Well it's about time i get back to writing in general in a contemplated on what to do in general as I focus in refining my stories overall and decided to revisit a series that needed more love in a way. Naruto one of the first series I worked in on the sight and I quit multiple times due to many problems due to the fans or overall seeing Kishimoto's work with the series. I take inspiration and credit from Silver Queen and Kenchi618 so no one can complain on I don't give credit.

He names the series after Naruto, but abuse him and treated his character like trash overall. Overall a main character is suppose to experience growth overall, but they faced a lot of cope out's in the series all together. Overall there were characters in the series that should have been brought up a little more. So in the end I decided to take a stab at the series again.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Kishimoto does and if I was I wouldn't be on fanfiction writing this story.

What are you fighting for?

Ch.1 A helping hand

(Seven years after the Kyuubi attack)

The eve of the Kyuubi festival as the people of Konoha came out in huge crowds with their families. Many cheered happily and played in the streets, except for one boy who looked on with envy. A seven year old child with blonde hair and blue eyes that sat on top of a building. The blond's most pronounced features were his whisker like birthmarks on his face.

The boy sat there sighing as he saw numerous children having parents that loved and took care of them. For years he was alone, hated, feared, and ostracized. For many years he lived in a state of perpetual hell, the orphanage didn't want anything to do with him. The Hokage himself gave him an apartment to live in, but soon the tenants left to avoid him.

Soon after moving into the new apartment, there were a few breaks in that occurred, leaving large amounts of property damage. He was forced to leave his apartment when his birthday rolled around to avoid drunks calling him a demon. Furthermore, buying stuff from the villagers was terrible too, because they overtaxed and gave him the worst products that never sale to other people. The only people in the village that cared for him was the Hokage, Dog, Teuchi the ramen chef and his daughter Ayame.

She was the one that helped him read and write so he could go to the Academy, but the majority of clan kids got early training that made them do better in class. It placed him at a disadvantage with the other civilian kids. His troubles kept adding up over time, but he had a plan to become Hokage so that make them respect him.

Tonight he came here with a purpose to buy or gather materials for a prank that he needed. He needed paint, balloons, and other amenities to make this work. However, he was hoping he could be able to buy some shinobi gear or festival prizes. He saw the crowd was finally starting to disperse, he quickly tried making his way down the ladder. Yet, someone grabbed him by the back of the collar of his shirt and yanked him up back to the rooftops.

"You do realize how dangerous it is going down there?" a voice called out to him. Naruto turned quickly turned his head in shock. He finally noticed an anbu with a weasel mask with a red triangle on his mask.

"Weasel, what are you doing here?" Naruto shouted in shock. Weasel sets him back down on the roof.

"Well, Dog, asked me to look out for you to make sure you didn't run into trouble tonight. He had an important mission to do for tonight." Weasel announced.

"I see..., however I was planning on going down there to buy a few things myself." Naruto happily told him.

"Ninja equipment right, along with collecting festival prizes?" Weasel guessed as Naruto nodded.

"Of course, when the Academy rolls around again, I will be prepared this time. Hopefully they won't kick me out of class semester next year." Naruto explained as the Anbu stared at him.

"I see, but do you realize that the people down there won't sell anything even if its the right price. Also buying ninja equipment for minors is frowned upon as well expensive for someone your age." Weasel reminded him.

Naruto pouted. "That sucks… why does everyone treat me like I am some…" Naruto muttered.

"Monster." Weasel finished. "You are far from being a monster Naruto, it's just that people don't understand you. They think you are a bad omen due to you being born on the day the Kyuubi attacked." Weasel explained.

"Bad omen…" Naruto muttered in disappointment. Weasel patted Naruto on the head as he looked down at the crowd.

"I might not be able to stop them with insults, glares, or the fact they charge you more. Yet, I can at least help you get started on the right path. How much money do you have on you right now?" Weasel asked.

Naruto took out his cute frog wallet that was bursting fill with money. "Today, I got my rent paid off by the old man as well a lot of birthday money from him. I got um…" Naruto tried counting his money.

Weasel counted up the money for him. "You have 5,000ryo, that is quite a lot for your age, but it's understandable due to the people charging you more." Weasel explained. He closed the wallet up as pocketed in his pouch. He made a ram seal and then placed his palm on Naruto's forehead. A cloud and smoke appeared over Naruto. Naruto looked at his body to see it had changed considerably. "I placed a Henge genjutsu (transformation illusion) over your body. It will help you move through the streets easily. I will hold onto your money for safety reasons, just in case a ninja recognizes the illusion."

Naruto jumped in joy. "This is wonderful, will I be able to learn such a thing in the academy!" Naruto shouted in joy.

"I doubt you would have the aptitude for genjutsu, but the Henge in the academy is acceptable for you. Come on, before it gets to late otherwise the stalls will close and you won't have anything to take home with you." Weasel said as he transformed into a black haired man with brown eyes.

Naruto happily followed Weasel down the building down to the festival. Weasel watched over Naruto carefully, he quickly as he noticed Naruto winning games on the first try. Naruto was fond of games that seemed to gamble the odds, despite never playing them before in his life. Weasel soon had to help carry the boy's toys and candy he won occasional money from games.

They finally made it a particular booth at the end of the block, as they noticed a monk was selling things to customers. "What is this booth for?" Naruto curiously asked Weasel.

The monk spoke up. "It's booth based on a Fuinjutsu aspect of the Shinobi world. I am selling storages scrolls, calligraphy sets, and a book guide on sealing jutsu tonight. But so far I am having no luck in selling the book of the calligraphy sets." the old monk told him.

"Fuinjutsu…" Naruto muttered in confusion.

"It's a type of skill that most people have considered not mastering due to its difficulty in learning as well doing. Most people only try learning the bare basics and that's it." Weasel explained.

The monk nodded. "True, but it requires an intimate knowledge, time, space, and all things. The Uzumaki clan was feared for their prowess with Fuinjutsu and subsequently was attacked by Iwa and Kumo due to their talent. It's a shame that Uzushiogakure was destroyed along with the clan, but their work still lives on." the monk exclaimed leaving Naruto quiet as Weasel picked up on it.

"How much is for the whole set?" Weasel asked him.

The old man chuckled. "I see our young friend here is very interested in learning Fuinjutsu, eh. I will offer a special discount for you my boy, a 1000 Ryo for all of it." the old man told him.

"Deal," Weasel told him as he handed the money. He quickly placed the items within the bag as he dragged along with Naruto. "I can see you are shocked…"

"I had a clan?" Naruto asked Weasel.

Weasel stayed silent for a moment. "Who knows, I have heard rumors there might be other Uzumaki out there in the other countries. They would have profound red hair that helped them stood out of the crowd. However, you didn't inherit that trait, but I have no doubt that at least inherited it's minor Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline ability)." Weasel explained.

"Kekkei Genkai, I have one of those…" Naruto muttered.

"Well, it's nothing like the Hyuga clan's Byakugan or the Uchiha's clan Sharingan. Still, the Uzumaki clan possessed a strong life force, granting them higher chakra reserves and a long life span unlike most people. They can recover quickly from injuries as well from exhaustion in shorter periods of time." Weasel explained.

"That sounds cool." Naruto thought.

"True, not very many are blessed to live with long lives in the Shinobi world. However, before I escort you home, let me give you a piece of advice Naruto and listen carefully. Trying to become Hokage will not happen overnight. You must understand a great deal of history and politics go into play if you want to become Hokage. You will need to be diligent when you train to become a shinobi because not everything is going to be easy." Weasel explained.

"Okay, but what should I do to help make it happen?" Naruto curiously asked.

Weasel shrugged tapping Naruto's forehead. "Use your head a bit more Naruto and learn what is out there. Furthermore, you should quickly master the Henge just (transformation) so you can go to places you couldn't go to normally such as the grocery store. Take the initiative and head over to the library to learn more and don't be discouraged what others say. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to read up on the scroll you got and practice your calligraphy as well. I will make sure you will have everything you will need before you set out for the academy again." Weasel promised.

"You promise!" Naruto asked happily.

Weasel nodded his head. "Of course, I will hold onto your money and purchase some things for you along with actual food." Itachi reminded him.

"Ramen is the best food out there." Naruto pointed out.

"Maybe for you, but it's not healthy overall for your body. It contains a lot of sodium and it doesn't digest properly. It can stunt your growth if you continually eat the food and no one's wants to be the shortest of the class." Weasel reminded Naruto as he pouted. "If you want to try to eat ramen you might well eat the home cooked ramen with low sodium as well vegetables in it. If you can eat something other than ramen for a whole month I will give you a jutsu in exchange." Weasel explained.

"Really you promise!" Naruto shouted happily as Weasel nodded.

"I will be sure to add in a basic cookbook for you to read as well. Since you love watering plants, maybe you should try your hand at gardening as well." Weasel suggested.

"How do you know that I like watering plants?" Naruto curiously asked Weasel.

"Dog told me, but that is not important right now. If you want to improve yourself, you also stop pranking people as well. Becoming Hokage is fine in all, but you can't build up respect from your peers by pranking them as well their families'." Weasel lectured him.

Naruto turned dead quiet. "They deserve it at times." Naruto truthfully admitted.

"Maybe so, but you aren't demanding their respect Naruto, only their attention. Even if you are at rock bottom, you can only go up from here on out." Weasel calmly explained.

Naruto scratched his head for a moment. "True." Naruto admitted.

Weasel nodded. "Let's get you home and put you into bed tonight." Weasel offered.

Naruto agreed as they made their way back to Naruto's apartment.

It took a good thirty minutes to get Naruto back home into bed. Itachi exited the apartment quietly and jumped onto the roof quietly he looked around. "I see that you are here, eh, Shisui." Weasel pointed out.

As a blur passed by in front of him as the Shisui waved hello. "It's good to see you are doing well Itachi, I didn't expect to hang around with him tonight on the day of the festival. I thought your duty was to just watch over him. Shisui pointed out.

"It's more effective if I am closer by him rather than afar Shisui. Besides that he really wanted to go the festival and win something." Itachi pointed out.

"True, the kid has had a rough life to begin with, though you always leave Sasuke out of so many big brother moments. I see your superior has got you watching over him for a while, how long." Shisui asked him.

"At least a month, but I plan on correcting some of his bad habits before they get out of control. I have no doubt that his future pranks will undermine the security of the village. Though I am quite impressed that he prank on Genin and some Chunin. Naruto shows he has some potential in trap making one day. Yet, for tomorrow I plan on getting him ready for the Academy next year by grabbing a few items. I will also make sure he has a fully stocked pantry and books to read over it." Itachi told him.

Shisui looked over the resident. "You might as well give him a basic carpentry manual and repair tools as well." Shisui suggested. "Since I have some free time on my hands, I can help you out with this. That way you can keep focus on watching over him. The week up to his birthday and afterwards, the civilians start acting worse than usual." Shisui pointed out.

"True, but do you realize your birthday is coming up on 19th of this month, right?" Itachi reminded him as Shisui looked up in shock.

"I almost forgot… thanks for reminding me so I can put in order for a vacation time." Shisui told him as Itachi handed the frog wallet to him.

"Thank you for taking your time to help me." Itachi thanked.

"Don't mention, I will be sure to gather all the items on the list. I might be able to swing by and grab some grade A appliances for free, while I am at the market." Shisui told him leaving Itachi confused.

"How will you get all that for free?" Itachi asked him as Shisui smiled turning his back away.

"I have my ways." Shisui told them as he disappeared in flash before Itachi could ask more questions.


The next morning rolled around as the birds were chirping high in the sky as flash blurred through the streets with ease. Shisui was flashing a huge smile as he hopped along the rooftops. He made it Naruto's apartment complex with relative ease as he landed on apartment complex's rooftop as Itachi joined him.

"I see you are doing well. I take the gathering process wasn't really hard at all." Itachi pointed out.

"It wasn't so hard after I bribed your fan club with personal pics about you." Shisui told him as Itachi shifted uncomfortable.

"You didn't…" Itachi muttered.

Shisui smiled. "Of course, you fail to milk out such opportunities…" Shisui dodged a punch to the shoulder.

"Shisui I thought we agreed to not give out pictures of me to them. Last time my brother gave out pictures of me they gave him sweets to appease them." Itachi argued.

"Well, you wanted to stretch out the kids money to last a longer and I did do that. I managed to scrounge around and found some quality goods for cheap too." Shisui told him as Itachi shook his head.

"Fine, but don't do that again, I don't want people handing out pictures to some of the Kunoichi's on the force." Itachi warned him.

Shisui waved his hands. "Don't worry, I didn't include nudity to any of the photo's unlike someone's brother. Let's go meet the kid inside shall we." Shisui told him.

As they dropped down to the actual balcony of the apartment as Itachi used the key to open the apartment door. Shisui saw the apartment was quite clean despite only a kid living here. "Is he still asleep."

They heard the bathroom door open to reveal a Naruto wearing a white shirt with an orange Uzumaki spiral on his shirt, black shorts, and blue sandals. "Weasel what are you doing here. so early and who is this with you?" Naruto shouted happily.

"Yo the name is Shisui Uchiha, Weasel here asked me a favor to help pick up some things for your apartment as well the Academy in his stead. Nice to meet you Naruto-kun, though I am quite jealous you know." Shisui greeted him.

"Nice to meet you two, but why are you jealous?" Naruto curiously asked.

"Well, you already have a bachelor's pad for yourself and you don't have to pay a dime for rent. Plus, you don't have to live up to people's expectations. Man you lead such a free life." Shisui told him as Naruto smiled.

"Maybe, but I am going to be a ninja like you some day too." Naruto told him as Shisui smiled.

"Maybe so, but you need to slow down and enjoy life a bit more Naruto-kun. Being a young ninja is hard on the body, but let's get down to business first. I had a run by through the market area and I brought along a lot of food and some new appliances. So we can install them here together to get a sense on how they work." Shisui told him.

"That sounds boring…" Naruto muttered.

"True, but think of it as training as well." Shisui reasoned.

"Training?" Naruto asked as Shisui nodded.

"Think it of it as an inventory check where you just bought new ninja gear to replace the old things. You would want to check on the value of your old stuff and sell it for cash. As well make note of what you got so you can use for a later date." he reasoned. "Besides that I didn't just come here for that, I thought you wanted some real training for the Academy next time around."

"All right!" Naruto cheered as Shisui unravel a scrolled in the middle of the room as smoke appeared before them. It revealed a stockpile of food and appliances before them.

"So that is what Fuinjutsu can do eh!" Naruto shouted happily.

"Of course, but it's a hard subject because your handwriting has to be spot on. Don't be fooled, sealing can a different number of things, but it's incredible harder to perform." Weasel informed.

It took the three a good hour to help set up some everything and stock the kitchen. Weasel taught Naruto how to cook eggs, rice, sausage, and toast for breakfast. Shisui taught Naruto a few basic stretching exercises before they went outside. As soon as they finished stretching they made their way to the backyard.

"Okay, so what is next?" Naruto enthusiastically asked him.

"Physical conditioning, seeing you are more hardy than regular students. You will run after me as we head across town for five miles to start off and full speed. I also don't want you to stop for one moment as well. You will need to build up a tolerance of traversing distances over time. As well. we will do some jumping exercises around town, so prepare yourself to climb on building as well." Shisui told him.

Naruto nodded as he began following the older boy as Weasel disappeared from sight. Shisui ran at full speed as the Naruto followed him, but he struggled to keep up despite Shisui's brisk jog. There was no doubt that Shisui could leave him in the dust with ease.

The two traveled around Konoha for a good five miles. Shisui made sure to change up the route to ensure Naruto could jump and climb through the streets. He made sure not slow down despite his lungs and body were aching. The two made it to a small lake near the forest as Naruto huffed loudly as Shisui patted him on the head and straighten his body.

"You did a good job for your first time, but you would have a better time breathing, while standing up, Naruto." Shisui carefully explained as Naruto nodded.

He took his time to control his breathing as he looked around to see it was a training field of sorts. It had wooden targets already set up for use as well it had a wooden booth.

"Today, I as your teacher, will be teaching you the basics every to what aspiring Shinobi should know." Shisui lectured. "I will ask you a simple to start things off. Why does the Academy place such an importance of learning the basic techniques.

Naruto thought about it for a moment. "Well jiji said it's important to have a good basis for learning to be a better ninja. Though I think it's not to be caught off guard or have weakness to something." Naruto surmised as Shisui nodded.

"True, however, I see it's like building a house without a proper support. We all know the building would collapse in an instant. Just because it seems boring it may be important to you later down the road in life or it could be used to help other people out. For today we are going to learn the core basics of what an aspiring shinobi should know."

"What are the core basics again?" Naruto curiously asked him.

"As with any school, students are taught a core curriculum of reading, writing, mathematics, science, geography, etc. These lessons are typically framed in a ninja-context, and in fact are learned at all in order to facilitate later instruction in tactics as well learn the proper Shinobi Rules. You will learn how to strengthen your minds and bodies, and receive special lectures from veteran shinobi. Then you are taken through the handling of ninja weapons and tools, learning how to throw and wield them through target practice, as well as instructed on the basics of trap-setting. You will also learn how to use your chakra and perform hand seals." Shisui explained.

"Wait a minute can't you skip ahead and graduate early? How long does it take to pass the Academy?" Naruto frantically asked.

"True, you could take the test early if you feel confident, but overall you will spend four years learning everything you need as well ensure that you know it. There are two portions of the final test, one is a written test and the other is a practical exam. Overall the written test will test you on the knowledge you learn in the Academy and the practical things like shuriken throwing and jutsu." Shisui carefully explained.

"So what are we going to learn today then Shisui-sensei?" Naruto asked him.

"First we are going to learn how to summon your chakra and then hopefully do a little exercise with it. Then we will go through some basics katas learning the Konoha-Ryu or it's called Shorin-ryu, the small forest style." Shisui pointed out leaving Naruto confused.

"Small forest style?" Naruto asked him.

Shisui nodded. "Of course the fighting style encourages dodging and deflection with the understanding that any opponent you would run into is no doubt going to be taller, stronger, and faster than us. Mind you this style is rather limiting in a way with a limited set of strikes, block and kicks. You will need to build your own style up from this. Next we will do some shuriken and kunai training to ensure you have good accuracy. No one wants to look bad on their first unable to throw a kunai properly."

"When we will learn some jutsu?" Naruto asked him as Shusui patted his head.

"Well, we will get to it time, if you manage to get through the training today. I will teach you a technique that ancestor Kagami Uchiha learned from the Second Hokage." Shisui told him.

"Alright, what do I need to do?"

"Well, it's quite simple so follow me, first you will make a ram seal, just like I am doing." Shisui instructed as Naruto followed him. Then close your eyes and focus to the core of yourself like water in a cup. Stand in the most comfortable position for you as you do this. Listen to my words carefully. Feel your chakra as they are the very blood in your veins, from the top of your head, to your right hand shoulder, right hand."

Naruto's chakra sudden flared up as he saw a blue aura surrounding his body as he looked back in shock. He quickly activated his Sharingan and stared at Naruto's body.

"I be damned, I didn't think he would have that much chakra to begin with, let alone become visible like that. Naruto has more chakra that a genin with ease. I have no doubt that the Kyuubi's chakra is still separate from Naruto's charka reserves. I can also see the seal is still intact after so many years. This is no doubt to his natural heritage from his Uzumaki descendants. On top of this his yang has overbalanced his Yin. He might not be able to perform the Henge Jutsu or Bunshin Jutsu due to it's Yin affinity." Shisui thought as he deactivated his Sharingan as he noticed Naruto jumping up in joy.

"Alright, I can feel my chakra and it feels super warm!" Naruto cheered as Shisui nodded.

"It's best to keep that feeling in mind when you try to manifest your chakra for jutsu, but keep in mind you will need to understand emptying out your chakra completely has devastating effects." Shisui pointed out.

"Like what?" Naruto wondered.

"For example, if you do not have chakra when trying to perform a technique not only will it not work, you can also die." the Uchiha sternly stated stopping Naruto's happy streak.

Naruto gulped. "Death…" he muttered as the older boy nodded.

"Most children becoming a ninja will feel the same you do right now when they learn about this. That is why the Academy goes to great lengths in teaching everyone their limits. For example, you don't teach an academy level student a high level technique with a small chakra reserve. Over time, your chakra grows and you will be able to perform techniques you couldn't do before. Right now you have a high-Genin chakra source due to your unique heritage as an Uzumaki. However, the downside is the fact having such a large amount of chakra can overload the basic techniques they teach."

Naruto listened to Shisui's words. "So how do you gain more chakra?" Naruto asked him.

Shisui held up his finger. "One way to build up your chakra reserves is by expending your chakra coils. But understanding how Chakra is made is important, overall it's a mixture of physical and mental energy combine to make chakra. The reason why a majority of kids' stay a bit longer in the academy to ensure that their chakra reserves can grow. Training hard and performing exercises like we did early helps build physical energy. Mental energy is gained when you study, meditate, or gain experience in new things." Shisui carefully explained.

"So running here was the physical, energy and the lecture now is mental." Naruto surmised as Shisui nodded. "So how do you meditate?"

"Well, I will teach you two different ways of meditating, but one requires you to sit still and the other is physical meditation. But let's focus on exercise that will help concentration as well chakra control. This will be the most important thing you will need to learn Naruto. So don't scoff at it for looking ridiculous or stupid." the Uchiha sternly stated as he took off his headband and quickly placed it in his pocket. He reached down on the ground and threw a leaf onto Naruto's forehead as he gathered one for himself. He placed the leaf on his head.

"So what does leaf have to do with training?" Naruto curiously asked.

"For generations Konoha ninjas have used this exercise in order to better one's mental focus. But it doubles as chakra control training. This exercise is called leaf concentration practice and this is how we got the leaf symbol on our headbands. By focusing chakra directly to my head, I can make this leaf levitate, watch carefully." Shisui ordered as Naruto focused on his forehead. He focused a ram seal again as he concentrated as the leaf floated off his head like it was levitating as Naruto smiled happily.

"It's floating!" he happily announced as Shisui smiled.

"True, but the point of this exercise is to help focus chakra into certain areas of the body. For instance, my Sharingan will activate if I place my chakra into my eyes." Shisui told Naruto. Shisui's eyes turned crimson with three tomoes'.

"So cool is there anything else I should know?" Naruto shouted happily.

Shisui nodded deactivating his Sharingan as he began to swirl the leaf on his head again. "Ah, there is one more thing you will need to know before this exercise is over. You will need to spin the leaf properly in the direction of your hair roots either clockwise or counterclockwise." Shisui explained

"My hair…"

Shisui nodded as he quickly placed his headband on his forehead. He walked up to Naruto and patted and rubbed it. "You have a clockwise formation that spins to the right, so focus the leaf to the right." he noted as he pulled his hand off his head.

Naruto focused his ram seal as he focused chakra into it. The leaf on his forehead burst into pieces as he looked up in shock. "The leaf, it burst into pieces!" Naruto frantically shouted.

Shish nodded, placing another leaf on his forehead. "It's due to the amount of chakra you are using is overloading the leaf. The leaf itself is very delicate and if you use too much chakra it explodes. However if you use only a little bit of chakra, it will fall off your head. The trick is to get in the middle between the extreme and least amount of chakra used. Now this is the time to actually focus," Shisui advised.

"Why am I not spinning of leaf?" Naruto asked him.

"Simple you are instinctively fighting your own chakra by spinning it counter clockwise." Shisui explained.

Naruto nodded as he began to focus again.

"Too much will break the leaf and too little makes the leaf fall. Find the balance…" Naruto thought as Shisui activated his Sharingan this time.

Naruto began focusing his chakra this time as he bopped him. "Too much."

Naruto nodded as he focused a little less this time as Shisui kept hitting him on the head. As a good thirty minutes passed as several attempts were made. Shisui's eyes were shocked to see the leaf float on his head. He nodded in approval now.

"Did I do it?" Naruto muttered as he focused hard.

"Yes, but don't relax just now, try to focus your chakra through the less path of resistance and start spinning like a clock. Think like a clock's hand turning right…" He lectured as he saw Naruto spinning the leaf now.

Shisui sat down on the ground. "Keep focusing for five minutes straight and remember this feeling. It's very important for you to do this."

Naruto nodded as Shisui timed the event with a small stopwatch in his hand. He waited for the five minutes to be up as he saw Naruto's focus was letting up one bit.

"Compared to Sasuke, Naruto has a lot of untapped potential even without the Kyuubi's help he can be a great ninja one day. He just needs to focus a bit more on what he is doing." Shisui thought as he soon heard his stopwatch beep as he turned it off.

"Alright, I completed the exercise!" Naruto shouted happily.

Shisui nodded. "True, but you should try to do this everyday for at least 5 to 10 minutes. As well try to focus the leave onto your fingertips."

"My fingertips as well." Naruto muttered as Shisui patted his head.

"Correct, when forming hand seals you are trying to use an exact amount of chakra to perform jutsu. By focusing a leaf on every finger-tip as well thumbs you can improve your jutsu use. Now let's move onto hand seals there are twelve in all. So follow after me." Shisui explained as he put his hands together. He slowly showed Naruto the twelve hand signs. He began calling out a set of seals for Naruto to perform. He went over it dozens of times with him.

"So, memorizing hands seals are important?" Naruto surmised.

The Uchiha nodded. "Yes, and for my clan and everyone else, this is a must have. Hand seals are very important to a shinobi and how fast you can weave your hands will make a difference. For Academy students you will be graded as 1 on the chart out of five. You will be graded on how fast you can perform the hand seals." Shisui explained.

"So what happens if one is too long?" Naruto asked him. "Is there a way to shorten it?"

"Of course, for example, you know a jutsu and you performed dozens of times without fail. You instinctively know for a fact how to mold it you can shorten down the seals depending on the jutsu. For example the Nidaime Hokage shorten down a jutsu with 44 hand seals to at least one. You need to have great chakra control to do such a thing. So don't try it just yet until you ask a sensei in the Academy." Shisui explained as he helped up his finger. "Since you did a good job learning that so quickly, how about that jutsu I promised."

Naruto jumped with joy. "Is it going to be cool like a fire bomb or something?" Naruto cheered as Shisui smirked and nodded his head.

"No, your first jutsu with be a water one named Mizurappa (Wild Water Wave)." Shisui corrected.

"Why not something cool a like fire just or an explosion?" Naruto pleaded.

"It's very dangerous teaching a child a fire style technique. I would know seeing our clan likes teaching younger kids of our clan the Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Great Fireball). You could easily cause a forest fire that could do damage to the village. Besides that water is great for you in a way. Overall fire is a terrible element to use due to the fact well every can see it a mile-away as well it burns the evidence and people away. It also blocks your vision and someone using a Kawarimi jutsu so they can easily avoid it. Don't tell anyone from my clan I said it, but that is my take on it. Here catch!" Shish told him as he tossed Naruto a scroll.

Naruto looked at the scroll in hands as he unraveled it. "C-rank offensive jutsu?" Naruto muttered. He read out the seals. "Dragon, tiger, and hare…"

Shisui nodded the trick behind this by kneading your chakra to your stomach and expel like you spitting out water, but in a stream. Overall, it's a short to mid-range move that gushes out water like a waterfall, but the power of it can be controlled. So be careful about using such a jutsu on a person it can cause internal injury Naruto." He warned.

Naruto stepped away from Shisui as he pointed towards the water. "Dragon, tiger, hare… Suiton: Mizurappa!"

Naruto breathed, he quickly kneaded his chakra to his stomach. He breathed out a shot a water fountain of water out as he continues it went over 27 yards. Shisui inspected the attack with his Sharingan.

"You have some way to go with that technique. Overall you executed a good distance, but the force behind it was like a water gun. Not harmful at all, but good for putting out fires. We will try this again tomorrow, but we don't want to overdo it. Let's focus on shuriken and kunai training now." Shisui explained.

Naruto jumped up in excitement as he followed Shisui as someone stood high on a cliff overwatching the event along with Itachi. "Hokage sir, what brings you here?" Itachi asked him.

"I just came to come check up on you and see how you doing with Naruto. To my surprise, I see you and Shisui are helping him out with ninja training. Why take a sudden interest in helping him out? Sarutobi asked the young boy.

"Danzo has already made a move to sabotage Naruto's first two years in the Academy already. The teachers themselves refuse to teach him anything worthwhile and kicked Naruto out of the course for failing too many times. Many of the teachers' in question just don't want anything to do with Naruto in the first place." Itachi reported as Sarutobi frowned.

"So he is already making his move against Naruto using subtle tactics of the people's hate against him. He was hoping if Naruto failed so many times he would be kicked out of the program entirely and then try to recruit him personally. Thank you for bringing it to my attention Itachi." Sarutobi told him.

"Don't mention it, sir, it was the least I can do to give him a bit of happiness in his life. Besides, that I think Shisui loves the fact he is playing teacher. After a whole a month it will be all up to Naruto to train himself afterwards. If someone's question's why Shisui is out here with him we can always say we did on the Police's behave to keep him from doing anything bad." Itachi reasoned. "Lord Hokage, I need to ask a favor of you, if you don't mind."

"Go ahead…" Sarutobi cleared his throat.

"Can you at least clear me to give me one of Kushina's jutsu's scroll to Naruto." Itachi explained as Sarutobi looked at him.

"Itachi, you do realize Kushina has enemies, do you not?" Sarutobi asked him.

Itachi nodded. "True, but if Naruto doesn't know a thing about one of his parents. He may become distorted in a way and be swayed by something pretending they like him. I also have a feeling that deep down inside he carries a certain darkness. He might question why he was born or he shouldn't have been born in the first place." Itachi explained.

Sarutobi sighed and nodded. "True, I do need to explain some things to him, but I will need to wait until he turns genin first. Then I will tell him about his mother as well the Kyuubi. Hopefully the things you taught him will shift him into a more positive light." Sarutobi hoped. "I will see if there is something in her possessions that is not too dangerous.

Chapter 1 is a experiment chapter in a way since it deals with Shisui and Itachi overall. Itachi being in Anbu would understand Naruto's problem since he sat back and watched overall. He understands Jinchuriki have always had a hard time due to the fact people died during the sealing. Some become unstable and distrustful of people as well endanger the lives of others.

Shisui on the other hand is different in a way a genius in his own way, but never praised at all compared to Itachi. He believes wholeheartedly in the Will of Fire and understands Naruto's problem of being an orphan seeing he has no direct family himself other than the clan.

Where he actually tries to do better for himself as well other's proving he isn't a demon to them. He grows up a bit more like Minato in a way instead of Kushina. I don't plan on letting the Team 7 formula arise like in canon. It's recipe for disaster and I will be adding a bit more depth to the story.

I hope you all review and tell me about the story so I can a general idea how you feel about the story.