Chapter 2

The couple was still a few meters short of the hotel entrance. They had been conversing with each other the whole way, their conversation consisting mostly of jabs at the other person, mutual jokes and a few lighthearted reminiscences of the past. Both Kazuma and (Y/n) avoided talking about anything serious. They both just met again, the heavy stuff should be discussed later. Both persons still knew what the other thought, even if they had been separated for a few months.
The evening was going to be a relaxing catching up over a bottle of wine at Kazuma's room.
At least, that was what the night was supposed to be.

As soon as they reached the steps leading up to the hotel's entrance Kazuma turned serious and moved in front of (Y/n). Understanding that there was a form of danger that she couldn't sense yet the woman silently grasped Kazuma's jacket and hid behind his broad back.

The brown-haired man was on alert. The presence he felt could only mean one thing.
'I sense a fire magic user. Is it a member of the Kannagi?'
That particular family of fire users was always unnecessary baggage that seemed to stick to him like glue. They always got involved with him and caused him trouble. He wanted to at least have this evening of peace after overcoming a great obstacle, but they just had to interfere.
Whatever, he'd just have to deal with this quickly and follow his original plan.

"Come out."

His answer was delivered by a slightly timid voice.
"Honestly, I can't believe it. But you're here, so that means you defeated father."

So it was someone from the Kannagi family. Kazuma was getting irritated. But…
"What? 'Father'?"

In response, a young boy stepped out from behind one of the pillars. (Y/n) peeked out from Kazuma's back to analyze him. He appeared to be a teenager, she estimated him to be around fourteen years old. The boy in question had beautiful light blonde hair and soft green eyes. And even though he made a frail impression she could sense a powerful force inside him. She narrowed her eyes.
This boy was strong! Not as strong as Genma, but he definitely harboured great potential.
Well, even if he'd had bad intentions with his visit, he wouldn't win against her and Kazuma. For now she would just let the events play out and observe.

The boy appeared to wait for a response from Kazuma, who didn't disappoint.

"Who the hell are you?" Judging from the boy's expression, he did.
"How cruel! Have you forgotten your brother's face?" The blonde was genuinely hurt.

Kazuma did some quick math in his head and came to a conclusion.
"'Younger brother'? So that means…you're Ren?"
"Yes, that's correct." Ren pouted at how his brother needed so long just to recognize him. He had imagined their first meeting in years to play out differently, and he had to say that he was a little disappointed.

"Boy, you sure have gotten big. It's been, what, like ten years?"
"You know it hasn't been that long!" And his disappointment deepened. His brother had become so uncaring and nonchalant that he didn't think he could carry out what he planned to do anymore.

"But it couldn't have been four years. I don't remember you being there when I left home."
Ren was close to giving up.
"Right. You just left without saying anything to me."

"Sorry about that. Anyway, how did you find me?"

'Hm? I remember asking something like that earlier today. Come to think of it, what happened to (Y/n)?', Kazuma contemplated before a whizz of white passed him in a blur. Alarmed, he turned his head again to see (Y/n) hugging his little brother.

"Awww, he's so precious Kazuma! Why did you never tell me how cute Ren was? I mean, I knew you had a younger brother, but I thought he was as grumpy as you! Just look at him! Such a golden little cutie~!", the woman squealed.
Ren was completely unresponsive. The whole atmosphere hat already cracked when his big brother didn't react the way he expected him to, and now this strange woman in a kimono completely destroyed it.

Kazuma, intentionally or not, played the part of the brother and pulled the now slightly struggling female off of the paralyzed teenager.
"Come on (Y/n)! Damn, cute things really are the only thing that cancel out your calmness, I should've known better."
Kazuma decided to hug his companion to his side to prevent her from attacking Ren again.
(Y/n) calmed down enough to feel the embarrassment that usually overcame her when seeing something cute for the first time, and so she decided to hide her face in Kazuma's chest until her face decided to lose some of the red colour that decided to claim her features.

With the peace restored the older male decided to continue their conversation where it was disrupted.

"I'll ask again, how did you find me?"
Glad to get back on topic again Ren gave a charming smile. "Kazamaki Hyoue told me about it!"
"'Kazamaki'? The Fuuga clan, huh? So, what brought you here?"

Ren turned serious again.
"I came to convince you, big brother."

Kazuma was a little surprised. But then again, what should he have expected. Even though it was his little brother, he was still a part of the Kannagi family; of course he'd try and convince him to turn himself in. Then again, it was his little brother, and he wasn't so bad.
He made his decision. Slipping his arm from her shoulders to her waist the male began to lead (Y/n), who was watching the exchange with her regained composure, towards the hotel doors.

Ren was taken aback. He turned his upper body to follow the movements of the man he still admired.
"Big brother?"

Said person looked back and smiled.
"Let's at least go inside. It's been one crazy day for me. I'm really tired."
Ren returned an even brighter smile, relieved that his brother was willing to talk and didn't send him back.

With Ren behind him and (Y/n) tucked to his side Kazuma started to lead the way inside the hotel.

"Oh, and you don't have to worry about the old man. I made sure he got to the hospital." A sound of protest was heard from his side.

"So you took him there, great!"
"Well, I thought about doing that, but it was a pain in the ass, so I let the ambulance take him."
"Excuse you, I was the one who called the ambulance! You completely forgot about him!"
"Well I would've done it if you didn't already do it!"
"W-what?! Big brother!"