I know there's been a really tight update schedule. Well, I start my SBA testings tomorrow and I didn't want to leave you readers on the edge for over two weeks! On addition, I only have one chapter left anyway (this one). So please enjoy!

Stakeout - PART 6

"Kai, Lloyd, Jay, Cole, are you in your places?" Zane asked the group, taking his position in the kitchen.

"Er, yeah. So, you want us to stand right by the doors, right?" Kai's voice buzzed in as he and Lloyd pressed their backs up to the wall outside and switched off their lights.

Zane nodded on the other end, "Precisely."

Zane poked his head outside of the kitchen and saw the series of traps all set up in the Bridge. He had full hope that this plan would work, and he was anxious to see if he was right. But if he was right, the real question was why?

"Cole, Jay, are you two ready?"

"Yessiree!" He heard Jay say.

The White ninja had noticed before that for the past two nights, nor him or Kai and Lloyd had noticed Sensei Wu slip out of his room. That's because their backs were turned on him, or Sensei Wu had escaped at the right timing. If his guess on who the thief was was correct, they could've just barged into Sensei's room all at once.

However, the first step of Zane's plan was for Sensei Wu to come out. There was no jumping to conclusions…

If Zane's calculations were right, the minute Sensei Wu stepped out of his room, Cole and Jay would somehow push Sensei Wu back into the Bridge. He'd then step on the higher elevated part of the lever he and Lloyd had put together. The lever would send a bucket of Lloyd's old toy snakes towards the top of the light knocking over a net which would land exactly where Wu was standing.

But if that did not go according to plan, there were alternative ideas to catching the Sensei. Which was where Kai and Lloyd came in.

Cole looked to Jay and signaled for him to turn around. "We need to look like we have no clue Sensei Wu will be coming out," He whispered to Jay and turned around to face the wall. Jay nodded and did the same.

A few minutes past and Jay was about to turn back around until he heard the door creak open. Why hadn't Kai or Zane heard that before? Maybe they zoned out? Jay stood perfectly still and waited till he heard anything else.

There was a soft thunk and Jay bit his lower lip. He looked to Cole but the black ninja did not notice.

Cole's face was still, his eyes shut, waiting for the moment to turn back around. Jay slowly reached over and tapped him. Cole's eyes snapped open and he looked at the younger one. Nodding, they both flipped around but no one was there.

"What? Where?" Jay screamed in a quiet voice. He took a few steps forward and made it to the end of the hallway, and looked into the Bridge. It was completely deserted.

Cole was about to take a step forward until something dropped from the ceiling. "Jay! Look out!" He warned when the shadowed figure crept towards the blue ninja.

Jay turned around and ducked just as the figure - or in this case, who was most likely to be Sensei Wu - swiped his staff at him. Chuckling, Jay wiped the imaginary sweat off his forehead, but caught himself off balance. He fell backwards, landing on the elevated plank, triggering the trap. The net collapsed onto him and he snapped coldly at himself for being so stubborn.

Cole rolled his eyes, then realized Sensei Wu had gotten away. "Kai! He's on his way!" After sending the message, he flashed the flashlight at Jay's face and ran over to the blue ninja. "Heh, a little stuck there are you?"

"Oh, like you could've done better!" Jay scoffed and laughed. "Just get me out, Dirtclod…"

"With pleasure, Zaptrap…"

Kai and Lloyd burst through the doors separating the deck from the Bridge and then took out their water guns. (Okay, water guns? Really? It's night!)

"Remind me again why we're using water guns?" Lloyd asked.

Kai shrugged, "I guess since we can't see him, we need to hit him, but we can't use anything too dangerous… other then that, I dunno."

Lloyd felt a splash of cold water on his face. "Youch, Kai," Lloyd said flatly and shook his head.

"It wasn't me! I -" he then realized his water gun was missing. "He's got my gun!" Kai, determined to get his gun back, searched for the lights. He had no clue where they were, and he had no clue if they were clap signaled. He tried clapping but the lights didn't turn on.

Lloyd kept shooting, not sure whether he was hitting something or not. Suddenly, he was knocked to the side and the water gun flew out of his hands.

"Sorry, Lloyd! I can't see!"

"Yeah, neither can I!" He said back and moved his hands across the floor, trying to feel for the water gun.

Kai then felt something rough edged. He moved his hand up and down and then realized he was touching Sensei Wu's staff. "Aha!" He cheered and gripped the staff with both hands.

He pulled back and forcing Sensei with him, but he then felt something oozing under him. He couldn't see it; letting go of the staff, he stumbled backwards and shook his feet. "Gross! What the heck?!"

Sensei Wu escaped and headed for the kitchen, not knowing Zane was in there. When he went in, he walked over to the switches and turned on the lights.

Zane stood there, the talkie up to his mouth. "I've got him, come to the kitchen."

Sensei Wu pulled off his black mask and set the oil can on the table. His body dripping wet from the water.

"Very good, Zane. I am impressed," Sensei Wu said with a fair nod.

"Gasp! It was you! But why?" a voice came from behind Sensei Wu. The elder man turned around and saw Jay standing with Cole beside him.

"It was a to teach you five a lesson, and to test your skills."

"Lesson? What lesson?"

As soon as Kai and Lloyd made it inside the kitchen, their eyes widened when they saw Sensei Wu. "It was you..."

"The lesson was never to jump to conclusions. Two of you five did so, but I hope you all learn from this. You must gather enough evidence first, before suspecting anything…"

Jay and Kai exchanged looks and rubbed the back of their necks.

"You all did wonderful - and I hope you all had fun during the stakeout."

That, they could all agree on.

Kai then shook his head, all of this really confusing for him. "So, since it was you… wait, first of all, where are our stuff?"

Sensei Wu motioned to the tin can. "Zane's oil is right here. The rest are waiting outside for you," he said with a smile.

"How'd you get past all of us without us noticing?"

"Easy, none of you were paying attention. Oh, and," Sensei smiled, "you also need to work on that," he added with a wink.

Finally, he yawned and looked to Zane. "Now, I need some rest, and so do you five."

They all nodded and turned towards the door. As they all left, they picked up their missing items, glad to have them back.

Before Cole climbed onto the top bunk above Jay's, he looked down and smirked. "Hey, Zaptrap…"

"Yeah, what?"

"You still owe me that cake."

A/N In case some of you didn't catch the MLP reference in the last chapter (by reading the reviews I'm guessing you didn't) it was when Cole said: "I am a fropessional..." which was a line Vice Principal Luna said in the Friendship Games Bloopers!

And last note: Yes! This was the last chapter! I thank you all for sticking with this story! Peace, out!