down in sadness. "Unfortunately, though the process was only supposed to be temporary, he absorbed all of my power into him, thus leaving me powerless and unable to return to the Soul Society."

"I see, that explains quite a bit. In that case, allow me to offer you something. A gigai." Kisuke stated, surprising Rukia and confusing Naruto.

"What's a gigai?" Naruto asked, making Kisuke turn to him.

"It's a temporary body that a Shinigami uses to either interact with the living or, in Rukia's case, reside in until their powers return." Kisuke explained, getting a nod from his fellow blonde.

Rukia thought about the shopkeepers offer for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"Very well Mr. Urahara, I will take you up on your offer. A gigai would at least be efficient for the time being while my powers return." Rukia stated, getting a nod from the shopkeeper before Naruto spoke up.

"Speaking of which, what are you going to do with Ichigo now that he has your powers?" Naruto asked, making Rukia turn to him.

"Simple, since Ichigo has my powers now, he'll have to take up my Shinigami responsibilities until my powers return." Rukia answered confidently, making Naruto sweatdrop.

"And you really think he'll agree to that?" Naruto asked dryly.

"Of course, he's a Shinigami now, so he has to take up my duties as one whether he likes it or not." Rukia stated simply.

Naruto wanted to speak more, but Kisuke's cough got them to turn back to him.

"I'm sure you two can argue over the matter another time, but for now, I believe we're both curious about you now Naruto." Kisuke said, waving his fan in front of his face.

"Yes, I suppose you are. Boy, it's been so long since I told anyone about myself that I don't even know where to begin." Naruto said while rubbing his head. "Well, you guys seem pretty trustworthy, so I guess that I might as well start from the beginning. My life started in a village known as Konoha…"

So, Naruto told them all about his life. The attack on his village by a mind controlled Kurama before he was sealed inside of him after his birth. The pain and hatred he put up with as he grew up. The friends and enemies turned friends that he had made and lost over time. The challenges he had fought and overcame as he grew stronger. He even told them about the things that he went through in the 4th Great Ninja War and all of the stuff he had done after it was over. By the end of his life story, to say that Kisuke and Rukia were gob smacked would have been the biggest understatement of the year.

"S-So, you're immortal? Just how old are you?" Rukia asked, surprised that a human could live as long as a Shinigami.

"Firstly, I'm not immortal, I'm eternal. I can't die from old age, but I still need to eat, drink, and sleep; and I can still be killed. Ask for my age, I'm over 916 years old." Naruto answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world, completely oblivious to the two Shinigami's shocked expressions.

'916 years old?! That's almost as old as the Head-Captain!' The two mentally yelled in unison.

"Alright, so let me see if we have this correct. You're an eternal being, have godly powers, can see Shinigami and Hollows, use a Zanpakutō and other powers, which use an energy known as chakra, and to top it all off, you have nine beasts with unimaginable power called Bijuu sealed inside of you?" Kisuke questioned, wanting to make sure he got everything right.

"Yep, that would be it!" Naruto answered cheerfully.

"That is amazing! Your life alone would make a world renowned story that could make you millions!" Kisuke yelled out, impressed with his fellow blonde.

"That may be, but I question some of it." Rukia said skeptically. "Fighting Hollows is one thing, but having faced people with multiple hearts, immortality, godly powers, and even an evil goddess; I find it all to be impossible."

"Well, that's the thing with me Rukia, I tend to be able to make the impossible very possible. It's just one of my amazing traits that I was born with." Naruto said honestly.

"Perhaps, but even someone like you should know when to give up. You can't save everyone." Rukia said the last part quietly, sadly remembering a certain black haired comrade of hers.

Naruto noticed her sad look, but refused to comment on it, believing that it's best not to open up old wounds.

"*yawn* As much as I'm sure you both have even more questions, I think it's about time for us to get some sleep." Naruto stated, standing up.

"Heh, I guess you're right, especially since you two have school tomorrow." Kisuke stated, surprising the two.

"Um, school?" Rukia questioned.

"Yes, you need to hide in plain sight until your powers return and since you'll be in a gigai, you'll have to go to school since you look like a teen. Ask for Naruto, his plan was to hide in plain sight by going to high school to begin with, so this is basically killing two birds with one stone. Not to mention that this will help you keep a watchful eye on Ichigo Rukia." Kisuke explained, getting understanding nods from the both of them. "Also, you might want to read up on how humans act Rukia."

"Yes, thank you for your help Mr. Urahara, I appreciate it." Rukia stated before heading to a back room to rest for the night.

"I'm guessing that you still have more questions for me then, right Mr. Hat-and-Clogs?" Naruto asked, already knowing the answer to that.

"Yes, I do. As you can well imagine, I'm curious to learn more about you Naruto, but for now, I'll be satisfied with what I've learned so far." Kisuke answered. "If you don't mind, could you come by tomorrow, so as I can see some of your abilities in action?"

"Sounds fair to me, but I want to know more about you and Tessai as well." Naruto stated, surprising Kisuke before he got over his shock.

"I see, so you figured out that me and Tessai are both from the Soul Society huh?" Kisuke asked.

"Yes. It's hard to miss the fact that you both are Shinigami, but I don't understand why you're here in the World of The Living and not the Soul Society. If you'd please tell me, I would be willing to help you." Naruto stated, making Kisuke sigh before nodding.

"It's a long story, but I'm not the only one who should tell you about it. Just wait until tomorrow after school lets out and I'll tell you what you want to know then. I need to make some calls to some friends before I can explain what you wish to know." Kisuke explained, Naruto nodding in agreement.

"Very well, I understand perfectly. In that case, see you tomorrow Hat-and-Clogs." Naruto said before disappearing in a swirl of leaves, leaving a grinning Kisuke.

"My, my, it seems things are going to get very interesting around here. First a teen that becomes a Shinigami and then a powerful sage appears. Hmm, I wonder how Yoruichi will react when she meets him?" Kisuke wondered before going to get Rukia her gigai and make her and Naruto fake school papers, along with calling up Yoruichi and Shinji.

To Be Continued…

There's the first chapter! Go easy on it, I know this well has long since been more or less dried up, but come on, I've hit a dead end with unexpected love. I'm willing to give it to someone else, but only if they keep to the Bleach timeline. Other then that, they can do whatever they want to it.

Also, let me know what women you want in the harem, but let me point out that Nel and Orihime just won't work. Maybe Rukia, but I don't know because she is still going to be saved by Ichigo, and let's face facts, Orihime and Rukia are bound to be in love with him after he rescues both of them. Still, if I'm convinced, I'll put her in the harem, but I need a very good reason. I might just have Naruto tease her just for the fun of it.

I might also want to point out that Naruto won't get that much involved just yet at the beginning of season one. He's going to let Ichigo and his friends deal with some Hollow problems on there own, knowing that it will make them stronger in the future and knowing from experience that letting others learn from their mistakes will make them stronger as well. So, I might skip some episodes through out season one. However, he will get involved with the incidents involving Shrieker, Grand Fisher, and Uryū causing hundreds of Hollows and a Menos Grande to appear.

Anyway, remember to read and review!