Stiles sighed as he pulled into the driveway of his house and noticed that his dad's car wasn't their yet. He shrugged his shoulders as he grabbed his bag and jumps out of his jeep and spies that his bedroom window is open. He grins before looking around to see if anyone was watching before he shifted slightly and jumped up and climbed into his bedroom, only to get chucked forward onto the bed.

Stiles frowned when he opened his eyes before blushing bright red when he noticed he was looking at Laura's crotch area.

"You know if you wanted me to see your crotch area, I'm pretty sure there are better ways to do it" Stiles said as he tried to look anywhere but that area.

"Stiles?" Laura asked as she withdrew her claws from his neck and crouched in front of his face. She sighed when she noticed it was him before head butting his nose in anger as she stood up.

"OW, I'm guessing that was for what I said earlier on" Stiles cried out as he clutched his nose to stop the blood from streaming out of it as he collapsed into his chair.

"Maybe" Laura said as she shrugged her shoulders which made Stiles roll his eyes and tilt his head back. His hands where removed from his face and Laura placed a paper towel on his nose and pinched it to stop the blood from flowing as she straddled his lap and hovered over him.

"Sorry" she mumbled as she stared at his chest and refused to meet his eyes.

"If anyone should be sorry it should be me for saying what I did" Stiles as he rubbed the back of his neck the best he could.

"We both know why you said it so you don't have anything to be sorry for" Laura said as she rolled her eyes before looking down at him.

"Well if I have nothing to be sorry, then neither do you" Stiles said as he looked up at her.

They were both to busy looking at each other that they failed to notice the sound of the front door opening and shutting.

"Stiles, you up there buddy?" The sheriff asked as he started to climb the stairs.

"Oh shit" Stiles said as his eyes widened while Laura grinned down at him which caused Stiles to say "Don't just sit and grin, how about move and grin instead".

"Why do you want me to move and grin?" Laura asked as she stood up while Stiles jumped towards the door.

"Because it's sexy" he says as he leans half way out of the door and closing it slightly so his dad wouldn't be able to see who is inside.

"Who's sexy?" his father asked as he stood outside the bedroom door.

"I am with a bleeding nose" Stiles said as he gestured to himself.

"You just gestured to all of yourself" the sheriff said with an amused grin on his face which made Stiles shrug his shoulders.

"Well anyway I just wanted to say I'm coming to watch you play on Saturday" the sheriff said with a smile on his face.

"Wait what?" Stiles asked with wide eyes as a clatter was heard in his bedroom. Stiles jerked his head back into the room to see Laura stood there with a book in her hand and a sheepish look on her face. Stiles made a face that screamed put that down and be quiet which made Laura scrunch her nose up at him before falling back onto the bed.

"Everything ok in their?" the sheriff asked which made Stiles blink a few times at Laura before looking back at his dad.

"Yeah everything is fine, just some stuff I balanced fell over that's all" "So, is it really ok for you to come watch me?" Stiles asked just to make sure everything was fine.

"Yeah sure everything is fine, I normally come anyway don't I even if it's to see you sit on the bench" the sheriff said with a grin.

Stiles rolled his eyes before saying "Oh ha ha Dad very funny".

"Well I'm going to order take out you want anything?" the sheriff asked as he started to walk away.

"Errrr yeah large pizza because I'm starving, and make sure you get something healthy to eat" Stiles said as his father waved him off about the healthy part before walking down the stairs. Stiles shut the door as he span around and noticed that Laura was now sat at his computer having a quiet conversation with Scott. He rolled his eyes before walking over to her and picking her up out of the chair which caused her to let out a small squeak before he dropped her on the bed and sat on the chair.

"Did you just…."Scott started to say but trailed off as he stared at Stiles.

"Yeah I picked her up and dropped her" Stiles said with a shrug.

"I feel used I tell you…..USED!" Laura said as she rolled over on the bed and smiled at Stiles.

Stiles grinned before saying "Really? Keep telling yourself that".

"What'd you find out?" Scott asked grabbing Stiles attention.

"Well it's bad, Jackson has a separated shoulder".

"Was that your fault?"

"No because he's a tool".

"Well is he going to play"?

"Well they don't know yet, Now there just relying on me and you to play on Saturday". Stiles gestured wildly with his hands before frowning as he noticed something behind Scott and moved closer to the screen and realised it was Derek Hale stood behind him.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked with a frown. Stiles sat back in his chair wondering how to tell Scott that freaking Derek Hale was behind him. Should he just outright say he's stood behind him or write it down in the chat.

"Derek stop being a freak and talk to him instead of standing behind him" Laura shouted out which caused Derek to move and slam the laptop shut cutting of the feed.

"Dude one does not simply slam a laptop shut without breaking it" Stiles said as he span around in his chair to look at Laura who was sat with her legs crossed on his bed.

"Is your brother always the silent and stands in the corner type? Stiles asked with a grin.

"Sometimes, but only with the people he really likes" Laura says with her own grin.

"Well thank god he doesn't like me then" Stiles said with a laugh.

Line break

"What do you mean you can't play the game tomorrow night?" Coach asked as he walked into his office followed by Scott and Stiles.

"I mean I can't play the game tomorrow night" Scott said with a shrug.

"What about you Stilinski" Coach said as he looked at Stiles.

"Err yeah I think I can play" Stiles said as he looked at Scott and shrugged.

"What do you mean you think?" Coach asked as he crossed his arms.

"Or I mean yeah I can play the game" Stiles said as he waved his arms about.

"Now that's more like" Coach said with a grin and looked back at Scott and said "Now you mean that you can't wait to play the game tomorrow night".

"No coach I mean I can't play the game tomorrow night".

"I'm not following are you Stilinski" Coach said as he looked at Stiles who only shrugged.

Scott rolled his eyes before saying "I'm having some personal issues".

"Is it a girl?"


"Is it a guy?" "You know our goal keeper Danny is gay right". Stiles smirked and he leant against the door while saying "This is brilliant wish Laura was here to hear this".

"Oh I can hear every word of this" a whisper said from the other side of the door.

Stiles eyes widened before whispering back "Well it's good to know you like hiding in corners like your brother". He heard Laura laugh but she didn't reply.

"Listen McCall play the game or I'm kicking you off first line" Coach said as he slapped Scott's arm before opening the office door.

"Well that went well" Scott said as they left the office. Stiles eyes scanned the crowd looking for Laura but he couldn't find her.

"Anyway how come you get to play and I don't" Scott moaned out as he looked at his phone to see a text from his mother saying she got the night off.

"Believe me I don't think Laura wants me to, but we will have to wait and see" Stiles said as he spotted Allison walking down the stairs.

"Hey Ali" Stiles said as he held his hand up for a high five which she gave him one back before saying "Hey Stiles, Scott who's that your talking to?".

"Oh it's just my mom, she's nothing" Scott said as he held the phone up. Allison gave him a concerned look and Stiles snorted before saying "Dude, use your words please".

Scott's eyes widened before he said "I mean it's nothing, I'm never too busy for you". Stiles rolled his eyes before saying "Do you want some alone time I can go make myself busy someplace you know". Allison laughed before saying "No its fine I just wanted to say that I'm coming to watch you both play tomorrow".

"Wait you are" Scott said with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah and then we are all going out afterwards. You, me, Lydia, Jackson and Stiles, and you can bring Laura to if you like Stiles" Allison said with a smile on her face. "Save me a seat at lunch I got to go" she said as she kissed his cheek and punched Stiles in the arm before walking off.

"Dude she has one good punch on her" Stiles said as they both watched her walk off.

"Great so not only is Allison and my Mother coming I can't even play" Scott said as the school the bell rang.

Line break

"Why is there a rumour going around that you're not playing tomorrow but your buddy Stiles is?" Lydia asked Scott as they worked out a set of questions that the teacher had given them to do on the board.

"That's because I'm sort of not" Scott said with a sigh as he frowned at the board.

"I think you sort of are, since Stiles brutally injured my boyfriend by ramming in to him" Lydia said.

"The only thing I injured was his ego, shame really" Stiles muttered which caused Scott to smile slightly.

Lydia glared at him before saying "Jackson's going to be playing tomorrow but, he's not going to be at his peak and I prefer my boyfriend at peak performance".

"Lovely bit of information none of us wanted to hear" Stiles muttered out again which nearly cause Scott to burst out laughing.

"You're not taking the serious are you?" Lydia asked with a glare.

"Oh I'm taking this very serious, losing one game isn't going to kill anyone". "In fact, it might even save someone" Scott said as he finished off the question and slammed the chalk down before walking back to his desk while high fiving Stiles along the way.

"Thanks for helping me with that" Scott muttered as he sat down.

"No problem, glad I could help" Stiles said as he watched Lydia stand there with wide eyes.

Stiles sighed as he waited for Scott to finish at his locker and his eyes widened as he spotted his dad further down the hall. He grabbed Scott and pushed him against the wall while saying "Ssshhh listen".

"We want everyone under the age of 18 to be in their home by 9:30pm" they both heard the sheriff say.

"Great curfew because of the body" Scott said as he turned to look at Stiles.

"Wonderful, my dad's out there looking for a rabid animal while the real jerkoff who actually killed the girl is just hanging out doing whatever he wants" Stiles said sarcastically.

"Well we can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek" Scott said as he learnt against the wall.

"Well I can do something" Stiles said with an eye roll.

"Like what".

"Like find the other half of the body" Stiles said before he walked off.

Are you kidding?" Scott asked but Stiles didn't reply.

Line break

"What exactly are you looking for?" Laura asked as she watched Stiles look through some of the papers that were on his dad's desk.

"Anything that tells me where the other part of the body is "Stiles said as he chucked some paper work onto the desk and went onto the next.

"May I ask why?" Laura asked as she walked further into the room.

"Because Derek killed and buried said person and then bit and turned Scott" Stiles said with a sigh as he ran his hand threw his hair.

"Whoa wait a second, Derek didn't kill anybody and he certainly didn't turn Scott, Stiles" Laura said as she stood in front of him.

"To turn someone into a wolf you have to be something called an Alpha and in your pack there is only one of them and Derek isn't the Alpha in my pack".

"Wait, you just said your pack" Stiles said with a confused look on his face. Laura closed her eyes and when she re-opened them, they were red.

"The Alpha of the pack has red eyes Stiles, What colour are mine?" She asked as she stepping closer to him.

"There red….Wait, so if you're the Alpha of your pack then who the hell killed that person in the woods and bit Scott?" Stiles as he frowned.

"Well isn't that what we need to find out?" Laura asked as he eyes returned to normal. Stiles blinked as he heard his phone go off and he fished it out of his pocket and saw it was a text from Scott.

"What is it?" Laura asked.

"Errrr I don't know how to put this but Scott's found the body and it's near your old house" Stiles as he looked at Laura.

"Well then let's go" Laura said as she walked out of the room with Stiles closely behind her.

"Wait" Stiles said as he grabbed her by the arm to stop her from moving.

"What is it?" Laura asked as she span around to look at him.

"…That night in the woods when you bit me, before that happened you mentioned a name before you told me to run, do you think it's that person" Stiles asked as he let go of Laura's arm only for her to grab his hand as she stepped forward into his space.

"Any reason why you were hesitant to ask that question" Laura asked as she stared at their linked hands.

"The name you mentioned had been bugging me for a while, so me being the sheriff's kid looked at the report of the fire and the same name popped up" Stiles said gently. He didn't even know why he was bringing this up since he probably knew bringing up her family is a painful memory.

"Quite the nosy kid aren't you" Laura said with a small smile as she looked up at him.

"Listen I'm sorry for bringing it, let's just drop and we can go to Scott's now" Stiles said as he ran his free hand threw his buzz cut hair. He dropped Laura's hand before turning and started to walk towards the door but stopped when he felt Laura's body crash into him. He felt Laura bury her face into his back and her hands clenched into his flannel shirt.

"The name I….said was Peter" "He's… uncle and while I didn't particular like him I didn't out right hate him and I wouldn't wish what had happened to him and the rest of my family on anybody". "That night this all started, I mentioned his name because the wolf in front of us looked a lot like him but it couldn't of been him since he's currently in the hospital all burnt up" Laura hesitantly said as she started to open up to Stiles about her past. Stiles was grateful for what she was telling him but he knew if she kept on going she would burst into tears.

"Don't look at me" she whimpered out as he tried to turn around. He never knew that she had this side of her, every time he had seen her she was calm and collected or even teasing him.

"Me and Derek weren't even home the night of the fire" "When Peter was good enough to even speak to us he told us that when it started everyone started to panic" "Peter tried to…." "Peter tried….." Laura stopped and started on the next sentence made Stiles react. A sob echoed throughout the room as Stiles turned around and gathered Laura up into his arms and she wept into his chest. He backed them up against the door and slid down it with her still in his arms.

"Ssshhh, I'm so sorry for bringing it up I feel like a right douche now" Stiles whispered into her ear as he rub her back. Laura shook her head the best she could as she whimpered out "Not your fault" before nuzzling at his neck. He frowned when he felt the tear marks on his neck and her hands where roaming all over his chest. Is she trying to figure out if I'm real or not and to see if I'm still here" Stiles thought as he grabbed the roaming hand with his free on and squeezed it.

"Please don't leave me alone" Laura whimpered out and it took a lot of effort to not tear up himself so he buried his face into her hair as she clung to him tighter.

"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere, you won't be alone anymore, I promise" Stiles said as he ran his free hand threw her hair. She nodded into his neck before sinking deeper into embrace. He shouldn't have promised her because he doesn't know what might happen with everything that is going on right now. He just hopes this promise isn't going to come back and bite him in the arse.