I don't know how often I will update. I'm in college and have homework but I this is a great stress reliever. Which is ironic considering that most of the stress I get is because of all the papers I have to write. I have a general plotline in mind but let's just see what happens. If you have any ideas or desires (situations or things you want to happen) feel free to let me know. I'll make sure I credit you if I use them. The more help I get, the faster I go.

Disclaimer: I will totally create something and then write fanfiction for it just so I don't have to disclaim it. It will be hilarious.

Prologue: At an Unspecified Time

"Karin! NO!" The cry cracked through the burning air. It was beyond heartbroken. A high, grating, and delighted laugh responded to the cry.

"Just like before 'Heavenly Guardian'! You couldn't save her then and you can't save her now! Centuries mean nothing if you don't learn from them!" The laugh was practically ecstatic. "She was your weakness. Is your weakness! And you're the bigger fool for it!"

Histugaya watched helpless as the dagger sliced through the air, targeting the milky-white neck of his heart and soul.

Dramatic teaser. I wrote this and the first three chapters in one sitting. Be proud. The word count was insane.